What about Lee Anthony? **REVISIT**

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Have your feelings about Lee changed?

  • Yes, I now believe he has cooperated with LE or is "on Caylee's side"

    Votes: 66 9.5%
  • I've always felt he was cooperating

    Votes: 142 20.5%
  • No, I still believe Lee is/was on Casey's side

    Votes: 378 54.5%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 107 15.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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She is Lee's g/f, and probably an innocent bystander in all of this. IIRC, she works at a restaurant.

If Lee has told her anything, she'll be called to testify. Hopefully, she will be called before the Grand Jury, that way heresay will be allowed.

I just think it's very interesting that she has managed to stay away from the media through all of this. Hooray for her.
When this whole thing first started, I had some respect for LA, because it seemed like he was trying work more for the side of LE, trying to be honest, and get to the bottom of what happened. Fighting for Caylee at the time.
snipped for space

I was of that same mindset, and knowing what we know now, he deserves some more scurtiny. As I said in my earlier post on this thread, it is MHO that Lee either knew something prior to the night of the 911 calls or found out that Casey was guilty that night. He was way too cool and calm, and now that I'm thinking about it, exhibited no behavior indicating there was any worry about his missing niece, nor any questions about where Caylee is.

I hope LE has confiscated his computer and got his cell phone records.
I think LA's advice to not take lie detector tests was good advice. Let's say CA has nervous doubts about her daughters innocence. If the question was "Do you believe your daughter is capable of harming Caylee?", there is no good way for CA to answer it. If she says No, it would be a lie, because at this point CA must have deep-seated doubts about Casey's innocence. If she says "Yes", then she's admitting it's a possibility.

I hadn't thought of it that way, but that is a very good point, and very possible.

I just keep thinking that there is this little girl missing out there somewhere, a member of their family, and everyone would like to get to the bottom of it, whatever means possible, and I would think that would include the family, as well as LE.
I was of that same mindset, and knowing what we know now, he deserves some more scurtiny. As I said in my earlier post on this thread, it is MHO that Lee either knew something prior to the night of the 911 calls or found out that Casey was guilty that night. He was way too cool and calm, and now that I'm thinking about it, exhibited no behavior indicating there was any worry about his missing niece, nor any questions about where Caylee is.

I hope LE has confiscated his computer and got his cell phone records.

The moment I changed my mind about him was seeing the footage in which he describes throwing the stuffed animals away because they smelled like smoke. He seems very cold to me, a lot like his sister. But who knows?
I think LA's advice to not take lie detector tests was good advice. Let's say CA has nervous doubts about her daughters innocence. If the question was "Do you believe your daughter is capable of harming Caylee?", there is no good way for CA to answer it. If she says No, it would be a lie, because at this point CA must have deep-seated doubts about Casey's innocence. If she says "Yes", then she's admitting it's a possibility.

I am not a legal expert or have special police knowledge and this is just my opinion but I don't think they would ask this kind of question in a lying detector test. What the subjects believe is fine in interviews but not in a lying detector test and police cannot verify things based on what people believe. And that is the purpose of a lying detector test to VERIFY, to CLEAR OUT people.

Of course they ask these kind of questions in interviews from day one to get a feeling of what their suspect is capable off, but that is only personal opinion s and have no place in a lying detector test. In a lying detector test the questions I believe will be about facts:

-Did Casey tell you she harmed Caylee?
-Do you know where Caylee is?
-Did you or anyone else you know has harmed Caylee?
-Did you lie to investigators regarding the timeline, when you last saw Casey and Caylee,....etc. etc. Things like this.....

And this is why it makes it even more suspicious that while the parents wanted to take the test, Lee didn't want to. He needed his parents not to take the test in order not to single himself out as refusing to do so.
Because I think Casey told him something after the 911 calls - the days following - or when the cadaver dogs and the tests from the trunk came back.
I think ALL of the Anthonys are lying about something.

We know Casey lies, lies, lies.

Brother Lee did not want to take a polygraph and convinced both parents not to do so - after they had already agreed to, according to Leonard Padilla. There would be a REASON Lee did not want to take a polygraph.

