What about Lee Anthony? **REVISIT**

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Have your feelings about Lee changed?

  • Yes, I now believe he has cooperated with LE or is "on Caylee's side"

    Votes: 66 9.5%
  • I've always felt he was cooperating

    Votes: 142 20.5%
  • No, I still believe Lee is/was on Casey's side

    Votes: 378 54.5%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 107 15.4%

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The more and more I think about it, it is a company that sets up for sports events.

Could this bring MotorSports into play? Plus LE was friendly with DJ club scenes.
I think you all have a great question on LA employment. Is it research time at 0230 hrs????

Research by me will have to wait until later today. Really tired now -- need to be clear minded when I do that.
Might also explain why LA refused to take polygraph

Will try to hit it later also, maybe now. Heck I don't know. Will say this much it may help with the Anthony donations thread. As it may bring in a better picture as to how funds were and are being cycled through now that we have addressed the shut down of the SunTrust account. paypal and LA wire transfers. :)
Will try to hit it later also, maybe now. Heck I don't know. Will say this much it may help with the Anthony donations thread. As it may bring in a better picture as to how funds were and are being cycled through now that we have addressed the shut down of the SunTrust account. paypal and LA wire transfers. :)

After I read the name of LA's company it just kept haunting me that even after LE confronted KC about her lies regarding working at Universal, she still insisted she worked at Universal and the blackjack was left on her desk. Later in a conversation with LA she was insisting that he look for the blackjack. Somehow it just clicked that she could be referring to a completely different Universal, and who better than LA to cover for her (and her for him). Maybe CA and GA are taking the actions they are because they don't want to lose their grandchild and both children all at the same time. JMO
KC had her computer while staying with TonE. Laptop, probably?

I believe they retrieved KC's laptop computer from the car. I think I read that as items on a list along with Caylee's car seat, boots, etc.

I don't think so. I think she meant the real Universal even though it was all a lie. She did work at Universal a few years ago, but not for Universal as I understandit. She worked for Kodak.
I don't think so. I think she meant the real Universal even though it was all a lie. She did work at Universal a few years ago, but not for Universal as I understandit. She worked for Kodak.

From my understanding, no one can prove that KC's actually WORKED anywhere for a lonnnng time.
I have tried fruitlessly to locate the video of Lee taking the sign from the protester. CAN anyone else locate it because I seriously searched and could not...my terms just would not bring it up no matter how I arranged them...does anyone know where we can look at it again?

What did Lee lie about? I missed something...
I have tried fruitlessly to locate the video of Lee taking the sign from the protester. CAN anyone else locate it because I seriously searched and could not...my terms just would not bring it up no matter how I arranged them...does anyone know where we can look at it again?

What did Lee lie about? I missed something...

The video is available here:
Thank you for the dog lady video link. I have been wanting to watch that.

LA sure put up a good fight with that sign, didnt he?

Hammer dejavu when he dumped the water into the gutter and started waving that stainless steel bowl in the woman's face.

Then the finale where he STOLE that poor dog's bowl!

"Send in the Clowns.....Dont bother, they're here"

~Judy Collins~
Thanks for the link to the video. I hadn't seen the entire video before, only a portion of it. This is much worse.

I agree, the woman appeared baffled at Lee's comments and how he swore he "never said that".

I know the family is frustrated that no one believes their lies, but wouldn't people be more willing to believe them if they weren't as closed mouth as they are now? Something changed for Lee and the rest of the family after Cindy's calls to 911, and between Casey and Lee's first telephone conversation and their second one. It's obvious he now knows more than he initially did.

While I wouldn't say Lee was involved in Caylee's death, I think he knows far more now, after the fact, as do George and Cindy.

The whole problem with this case is that Casey didn't notify anyone of Caylee's absence, kidnapping, death, whatever. Cindy had to do it a month after the child went missing. There are so many lies coming out of their mouths it's obvious they know far more than what they are saying. I watched that video of Cindy talking, talking, talking, and George just sitting there. "Interview of Grandparents" listed near the bottom of the video links. http://www.local6.com/news/17509745/detail.html

Cindy's story of the bamboo grass and the sheds is lengthy and contrived. She says so much without saying anything. Why doesn't anyone else know where the keys to the sheds are kept? Most of what she is saying is covering for Casey. I think her chatter and George's silence is quite telling. I also believe Lee's absence is his way of staying clear of the fray, protecting himself from saying too much. The video of Lee with the woman and the dog shows he's not being sensible. After all, the woman was on public property and he has no right destroying her property or being cruel enough to dump the dog's water and dish. The people around him were trying to talk sense into him and he had none of it. He seems ready to crack.

So, if Casey isn't THE guilty party in Caylee's disappearance, who is? Cindy? I doubt it because she's the one who reported the mess. George? Lee? Whom does Casey care about most? Who does Casey love more than she loves her own child? Some boyfriend? Who does Casey fear most? That's the key.

So the family is taking the brunt of the media attention and being bombarded with questions, fighting with protesters, while Casey sits back in comfort. What's wrong with this picture? :mad:
I think ALL of the Anthonys are lying about something.

