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Sadness - I picture my own daughters at that age, watch videos of them - can't fathom ever harming them

Even more sadness that Caylees family won't see her first day of school, her first school play or concert, learning how to ride a bike, getting braces, her first crush, her first dance, learning how to drive, becoming a beautiful young woman

Sometimes I think that things happen for a reason - maybe someone upstairs saw that Caylee just didn't have a chance at a good life, that she might follow in her mothers footsteps, or be miserable, or had been abused and secretly Caylee prayed that she wouldn't be hurt anymore - I don't know - I do believe in reincarnation and she'll be born again to a better family and one that will do right by her

This is in no way saying that George and Cindy were bad to her - matter of fact I think the total opposite, I think George and Cindy doatted on her and absolutely adored and loved Caylee- there was too much dysfunction and hopefully now the Anthony family can heal and heal together and become a stronger family
fear......that some how KC will get off. It happen with OJ and Robert Blake
So so sad...she was so loved by others...it didn't have to end this way.
More sad than I expected, considering I always believed she was gone. The finality of it hit me today though, and breaks my heart.

There's an element of peace though, knowing she's not out there, lost any more.

Still tearing up every now & then.
I'm so grief overloaded today for other reasons - my beloved dog died earlier this week - I can't say I'm feeling grief right this minute for her. Too tangled up with my sadness over my poor Java. The grief for Caylee, and profound relief, came on the day the body was found - I was certain it was her and wasn't surprised at all that was confirmed today.

Frustrated more than anything, that more information isn't available, that some are arguing no murder charge can be proved when I know better, and angry that the monster who did this is sitting comfortably in her cell munching on fried pig skins while the pitiful bits of remains of this baby are lying in a morgue.
Anger at the A's for letting their daughter act like an idiot and went along with her lies when they HAD to know she was lying, they all kept up some kind of farce with each other and made excuses for KC's behavior and handled her with kid gloves, you can tell when all she thinks and talks about is herself. KC is a liar, a thief and a murderer. Caylee deserved better than this family!!
I am feeling anger now at baez trashng of LE. LE showed more respect for caylee than Baez has. Has baez offered any sorrow for caylee now they said the bones were hers? No, he just goes on to trash LE. I hope LE and everyone involved in the court system secretly has it in for Baez. He does not deserve any respect. he isnt a gentleman, just a big mouth who thinks he knows it all. I am just so angry that baez will try to get casey off instead of saying, ok she is guily so now my job is to get her the best jail sentance I can.

I am also still so angry with the A's for all their lying and covering up for their lying, thieving and murderous daughter. That family and baez have NO class or grace or self respect. blah..im sick of them.

Poor caylee...my heart breaks for you.

I will not be a hyprocrite and say i feel sorry for the A's because I dont and I wont.
Hopeful - that they'll lay her Beloved Baby Doll with Caylee. :hug:
Worried - about Christina. I hope she is surrounded with support tonight, too.
Oddly relief. Relief that the official word finally arrived though we all knew 8 days ago these were little Caylee's remains. Sorrow for little Caylee... All this and the closest thing we have seen as any kind of appropriate "statement" came from the Grund family. Surely no one expected these remains to not be little Caylee's. The A's attorney had nothing written up to release from the family? All I saw was "2005-2008" added to the find Caylee site. Frustration that there seems to be no end to the circus surrounding this case.
Impatient.... I want the trial to start yesterday and I want Casey convicted yesterday.
fear......that some how KC will get off. It happen with OJ and Robert Blake

I sure hope that does not happen!! I didn't think it could happen with OJ but it did.

Back on topic, I feel exhausted over all of this. Glad that Caylee is safe and in a far better place. Relieved that even though they have found her remains and she is gone forever from this earth that her grandparents will not have to go the rest of their lives wondering where she is and who has her because their daughter would rather they suffer and be tormented than tell the truth. The mind is a terrible thing to let run wild with the imagination and would be pure torture not knowing.

Even knowing that this is what the outcome would be after the remains were found it is still hard to now look at that sweet little face with her name and the dates 2005-2008 that all our local news stations are putting up now. Now it is final.
Right now...l I feel tears welling whenever I see Caylee's pics. I want to hug her.

KC- disgust, she Lies so bad and keeps lying. it makes me sick someone has NO thought for others in Cylee's life.

