What are you sick of hearing since the verdict has been announced regarding Casey?

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HLN turning into "All Casey, All the Time" even now.
What, oh what will they do once she is out and submerges into whatever sink hole she ends up in?


Personally, I'm sick of being called emotional when I question the jury's verdict, or the 3.5 hours it took to reach the decision.

If I hear once more that "If only they had charged her with something else," my head might do a 360. This jury IMO only charged her with lying to LE because they had a video of her DOING it.

And telling me to move on. Denying how I feel is not healthy. I will move on when I am ready. But, let's get real. I do feel we will hear that something perverted the justice system and we will hear it soon. As RG said, "This isn't over by a long shot."

Bashing the SA, JA or their case. Did we watch the same trial??
"A dog could have buried it"...why do I feel as if this was the same mentality that went on during those long long hours of deliberation.

She seemed sincere.
I liked Jose's style.
I just didn't get, if someone was going to suffocate her, why use duct tape?
We didn't have a smoking gun.
There was no blood.
Where was the weapon?

OH! And the argument that the SA was calling Casey a party girl. This harkens back to AL trying to say we wanted Casey to be punished because she lived an non conventional life. It was ludicrous then as it is now. It wasn't her party girl rep, it was the 31 days.
Dead baby.
In the trunk.
31 Days.
I'm sick of Juror Ford's clips of her interview. I get so angry inside when I see her or hear her voice.

I'm sick of hearing that the Prosecution didn't show a motive.
I am sick of hearing, seeing this. "I have been following this case since the BEGINNING of this trial and I am so frustrated..."

Try being us. Maybe that's a selfish, self-righteous thought. Oh, well.

Edited to add: And also--"The jury did their best, they had a really tough decision and they had no other choice". !&*(%*&*%O Really? Their best? And yes, so tough for them that it only took hours to let her off despite their "tears and disgust" and what they "had" to do. Please. Pleeeeeeeease.
I'm sick of hearing that disagreeing with the verdict is a rejection of the Constitution.

I'm sick of hearing that none of the jurors "asked" to be on the jury. Um, yes, at least one juror did ask--Juror #3.

I'm sick of hearing Cheney Mason saying that about the Constitution. I'm also tired of him telling Jean Casarez that he was exercising his First Amendment rights by flipping off the media and doing another obscene act towards them. Casarez should have responded, "Oh, you mean like the courthouse protestors were exercising their First Amendment rights"?
I'm sick of hearing the Justice System works. If there are people imprissoned found to be innocent and guilty walking free... it's definately not working. Until they admit it's not working it will not be addressed. They seriously need to assess sequesting a Jury for various lengths of time and their ability to comprehend the evidence, the instructions..as well as the probabilty of Groupthink. moo
I'm sick of Juror Ford's clips of her interview. I get so angry inside when I see her or hear her voice.

I'm sick of hearing that the Prosecution didn't show a motive.

I think I put this in the wrong thread earlier,but look at the the Pinellas County Sheriff office report on 06/18/10,re juror #3,bad checks????-interesting!!!
I forgot this part---I am SO sick of the 'abuse excuse' for EVERYTHING. Many, many of us suffered some sort of child abuse, sexual abuse, had or have dysfunctional families.....But how many women kill the baby, toss her out around the corner, and party about it?

I really understand & believe that mental illness, such as PPD can be mitigating in certain cases, surely. But that is NOT the case here. There were enough psychological tests that were suppressed for us to infer MCA has NO mitigating mental illnesses, IMO.

I'm sick and tired of people using abuse as an excuse for the absolutely inexcusable. I understand CA's mental abuse may have caused her to be neglectful or jealous (repeating a cycle)....but KILLING the BABY..the 31 days...GMAB. It cheapens experiences of the many women who have genuine abuse stories & scars, imo.

Pardon my feminism, but it also really bothers me that people get fooled into thinking that an attractive young woman wouldn't or couldn't kill a child for heinous and selfish reasons. Men get convicted for it all the time. I KNOW it's more rare, but the idea that some women are 'just plain evil' is possible.
Funny that the toothless, nasty ol' women who kill their children almost always get Public Defenders and plead rather than face the DP. :waitasec:
Only heard it once from the Ford chick.....not enough evidence to vote for death. This <unusual person> is a nursing student.....OMG. She has no clue why she was there and what she was supposed to be doing.

It really is frightening to think she might work with patients in a hospital or health facility some day.

My channel immediately changes when I hear juror number 3.
I'm tired of the jury-bashing, specifically statements that they're not intelligent or that they're lazy or that they're not educated enough or that they didn't do their job.

