What did we learn today 7-05-2011

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What did we learn today 7-05-2011? - MULTIPLE CHOICE!

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I learned that I lost faith in this world today and I am bewildered by it.

I learned that I do not know what to say to some very good friends about all this.

and most sadly I learned that deep down inside I really believed the good guys would win and I learned how much it hurt when they didn't.

I hope you also learn that your friends will still love you just as much if you never find the right words.....just give them a hug. :rose:
I leaned there is NO liberty and "justice for all". I learned that people are NOT basically good. I learned that our "justice" system is very flawed and I pray to GOD I never have to enter a courtroom.
I learned that I lost faith in this world today and I am bewildered by it.

I learned that I do not know what to say to some very good friends about all this.

and most sadly I learned that deep down inside I really believed the good guys would win and I learned how much it hurt when they didn't.

Tell them that there are many people that love them and appreciate their hard work and dedication. Their efforts will not be in vain. They have shown the rest of us that they are truly special human beings. Give them all a hug for the rest of us.
I agree, Girlrilla - CM came off as a huge <unusual person/feminine hygiene product>.

Isn't he the one that predicted this trial would be a huge circus? Oh, self-fulfilling prophecy man. I think he insulted Caylee's memory today, whereas at least JB reminded us that this whole thing was because a little girl was unfairly deceased too soon... :(

Bold mine.

Yes, but he (CM) also said that he and KC would walk out of jail arm and arm. :sick:
I learned that the jurors had all television cut off due to advertising on some stations that included the forbidden stations. Karen Levey said it when addressing the media (in the room they set up for the jurors to meet the media in...only they apparently felt the need to remain anonymous). Did that make them want to get out of there more quickly? Boredom is never a good thing. I also learned that they must have been talking about the case amongst themselves. How else would the alternate that spoke to HLN know what the general feeling of the jurors was (that George was not believable and they felt he was involved).
I spoke about this case to my sister, who is an attorney, and she thought that it was slam dunk 1st Degree Murder. Why -- the 31 days, the chloroform searches, the smell in the trunk (she believes the cadaver dogs, BTW). She stated that after KC began doing her searches, given the availability of the chemicals in her house, the stage had been set for a murder to take place. She mentions that this precludes 2nd degree murder, which I favored - because I thought it was a rage killing.

But, IMHO, the Judge was so worried about the case being sent back on appeal that he let Jose Baez do all sorts of things he should have been sanctioned for. And, lets not forget that JP and CM are friends.

So, the jury - stupid though they were - were distracted by DT's antics and they decide not guilty.

<Also - let's not forget a real, true fact -- KC is an attractive (pretty) white, young woman, she's not a black woman, a black male, nor an older middle-aged worse-for-the-wear woman. That influenced their decision ... really>
I also blame the judge for pushing to get this trial over and done with so fast. Well Judge P, it is over, what do u think of yourself now?

I also learned that if the judge is constantly downing you, and cutting you off, you are probably not on his team. I liked HHJP, but why was he always so demeaning towards Jeff A.? Could that have had some influence on the jury, as in, "Gee, even the judge doesn't like the state's attorney"?
WHAT DID I LEARN TODAY??? That Geraldo is even crazier than I initially thought.
I spoke about this case to my sister, who is an attorney, and she thought that it was slam dunk 1st Degree Murder. Why -- the 31 days, the chloroform searches, the smell in the trunk (she believes the cadaver dogs, BTW). She stated that after KC began doing her searches, given the availability of the chemicals in her house, the stage had been set for a murder to take place. She mentions that this precludes 2nd degree murder, which I favored - because I thought it was a rage killing.

But, IMHO, the Judge was so worried about the case being sent back on appeal that he let Jose Baez do all sorts of things he should have been sanctioned for. And, lets not forget that JP and CM are friends.

So, the jury - stupid though they were - were distracted by DT's antics and they decide not guilty.

<Also - let's not forget a real, true fact -- KC is an attractive (pretty) white, young woman, she's not a black woman, a black male, nor an older middle-aged worse-for-the-wear woman. That influenced their decision ... really>


Dollars to donuts that if this was a black woman or man they'd be sitting on death row next week. JMO
Fox News says that they over-charged on the case. They should have gone more for aggravated assault or manslaughter charges during trial.

That the WS server can't handle the load of thousands of irate and heartbroken members all trying to log on to vent.

Seriously, I have been trying for well over 8 hours and haven't been able to post or even "Thank" posts. :maddening:
I learned that the defense smoke and mirror job was just enough to baffle 12 Floridian mouth breathers into completely throwing logic out of the window when deciding this case. Mr. Baez I called you a hack and still believe it to be true but I concede to you that even in your limited intelligence you were victorious. I guess the adage of " No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public" holds true today.
This jury made its verdict by applying the law to the evidence presented in court. How anyone could see a failure in the court system should step back and be thankful for what happened today. A young woman was found not guilty of three criminal charges that could punish her by sentencing her with the death penalty. The death penalty. The prosecution had all the advantages; great lawyers, the sunshine law, two grandparents who made a sorry spectacle of themselves, a defendant who made nearly every bad choice a human being could make in her short life, and a little girl, a victim that everyone instantly identified with. But, and this is part that makes me thankful for our justice system, the evidence against Casey Anthony contained huge holes (the 84 searches for chloroform that didn't exist, the duct tape that actually wasn't proven to be firmly attached across the mouth of Caylee's little skull as we were lead to believe, and the heart sticker which really wasn't there)and the jury saw that and gave their verdict based upon the evidence, or lack of it, as presented in the court room. I think people should be thankful that an accusation or a crime has to be proven in a court room, before a judge and jury, before a human being can be imprisioned and given the death penalty.

We will never know what happened to Caylee Marie Anthony. But is it so impossible to consider that Caylee's death was an accident? And that Casey is not only innocent but grieves for her daughter in the only way she knows how? And, who are we-really-to keep on judging her? She has been found not guilty in a court of law. She can remember Caylee all her life but she is allowed to live her life, too.
I hope the IRS will grab her before she has a chance to make one red cent, and they put her back in jail for it.

Exactly, the IRS, Law Enforcement the Civil Lawsuit - which I hope Zenaida gets millions.....I say good luck with all that, ICA!!
I learned today that I WOULD HAVE HUNG THE JURY! And everyone was worried about #4!!!!
I learned I probably shouldn't post 'polls' on Websleuths.
Once again...if it was an accident it can still be a crime!! A lady was sentenced this week for her som drowning in the tub cause she was on facebook. An accident is no excuse for dumping your kid. If it is an accident you calm the police if you truly love your child and/or you aren't crazy. If you are crazy enough to duct tape your child, lie, party, and lie some more then you need to be in a psycho ward. When did pathiological lying become the norm? It's not. People like that have a problem.
I learned it takes the IQ of yarn to get on a jury in Orlando.
I learned I am so disgusted and imagining a murderer laying in her cell tonight with a big smile on her face is keeping me from much needed sleep......disgusted!
We learned that by making outrageous, unsubstantiated accusations of sexual abuse, that a KNOWN pathological, sociopathic liar can get away with murder.

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