What are you feeling right now????

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So many emotions...sadness, relief, anger, fear,love....all at once.

Sadness- I am so very sad that what I believed, came to be....I think we all knew this was going to be the result but to hear it confirmed is another story. I'm sad to again, be faced with the reality that the love for a child can be sooo easily disregarded by some in this world.

Anger- I am angry that Casey did this to her daughter and threw her away like a piece of trash! I am angry that COD could not be determined. I am angry that JB even today, was more concerned about pleading his case (the way Casey was notified, LE doing wrong, blah blah blah) on TV than acknowledging CAYLEE. I am angry that Casey was more concerned about talking to her lawyer and coming up with a defense strategy than she was in talking to her pastor about her deceased daughter! I am angry that even today, still, she has NO REMORSE!! I am ANGRY that this was a two year old child who NEVER had a chance in this life....why, why, why, didn't she just let someone take her and love her???????????

Relief- I am relieved in the idea that now, Caylee can be laid to rest in a respectful manner and the people that truly loved her can have closure. I am relieved that Caylee is with Jesus rather than forced to live the rest of her life with the madness called Casey. I am relieved that Caylee has now been able to go Home and will know the love a parent SHOULD have for their child with Jesus.

Fear- I am terrified that Casey is going to get away with murdering Caylee.

Love- I have loved this little stranger from the first moment I heard this story....I believe Caylee was a message from God and for that I am thankful for her. Caylee has brought so many people together and touched so many lives. She has brought a very loud and clear message with her.....Look at your children, they learn what they live....If you enable them, they know no responsibility. Teach your children boundaries. Loving your children is loving them enough to make the difference. Caylee has brought this message to us all.....Love them a little deeper, hold them a little tighter and be the love and understanding they need to recieve to be able to give....
I, personally, thank you Caylee Marie Anthony for being America's Angel and bringing your message into this world....For a person who does not follow religion as she should....I do believe you came into this world with a purpose and with the grace of God, I heard your message....I can only hope that there are others that heard it as well....Love your children and love them enough to be the change that makes a difference.

Caylee Marie Anthony, run with Jesus little one, your message has been served....your suffering is over and NOW you are truly Home, in the arms of Love....
I was one of the very few that still had hopes of Caylee being alive...I tried to justify this by thinking there had to be some mistake with the evidence from the trunk...that maybe one of the sightings were actually true...that the remains in the woods was some sort of sick prank...but when the confirmation came today...my heart just sank! I cried..soft at first because I was at work. But when I got home and heard a certain song that reminds me of Caylee I started sobbing..you know that deep sobbing that seems to come from way down inside.
This dear little soul has become a part of us all. I mourn for her, the family, and even the mother. I wish I could understand why and how a mother could do this to her own child. I can't even fathom what I now know to be true. I wish I knew the truth...I wish I knew why this child lay in a bag in the woods for months. It so unbelievably inhumane and atrocious. I am thankful that now she is at peace and can be properly laid to rest, and am grateful that her family (Cindy mostly) can grieve and thus begin to heal.
I wonder how bad Casey's guilt is eating at her. Or if it is at all.
I wish her punishment be that she must remain in a cell with pictures of her prescious child on each and every wall, while the audio of Caylee singing "you are my sunshine" is played over a loud speaker over and over. And when she breaks...when she truely breaks ...and her sorrow and shame overwhelms her to her very core ...then and only then...will she know the true meaning of pain and misery. I try to remind myself that she knows what she did and she will bear that burden the rest of her life.
In all the saddness that I've felt, I have found that I am thankful everyday for my beautiful little girls. I just want to hold them and love them and reassure them that they will ALWAYS be safe in my arms!
I’m amazed our interest, concern and love for this small child has created an environment that doesn’t allow As to grieve privately.

I’m dismayed the hurt G&C surely feel is being broadcasted and questioned around the world.

I’m disgusted the one who perpetuated this whole thing sits in comfort, without answering our questions, grief and shock, while ordering snacks, playing cards and enjoys “private accommodations”.

I’m distraught we’re more interested in the perp’s reaction than healing our own.

I loathe the fact Caylee’s paternity is being scrutinized; what does it matter now? The end is the end, regardless of who her father is. We should mourn the loss of this tiny wonder, regardless of her background.

