What do Burke's interviews tell us?

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How do you go from a fight over a gift to the state she was found in? The Ramseys, including the 10yr od Burke, did not do this. After all this time, testing, theorizing etc. etc. if they did it they'd have been nailed by now. There's a reason why they haven't. They didn't do it. This was a crime so savage it was not done by anyone in the immediate family. The motive is not strong enough by even a long shot. The viciousness of the attack implies a super strong motive and vendetta. The Ramsey's did not have that. The police would have nailed them if they did

1) the "crime so savage" that was full of "viciousness" was a bash to jonbenet's head; the rest was staging/a cover up
2) "super strong motive"? "vendetta"? congrats-- team ramsey was successful in pulling the wool over your eyes. score one for them!!
3) the DA kept key evidence (phone records) from police and blocked any possibility of arrests; i believe ST says he/they would have arrested one of not both adult ramsey's if they could have (someone please correct me if i'm wrong)
4) there is NO EVIDENCE of an intruder !!
How on earth did they keep burke from saying something to others over the years if he remembered anything. He could have re enacted some things while playing video games or other play with friends and blurted out what happened. I should say blurt out again because he pretty much already told investigators how it happened before the autopsy foun d the head injury according to kolar.
How on earth did they keep burke from saying something to others over the years if he remembered anything. He could have re enacted some things while playing video games or other play with friends and blurted out what happened. I should say blurt out again because he pretty much already told investigators how it happened before the autopsy foun d the head injury according to kolar.

So was it a guess on Burke's part or privileged information?

How on earth did they keep burke from saying something to others over the years if he remembered anything. He could have re enacted some things while playing video games or other play with friends and blurted out what happened. I should say blurt out again because he pretty much already told investigators how it happened before the autopsy foun d the head injury according to kolar.

How do you know he didn't?

Plus, according to the book, he was already talking about it with Doug that morning at the other house....
How on earth did they keep burke from saying something to others over the years if he remembered anything. He could have re enacted some things while playing video games or other play with friends and blurted out what happened. I should say blurt out again because he pretty much already told investigators how it happened before the autopsy foun d the head injury according to kolar.

They might have been confident enough in his temperament or personality that he wouldn't do that.

Then in just general kid terms - I am pretty sure if my 9yo is in big trouble she won't be telling that story when she goes to Grandma's, when everything else going on will be discussed in the first hour.
How do you know he didn't?

Plus, according to the book, he was already talking about it with Doug that morning at the other house....

It gets weirder and weirder. If this is factually correct and not simple hearsay, then it explains a lot, but not really Susan Stine's vigilante behaviour, impersonating Boulder officials etc?
They might have been confident enough in his temperament or personality that he wouldn't do that.

Then in just general kid terms - I am pretty sure if my 9yo is in big trouble she won't be telling that story when she goes to Grandma's, when everything else going on will be discussed in the first hour.

I agree, kids can, and do keep their mouths shut. Just consider all that clerical abuse, much of it out of time now, but grown adults keep appearing saying they were told the Judas story to keep them quiet.

But if he spoke to DS, you have to wonder what he said. DS will have told his parents, then maybe it was repeated to Patsy and John?

Yes, could be, childrens minds work in ways that make such things huge for them.

The one thing I have largely discounted was a BDI with the location being the basement, now after Kolar's revelations, I reckon its on the table.

Were Burke and JonBenet searching for the gifts they knew existed, but then ended up fighting over?


Pasty said that they had held back some presents for Burke's birthday. It's very likely that they went looking for more presents. John said he had taken presents to the plane on Christmas Eve and I took it as family presents to JAR and MR in Michigan.

Pasty said that she'd opened the presents in the basement because she forgot what was in them.

Could JonBenet of been wearing a pull up under those size 12's ?
People have secrets that are nowhere near as bad as, "I killed my sister" or "My mom killed my sister" yet they still manage to keep them. Also, Burke has been described as being quiet, which probably also helped him to keep his mouth shut.
I don't know why quoting the movie lines in the ransom note necessarily means that makes it more 'juvenile'... After all, those lines were used in those movies by 'adult kidnappers' in scary dramatic kidnap / murder crime movies.... So if someone thinks they need to sound serious like a real kidnapper and doesn't know any better than what they have seen represented to them in scary kidnapping movies, then that person will assume that's what you say as a serious kidnapper....

Especially someone who already has a flare for flash, drama, over the top, and thereby tacky and somewhat silly and immature behavior.

Also need to keep in mind some of the very juvenile and inappropriate or weird statements and beliefs that were noted to be made and believed by Patsy.

Can you fix this for me?

Believing she was cured of her cancer by a direct miracle...

Comparing the importance of Jonbenet's death to Jesus, Christmas salvation
And what have you....

.... And what was that one extremely juvenile statement she made that was noted in testimony? ....I need to go find it.

I mean, anyway.... The person is not meaning to be silly by writing that note.

