What did Sheri know? (divorce, life ins., etc.)

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I wonder about that myself. I also wonder if TL is gonna stand by her man or if she has moved on? Definetly will be interesting to see/hear about her testifying in court. BTW, since she lives out of state who pays for her hotel and flight to STL for trial?
Taxpayers??? I'm surprised there hasn't been any news stories on her. Will the trial be televised?
IIRC, she cooperated with investigators as soon as she learned about the murders. IMO she'll be another Amber Frey and is laying low so she doesn't end up in the spotlight like Amber did.
My gut says no the trial will not be televised.

Kimster~ I sure hope you are right about TL, the least she could do is cooperate and take the high road like Amber Frey. My gut on this one says she is not fully cooperating and that she thinks he will get off and they will live happily ever after (JMO). The whole lost her mom's cell phone at Sea World makes me think she has not been fully cooperative. Time will tell
IIRC, she cooperated with investigators as soon as she learned about the murders. IMO she'll be another Amber Frey and is laying low so she doesn't end up in the spotlight like Amber did.

I'd bet the farm her "cooperation" was about saving her own skin, since her actions were pretty well damnable as a possible accomplice.

I truly felt compassion for Amber Frey, who DID NOT KNOW SCOTT WAS MARRIED. She had even taken great care with both her friend who 'introduced' them AND with Scott to be SURE that he was not married. She was lied to by a master at deceit.

Its pretty clear that we cannot say the same about TL. In fact, she maintained a 'front' as a FRIEND to the very woman whose husband she was actively stealing, the man she was sleeping with, traveling with, and making plans to wed and live a life with. We, the public, have no way of knowing for sure that she did NOT know the extent of his plans to eliminate HER competition for his time, attention, and money. This 'pro' is no Amber Frey. If she does testify against Chris, I believe it will be because she HAS to.

ETA: Sorry to sound so harsh, but I am just trying to honor Sheri, Garrett, and Gavin's memory, since they have no voice left of their own. I hope TL and Chris hear their INNOCENT voices every minute of every hour of every day as long as they continue to draw breath.
You guys make some good points. No, she is not Amber Frey because she certainly did know all about Sheri. I still hope she is going to do the right thing in the long run. :sigh:
You guys make some good points. No, she is not Amber Frey because she certainly did know all about Sheri. I still hope she is going to do the right thing in the long run. :sigh:

Me too, Kimster. And maybe her demeanor in testimony will reveal a tad bit about whether she feels remorse or not. I reserve the right to be somewhat forgiving if she shows this has affected her to the core and that she has used the experience to turn her life around and develop higher priorities.


Being that Dr. Baden set the time of death at 11:00pm to midnight the night before,

AND being that we know Chris had previously used his own phone to have TL listen in on conversation between himself and Sheri,

(here comes the question) does anyone know what time the phone records show he was on the phone with TL in the hours preceding the discovery of Sheri, Gavin, And Garrett's murdered bodies?

Is it at all possible that he had TL listen to the actual murder of Sheri?
Hi Bluenotes, just a quick question. For some reason it seems that I recall there being something said to the effect that one of the boys had said that they weren't going to Florida now (at the time). Does anyone else remember something along those lines? Just thinking that if that indeed is true, something must have happened to cause them to cancel the plans.

If Sheri had become concerned for her safety, she just might have felt that Orlando would present too much opportunity for harm to come to her. Back when we had to live 'incognito' for about 6 months due to a serious death threat, we were always VERY aware that we could easily be shot at any gas pump or convenience store as part of what would then appear to be a random robbery. We became hypervigilant until our mentally ill assailant was convicted and therefore 'on the radar screen'.

Sheri might also have come to feel that the kids gave her a degree of protection; that surely Chris would not harm his own kids or harm her with them present. In Orlando, she would have been in "enemy territory" so to speak, where there might be more people involved in a plot to kill her and where she could be separated from the boys more easily. AND she knew about the crazy "religious fanatic" threats and may have come to suspect they were part of a more devious plan, so just felt safer staying at home.

Maybe Sheri preempting the Orlando plans caused Chris to be more impulsive and enraged and he had to veer off the other plan, causing him to make many mistakes. Unfortunately, I think his angst, urgency, and rage were being constantly fueled by an 'outside' source, TL.

My husband, bless his heart, calls this scenario "dick for brains". :truce:

Is it known who was murdered first, Sheri or the kids?

Being that Dr. Baden set the time of death at 11:00pm to midnight the night before,

AND being that we know Chris had previously used his own phone to have TL listen in on conversation between himself and Sheri,

(here comes the question) does anyone know what time the phone records show he was on the phone with TL in the hours preceding the discovery of Sheri, Gavin, And Garrett's murdered bodies?

Is it at all possible that he had TL listen to the actual murder of Sheri?

I just went back and reread the motion filed Dec. 7, 2010. In the account of law enforcement's questioning of TL, she says she had 'listened in by phone' on conversations between Chris and Sheri about 'two handfuls of times'. I am guessing that means about 8-10 times? That is quite alot. I wonder if Sheri was AWARE of this? It would be easy to set up so that she was NOT aware of it.

After rereading the motion, I am going to back off a wee bit. It is possible that it was Chris insisting to TL that his marriage was over and maybe TL was skeptical of it, given the kind of men she was used to being around in her 'line of work'. Maybe Chris having her eavesdrop on conversations so many times (probably while he was being nasty and mean to Sheri) was his way of proving to her that it was over with his wife.

Too bad he didn't figure a way out of his situation without resorting to murder. Does anyone know if his morning trips to the gym also involved taking supplements that might have been "roid ragers"?

It is soooo disturbing that he also killed his own sons.
OneLove, you make some amazing points!