I’m sorry Caylee’s memory is being desecrated by individuals insisting they see who she was in crime scene photos, insert offensive images and have no proof their background, education or superior knowledge make these doctored photos fact. This is NOT what we should look for or hold in our memory as Caylee. It’s certainly not how I wish to remember this precious child. I don’t care what was exactly where in her discovery; I care it WAS her.

I’m grateful tiny little Caylee opened my eyes, taught me what true love should and can be and how such a tiny little being could bring so many together.

I grieve Caylee’s life was so short. I dream what she could have been, given the opportunity.

I’ve hung a Christmas ornament for you, Caylee. Every Christmas, from now until I’ve passed, you will be cherished, celebrated and loved. The hugs I give my children will hold more meaning because of you.

Bless everyone who worked so hard to bring this small child’s plight to our attention and I wish all of you peace. May we love each other more and recognize what’s truly important in our short duration called life.
I am sad and angry. I believe Casey has been abusing Caylee for a long time now. Yes, chloroforming and duct taping some poor kid while you party is extreme child abuse. I am very sad that the A's never checked into her behavior and ignored just where she was going and dragging this child around to all nite and allowing her to take this kid to parties with drink and drugs. It it abominable that no one checked out the sordid life this poor child has been living all this time.
I feel the same as I did when I heard the words, "31 days.". I felt like someone had kicked the wind out of me and that another two year old had met a horrible fate at the hands of people who were supposed to love her.

Now, all these months later...I am even more angry at those people. I am disgusted and cannot wait until justice is served for Caylee.
Of course I am sad but I have been sad this whole time.I also feel disgusted, sorry to sound like a harda$$, but it makes me sick that the family, all of them, had everyone running around in circles and hanging on KC's every stupid lie while the child lay decomposing half a mile from where they were holding press conferences. I know it sounds mean to say but I can't help how I am feeling.
When my son, my only child turned 21 a couple of years ago he gave ME a gift. It is a beautiful gold mother and child pendant and chain. I only wore it on special occasions. On July 15th when I heard the first of this case and was still naive enough to think there really was a kidnapping nanny, I took out the necklace and put it on. I vowed not to remove it until Caylee was found.

I wore it in the TES searches, I wore it in my own private (MANY) searches, I wore it in the shower, I never took it off.

At 2:30 today I took it off. Every time I thought about our angel Caylee, I would touch the necklace. The greatest love is supposed to be between a mother and child - the necklace represented the love Caylee never got from her mother. I think in death, she got that love and more from all of us.

She is at peace now but we will always feel that ache for her. Every little girl (and boy) I see now, I can easily and with accuracy judge their age. I watch them all in public places like a hawk. I intervene if they are climbing or doing dangerous things and parents don't see. I don't care if people look at me as strange. I am now, in my own way, every child's advocate! With every breath I take for the rest of my life, I will watch out for every child that I can - they deserve the chance.

My feelings? Turned off. They hardly matter - I am still breathing, I have a great family, husband, life. and I have great friends who have greatly grown in number through all of you! I don't know, I feel like if I cry or grieve, I am being selfish. My feelings are nothing compared to whatever that baby went through. She is in a very special place in Heaven. I will watch justice served on her mother and anyone else who may have allowed this to happen. That is all I can do besides watching, watching, watching all the other children.

Sorry for the long post...
Sad...so sad. I've known Caylee was deceased for a long time now, but the official ID gave this whole thing "finality" for me. Still in disbelief that a mother could do this. I am surprised at myself that I feel really sad for GA and CA. I have felt such anger over their actions but now I just feel terrible for them. My parents are visiting from FL in snowy NJ right now. They only come up here in the cold to see their granddaughter (my daughter). They love her sooo much, like I'm sure GA and CA did-I just can't fathom what the A's are going through now. I have no other words to say how I'm feeling. I don't think there is any appropriate punishment for Casey-this is just a horrible beyond-words crime. And it seems that everyday something more and more crazy comes out-how the heck is this ever gonna end?
I’m amazed our interest, concern and love for this small child has created an environment that doesn’t allow As to grieve privately.

I’m dismayed the hurt G&C surely feel is being broadcasted and questioned around the world.

I’m disgusted the one who perpetuated this whole thing sits in comfort, without answering our questions, grief and shock, while ordering snacks, playing cards and enjoys “private accommodations”.

I’m distraught we’re more interested in the perp’s reaction than healing our own.

