What did we learn today 7-05-2011

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What did we learn today 7-05-2011? - MULTIPLE CHOICE!

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I learned if you can outwit, outsmart & lie, you can murder a child & sadly under current laws have 3 years to master that in. I have also learned if you lie on the stand under oath, you most likely won't be charged with perjury. What a shame.

People use to live to be known as good & respected, now it's popular to be bad because you will win? Something isn't right or I'm not.
I learned that the only thing that gives me comfort just now, is to know that God is still God; He is in control; those involved in this travesty of justice, from Casey down to the people who enabled her and those who were not willing to do what it takes to stop her now, will be dealt with by a Judge who sees all, knows all, and cannot be swayed from eternal justice.

Snipped by me....

Thank you so much for this! If ever I needed this it is right now!
Today I learned that I have wasted huge chunks of the last several months of my life.

I learned that I was deluding myself to think I had any part in justice for Caylee.

I learned that my priorities were sorely out of order; that it was a mistake to spend time on a problem I had no power to solve, that I should have been spending on my own family. All I did is sit here and somehow feel like I was part of something important, while neglecting my own duties.

I will never again be part of a case like this, unless there is something I can truly [help with], such as search for a missing child, or fight to pass laws which could rewrite our justice system.

I learned that I am done with any part of following true crime...it is not healthy for me to care so much.

The spectacle has ended.

When the sun rises tomorrow, nothing will remain here except the bare ground as it was before, altered only by the trampling of thousands who mistook the criminal justice system for entertainment, who despaired when their own judgment of another person squared poorly with that of twelve people entrusted to render the only judgment that ever mattered.

I have learned that it is far better to invest my time with the concerns of my own family instead of speculating about the concerns of another family who I do not know, within whose shoes I have never walked, and whose lives I have pretended to understand.

The rights of the accused have been defended by the system our Constitution insists upon through a fair trial observed by more eyes and ears than our forefathers could have ever imagined. Because our system of justice is more transparent than most, its flaws appear even more glaring to the questioning eye. Few nations in the past or present allow such latitude to find fault, lest those who criticize be condemned themselves.

If the jurors in this case think Casey was falsely accused, I prefer to abide by their judgment rather than stone her from the gallery for a crime she has been absolved of. To do otherwise only shames myself.

Casey Anthony has been found innocent by a system of justice that is, at the end of the day, the same quality as the society that supports its foundation.

Given a second chance at life, I sincerely hope that she will use it wisely.
I learned that many many people, including 12 people in Florida, don't understand the concept of reasonable doubt. I learned that you must have a video of the murder being committed and a taped confession as evidence or you will be set free.
That Sherriff Beary was in Kabul. There is a world beyond the tiny speck of a human being that is Casey Anthony, and I hope we shun her enough that she gets that message loud and clear.
That late night hosts jokes about the case aren't funny because they remind me of a little

girl that should be tucked in her bed tonight sleeping soundly with not a care in the world.
I learned that I can be so SURE of something that I take for granted that it will be so . . . and then have my confidence turned inside out and upside down.

I learned that I am, indeed, still living in the world of consensual reality that I woke up to earlier today. It just didn't seem like it for a while.

I learned that Justice for Caylee will have to take on a completely different (and hopefully, much more powerful and far reaching) MEANING than a murder one conviction for the woman who murdered her.

I learned that my faith is all abiding, that there is, has been, and will be justice for Caylee Marie. And I'll add in the others who appear to have not received worldly justice for their crimes.

I learned I do not need 12 jurors from some county in Florida to dictate my convictions. I learned I do not need the US Justice system to dictate my convictions, either. Casey is responsible for that child's death, period. The majority of the world knows this, and in this life, that's going to be good enough.

Casey cannot ever go "free". Though she'll feel no guilt or regret (except for getting busted), or suffer PERSONALLY the loss of her daughter, she is now a living pariah.

The court of public opinion will triumph over the limited justice system. I sincerely do not wish Casey Anthony to come to harm. In fact, I hope she suddenly is inflicted with a conscience. But I do personally condemn anyone who feels entitled to harm her in any way. As much as I'd like to snatch her bald headed, what "goes around comes around" will be sufficient.
I swear to God I seriously feel like vomiting right now. I guess Orlando is the LA of the east coast. How can anyone look at the evidence and not find her guilty of at least the smallest charge related to Caylee's death.

