What are you feeling right now????

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I'm so grief overloaded today for other reasons - my beloved dog died earlier this week - I can't say I'm feeling grief right this minute for her. Too tangled up with my sadness over my poor Java. The grief for Caylee, and profound relief, came on the day the body was found - I was certain it was her and wasn't surprised at all that was confirmed today.

Frustrated more than anything, that more information isn't available, that some are arguing no murder charge can be proved when I know better, and angry that the monster who did this is sitting comfortably in her cell munching on fried pig skins while the pitiful bits of remains of this baby are lying in a morgue.

I'm so sorry you lost your dear friend. It hurts terribly, I know.
I feel grateful that I have a place like this to come to and share the thoughts and feelings that have been generated by our intense interest in this sad story and the love we have all come to have for this precious child......and I feel for all of you here at Websleuths who have invested so much of yourselves in this case
..other than that , for the time being , I hope.......I feel , for lack of a better word......numb...........
Originally Posted by DaughterAlice
There are TooJays restaraunts around Orlando, and they cater. Good food, mostly deli style (and breakfast too).

I think it's a wonderful gesture; I don't really think it would be against their rules. It's not like you are trying to sell them on something. Could you please post if you end up doing this?

I did this recently for our local fire fighters and police, they do have rules about it here. We do not not normally get snow and we did this week, so they have been running around like lunatics dealing with drivers on ice (for those of you who live and function in snow you would be blown away by what a little snow and ice can cause LOL).

Since I knew they were running in and out all day I didn't want to send food, like pizza because they wouldn't be able to get it hot. They will not and cannot accept food sent in from the public for safety reasons (so sad), and they cannot accept money so I couldn't just bring in gift certificates.

What I was able to do was prepay at a local restaurant and call over and let them know that if they wanted to pick up everything at one time, or if they just wanted to let the staff know it was available over there to let the restaurant know how they were going to handle the orders.

That got them out of the money problem, got rid of the too much hot food at one time, and took public access to the food out of the equation.

I really wanted to bring a big pot of soup and homemade baked goods. It is really sad that our city workers would have to be worried about being poisoned by the public.

I think that's a really good idea too. Even better. Maybe we could set up something like that here?? I mean in Orlando. Yeah yeah, okay, I'm in Orlando (eighty degrees & gorgeous today!). *I don't necessarily want to volunteer to head it up, but I would like to donate if something can be arranged. (*I'm already pretty overwelmed with responsibilies right now.)
My feelings are: I am disappointed, sad, mad. My feelings are that George and Cindy need to go down to that jail and tell their daughter, "Look, you said when we find Caylee you'll spill the beans and tell us what the heck is going on, so let's hear it!!! We have absolutely NOTHING else to lose! We want to know the truth...the whole truth and nothing but the truth or we're going to let you rot in prison and never speak to you again!" Casey said she was afraid to tell her story because she was afraid "whoever has Caylee might harm her". Well there is absolutely no reason why she can't say anything now!! I am angry...angry that this happened to that beautiful, innocent little girl. Angry that her mother won't say what happened, and angry that her family tiptoes around her. Don't they want to know what happened to their precious granddaughter? Their daughter has all the answers....so go get them!!!!
I feel relief. Now that she is formally identified, I can finally go back to my normal job. I only deal with the missing and unidentified. Caylee is neither anymore.
Whoda thought I'd find someone who expressed my own emotions perfectly. Thanks Shutterfly. The only difference is I already know what I'm dreading--

I'm dreading KC's "big guns" who are already loading up and aiming at a decent, ordinary meter reader, whose life they will expose and besmearch in the name of KC's "right to the best defense possible." And they will do it gleefully, and without a qualm of conscience, knowing full well that he did nothing wrong. :banghead:

I'm dreading having to witness yet again that our legal system has been turned into a tortured mess. :banghead:

I'm dreading that no prominent legal eagle defense lawyers will volunteer their time to protect an uninvolved meter reader from becoming a suspect, or worse. :banghead:

And last but not least, I'm dreading the fact that, in order to witness all the above, I'll have to keep watching Nancy Grace. :banghead: :banghead:

I agree Friday and S~fly.

My sad was here about five months ago... along with disbelief and shock. Pretty much after that anger set in. Until justice is brought down on the proper side of what is right in this world I will be and remain fearful for the outcome.

Yup... fearful. That just about sums it up for me right now.

ETA... I am also seething mad at the betrayal this little girl had to go thru.. She gave her LOVE to this woman she knew as mommy. What was Casey THINKING when she thought she could just take this life away like a checkbook or retirement funds from the grandparents! Her betrayal of that child's trust is on a level lower than hell itself.
Like a person who had a friend die of cancer after a long illness. I am relieved that it's "over", but now the mourning begins.
Overwhelming sadness.

Horror. For the first time, I've allowed myself to think of what little Caylee went through. What was done to her, how much did she suffer, at the hands of her own Mother, the one person who was supposed to love and protect her? How could that same "mother" toss her on the side of the road, in a trash bag? How could anyone do that to a child, their own little baby? Utter disbelief, sorrow, anger.
Heartbroken. I felt from the beginning that she was probably no longer on this earth, I just hoped maybe my gut feeling was wrong. Even when they found the remains, there was still a little bit of hope that maybe that wasn't her. But, today-I am extremely sad. RIP Caylee Marie.
This is a tragedy, I am feeling so sad right now, my daughter has Leukemia and fights to stay alive. I feel for George and Cindy the agony they must be going through. I send strength and love to them. Today has been a very sad day.May God give you a special job in Heaven little Caylee.
I am very, very sad. I am still wondering how a little girl that I never knew could have such a grip on me. I've cried more in the last week than ever before. She was adorable.

