What do you make of Terri never speaking to the media?

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If she is guilty, she can't talk without risking her freedom. If she killed Kyron, anything she did after that would just be the actions of a child murderer trying to get away with a crime so if she talked or not--it wouldn't matter.

If she's innocent, she can't speak without risking her freedom and her chance at custody of her own child. If she is innocent, then whatever she told LE is likely true to the best of her knowledge and anything else she might say would not add to what LE knows about the case. If she is innocent, clearly Kaine, Desiree and likely LE officials do not believe she is innocent and so speaking would be stupid, just adding ammunition to the effort to convict her.

It's not like TH and her mouth are needed to keep the case in the media; Kyron's birth parents have been the most effective public advocates. Because TH is a suspect in the public's view (whether she is so named by LE or not), anything she would say would be suspect anyway. And personally, I still recall the creepy video of her clinging to Desiree at an early event and I'm glad I don't have to look at that again. For me. that was when I decided that she was "off," whether she
was guilty or not. While conventional wisdom is that publicity helps missing children and adult cases, there are sadly many missing people for whom publicity did nothing but help family and friends keep busy and keep hope alive--and if a suspect is involved in the PR effort, it just muddies the waters.

So I am glad TH is keepimg her trap shut.

Kaine and Desiree did an excellent job getting Kyron's case national media attention, but that spotlight faded months ago. The reason for that is nothing is really happening in Kyron's case and if a TV show was going to talk about the case, they would just have to reiterate everything that was already said. It would just be Kaine and Desiree pleading for Kyron's return, and talking about how they believe Terri is guilty. It would be the same old, same old. Now if Terri let the networks know that she was willing to give an interview, I believe many shows would be interested because it gives them a new angle to the Kyron story. Dateline might be reluctant to do another episode with Kaine and Desiree because they had done practically the same episode less than a year ago, but if Terri contacted them, they might consider it because they would able to market it differently.

The media attention for the Anthony case increased substantially when it went to trial, and that's probably because there is always something new to discuss. With unsolved cases, there isn't always going to be developments everyday, and unless the media is willing to make them up or just repeat the same thing over and over, the case is going to fade. In Natalee's case, her mother organized a boycott of Aruba, she flew to Peru to speak to Joran in jail, etc. She did things to keep Natalee's case in the spotlight because she knew that the media would get tired of just repeating "Natalee is missing" every night, so by giving them new developments, it kept Natalee's name, story, and face in the news.

I don't believe that Terri being willing to speak to the media is needed for the case to get national attention. However, the cases that get the most attention, and stay in the media for months and even years, are the ones where family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc are all willing to speak out.

All of the factors that got Kyron's case attention back in the summer and fall aren't as sensational anymore. The MFH and sexting were very big when they came out, but with nothing being done as a result of them, they aren't as interesting. Kyron being kidnapped from the school was also what sparked the media's interest because it was very rare, but now that it's become obvious to many that Terri was involved, the school factor doesn't matter.

I do believe that Kyron's case is out of the national media because nothing is happening but there is a tiny part of me that wonders if perhaps this is one of those cases where the national media gives it plenty of attention and then just drops the case. Isn't that what happened in the Haleigh Cummings' case? I remember it got lots of attention when it happened, and I think it was because of the Florida connection with Caylee's case. But when was the last time that case was in the national spotlight? There are very few cases that get national attention, and even fewer that are able to keep that attention for years.
I think she could have done a lot for her public image if she had given a convincing plea for Kyron from a heartbroken stepmother in the early days but after every article about Kyron being missing started saying "Terri Horman has not been named a suspect in Kyron's disappearance" it was too late.
I think she could have done a lot for her public image if she had given a convincing plea for Kyron from a heartbroken stepmother in the early days but after every article about Kyron being missing started saying "Terri Horman has not been named a suspect in Kyron's disappearance" it was too late.