The most disgusting thing I've heard in a long time is JB saying this day was justice for KC AND CAYLEE!!

There are no emus in this poll because they are used for humorous levity and I don't feel that at all about this trial in any way shape or form anymore.

I'm astounded and it's gonna be a long, long, long time before I'm over this!!!!

Because the prosecution did not include some other charges that perhaps the jury could have found her guilty on beyond a reasonable doubt. All they included were charges where she had to have harmed Caylee. Isn't it a crime to dispose a child in the manner that she did? To much confidence that a jury would convict on what is basically theory. I actually think had she been found guilty the judge may have had to toss out the verdict. Did anyone notice his last words to the jury? They have to follow the law even if they do not like it.
Pretty obvious it seems to me that even the judge knew they did not meet the burden of proof.

How about when the prosecution said that (after this text from the BF that he was coming over to her house)the motive for killing Caylee was she wanted her BF to be able to come to the house. What did the judge say?

He seemed to be in shock when he asked THAT IS YOUR THEORY ON MOTIVE?
and they said yes and he said well and intelligent person might ask if she was going to kill her parents too.

Because after all, Caylee was not preventing the BF from coming to the Anthony home.

Like it or not this is America and thank god in this country even with shows like NG that twist and convict, a person is assumed innocent till proven guilty.
And I submit that in this case that was NOT TRUE. Casey Anthony because of the media was thought of as guilty and I would bet at least a couple jurors did know lots about the case. It is so simple even if they think she did it and are 95% sure she did, they had to say not guilty on the small chance that this was a tragic accident.

Also the prosecution spent way to much time painting CMA in a bad light. They spent way to much effort keeping out and keeping the defense experts from giving cohesive testimony. Objection, Objection, Objection, this is not an expert, and it made it seem as if they were AFRAID of what the experts would say. It made it seem like they wanted to hide the truth. And I submit that in much of this case they did make an attempt to hide truths. That is a slippery slope. Last of all they pretended they knew way to much. I think they would have been better off presenting the facts, taking the jury to Caylee's resting place and leaving off the narrative about how Casey borrowed the shovel to bury her daughter in her backyard but it was to much work. This super smart girl that Ashton raved over her brains was going to bury her daughter in their backyard? After planning her death for months since she did those searches on the net? Oh and having a computer expert on the Jury I am sure did not help as they may have thought it would. So, this genius Casey Anthony premeditiated the murder of her daughter in order for herself to live a party life but she never considered what she would do with Caylee once she was dead? She was just going to bury her in the yard?
HMMMMMMMMMM, I assume one needs to be out of jail to party right? Same goes with her daughter in her trunk so long. I submit it is just like the prosecution said, she put her daughter out of her mind and in denial pretended Caylee was not dead. The way that works is a person goes in and out of denial.

Someone needs to write down every word this lady said since her daughter went missing. Just the words she used tells that whatever happened she feels was her fault. That some accident took place and she not only felt it was her fault and her family would blame her (mom) but maybe even that she could go to jail for it. Some type of neglect. Just listen to all her words.
From day number one.
I learned that it makes me physically ill when the bad guys win.

And I happened to think that Scott Peterson and David Westerfield are sitting on death row in San Quentin scratching their heads...and that Stacey Barker is thinking, "damn, if I'd have just stuck with my lies to the end of the hallway".
Just watching NG show and hearing that George and Cindy were stonefaced with no reaction, must have been a different Cindy than the one I saw who clearly smiled.
Just watching NG show and hearing that George and Cindy were stonefaced with no reaction, must have been a different Cindy than the one I saw who clearly smiled.
I saw CA smile as well. Not GA though.