GA- Sad for him, but believe he knew it was going to come to this

LA- Again, sad...he tried to find her

CA- I will feel sad for her once she breaks down her wall and admits her daughter isn't perfect.
ANGRY, DISGUSTED and HATE (isn't that awful?) that a woman that was suppose to LOVE CAYLEE slayed a beautiful 2 year old so she could party!
SAD that a baby endured such a violent death.
RELIEF because CAYLEE can RIP,soon. Memorials ARE being made for her by STRANGERS!
HAPPY in an odd way that CAYLEE's so called family will HAVE to tell truth or go to JAIL!!!
HOPEFUL in FBI/LE that the job was done right now.
Thankful for the meter reader.
Sadness - I picture my own daughters at that age, watch videos of them - can't fathom ever harming them
respectfully snipped

This is how I feel when Caylee is singing the sunshine song. :(

I'm very, very upset. There have been so many lies throughout these six months, and just when they find her and things seem to be getting on track. There's another twist. I cried a little today.
after seeing DR G........I feel very sorry for her having to do such a grusome job...........
But I also want to do something - I'm not sure if there are rules at OCSO, but does anyone know if there is someone to contact there about sending things? I was thinking of trying to contact a catering place in Orlando and arranging for a breakfast spread or something to be sent just to say thank you. I know they probably wouldn't accept anything sent from a stranger in NYC, but could they accept something arranged from a local store? Or are there rules against that also?

There are TooJays restaraunts around Orlando, and they cater. Good food, mostly deli style (and breakfast too).

I think it's a wonderful gesture; I don't really think it would be against their rules. It's not like you are trying to sell them on something. Could you please post if you end up doing this?
I am glad they finally gave a positive ID.
Sorry it ever happened.
Sympathy for those that loved her.
Thankful the meter reader found the bag.
Afraid for what is yet to come, should one of the Anthony's decide to tell the whole truth.
Last but by no means least, ANGRY!
I'm sad even though I felt it was her.

Worried that defense will use the meter reader against the case rather than for it.

And even though I have felt sympathy for G & C all along, I don't today.
I'm angry at them.
They should have taken custody of this innocent baby a long time ago to prevent this. Instead Caylee was used in a tug of war between 2 contolling women.

Also angry at them that this could have been solved much sooner if they had cooperated fully.

And even angrier if they continue to try and blame this on anyone other than the one responsible, KC.

Or try to blame LE or anyone else who worked so hard to bring Caylee home.

And last but not least angry at how this poor baby was thrown away like a piece of trash.
This whole fiasco has been beyond shameful.
I can't even put my feelings into words yet. There is just a huge lump of sadness somewhere between my heart and my gut.
How am I feeling right now? Words are not my forte. Angry with myself for hanging onto childlike hope. Sad that what I always knew was true, but I knew it was for a higher purpose. Sad that I am sure it was not an accident, I really hoped it was and felt sorrow for the perp in my childlike hope, (and I still hope I am wrong, but logically I am not). Confused because of my own empirical experiences. Thrust back into those emperical memories that come up. Those experiences block logic. Wishing my family would stand by me as the A family has, but knowing that my family would disown me very publically, even if it was an accident. Understanding that perp wanted freedom from an over bearing family but chose a much worse captivity via the worst of choices. I feel conflicted. I feel every emotion at once. It is very uncomfortable. I feel we should hope for the best for the Family even though they have angered us. I feel we should all learn from this in our own ways and I hope we share our lessons when we can. This could have been my story, thank the Gods, the Universe, insert your own term(s), that is was not. I still question what the perp went through.

You asked.....................................................Don't flame. I must go reflect now.
Currently I am a bit irritated that there are people out in the world today who think Cindy and George aren't completely devastated, and currently experiencing the most agonizing pain they will ever feel in their life.

While I may not agree with most of their choices, I do know they loved that little girl with all their hearts in the best ways they knew how. I think that either of them would have laid down their life for her instead in a heartbeat.

I cannot imagine their agony today knowing once and for all she is dead, and knowing that their own daughter killed her and led them and the rest of the nation around the primrose path for six months while little Caylee's corpse rotted in a trash bag in the woods less than 20 houses away.

Please, no matter what people think of them, let us at least try not to deny them their pain.

My heart aches at all of the tears that must be flowing on Hopespring Drive today. :(

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