IMO, TL does not deserve any liencency just yet. She needs to stand up and do the right thing before I can give her any sort of credit. The fact that she listened to those conversations between Chris and Sheri shows that she in a way took pleasure in Sheri's pain. I cannot imagine listening to a complete stranger tell their spouse their marriage was over, let alone someone who I at one point in my life considered a friend. I think it shows on selfish of a person TL was.

I am not sure I could handle knowing if TL was listening in while Chris killed Sheri. I tend to think not because I think I remember her telling police she did not know they were dead until police contacted her. Wait....or did Chris call her and tell her? I'm confusing myself!

Roid rage would be quite possible, but he looked a lot smaller at the time of the murders, then he did in those family photos that appear to be taken a few years earlier.
Me too, Kimster. And maybe her demeanor in testimony will reveal a tad bit about whether she feels remorse or not. I reserve the right to be somewhat forgiving if she shows this has affected her to the core and that she has used the experience to turn her life around and develop higher priorities.

I sure hope you are right. If I were her I would feel so much guilt and feel like such a . I would be so worried about what my family and friends thought of me, and everyone else in the world. I just hope she is truly not the selfish person she was come off to be through all of this.

One thing I would really like to know is what she thought about marrying Chris and instantly becoming a stepmom?? Somewhere in her mind she had to play out the possibility of weekends or holidays with Garett and Gavin, what did she think about that? How did she feel about them, about Sheri's boys? Was she willing to welcome them with open arms?
I sure hope you are right. If I were her I would feel so much guilt and feel like such a . I would be so worried about what my family and friends thought of me, and everyone else in the world. I just hope she is truly not the selfish person she was come off to be through all of this.

One thing I would really like to know is what she thought about marrying Chris and instantly becoming a stepmom?? Somewhere in her mind she had to play out the possibility of weekends or holidays with Garett and Gavin, what did she think about that? How did she feel about them, about Sheri's boys? Was she willing to welcome them with open arms?

Don't know TL personally, but I HAVE known women who worked hard at getting a man to marry them and then considered the kids a competitive challenge with the mother and exwife.

I am just guessing, but I would guess that most women who have chosen to work in the industry in which TL worked would NOT consider instant, demanding, money-siphoning children to be part of the 'fantasy' they want to live. Well, unless TL, for whatever reason, felt VERY competitive with Sheri and just wanted to 'stick it to her' by using the kids. It is, unfortunately, done way too often.

And you are right, I am NOT cutting her ANY slack until or unless we have more information that shows she MERITS it. ! :crazy:
Is it known who was murdered first, Sheri or the kids?

As far as I know, they have never releases any information regarding this. Does anyone remember anything about the possibility of Garett's body being moved?
Hi All,

This site has an article with some information on finding the bodies and their estates.

It seems there was something we read that gave more information on the bodies, which gave some clues about who might have been the last to have their life taken.

Does anyone know if the autopsy reports were published?

Sheri's body was locked and rigid, according to the one report. Garett's body was cold and stiff. Gavin's body, according to the above noted article wasn't touched by the investigator at the time because it was believed there was evidence on the body.

I'm not sure why, but for some reason I am thinking the evidence was the ligature. There were ligature marks on all three, but for some reason I am remembering a ligature left with one -- I might be wrong. IF the ligature was left with Gavin's body, he was the last to be taken, I might guess.

My guess is that CC took Sheri's life first. If she had gotten even a hint that he was touching her boys, the jerk would have had a raging mother to deal with. He was a coward, he didn't want to deal with that, so he probably took Sheri first. Of course, I can be corrected (not about him being a coward, however).

Perhaps we can dig around and get updated on some of what we learned earlier, but this is where it gets painful again.

In this thread, [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3777929&postcount=67"]GolferChick[/ame] wrote up some comments evidently made by CC's mom. This mentioned Sheri having a broken jaw, black eyes, scratches... I don't know if that has been confirmed, but it seems that it could be consistent when considered with some of what Sheri's friends have mentioned. They mentioned CC possibly beating on Sheri, i.e. Sheri having some injuries that appeared that way while she was still alive and before the murder.

It certainly seems that we read something which described details that could help us determine who was taken first, these were like autopsy type findings. Anyone remember or have a link to something?

In the meanwhile...in the other thread we read about how CC didn't want his "nasty" stuff brought into court (videos with his sex chick or his sex part). No, he doesn't want that seen, but it is going to be okay for him to keep this up with confessing and the whole world will have to see the strangled bodies of three innocents in living color in that courtroom.

I've been re-reading all these old threads in preparation for the trial.

Thanks to all of you for all the useful information. I've been trying to imagine how Coleman could justify this crime to himself in light of his Christianity and that of his family.

But then I read the posting that quoted Sheri's disgust after visiting her in-laws. The other son had a new wife and they all were gleefully trashing Wife No1.

In another post, Sheri's friend was told by Sheri that her in-laws never accepted her, because she was pregnant at the time of marriage, thinking she trapped Chris.

The light bulb went off. Coleman knew his Dog Track temptress would be accepted by his family....with no "religious" complications. This is what he meant by telling Sheri she was keeping him from God's destiny...Tara.

After 10 years, Tara was the wife he SHOULD have had...her children-to-be the children he wanted. His family had no doubt told hm for years he was "trapped."

And if he could just keep his job,the Family, in however they define their faith, would love Tara as he did.

This also explains the writing on the walls.."PUNISHED!" Sheri and the boys deserved to be punished. They were keeping him from God's will.

Coleman was the Holy Victim. His family already saw it that way.

He was going to destroy the sinners keeping him from God's real wife for him..Tara.

This is also why he does not confess. He feels he is righteous.

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