I learned that I absolutely can be speechless-at a total loss for words..and I learned Misty Croslin will do a quarter century in jail for a handful of pills, while Casey does no time for the murder of her daughter.
I learned that there are people who are guilty of murder, but who still get away with their crime. I learned that a woman failed to report her child missing for 31 days, all the while partying it up was not held accountable. Even though I am in shock and utter disbelief that ICA will most likely be set free on Thursday, I have to have faith that she will one day be punished by a higher court.
Because the prosecution did not include some other charges that perhaps the jury could have found her guilty on beyond a reasonable doubt. All they included were charges where she had to have harmed Caylee. Isn't it a crime to dispose a child in the manner that she did? To much confidence that a jury would convict on what is basically theory. I actually think had she been found guilty the judge may have had to toss out the verdict. Did anyone notice his last words to the jury? They have to follow the law even if they do not like it.
Pretty obvious it seems to me that even the judge knew they did not meet the burden of proof.

How about when the prosecution said that (after this text from the BF that he was coming over to her house)the motive for killing Caylee was she wanted her BF to be able to come to the house. What did the judge say?

He seemed to be in shock when he asked THAT IS YOUR THEORY ON MOTIVE?
and they said yes and he said well and intelligent person might ask if she was going to kill her parents too.

Because after all, Caylee was not preventing the BF from coming to the Anthony home.

Like it or not this is America and thank god in this country even with shows like NG that twist and convict, a person is assumed innocent till proven guilty.
And I submit that in this case that was NOT TRUE. Casey Anthony because of the media was thought of as guilty and I would bet at least a couple jurors did know lots about the case. It is so simple even if they think she did it and are 95% sure she did, they had to say not guilty on the small chance that this was a tragic accident.

Also the prosecution spent way to much time painting CMA in a bad light. They spent way to much effort keeping out and keeping the defense experts from giving cohesive testimony. Objection, Objection, Objection, this is not an expert, and it made it seem as if they were AFRAID of what the experts would say. It made it seem like they wanted to hide the truth. And I submit that in much of this case they did make an attempt to hide truths. That is a slippery slope. Last of all they pretended they knew way to much. I think they would have been better off presenting the facts, taking the jury to Caylee's resting place and leaving off the narrative about how Casey borrowed the shovel to bury her daughter in her backyard but it was to much work. This super smart girl that Ashton raved over her brains was going to bury her daughter in their backyard? After planning her death for months since she did those searches on the net? Oh and having a computer expert on the Jury I am sure did not help as they may have thought it would. So, this genius Casey Anthony premeditiated the murder of her daughter in order for herself to live a party life but she never considered what she would do with Caylee once she was dead? She was just going to bury her in the yard?
HMMMMMMMMMM, I assume one needs to be out of jail to party right? Same goes with her daughter in her trunk so long. I submit it is just like the prosecution said, she put her daughter out of her mind and in denial pretended Caylee was not dead. The way that works is a person goes in and out of denial.

Someone needs to write down every word this lady said since her daughter went missing. Just the words she used tells that whatever happened she feels was her fault. That some accident took place and she not only felt it was her fault and her family would blame her (mom) but maybe even that she could go to jail for it. Some type of neglect. Just listen to all her words.
From day number one.

You have given us a LOT to think about...many of your points I have thoughtalready, others you have given me new reason to think about. I DO believe the jury had to work with what they had, and I think WE knew a lot more about this case than the jurors did. So many things were kept out of the trial. It doesn't help that so many people lied. Casey will answer to a higher judgement than us someday. I personally believe Caylee drowned, Casey panicked, scared to tell her controlling mother who adored Caylee and would have KILLED Casey- tried to bury her and couldn't, for whatever reason. She put her in her trunk and drove around with her, not having figured out what to do. When the smell became overwhelming, she bagged her up and discarded her. The prosecution did not focus on this, and perhaps if they had, involuntary manslaughter and abuse of a corpse perhaps could have become a guilty verdict. But as of today, it is what it is. Caylee will know we all honored her and tried to obtain justice for her, and she will know her Mommy and grandparent(s) lied. It doesn't stop her light from shining.
Today I learned that I have wasted huge chunks of the last several months of my life.

I learned that I was deluding myself to think I had any part in justice for Caylee. It felt good to sit here and share with fellow human beings, who actually have hearts, and believe that somehow we could make a difference. But alas we didn't make a difference.

In fact today I learned that even the finest prosecution team anyone could hope for, could, for some unexplicable reason, not win against sleaze and corruption.

I learned that there are attorneys and jurors and media figures who care not one whit for the law or truth and integrity.

In fact, I learned the true meaning of "Evil shall be called good, and good shall be called evil."