I'm also sick of seeing the acronyms ICA and KC, but mostly because I don't know what they mean. :)
I'm sick of juror #3 and her repeating RC's testimony.."it was an accident that snowballed out of control. ach, blech, argh, etc!!
:hot:I'm sick of hearing "where is she going when she gets out"

To a very hot place in the end IMHO:hot::hot::hot:
:hand:I'm sick of hearing, "The Jury got it right, there wasn't enough evidence, move on" blah, blah blah!!!:maddening::sick::sick::sick:
I'm tired of the jury-bashing, specifically statements that they're not intelligent or that they're lazy or that they're not educated enough or that they didn't do their job.

I'm also sick of seeing the acronyms ICA and KC, but mostly because I don't know what they mean. :)

ICA (inmate) and KC both were used for Casey to set apart from Cindy or Caylee because they have the same initials.
I'm sick of several things.

1. Seeing KC on tv flirting with Baez and anyone else who pays attention to her. Raising her eyebrows 8 times a minute and smiling, trying to maintain herself as the "life of the party."

2. Hearing everyone talk about that's how the justice system works. I know that already. It doesn't mean I have to just shrug my shoulders like nothing is wrong and not have any feelings about it. I DO have feelings about it. The jury has p****d me off, period. They did NOT do their "due diligence."

3. Tired of hearing about how the prosecution really didn't have enough evidence. Baloney. They had plenty of evidence. Even George said "One and one add up to two, sir." The prosecution simply had people who did not understand circumstantial evidence. Just b/c no definite cause of death was presented doesn't mean she deserved a NOT GUILTY verdict.

4. SICK of hearing how KC is going to make all this money. Yeah, I suppose there is an audience for her, but I don't understand why. Why would anyone listen to a narcissistic pathological liar? What makes anyone think she's going to tell the truth now? It's stupid. But just as the jury proved, KC will have a certain number of people who will pay attention to her, and THAT is completely disgusting to me.

5. I'm sick of Jane Velez Mitchell. And I'm glad Janie Weintraub is going away. At least for a while...I hope.

6. Actually, I'm sick of just about all of the media. Love her or hate her, Nancy Grace is the only one I can listen to and that's only part of the time. She makes no bones about how she feels.

7. I'm particularly sick of hearing how Baez did such a good job. He's a moron who got lucky. And I can do without Mason as well.

8. I'm also sick of seeing these man-on-the-street interviews where people say they think she's done enough time, and because the jury found her not guilty, then she must be not guilty. Sometimes I'm surprised at how some people who have not kept themselves educated about the case think they know enough to render an answer to some of the questions. If I were asked about something I only knew scant information about, I'd say so.

9. I too, am sick of hearing about where she will go and what will she do when she gets out. I do not care. I plan to boycott any and all interviews, articles, books, any and everything associated with KC, her lawyers, and the jurors.

That's all I can come up with for now.
I have watched this case for 3 years, read every document, discussed and debated it on here to get the FACTS straight, watched every hearing, every minute of jury selection and trial so I do think I know more than those Jurors who spent all of 11 HOURS considering the evidence . The least they could have done for Caylee was take their time.
1) Anything that comes out of Judge Larry Seidlin's mouth.

2) Anything that comes out of Cheney Mason's mouth.

3) That CA won't be prosecuted for perjury as though she's somehow entitled to lie under oath in order to save the MODSNIP she created.
I'm sick of hearing that Jeff Ashton blew the case by laughing behind his hand at Baez's over-emoted crescendo during closing.

The fact is that the jury was a captive audience for weeks, directly facing the stage, er, I mean defense table, taking in the show:

  • Mason and Baez continually expressing disdain and ridicule through their words, expressions, postures, and gestures.

  • Casey's trout-pout mask and tears-on-cue from her toddler chair.

  • Sims's exaggerated shows of concern, and her gestures and expressions of comfort toward the poor little vulnerable, abused defendant the State of Florida had RAILROADED with their UNLIMITED RESOURCES and was maliciously trying to KILL ... with the help of Nancy Grace, the 'Idiot Bloggers,' and the Evil Media.

I'm sick of hearing, "I don't know what happened but I think George was involved."

Exactly! We had sleuthed that possibility as well as Lee or Cindy being involved right out of the gate. Fact is, after listening to the July 24th interview GA had with police, there is no way he was involved. Why would he give LE so much info knowing it could ultimately lead straight back to him? Do we think he wanted LE to know Caylee was dead, or do we think that, if he put Caylee in the trunk, that he would want LE to examine the trunk further? That would be stupid of him, to say the least. It would also mean he was actively framing KC, and that is not what the defense postulated.
I would rather stick needles in my eyeballs than listen to Judge Seidlin, Weintraub or Kenney Baden EVER again! Could their voices be more irritating- is it possible? :sick:

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