I am sad for Caylee. Not for her present state, as I do believe she is with God, but for her past and how she died. A person she trusted unconditionally did her great harm.

I am sad for George, Cindy and Lee. We all know how they reacted the past 6 months. I cannot fault or judge them for that. I don't know how I would react and I pray I never have to find out. George and Cindy lost a beautiful little granddaughter. The will never see her grow up and can only wonder what might have been. Lee has lost a beauty of a niece.

I have thought all along that the most important thing would be to find hear, deceased or not. Now I am consumed with whether or not someone will pay for the loss of this precious angel. I know that I should let go and let God determine justice and judge but I am having a very hard time doing that.

Rest In Peace sweet Caylee. May you find protection in the arms of Christ and unending happiness in the playground of Heaven.

Someone wrote in another thread that Caylee can visit her in her dreams any night and she will play with her. I extend that invitation to Caylee too.
:boohoo:Dito,Dito,Dido, to evryones comments. I began lurking on W/B back in july. At that time I was unable to eat (dry heaves with just a bite of food) , walk steadilly, talk, or relate. You see I had my own trauma to the soul. One day I got enough courage to post, something I never had done before. Caylee gave me a reason to get out of bed even though I was so weak physically & mentally. With todays finallity, I realize I just transfered all my feelings into this case. My situation remains the same but because of this case I'm able to voice my grief something that I'v not been able to do. To be able to articulate my thoughts and feelings on W/S I guess is healing me in some way. My heart goes out to anyone else who happened on W/S from a place of engulfing grief. If I'm not so opened minded concerning the A's it is because I don't understand their grief.

I hope you're feeling stronger and continue healing, KK. :blowkiss:

I agree completely on the As. I don't understand that kind of grief either.
Oh hugs to you gardenhart...I'm so so sorry to hear about your Java. My 1 1/2 year boy beagle went out to potty 10 days ago, and he hasn't been home since. He has tags and a id chip, we've done everything else we can do (except for ads in the papers - we can't afford it). So my heart is tangled up with sadness over my Snoopy, and the not knowing if he's dead or lost, and I have not felt the full affect of my sadness for Caylee yet. It will come.

I never believed Caylee was alive from day 31, so I was not holding out any hope that she would be found alive. I told my DH last Friday "they found Caylee". I'm glad her poor little remains have a name now, that her soul can rest now that her body has been found.

For the life of me I will NEVER understand how Casey could enjoy life when her daughter was "missing", (I'm looking at you too, Kate McCann) when in my grief over my missing dog, I am barely able to pull it together enough to go to work, much less dance, shop, cook, clean (jog, give photo ops with full makeup and freshly highlighted hair!)

I know that Caylee is proud of all you EXCELLENT sleuthers for all the hard work you've put in to get to this day for her. :blowkiss:

May we all continue to fight for justice for Caylee.

Hugs to you too, HoustonHomer. I hope you find your Snoopy soon. Having tags and a chip has to help. I used to have a dog who would wander and he would take off for days before someone miles off would call and tell me my dog was at their house, so don't give up.
Relieved that she has been found yet so very sad at the same time. We needed to euthanize our 16 year old cat the Saturday before Caylee's was found. It was grief upon grief for me. The A's have been on my mind a lot today. I can't imagine how awful this must be for them. I feel much more compassion and tolerance for them when they aren't spewing mistruths.
I feel changed somehow. I have 15 grandchildren and now, when I look at any one of them, I remember little Caylee and feel more love and compassion for them than ever before.

I also came to the realization that I can trust my own instincts 100%. I knew Caylee was dead as soon as I heard the 3rd 911 call. I know/knew there was a lot of lying and obfuscation going on and I know some things are going to come out that will shock and horrify us but, through it all, I know I will see life as more precious than I ever have before.

My opinion only
This is a tragedy, I am feeling so sad right now, my daughter has Leukemia and fights to stay alive. I feel for George and Cindy the agony they must be going through. I send strength and love to them. Today has been a very sad day.May God give you a special job in Heaven little Caylee.

God bless your baby. I will pray for her tonight and every night. What is her name?
Heartbroken -- it was a kick in the gut that this was confirmed today.

Relieved -- that Caylee is found and will be laid to rest and can be remembered by loved ones.

Mixed Emotions -- I don't care about KC at all but would like to see her pay with LWOP since it is so hard to think a beautiful life was taken and discarded like trash.
I'm so grief overloaded today for other reasons - my beloved dog died earlier this week - I can't say I'm feeling grief right this minute for her. Too tangled up with my sadness over my poor Java. The grief for Caylee, and profound relief, came on the day the body was found - I was certain it was her and wasn't surprised at all that was confirmed today.

Frustrated more than anything, that more information isn't available, that some are arguing no murder charge can be proved when I know better, and angry that the monster who did this is sitting comfortably in her cell munching on fried pig skins while the pitiful bits of remains of this baby are lying in a morgue.

Sorry about Java, Gardenhart. I lost my cat the Saturday before Caylee was found. Finding Caylee took my mind off my grief over losing Jazzie, and now it seems the grief for both is intertwined. Not that the loss of a child is anywhere near the loss of a pet.

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