What are you sick of hearing since the verdict has been announced regarding Casey?

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Also sick of hearing about JB and his brilliance. Puh-lease. All he had to do was type in www.websleuths.com and look at the verified lawyers thread, a couple of clicks...and he would stumble upon AZlawyer's suggestion that the defense may go with an accident with buckwild family background theory. A little tweaking (to switcheroo CA for GA as the villain, since CA is JB's rosebud) and voila! He turns AZlawyer's idea into his own.
I'm sick of several things.

1. Seeing KC on tv flirting with Baez and anyone else who pays attention to her. Raising her eyebrows 8 times a minute and smiling, trying to maintain herself as the "life of the party."

2. Hearing everyone talk about that's how the justice system works. I know that already. It doesn't mean I have to just shrug my shoulders like nothing is wrong and not have any feelings about it. I DO have feelings about it. The jury has p****d me off, period. They did NOT do their "due diligence."

3. Tired of hearing about how the prosecution really didn't have enough evidence. Baloney. They had plenty of evidence. Even George said "One and one add up to two, sir." The prosecution simply had people who did not understand circumstantial evidence. Just b/c no definite cause of death was presented doesn't mean she deserved a NOT GUILTY verdict.

4. SICK of hearing how KC is going to make all this money. Yeah, I suppose there is an audience for her, but I don't understand why. Why would anyone listen to a narcissistic pathological liar? What makes anyone think she's going to tell the truth now? It's stupid. But just as the jury proved, KC will have a certain number of people who will pay attention to her, and THAT is completely disgusting to me.

5. I'm sick of Jane Velez Mitchell. And I'm glad Janie Weintraub is going away. At least for a while...I hope.

6. Actually, I'm sick of just about all of the media. Love her or hate her, Nancy Grace is the only one I can listen to and that's only part of the time. She makes no bones about how she feels.

7. I'm particularly sick of hearing how Baez did such a good job. He's a moron who got lucky. And I can do without Mason as well.

8. I'm also sick of seeing these man-on-the-street interviews where people say they think she's done enough time, and because the jury found her not guilty, then she must be not guilty. Sometimes I'm surprised at how some people who have not kept themselves educated about the case think they know enough to render an answer to some of the questions. If I were asked about something I only knew scant information about, I'd say so.

9. I too, am sick of hearing about where she will go and what will she do when she gets out. I do not care. I plan to boycott any and all interviews, articles, books, any and everything associated with KC, her lawyers, and the jurors.

That's all I can come up with for now.


I wonder if RH will now start calling him a lucky Moron?
I'm sick of illogical people making illogical choices and then trying to make it sound logical. I feel like I woke up with the world turned upside down. Maybe there is some truth to global warming and it's frying the Florida brains first. (sorry Fla ws'ers)

When I went to nursing school common sense was a prerequisite, but now, God help us all.
I would rather stick needles in my eyeballs than listen to Judge Seidlin, Weintraub or Kenney Baden EVER again! Could their voices be more irritating- is it possible? :sick:

When you do, please don't seek medical care in Pinellas County.
Pretty much sick of all the above. But more than anything, I am sick of seeing her happy little devious face..Especially the way , on the day of her sentencing, with her hair down, and touching people, all snuggled up to baez, and batting those eyelashes, and wiggling that finger...makes me want to throw up...All the smug laughing shots of her, outside the jury's presence, and all so serious when they are around... just sick.
I do not have many posts to my name but I am not a "newbie" here. I have lurked and felt a part of this website since nearly the first time I saw a news story about Caylee Anthony being reported missing after all that time. I've read the reports released due to the Sunshine Law and read the discussions here because this forum had intelligent people and excellent moderators.

Now, to answer the question on this thread (except for the substitution of the word "sick") I am tired of hearing that Casey Anthony killed Caylee and that everyone knows it but that jury. I'm tired of hearing one ratings crazed television personality after another viciously shouting hateful assumptions about the persons on the jury. I'm tired of hearing that the jury didn't understand the meaning of reasonable doubt. I would have voted exactly the same way that they did.