I learned that my priorities were sorely out of order; that it was a mistake to spend time on a problem I had no power to solve, that I should have been spending on my own family.
God bless Jeff Ashton, Linda Drane Burdick and Frank George, and Yuri Melich too, for working so hard and sacrificing for little Caylee. They are the true heroes in this case. All I did is sit here and somehow feel like I was part of something important, while neglecting my own duties.

I learned that it has become even more important to me than ever before, to teach the little ones under my care, right from wrong, and that lying is unacceptable to me and that I will never cover for them.
Because I learned that a twisted version of "unconditional love" is not love at all, but a license to kill.

I learned that I will never again be part of a case like this, unless there is something I can truly to do help, such as search for a missing child, or fight to pass laws which could rewrite our justice system.

I learned that I am done with any part of following true crime. Although I have "met" some incredibly intelligent and mentally stimulating people here on this forum, that it is not healthy for me to care so much.

I learned that the only thing that gives me comfort just now, is to know that God is still God; He is in control; those involved in this travesty of justice, from Casey down to the people who enabled her and those who were not willing to do what it takes to stop her now, will be dealt with by a Judge who sees all, knows all, and cannot be swayed from eternal justice.

WOW, your post is so powerful. Thank You.
I saw CA smile as well. Not GA though.


Why would George smile? He did just about everything he could to have his child convicted even though she faced death. I submit that what she said to him doing those first days, for ONCE IN YOUR LIFE can you be a father and NOT A COP. Speaks volumes. What parents handle their child this way? I have someone I need arrested for STEALING AN AUTO?? and checks.
I have a list of the people George told himself or his police friend from Ohio told in those first days practically that Casey killed Caylee. Somewhere along the line he later did a complete turn around searching for his live missing grandchild. I am not sure if I believe he molested his daughter but I do think that the way he treated some of his testimony was bizarre. Playing games trying to make Baez look stupid. He was actually successful making Baez look stupid on a few occassions. His daughters lawyer. In a death penalty case. I feel that if CMA is a sociopath she is not the only one in the family.

Something is very wrong. The Genius Casey is the only one who benefit from her daughters death? Um, facing death? Life in prision? Anyway whatever anyone wants to believe there is just to much reasonable doubt it really is that simple. The only thing that suprized me is that the jury found her not guilty and that the judge did not have to step in after the verdict.

Search for the truth? I admit I do not think the defense was they did seek to blame but that came from Casey and I would say would be to be expected. However, the prosecutor I did not and usually do not ever expect to hide the truth. To conceal facts and statements. To after an expert testified that since he could not get a hold of the same doll caylee had to test it as a control for cloroform, he had a coworker bring in one of their kids dolls. That when he tested the doll he found the same or more cloroform than in Caylee's doll. Baez I think was busy doing something else but Ashton jumped right in and said BUT THE DOLL DID HAVE CLOROFORM ON IT CORRECT. - Caylee's doll of course.

This cloroform issue is a red herrring. Her boyfriend had that posting on his website. The guy that was on the jury that had such computer experience thank GOD.

The only possible way I can see that CMA killed Caylee would be IF it is true what the Grunds say about how Casey was subjected to severe emotional and and brutal abuse by her mother.
If it was true that she was molested by her father OR her brother. And if her mother told her they were going to take custody of Caylee and kick her out. Then it becomes a very different situation. It then becomes what is it bella vida? A beautiful life where Caylee was not molested or tormented. Remember the defense had an expert on the stand and it came out that she worked on the Susan Smith case. This expert saying that some young people that are very depressed and have very hard lives can't distinguish or seperate the life their child will have from the life they have been subjected to and feel that in taking the childs life they spare them. But the prosecution did not bring in any of the family issues. The goal was not a search for truth.
The goal was to convict the evil witch CMA.
I learned that I am not as opposed to forced sterilization as I once thought I was.
I learned that there are those who will always make excuses for the inexcusable.
Look the only way we can combat these people is to not buy a book, watch movie or any tv associated with the Anthony's, lawyers or jury. I for one am taking the Thirty dollars or so I would have spent on a book and sending it to the Orange County SA's office to be donated to the cost of this trial or to the Guardian ad Litem program. We have strength in numbers guys lets do something to make this better.

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