We have seen Cindy lie several times. She said she was in constant contact with Casey during the "31 days", but her writings contradicted that statement.
The dead body smell becoming rotted pizza is another lie.

George is the one who surprises me the most. I was shocked when I watched the Greta interview where he described finding the gas cans in Casey's trunk. His demeanor during the telling of that "story" indicated lying, lying, lying.
I now also strongly suspect that his report of seeing Casey and Caylee go out the door with backpacks on June 16th was a deliberate lie.

I also believe that Cindy's statement that she "heard" Casey and Caylee behind Casey's closed bedroom door on the morning of the 16th is another lie.

I know it is bizarre, but - and may God help them - I believe all 3 of the family members are lying to protect Casey.

I agree with you. I had not seen this whole Lee / dog woman video before - just what they showed on the news locally. This complete video shows him to be much more of an a-hole. Drastically changes my opinion of him.

He is covering up, Cindy and George are covering up, the whole family is lying out their a#@ now. I am ABSOLUTELY sure of that now. Pun intended.

What REALLY pisses me off, is that they are costing Orlando/Orange County taxpayers untold tens of thousands of dollars for OCSO deputies because of their lies and inability to admit that Casey is responsible for what happened to Caylee.

They deserve every bit of grief they are getting now, they have brought it upon themselves. Harsh, I know, but I truly believe that now.
I agree with you. I had not seen this whole Lee / dog woman video before - just what they showed on the news locally. This complete video shows him to be much more of an a-hole. Drastically changes my opinion of him.

Is there a link to this? Thanks.

Here it is.


Look for the part he is obviously lying and the girl is buffled by it. Look how obvious his body language is that he is lying and how lame his excuse is for what the girl says he told her. It reminded me of Casey's excuses when she is caught in a lie.
Here it is.


Look for the part he is obviously lying and the girl is buffled by it. Look how obvious his body language is that he is lying and how lame his excuse is for what the girl says he told her. It reminded me of Casey's excuses when she is caught in a lie.

I agree - and thanks for the link - I just found it earlier in this thread - when I looked before I didn't see it....
The moment I changed my mind about him was seeing the footage in which he describes throwing the stuffed animals away because they smelled like smoke. He seems very cold to me, a lot like his sister. But who knows?

i don't for a minute believe the "smelled like smoke" story. How could every stuffed animal left or sent smell of smoke. Was there really stuffed animals in that trash...hmmmmm
The moment I changed my mind about him was seeing the footage in which he describes throwing the stuffed animals away because they smelled like smoke. He seems very cold to me, a lot like his sister. But who knows?

Exactly! I'm ashamed to say that I thought he was the only Anthony with
sense. Throwing out the stuffed animals was just rude, but I could overlook it. The high-fiving set off my hinky meter, but Rob's comments last night on NG sealed the deal - he's in on it.

As for the dog situation - I think the sign hit a nerve. I had a dog stolen and I looked everyday, came to know the animal control people on a first name basis, and funny thing, I put up 100 times more posters for that pet than the Anthonys have around their house for Caylee.
i don't for a minute believe the "smelled like smoke" story. How could every stuffed animal left or sent smell of smoke. Was there really stuffed animals in that trash...hmmmmm

When that happened, many people theorized that the Anthonys might feared that the stuffed animals had listening devices in them. Which yeah it sounds possible right? And seriously all the people who left stuffed animals were smokers??

Still this was early in the case and the Anthony's were receiving a lot of support from the public. So how ungrateful one must be not to call a local charity and tell them ''here guys you can take this....if you give them a wash they are usable''.