We know Casey lies, lies, lies.

Brother Lee did not want to take a polygraph and convinced both parents not to do so - after they had already agreed to, according to Leonard Padilla. There would be a REASON Lee did not want to take a polygraph.

We have seen Cindy lie several times. She said she was in constant contact with Casey during the "31 days", but her writings contradicted that statement.
The dead body smell becoming rotted pizza is another lie.

George is the one who surprises me the most. I was shocked when I watched the Greta interview where he described finding the gas cans in Casey's trunk. His demeanor during the telling of that "story" indicated lying, lying, lying.
I now also strongly suspect that his report of seeing Casey and Caylee go out the door with backpacks on June 16th was a deliberate lie.

I also believe that Cindy's statement that she "heard" Casey and Caylee behind Casey's closed bedroom door on the morning of the 16th is another lie.

I know it is bizarre, but - and may God help them - I believe all 3 of the family members are lying to protect Casey.
Things just get curiouser and curisouser....

After Rob Dicks and LPs revelations on Nancy Grace last night one can only start to question what Lee knows. According to Rob, Lee was originally cooperative, then was caught in lies. LP has agreed.

Lee was cool and calm. He came upon the scene during the 911 calls and immediately seemed to be the mediator. IIRC, Cindy in an interview said she was relieved to see him.
(That makes sense, since we now know that she enlisted him to find Casey on July 3rd)
Lee takes Casey into a bedroom and Cindy goes outside. According to Cindy, she went outside to calm down. Knowing Cindy's propensity for coloring the truth, I'm wondering if she just went outside to wait for the police and Lee was securing Casey in the room to prevent her from leaving. All we know about what went on during this part of that night is what Cindy says. Cindy returned to the room to find Casey laying on the floor crying and the admission that Casey hadn't seen Caylee in 31 days.

Or was this really what happened? We know that Casey and Lee were in communication during the time Cindy asked Lee to find her (myspace comments). Did Casey tell Lee then that something was wrong? Was Lee advising Casey on how to handle things when they were alone in the room? Was that why Lee was so calm? Spmething tells me Lee often told Casey how to handle Cindy and George.

I remember how many of us thought Lee should be the spokesperson for the family. Now I'm wondering if we thought that because Lee was prepared to be in that situation and that he wasn't surprised that things had finally hit the fan. From the beginning he has been doing nothing but running interference, and that really ticks me off.

Remember these two guys involved in missing person cases? Brent Rocha, Chris Smart. They had very prominent roles in their missing loved ones cases. They were far from unemotional. Just sayin'....
Number one Lee had/has no right to say or do anything to anybody in that neighborhood,HOA or not. He is not a resident of that neighborhood. That woman with the dog was one of the only protesters that has protested in a peaceful manner. People like her need to start pressing charges against the Anthony's. As far as I an Concerned all or the Anthony's are lairs in my opinion.
My old photographic memory isn't what it used to be but I believe, IF I read the name correctly on a thread earlier, this is it.....

I put Universal Ventures into google and came up with this company but it is in Minnesota. Yet, I recall someone here mentioning that LA was maybe on ebay or somewhere buying or selling action figures one night.


UNIVERSAL VENTURES INC in the Toys and Hobby Goods and Supplies industry in BURNSVILLE, MN. This company currently has approximately 1 to 5 employees and annual sales of Under $500,000.

There could be a link here or just another coincidence. I will try and look for the post that mentions LA and the action figures. JMO...
I think Lee knows what happened, not necessarily that hes invloved in doing anything, but he is hiding information Casey told him.

On a thread that I started recently ("Diarrhea of the Mouth"), I posted the YouTube link to the interview that Lee gave to reporters before going into jail for his visit with Casey. He flat out told reporters that he wasn't telling everything in "his" case for Casey. This family cannot help themselves from saying all of these crazy things.

Why did Cindy say that the media is going to put Caylee in her coffin? That's just the weirdest thing to say and just like her daughter, without a tear. The whole Anthony family knows everything. Why they are covering for Casey is beyond me. I think they know at this point that if and when Caylee is found, they will not be able to prove that Casey had anything to do with it and therefore, they will all be off of the hook as to Caylee. As to the other charges against Casey, she will be spending time in jail now anyway. Her lies and crimes are catching up with her. She is definitely a sick girl and maybe that is why the Anthonys are there for her. Cindy, being a nurse, must certainly know what anti-social personality disorder is. They are all smart enough to look that up on the computer. I did last night. The description fits Casey to a tee.

Sorry about the tangent . . . :blowkiss:
Oh when are they going to haul the whole darned family in already? At least 'some' of them know something - and what about the vast lies from the get-go? First Casey doesn't want to say where Caylee is for fear of her & family getting hurt, then THEY know where she is and are doing their own investigation - now they don't know where she is - blablabla.

No one can tell me the rest of the family is clueless here - even if they are privvy to something Casey told them. I call BS at this point - Haul 'em in already. I'm sick of their cr*p.
Great post and great hat!
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