I do not have many posts to my name but I am not a "newbie" here. I have lurked and felt a part of this website since nearly the first time I saw a news story about Caylee Anthony being reported missing after all that time. I've read the reports released due to the Sunshine Law and read the discussions here because this forum had intelligent people and excellent moderators.

Now, to answer the question on this thread (except for the substitution of the word "sick") I am tired of hearing that Casey Anthony killed Caylee and that everyone knows it but that jury. I'm tired of hearing one ratings crazed television personality after another viciously shouting hateful assumptions about the persons on the jury. I'm tired of hearing that the jury didn't understand the meaning of reasonable doubt. And I'm tired of hearing (so far, except perhaps Mr. Baez and Mr. Mason) that no one killed that precious child, a jury listened to the evidence and followed the law and found Ms. Anthony not guilty of her child's death.


so who killed Caylee Marie Anthony?
(Bold by me)
Yes, I understood the post you quoted.

I was asking what the acronym KC stands for. The I(nmate)CA was explained. I figured out who they both stood for early on, just not what the letters mean.
I am tired of hearing excuses for the jury - they didn't take the time to understand their job!! No questions at all!! They failed the system and most of all, Caylee, in my opinion period!!!
I am SICK of hearing how much the jury liked Jose Baez.

Kinda tells ya something about those 17 folks...

MOO - please and thanks.

Yes, I understood the post you quoted.

I was asking what the acronym KC stands for. The I(nmate)CA was explained. I figured out who they both stood for early on, just not what the letters mean.

Say it out loud. K..C
Yes, I understood the post you quoted.

I was asking what the acronym KC stands for. The I(nmate)CA was explained. I figured out who they both stood for early on, just not what the letters mean.

I still go with KC because that was used here in the beginning and I got used to it-Then, one day, one of our posters began to refer to her as Inmate Casey Anthony and it sparked the new acronym henceforth. In the beginning, of course, KC was not an inmate.
I'm sick of "BOMBSHELL tonight..." "BREAKING NEWS..." "Tot Mom, Casey Anthony..." I'm sick of 48 min worth of commercials and only 1 or 2 minutes per segment of actual commentary. I can no longer waste my time with that drivel.

I'm sick of Vinnie P. yelling. I'm sick of seeing any of the Anthony's on my screen.

Waste of time...huge waste of time.

I stopped watching all of it. The trial is over. The rest of it is soy filler and recycled beans. No thanks.
All of the above and some of the below.

So good to have a place to come where everyone "gets it" and I don't have to get stressed out by ridiculous opinions.
I am SICK of hearing how much the jury liked Jose Baez.

Kinda tells ya something about those 17 folks...

MOO - please and thanks.


Yes, when I heard the juror say that, I thought that pretty much explained everything.
Yes, I understood the post you quoted.

I was asking what the acronym KC stands for. The I(nmate)CA was explained. I figured out who they both stood for early on, just not what the letters mean.

Because it sounds like Casey. K...C. KC.
I'm sick of what's NOT being said by the media

That the jury was wrong not to go for a lesser charge

That the DT was unethical

That's Casey is not a celebrity (no I don't give a rats behind what's she wearing, how her hair looks! Where she will go

No one has the guts to call a spade a spade. This verdict is an outrage and we have the right to be outraged and express it in a nonviolent manner

I'm sick of of the THs ignoring the elephant in the room. The jury was careless and lazy. In a high profile case it is their duty to take care to listen to the evidence and weigh it carefully. The nations faith I'm the judicial system was in their hands

No one has rebutted the jury statements to their face that how they came to their conclusion did not follow the law

That prior to day 31 the anthonys were no more dysfunctional than half of american families. It is not ok to accuse someone of crimes they haven't been charged for. Ie GA and RK

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