How well would that have really worked? The McCanns made pleas for Madeleine's safe return, and people still believed they were involved. The Ramseys went on national TV, a few days after JBR was killed, telling the country that they were looking for her killer, and most people did not buy it. I really do not think Terri making a plea would have changed people's opinions about her. If they believed she was guilty, they would find something in her choice of words or mannerisms to support their viewpoint. Either she would be too emotional, or not emotional enough.
How well would that have really worked? The McCanns made pleas for Madeleine's safe return, and people still believed they were involved. The Ramseys went on national TV, a few days after JBR was killed, telling the country that they were looking for her killer, and most people did not buy it. I really do not think Terri making a plea would have changed people's opinions about her. If they believed she was guilty, they would find something in her choice of words or mannerisms to support their viewpoint. Either she would be too emotional, or not emotional enough.

There are also parents who are perceived as honest and heartbroken. It worked for Desiree, for the most part. She was my first thought when I heard about the case (oh, a non-custodial mother, wonder if she knows where he is...) but seeing her I couldn't think anything but that she was completely heartbroken that Kyron was gone. JMO but a lot depends on presentation. If people perceive your body language as shifty and your story weak and untrustworthy they may think you're a liar, but that's not a given. They might also think you look honest and maybe you're telling the truth. I don't think everybody had made up their mind that Terri did it in the early days when little was known about the case.

Of course it may matter relatively little what "everybody" thinks who are not jury.
I think in the beginning, it was a smart move for her not to talk to media, no need in twisting words right? Well I figured she would put something out there but she never did. Months later I really thought her lawyer and her would say something. Now I am left wondering the same thoughts as most of you.
She could of said anything.
If it was me....I'd be screaming from the rooftops, "Where is my Kyron?"
There are also parents who are perceived as honest and heartbroken. It worked for Desiree, for the most part. She was my first thought when I heard about the case (oh, a non-custodial mother, wonder if she knows where he is...) but seeing her I couldn't think anything but that she was completely heartbroken that Kyron was gone. JMO but a lot depends on presentation. If people perceive your body language as shifty and your story weak and untrustworthy they may think you're a liar, but that's not a given. They might also think you look honest and maybe you're telling the truth. I don't think everybody had made up their mind that Terri did it in the early days when little was known about the case.

Of course it may matter relatively little what "everybody" thinks who are not jury.

I don't believe that Desiree's media appearances are the reason why the public doesn't suspect her in Kyron's disappearance. Desiree lives 3-4 hours away from Portland. If we had found out within the first days of Kyron being missing, that Desiree had been in Portland that day, then I think a lot of people would think she was possibly involved. IMO, It didn't matter whether Desiree was extremely emotional or stoic in interviews, as the only people who would suspect a woman who lived 4 hours away from the crime scene would be conspiracy theorists.
If it was me....I'd be screaming from the rooftops, "Where is my Kyron?"

Some parents don't though; look at Holly Bobo's parents, for one. I am sure they are in pain, pretty certain they have nothing to do with their daughter's abduction, yet not one peep out of them. Bethany Decker's parents are missing their daughter, who would have since given birth and not a word out of them either.
I think that a statement through her lawyer would have been appropriate. Anything less seems grossly uncaring. I think that while people suspected the McCanns and Ramseys, not as many suspected them as those who suspect TH.
Another reason why Terri not speaking to the media was smart was because it gave her a sense of anonymity. Terri could move out of the Pacific NW and no one would recognize her. Her name would not ring any bells for them. By not doing interviews, it has kept Terri's face out of the public eye. Yes, the media has shown pictures of Terri and they've mentioned her name, but it's the not the same as "Suspected Child Murderer Terri Horman" making the media rounds. And before anyone argues that this case has gotten national coverage, and therefore Terri couldn't go anywhere in the US without everyone recognizing her, I will say: National coverage does not equal nationally known.
One thought I've had, given her past history and behavior, is that she interacted with wrong person or crowd, and that the answer in a word, is "fear".


