What about Lee Anthony? **REVISIT**

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Have your feelings about Lee changed?

  • Yes, I now believe he has cooperated with LE or is "on Caylee's side"

    Votes: 66 9.5%
  • I've always felt he was cooperating

    Votes: 142 20.5%
  • No, I still believe Lee is/was on Casey's side

    Votes: 378 54.5%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 107 15.4%

  • Total voters
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I want to hear Lee cackling when his sister is put on death row.....but, he won't. He'll be sobbing on that day.

I despise him.
It's not refusal to believe, it's lying. He's as much of a liar as the rest of his family. They all lie, it comes easy to this family, that's why Cindy stated on LKL(I think), that "lying is not a crime". She should ask Martha Stewart how that goes...

LinasK..............you're right, he's lying! No one could be so dense as to not see through Casey's lies, and see the evidence against her. We've seen GA's and CA's lies, never so blatant as they were on LKL. It would appear that the whole family lies as easily as the rest of us breath! Do they really believe that the public (and a jury) can't see through their lies? :mad:
LinasK..............you're right, he's lying! No one could be so dense as to not see through Casey's lies, and see the evidence against her. We've seen GA's and CA's lies, never so blatant as they were on LKL. It would appear that the whole family lies as easily as the rest of us breath! Do they really believe that the public (and a jury) can't see through their lies? :mad:

Didnt LKL ask CA, "why did Casey lie?" ... her response was, "why does anybody lie?"
With the information that came out today, the conversation between Annie and Lee, where Lee tells Annie to share everything she knows with LE and not protect Casey, has this changed your opinion of Lee?

Nope, no one bit!
After todays' deposition, he's still proving himself to be a liar ..
Again, my one question to Lee-What was SO EFing funny in the questions you were asked? Laughter-Totally inapproporiate!
Seems the A's (GA & CA) managed to raise 2 children who are WEIRDOS who don't respond or behave appropriately. Caylee seemed to defy them all in her last recorded appearance. She, at the young age of 2 1/2 had the insight to ask her Grandpa if he was feeling tired. She expressed, at such a young age, a capacity for feeling empathy for others. A sign of a NORMAL human being...JMHO.
Again, my one question to Lee-What was SO EFing funny in the questions you were asked? Laughter-Totally inapproporiate!
Seems the A's (GA & CA) managed to raise 2 children who are WEIRDOS who don't respond or behave appropriately. Caylee seemed to defy them all in her last recorded appearance. She, at the young age of 2 1/2 had the insight to ask her Grandpa if he was feeling tired. She expressed, at such a young age, a capacity for feeling empathy for others. A sign of a NORMAL human being...JMHO.

Does he get it that a small child has been murdered ? He didin't even flinch when they mentioned Caylee's death. Wierd very,very wierd.
Again, my one question to Lee-What was SO EFing funny in the questions you were asked? Laughter-Totally inapproporiate!
Seems the A's (GA & CA) managed to raise 2 children who are WEIRDOS who don't respond or behave appropriately. Caylee seemed to defy them all in her last recorded appearance. She, at the young age of 2 1/2 had the insight to ask her Grandpa if he was feeling tired. She expressed, at such a young age, a capacity for feeling empathy for others. A sign of a NORMAL human being...JMHO.

It speaks volumes to me, of how, thru time, they easilly accept & excuse lies as commonplace in that family:mad: Lying is nothing new, has been going on for a very long time, but Murdering her child, Never!:bang:
I alway felt that Lee knows the truth and that he know where Caylee was at. and he and Cindy tip off PIs. I am not convince that he did not move the body closer to the road so caylee could be found. Lee laughing to me is mis-truths . I don't even beleive he believe what he is saying. And where does the words this family use come from. even talking heads don't use theses kinda words. Going with Zanny's story., IMO is the DP for Casey. What get me the most is why JB can not see this. IMO the Anthony's is trying to protect the family's name. I wouldn't be suprise to see someone try to break Casey out Jail or kipnap her on her way to court so she can get out of the country.
NO. I also want to say that I think the whole CMA thing was directed ONLY for Casey. As usual they took something that was supposed to be about Caylee and turned it into Caseyfest
Personally I think I psych. thread is warrented for LA. Try turning the volumn off when listenning to his depo. His hands were gesturing like a well seasones southern lawyer. Almost directing you to accept each fish flopping answer. My husband who indulges my interest in this case said, "Karen, look at him he looks exactly like KC pertaing to his demeanor at the depo. I wish I could know what payoff the family feels they get by portrying the illusion of a united front. Is the payoff that their seasoned criminal daughter could be set free, to eat brownies in their home once again? Is it to keep KC out of general population? That is ridiculous. They have no control over that. Doesn't all this posturing behaviore lead you to believe there just has to be more. It certainly didn't appear they were all best friends over the last couple of years. Why didn't the A family, especially L ask KC, "What did you do to piss someone off to take Caylee." With all the money missing from the A's by KC they must have tried to put two & two together in their private investigations to see who kC may have owed. LA gave us a clue that he was alread on the computer trying to figure out KC whereabouts, connecting dots, before Caylee was reported missing.
All I have to say after the dep is, "Run, Mallory! Run!!"
Nope. I've never trusted any of the A's, and yesterday's depo just confirmed my suspicions of LA.
Yes. My opinion has changed. Again. After watching the memorial, I so badly wanted to believe that Lee was mourning Caylee. That "CMA" was only Caylee. I wanted to believe that her absence in his life meant something. After listening and watching the deposition, I am again, deeply saddened. For Caylee. It frightens me to think of the short life she lived in that 'house of horrors'. I don't think anyone ever really loved her the way she should have been loved. It was and still is all about Casey. Their actions prove this over and over and over. I don't think even George could love Caylee freely. She was ALWAYS a pawn. If he gave her too much attention, I imagine Cindy would berate him for it. And if he didn't give her attention, he was berated by Cindy and Casey. My opinion only.

Lee had the opportunity to restore some sense of respect. He had the opportunity to honor his neice. He failed at the memorial( I can see it clearly now) and failed at the deposition. His laughter concerning the smell of Caylee's decomposition and his laughter yesterday sealed the deal for me. He is mocking LE, the media and us and giving no value or decency to the life of his MURDERED neice. But he wants us all to know that he still believes in Casey.
I think he is a strange bird, the way he smiles and laughs so often. What is funny anyway? Also, I noticed how he was touching his nose, scratching his head. Strange indeed.
Yes, at one time I thought he was just a normal a++hole but after his deposition I see he is a PERFECT A++HOLE
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