For me what is even more scarey is how this act demonstrated how detached they are from how things look to the public. Even if they really wanted to throw them away, at least get up in the middle of the night and throw them away, or ask someone else to remove them, don't do it in front of all the media. What I am trying to say with my bad english is this: they are two categories of people when they do bad things: those who KNOW they are doing something bad - but who have the social skills to understand how it might look to others so they keep it for themselves and those who are so unable to understand how their actions are perceived by the social group they live in. And this is what all the Anthonys seem to share as a common trait. For them it seems there is only action in their lifes, not reaction, what they want to do they do, and they look surprised and angry when people revolt in relation to what they do or say. They seem geuinely incapable of understanding how their actions are perceived by others.
-Did Casey tell you she harmed Caylee?
-Do you know where Caylee is?
-Did you or anyone else you know has harmed Caylee?
-Did you lie to investigators regarding the timeline, when you last saw Casey and Caylee,....etc. etc. Things like this.....

And this is why it makes it even more suspicious that while the parents wanted to take the test, Lee didn't want to. He needed his parents not to take the test in order not to single himself out as refusing to do so.
Because I think Casey told him something after the 911 calls - the days following - or when the cadaver dogs and the tests from the trunk came back.

Lie detector questions are usually very specific, and I am sure those would have been asked.

I've taken 2 in my life for work. They run some of the questions by you before you are hooked up. Even tho, Lee and Casey seem cool, I'm sure they would have been shaking in their boots.

O/T - Your posts are great.
this site seems to have been disabled but it shows the same contact info as www.universalventures.com . I put x's where the email address is so as not to be displaying it on here.

"Party Scenes
This means I can create detailed, inconceivably colorful scenes that bring my ... For more info: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'. Universal Ventures. Party cenes ...

here's what it says not when you click on it
"Warning: include() [function.include]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution in /home/vinny/t2nvx.cn/party-scenes.php on line 1

Warning: include(http://t2nvx.cn/rssgm/pages2.php?keyword=party-scenes&yourip= [function.include]: failed to open stream: Success in /home/vinny/t2nvx.cn/party-scenes.php on line 1

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'http://t2nvx.cn/rssgm/pages2.php?keyword=party-scenes&yourip=' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') in /home/vinny/t2nvx.cn/party-scenes.php on line 1"
Lie detector questions are usually very specific, and I am sure those would have been asked.

I've taken 2 in my life for work. They run some of the questions by you before you are hooked up. Even tho, Lee and Casey seem cool, I'm sure they would have been shaking in their boots.

O/T - Your posts are great.

Wow if you do a search on t2nvx party scene - well :eek: I'll let y'all search from there. I'm not clicking on any of that!
I could be wrong here, but I can't help wonder if LE ultimately has plans to deal with all the Anthony's. Think about it. They all started out saying one thing, and have gone on to change their stories and seemingly obstruct finding the truth. Maybe LE is just letting them continue to run their mouths unquestioned so they all eventually hang themselves????

"Ultimately" is the key word.
I see LE leaving them alone until after the trial for murder.
Prosecutors will probably bring their changing stories (lies) out under oath.
Then there could be charges against CA, GA, and LA.

And that is the purpose of a lying detector test to VERIFY, to CLEAR OUT people.

...... In a lying detector test the questions I believe will be about facts:

-Did Casey tell you she harmed Caylee?
-Do you know where Caylee is?
-Did you or anyone else you know has harmed Caylee?
-Did you lie to investigators regarding the timeline, when you last saw Casey and Caylee,....etc. etc. Things like this.....

And this is why it makes it even more suspicious that while the parents wanted to take the test, Lee didn't want to. He needed his parents not to take the test in order not to single himself out as refusing to do so.
Because I think Casey told him something after the 911 calls - the days following - or when the cadaver dogs and the tests from the trunk came back.

Lee lives in a fantasy world, just like his sister.

Except that his is populated with superheroes and gaming.

They must have had quite an upbringing for them to both feel the need to escape from reality.

(OT - Close, now you have me humming that Todd tune -good choice!
Why don't you write your mother
Why don't you call your family
They're expecting an answer
Spare them your strange behavior
hmmmmmmmmm very interesting. Did Casey for sure have her "own" laptop or did she share with Cindy? I can't remember if that has ever been discovered or not.
I believe that I read in LE's docs that they recovered Casey's purse and laptop in her car.
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