Hiring an attorney and taking his advice, not speaking about the case, without an attorney present was the smartest thing Terri could do. She actually should have hired an attorney as soon as LE put her face on those fliers. I've always found it very interesting that she did not hire an attorney then, and that she went right along with the program.

There's a reason that detectives haven't arranged any more interviews with Terri and her lawyer, ya' know what I mean?

Same with Dede Spicher (who also has an attorney), she said she told them everything she knew, but it was NOT what they (LE) wanted to hear.


I would like to add that the family had a "spokesperson" from the beginning and that TH went along with this. While she was not speaking she was at all the press conferences (until, of course, the spotlight turned on her). Desiree's husband hasn't spoken much either publicly.

I keep trying to think like an "innocent of disappearing Kyron, but still guilty of something TH". Here is what I have come up with:
  • Everyone (DY, TY, KH) are pissed at her because Kyron was lost on her watch
  • She may feel as if she has to "go along with the plan", and the "plan" imo didn't have her speaking out
  • TH feels like s**t already because she know that if she had not have been doing XYZ or associating with ABC then this wouldn't have happened
  • Within days/weeks there was the MFH and KH moving out and taking baby K---what she may have percieved as everyone being against her in the beginning (LE, the family) is now coming true-remember the msg to a friend that said something like "he doesn't have to bring her back..."

I think that in the beginning TH was overwhelmed, not only had the child she was the primary caregiver for disappeared, said child's biological parents (with good reason) are the ones calling the shots (with LE obviously). Everyone in this family had an "in" with LE-Tony is LE, DY is married to LE and Kyron's bio mom, KH his biodad. Who is TH? The woman that "stole" KH, "just" Kyron's stepmom, and of whose watch Kyron disappeared on. Within days (kids back at school on monday - I think?) people were being told that the school was safe, and that it was an isolated incident.

I think in the beginning TH was uber overwhelmed, and then that was compounded by the necessity of hiring a lawyer.

Also, I am way uncomfortable with how TH and Baby K's relationship has been used against TH. Anyways, more of that another day.
I think that a statement through her lawyer would have been appropriate. Anything less seems grossly uncaring. I think that while people suspected the McCanns and Ramseys, not as many suspected them as those who suspect TH.
Hi, I would have to disagree with you about the McCann's. They were notorious in my mind, and I think I ALMOST read every thing on that case :maddening:
I think that a statement through her lawyer would have been appropriate. Anything less seems grossly uncaring. I think that while people suspected the McCanns and Ramseys, not as many suspected them as those who suspect TH.

I disagree, a statement through her lawyer, at the point she retained him or after, would not have made a single person change their mind about her level of caring for Kyron.

I also would have to disagree about the Ramseys. Look at this very website and the threads on the JonBenet case. you will find very few who do not think one or more of the Ramseys had something to do with that child's death.
You are completely right, Beatrice, MOO. Her moves are intentional, and what does her life hold now? What are her plans? Does she have long term goals? What is she waiting for?

And screaming from the rooftops- YES. Totally.

Let her scream from the rooftops as it will be heard as whispering.

She has given absolutely nothing to advance the finding of Kyron. One email before she realized she better be silent as her words would eventually do her in. That is why I have no respect for her. And someday we WILL know the truth. It just has to be that way. xox
Another reason why Terri not speaking to the media was smart was because it gave her a sense of anonymity. Terri could move out of the Pacific NW and no one would recognize her. Her name would not ring any bells for them. By not doing interviews, it has kept Terri's face out of the public eye. Yes, the media has shown pictures of Terri and they've mentioned her name, but it's the not the same as "Suspected Child Murderer Terri Horman" making the media rounds. And before anyone argues that this case has gotten national coverage, and therefore Terri couldn't go anywhere in the US without everyone recognizing her, I will say: National coverage does not equal nationally known.
With all respect to you Eileen, who cares? She has turned a blind eye on her step son who disappeared while under her watch. It is Kyron I care about. Forget this thoughtless soul of a woman !!! IMO
I don't believe that Desiree's media appearances are the reason why the public doesn't suspect her in Kyron's disappearance. Desiree lives 3-4 hours away from Portland. If we had found out within the first days of Kyron being missing, that Desiree had been in Portland that day, then I think a lot of people would think she was possibly involved. IMO, It didn't matter whether Desiree was extremely emotional or stoic in interviews, as the only people who would suspect a woman who lived 4 hours away from the crime scene would be conspiracy theorists.