I loathe the fact Caylee’s paternity is being scrutinized; what does it matter now? The end is the end, regardless of who her father is. We should mourn the loss of this tiny wonder, regardless of her background.

I’m sorry Caylee’s memory is being desecrated by individuals insisting they see who she was in crime scene photos, insert offensive images and have no proof their background, education or superior knowledge make these doctored photos fact. This is NOT what we should look for or hold in our memory as Caylee. It’s certainly not how I wish to remember this precious child. I don’t care what was exactly where in her discovery; I care it WAS her.

I’m grateful tiny little Caylee opened my eyes, taught me what true love should and can be and how such a tiny little being could bring so many together.

I grieve Caylee’s life was so short. I dream what she could have been, given the opportunity.

I’ve hung a Christmas ornament for you, Caylee. Every Christmas, from now until I’ve passed, you will be cherished, celebrated and loved. The hugs I give my children will hold more meaning because of you.

Bless everyone who worked so hard to bring this small child’s plight to our attention and I wish all of you peace. May we love each other more and recognize what’s truly important in our short duration called life.

Awesome post, Cheri. You articulated that beautifully. All of it.
I keep seeing Cindy walking into Caylee's bedroom and just standing in the doorway looking. Seeing the empty bed and the toys that will never be played with again.

I have a 3 year old grandson who is the light of my life. He comes and stays with us every weekend. He's an adventurous little guy who I think is going to grow up to be a stunt man. I saw a lot of his liveliness in Caylee. I do "raspberries" on his belly and he laughs like crazy. He pretends he's a dinosaur and ROARS as he attacks me on the floor. His favorite conversation when he doesn't want to go to bed at night is, "Gramma, how do Roley-Poleys move?" (over and over and over and over). (They have 16 legs BTW)

Cindy will stand and stare into Caylee's room. There will be no laughter. George will wander outside and look up at the stars and the moon and there will be no Caylee standing next to him.

Lee's future children will have no cousin to play with. No cousin's birthday party to go to.

As awful as the Anthony's behavior has been in the past and could very likely be throughout the trial, they will always - ALWAYS, have this huge hole in their lives that was Caylee.

I know how empty that hole can feel. I feel sad for them. I feel sad for the loss all of us feel.
my heart is broken .. i knew it but to hear it and see the words .. broke my heart .im so sad inside .i didnt know this baby but i have a baby girl of my own and i know how i would feel if she were to ever pass on before she should .. caylee shouldve been able to have santa this year and have toys and laugh and giggle and play with her toys she wouldve had and been held and kissed by grandma and grampa .. and my little girl will have that ,im sad for caylee and her gp because they wont .. im thankful my baby is here with me but i feel so heartbroken for all the parents who no longer have their babies and i wish i could help them or comfort them somehow .so i will pray and i have prayed . im crying pretty hard right now so im babbling . sorry :(
Sadness, but at the same time I never thought she was alive, but there still was that .1 percent inside me of that had that "Well just maybe".
I’m amazed our interest, concern and love for this small child has created an environment that doesn’t allow As to grieve privately.

I’m dismayed the hurt G&C surely feel is being broadcasted and questioned around the world.

I’m disgusted the one who perpetuated this whole thing sits in comfort, without answering our questions, grief and shock, while ordering snacks, playing cards and enjoys “private accommodations”.

I’m distraught we’re more interested in the perp’s reaction than healing our own.

I loathe the fact Caylee’s paternity is being scrutinized; what does it matter now? The end is the end, regardless of who her father is. We should mourn the loss of this tiny wonder, regardless of her background.

I’m sorry Caylee’s memory is being desecrated by individuals insisting they see who she was in crime scene photos, insert offensive images and have no proof their background, education or superior knowledge make these doctored photos fact. This is NOT what we should look for or hold in our memory as Caylee. It’s certainly not how I wish to remember this precious child. I don’t care what was exactly where in her discovery; I care it WAS her.

I’m grateful tiny little Caylee opened my eyes, taught me what true love should and can be and how such a tiny little being could bring so many together.

I grieve Caylee’s life was so short. I dream what she could have been, given the opportunity.

I’ve hung a Christmas ornament for you, Caylee. Every Christmas, from now until I’ve passed, you will be cherished, celebrated and loved. The hugs I give my children will hold more meaning because of you.

