What did we learn today 7-03-2011?

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What did we lean today 7-03-2011

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I learned that being a "*advertiser censored*" is a defense for 1st. degree murder.

I learned that Jeffrey Hopkin's mom did not give Baez any wedding pictures to include on his board.
I guess I learned that people are easily swayed by a flim flam man who spouts fallacious arguments that people give credence to, in spite of good solid evidence to the contrary. I learned that the defense can lie with impunity while the true nature of a story will be hidden from a jury, that the defense can wheedle, insinuate and bluster for hours in the hope that something will stick someway or anyway. I learned that justice is only for the defendant and not for the victim and I think this trial opened our eyes to the medias manipulation with money and ratings.

I will never watch another trial after this I am done, I have never been so disgusted with the so called justice system in this country, if this is the best in the world I hate to think what the rest have to put up with.

It is the best in the world if you are the defendant. If you are the victim then maybe not. If a person is ever falsely accused of a crime then it may serve them well. If you are a guilty person then you will benefit from the safeguards set up to protect the innocent.
Something huge conected with me today during Jeff's closing. He said that on the 16th Casey told her dad her & Caylee would be spending the night at Zanny's.
She knew she was going to be with Tony that night without Caylee. Sounds like premeditation to me.
Another thing that hit me was when they put that Casey's imaginary friends board up.
Her first imaginary friend was Zanny when Caylee was around 6 months. The others were added up until she was caught. Could she have been planning this since Caylee was 6 months old? Makes me wonder...

BBM: Good catch, com n sense!

Even if she wasn't planning to kill Caylee that whole time, it was something about becoming a mom, that triggered these big lies. Don't ya think?

I don't know, maybe it was just that particular batch of made up people. Cindy didn't seem surprised by this, as a matter of fact she seemed to be the first that suggested Zanny wasn't real. "Zanny is whoever is watching Caylee." Then she thought it might be Amy or Jesse."

In any case, again, good catch. That's something to think about!
I was tuning out JB because he was going on and on and seemed to be saying the same thing over and over (as usual). Then I noticed that he was getting himself all worked up talking about GA and I started tuning back in and I was wondering "what the heck?" He was spinning. I myself started to laugh. All I can say it's a good thing I wasn't in the courtroom. I would have been in contempt and in handcuffs. JB was funny, I'm sorry.
It is the best in the world if you are the defendant. If you are the victim then maybe not. If a person is ever falsely accused of a crime then it may serve them well. If you are a guilty person then you will benefit from the safeguards set up to protect the innocent.

Well said, sappysoul. It is also the best because of what we're all doing here. Closely following this trial. You will not be tried in secret here. We have the right to see our justice system in action.

If they had never brought Casey to trial, would we be outraged? Yes. Why? Because we saw all the evidence they were gathering, via the Sunshine Laws. Again, more laws to keep those with power honest.

You know, of course it's not perfect, but I don't have a problem saying it's the best!
According to JB CA and LA are liars and lied in court. He stated they "fell on their swords for KC", but not GA? That was unbelieveable to me. Unbelievable. Flat out calling them liars and IMO letting the jury know that they deliberately lied for KC to try to save her hide, but that GA would not go along with the "game." JMO
Why are people saying that Baez mistakenly said the body was in the trunk. Does anyone understand why because I don't remember that.

What he said was that the only reason the car was important was because it may or may not have been used to transport Caylee, but it told us nothing about how she died.

I am not sure if it was a mistake, but I think it was the first time he has acknowledged that there was even a chance there was a "dead body in the d*mn car". And like I said, ALL cars may or may not have been used to transport Caylee.
According to JB CA and LA are liars and lied in court. He stated they "fell on their swords for KC", but not GA? That was unbelieveable to me. Unbelievable. Flat out calling them liars and IMO letting the jury know that they deliberately lied for KC to try to save her hide, but that GA would not go along with the "game." JMO

I thought this was amazing too, and I was also amazed that CM told the jury first that all of these people lied under oath, gave the definition of impeachment, explained how every person we want to believe was eventually impeached, either they changed their story from their deposition (which he emphasized was under oath) or they gave conflicting stories during this trial (which he also emphasized was under oath). Then he shouted at the jury, at least twice, that the JURY has taken an OATH and they need to remember that.

Huh?? So everyone else thinks their oath is not a big deal, but the JURY needs to be the only good girls and boys? This makes no sense at all. He coul have at least used different terminology so it wasn't so obvious.
I learned from JA's closing statements that the laundry bags came in sets of 2.
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