There are plenty of parental abductions by people who lived miles away or even in another country so it doesn't fly in this age of advanced transport methods IMO. She could have had help if she was unable to travel.

I think people don't suspect Desiree mainly because she has made it clear that she misses Kyron desperately and because the police hasn't made it clear that they suspect her.
With all respect to you Eileen, who cares? She has turned a blind eye on her step son who disappeared while under her watch. It is Kyron I care about. Forget this thoughtless soul of a woman !!! IMO

This topic is called "What do you make of Terri never speaking to the media?" and my post related to the topic. You can't discuss this case without discussing Terri.

There are plenty of parental abductions by people who lived miles away or even in another country so it doesn't fly in this age of advanced transport methods IMO. She could have had help if she was unable to travel.

I think people don't suspect Desiree mainly because she has made it clear that she misses Kyron desperately and because the police hasn't made it clear that they suspect her.

If Desiree was living far enough away where she would need to take a plane to get to Portland, then LE could easily find out if she were on a flight. LE would see on her credit cards that she went to a restaurant in Portland or got a hotel room in Portland. Also, LE would ask her what she was doing when Kyron was abducted, and she would have to give an alibi. If she says she's at work, and it checks up, then obviously, she couldn't be in Portland.

If LE had been more vague when it came to Desiree and this case, or had hinted that she might be involved, there would be a lot more people who would think she was involved. It wouldn't matter how Desiree acted during media appearances. On this forum, we would be discussing whether LE has proof that Desiree was in Portland on 6/4 and just isn't telling the public about it.
We can agree to disagree. IMO people do watch how family acts in media and it can work both in their favor or against them because the same set of circumstances may be interpreted differently depending on whether people like or dislike the appearances.
I really think she believes if she doesn't say anything, the case will blow over, and she'll be able to go back to her life (and this is guilty or innocent). I can't imagine any other reason to stay silent so long. She must think it's going to be over at some point. I wonder what she thinks her future is going to be. I wonder if she thinks about the next year and the next. Is she thinking she'll stay silent forever? Is she thinking she'll ever see her own daughter again? She has to be shortsighted in this to stay silent for so long. Casey Anthony was said to only think ten minutes ahead. I can't imagine Terri thinking about the future too much or it would make her go insane. I can't believe she hasn't had a breakdown or gone looney after a year of this case and being silent for so long. I wonder what her secret to success is. Then again, Casey Anthony said nothing for almost three years and is still happy as a clam in court sometimes. It truly boggles my mind. It makes me wonder if Terri is sociopathic in order to be able to be silent for so long (and I mean either way, guilty or innocent). Could a normal person, innocent or guilty, continue to be silent and not see their flesh and blood? Terri truly is an enigma to me.
I was thinking about Terri last night and wishing if indeed she has nothing to do with Kyron being gone, she would agree to a new lie detector test with questions pertaining only to June 4th of last year, and Kyron. She no longer has to worry about hiding anything else about her feelings for Kaine, or her marriage or even towards being Kyron's stepmom, or possible affairs, landscapers, plots against Kaine, sexting, etc...that has all come out. Who knows which questions she actually failed last year, or if they had to do precisely with Kyron's whereabouts or condition. Maybe if she IS innocent, she could pass now, without worrying about covering up all of the seedy parts of her life...

Terri, if you are reading here...and did not harm Kyron, why not try another test? Maybe your lawyer could get LE to agree to release the news that you passed it, if you do...not sure it would satisfy everyone, but it sure could not make things any worse. And even if you failed, and it leaked, at least you would have made an attempt to clear yourself.
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