She said herself "it seemed like a kidnapping to me". ...based on the ransom note, even after her murdered child is found. Not once did she say that it sounded ridiculous, juvenile, obviously staged by some young immature kid, herself.

This from an educated journalism major who wrote a lot and received acting awards...
No, but rather said 'THANK GOD we have a ransom note'...

And did not say herself, 'Look at this ridiculous 'ransom note', obviously this is a fake'.

No, she needed that piece of evidence for proof an intruder. Not realizing it gave them away as much as it was meant to deter suspicion away...
"It kind of makes my heart go pitty-pat. I mean right now, I'm feeling like, gosh, this happened to my child."
Patsy Ramsey in the 2001 National Enquier interview.
Yes,the Ransom note sounds juvenile to me,just like Patsy Ramsey.

Here's a link to the rest of that interview.Oh my god,it's full of incredible tidbits.I forgot the R's apparently changed their mind about Burke not being awake.
And this is where they also mention how quiet he is and how he keeps things inside and how they never discussed JonBenet with him but how they're afraid there'll be a "blow out" when Burke turns 40.
Sounds like they were covering for supposedly not knowing their child was really awake and heard alot for when someone like kolar came out with the truth. People who think that way are capable of doing much worse.
"It kind of makes my heart go pitty-pat. I mean right now, I'm feeling like, gosh, this happened to my child."
Patsy Ramsey in the 2001 National Enquier interview.
Yes,the Ransom note sounds juvenile to me,just like Patsy Ramsey.

That's the one - the juvenile-sounding quote by Patsy -- thanks, Claudicici:
Right, so you've got silly things like 'we are a small foreign faction', and movie quotes that are obvious, yet also combined with adult southern, educated, and traditional language: gentlemen, hence, proper burial, southern common sense, etc... a combination of how her mind works and her behavior and personality is -- telling an over the top, detailed story, with silly notions, big and dramatic statements, telltale linguistics and words and ways of speaking that she/they would use often, and only something that would come naturally from her...

Here's a link to the rest of that interview.Oh my god,it's full of incredible tidbits.I forgot the R's apparently changed their mind about Burke not being awake.
And this is where they also mention how quiet he is and how he keeps things inside and how they never discussed JonBenet with him but how they're afraid there'll be a "blow out" when Burke turns 40.

Tells you a lot about his temperament, doesn't it?
That's the one - the juvenile-sounding quote by Patsy -- thanks, Claudicici:
Right, so you've got silly things like 'we are a small foreign faction', and movie quotes that are obvious, yet also combined with adult southern, educated, and traditional language: gentlemen, hence, proper burial, southern common sense, etc... a combination of how her mind works and her behavior and personality is -- telling an over the top, detailed story, with silly notions, big and dramatic statements, telltale linguistics and words and ways of speaking that she/they would use often, and only something that would come naturally from her...

Tells you a lot about his temperament, doesn't it?

Not to mention the very unusual way Patsy made the letter "Q". What are the chances that an intruder, especially a foreign one, might make the EXACT same letter "Q"? (one that actually looks like the number 8).
What are the chances that an intruder, especially a foreign one, might make the EXACT same letter "Q"? (one that actually looks like the number 8).

not to mention an intruder who was so extremely capable, smart, intuitive and clever that s/he/they were able to leave (stage) the crime scene and evidence in such a way that the detective team was led away from a SODDI scenario and in only one direction re: suspects:

We had interviewed 590 people, consulted 64 outside experts, investigated and cleared more than 100 possible suspects, collected 1,058 pieces of evidence, tested over 500 items at federal, state and private laboratories, gathered handwriting and nontestimonial evidence from 215 people, built a case file that now bulged to 30,000 pages, reviewed more than 3,400 letters and 700 telephone tips, and contacted seventeen states and foreign countries. And it all kept leading us in one direction. The detective team believed that John and Patsy Ramsey had knowledge of, and were involved in the death of their daughter, JonBenet.

from Jonbenet: Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation, pg. 297
I believe you are mistaken, redheadedgal; none of that is true.... Because according to John and Patsy, the police ONLY looked at them and didn't check into anyone else...

Everyone else must be mistaken, right? :)
I believe you are mistaken, redheadedgal; none of that is true.... Because according to John and Patsy, the police ONLY looked at them and didn't check into anyone else...

Everyone else must be mistaken, right? :)

if they say so... LOL
It's interesting that in the interview burke places his dad far away from the family and makes his mom the smallest. His wanting to forget and get his mind into nintendo is wanting to forget something and his response to improper touching shows something was really wrong. Imo., he had been abused .
It's interesting that in the interview burke places his dad far away from the family and makes his mom the smallest. His wanting to forget and get his mind into nintendo is wanting to forget something and his response to improper touching shows something was really wrong. Imo., he had been abused .

Hi - what was Burke's response to improper touching.
He curled up into a foetal position and began making noises if I remember rightly.

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