Bless everyone who worked so hard to bring this small child’s plight to our attention and I wish all of you peace. May we love each other more and recognize what’s truly important in our short duration called life.
Right before the announcement was made, I took a moment and prayed. I knew what was going to be said, however, I really wasn't prepared to see the dates 2005-2008 during the live case from the internet. This brought me to tears. It is so hard to explain how I am feeling tonight. I spent the evening with my mother and father, and thanked them in so many ways for being there for me. My heart is hurting for this child whom I never met, and really I don't know how to ease that somewhat emptiness I am feeling.
I am reminded today that this month would have been my best friends 32nd birthday. She died at the age of 19 from Leukemia. One of her dreams was to someday have a daughter. I am thankful that today, I know she is mother to a special child in heaven.
After talking for a long time with my mother tonight, she reminded me of all the hard times she went through as a parent, and how the Lord got her through it. I do feel sympathy for the Anthony's tonight. My mother told me tonight that no matter what I ever do in my life, she will always love me. I know as a mother, that no matter what my children do, I will love them. I can't imagine the pain they are going through. I think not of the time since Caylee went missing, but before..the pictures of Caylee with Cindy, the way George talked about looking at the stars with Caylee, the way Caylee smiled while in the pool with Cindy, and the proud little giggle Cindy had while taping the last video they will ever have for Caylee.
I am reminded of a song that still gives me comfort when I think of my best friend, and the words are true for all of those who care about Caylee.
Sunny days seem to hurt the most
Wear the pain like a heavy coat
I feel you everywhere I go
I see your smile, I see your face
I hear you laughing in the rain
Still can't believe you're gone


It ain't fair you died too young
Like a story that had just begun
The death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I've been through
Just knowing no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder who you'd be today

Would you see the world?
Would you chase your dreams?
Settle down with a family?
I wonder, what would you name your babies?
Some days the sky's so blue
I feel like I can talk to you
And I know it might sound crazy


Today, Today, Today
Today, Today, Today

Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
The only thing that gives me hope
Is I know I'll see you again someday

Someday, Someday

I'm devastated. I've known ever since CA's 911 call- the car smells like a damn dead body's been in there. I've known since KC admitted Caylee had been missing 31 days- for most moms 31 seconds can seem like an eternity if you lose sight of your child. Not one plea for Caylee's safe return!!! I knew she was a murderer. I also feared Caylee would never be found-but people or dogs seem to have a way of stumbling upon dead body's when least expected. PS defense team- remember how everyone including cadaver dogs missed Chandra Levy's body. She was found off the jogging trail in an area that had been searched. I guess the overgrowth of foliage prevented her discovery. So don't get too excited about moving bodies etc.
As I write this besides my sense of loss I feel a lot of anger!! I'm just plain mad that someone could do this to a 2 year old child!!!!
Right now I'm angry. I am angry that on the very day Caylee's poor little body has been identified, a day when doubt should be put to rest and the focus turned toward the truth, the media has served up the hapless meter reader as a scapegoat. :mad:

I'm angry that the defense team will latch onto the stir created in the news and effectively Fuhrmanize the meter reader. :mad:

I'm angry that in addition to the meter reader, we have allegations of sexual abuse and incest to feed the frenzy.:mad:

I'm angry and sad that the truth will become so shrouded in murk we may never see justice for Caylee. :no:
I began lurking on W/B back in july. At that time I was unable to eat (dry heaves with just a bite of food) , walk steadilly, talk, or relate. You see I had my own trauma to the soul. One day I got enough courage to post, something I never had done before. Caylee gave me a reason to get out of bed even though I was so weak physically & mentally.

My heart goes out to anyone else who happened on W/S from a place of engulfing grief. If I'm not so opened minded concerning the A's it is because I don't understand their grief.

Tight hugs to you for your pain, and also for finding a reason in little Caylee to get out of bed in the morning. I totally relate with your feelings for reasons of my own. I am glad something good can come out of this tragedy for you. I hope you continue to find Strength and Courage in ways both small and large, wherever the coming days take you.

A sense of personal loss.............

I wonder if her funeral will be private, it would be nice to send something from WS.
This is a tragedy, I am feeling so sad right now, my daughter has Leukemia and fights to stay alive. I feel for George and Cindy the agony they must be going through. I send strength and love to them. Today has been a very sad day.May God give you a special job in Heaven little Caylee.

:blowkiss: to you and your daughter allaster, I will keep you in my prayers.

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