What do you make of Terri never speaking to the media?

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Well,I'm tired of all this.It's not helpng to find little Kyron at all.I will find something to sleuth.I pray they find this sweet little boy soon.It's very sad.

Respctfully...can i just say..you said "Its not helping to find little Kyron at all" but the thing is..the person with the answers...who was the last person to see Kyron isnt interested in helping to find him even...

Quite honestly..IMO...if Terri wont cooperate as Desiree said she wasnt..and is walking out of lie detector tests,,,then i think she should be arrested for obstructing the case. If innocent..how can she not want to find the brother of her baby? The child shes helped to raise?

I didn't think he was rude AT ALL! If anything, his tone was very calm. Calmer than I would've been if that were me interviewing her.

ETA.. Gibby posted the calmness thing before me! Sorry Gibby!!

Nooo... there's no sorry!! lol Just, you know, 2 great minds... (okay, mine has its savant moments but mostly juvenile. lol)
Here's something maybe a little weird about that video. When it starts, th and the woman are walking in one direction. Then they meet the reporter and it looks to me that they turn around and walk back in the same direction they came from originally to go to the elevator. Am I wrong? If they did that, why didn't they just get in that elevator in the first place -- even assuming there's more than one. It looks like it's pretty darn close to where they walking in the first place.
DY wasn't wearing one either....

No, she had the bracelet tho, and it's HOT here so I can see why she chose her tank top versus a T-shirt. Maybe they don't have their Kyron tank tops ready yet...
I didn't think he was rude AT ALL! If anything, his tone was very calm. Calmer than I would've been if that were me interviewing her.

ETA.. Gibby posted the calmness thing before me! Sorry Gibby!!

Lol i wanted to slap her while watching that tape..so personally i thought the reporter was very controlled :)
According to two attorneys and a judge (husband's golf group) sitting right here at my patio table......the reporter was technically trespassing the minute he stepped off of the street and into the parking garage, unless he had an appointment or business relationship with a tenant in that building. There are very specific places that TH is restricted from, along with very specific people. Other than that, she is free to go anywhere that she wants to. The press has no more right to enter that building than they do to enter any ones yard or home....refer back to the beginning of the case where LE repeatedly told media to STAY OFF OF PRIVATE PROPERTY. Freedom of the press does not allow media to enter your home uninvited just because your kid left the door open. Same goes for entering an enclosed parking garage and refusing to leave when clearly told that it was private property.

Well that is good to know. I think Terri should sue KATU for some kind of violation of her rights. Of course you realize that KATU would have to explain why they were there trying to question Terri, and the background of her suspicious behavior. And there would be all kinds of discovery flying about and depositions, too (which are not allowed in criminal court) and all kinds of evidence being requested. We could find out lots and lots of interesting things that will probably be barred in criminal court.

Terri would have to state a claim for damages. What would those be? Public humiliation? Had to see a doctor and get tranquilizers? Great. Hand over your complete medical history including your psych records. Prove this incident caused your anxiety and not the allegations that you disappeared your step-son. I'm all for Terri suing KATU. ALL FOR IT!
Is that true if the parking garage isn't owned by a specific entity?

If the garage is part of a privately owned building, it is PRIVATE property. We happen to own an office building that housed my FIL's law offices before he passed away. There is a 15 space parking area enclosed by a brick and wrought iron fence with two entry/exit points. We can restrict anyone that we want to from entering the lot or from parking there day or night, even when the office is closed. The police can and have called tow trucks to remove cars that were there illegally. It is clearly posted as private property as are dozens of others in the downtown area. My FIL frequently was involved in high profile cases as he specialized in business law. Believe me, if he didn't want the media there, they were definitely informed that they would be prosecuted for trespassing.
Here's something maybe a little weird about that video. When it starts, th and the woman are walking in one direction. Then they meet the reporter and it looks to me that they turn around and walk back in the same direction they came from originally to go to the elevator. Am I wrong? If they did that, why didn't they just get in that elevator in the first place -- even assuming there's more than one. It looks like it's pretty darn close to where they walking in the first place.

I think they were walking to a car, then when he was questioning her, they turned around and went back to the office they came from.
Wonder what that woman that was with her really thinks? Wonder what that woman has heard? IF I had to have been the one walking her - well, let's just say - I WOULDN'T!!!

This footage just reinforces the "KC, Misty" attitude - ITS ALL ABOUT ME - PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!!!!! While she seemed "annoyed" - she is sitting there tonight reveling in that encounter today. I starting to think this woman will never talk, - just like KC and Misty.
Lol i wanted to slap her while watching that tape..so personally i thought the reporter was very controlled :)

I did imagine what Desiree was thinking if she were to watch this and, yeah... not too far off. lol

I just don't understand why - if she isn't involved, then put your story out there. Say SOMETHING!!! Her silence speaks volumes.

Her attorney has probably advised her to stay silent. Anything she says can be spun against her at this point, and I am sure she's been told to stay away from this case as much as possible.
In my opinion...trespassing still isnt as bad making a young child disappear.


Well, if someone has any proof that she did that, I myself and I am sure LE, also, are more than ready to have that presented!

TH clearly has absolutely no/zero/zilch/nada compassion for Kyron. This is evident from her blank expression. I wonder what her attitude would be if it were her baby K that was missing? Probably a WHOLE different persona in that situation, I bet.
Maybe, but the only person's rights being techinically violated are the landlord's, not TH's, and I doubt he/she/it really cares.

LOL....probably will depend on whether the owner of the building is TH's attorney. If it is his private office facility....I am sure he might have something to say about the whole thing.

Her attorney has probably advised her to stay silent. Anything she says can be spun against her at this point, and I am sure she's been told to stay away from this case as much as possible.
BUT, if you are innocent - the truth doesn't change. And see, that's the crux of this whole dilemma. Terri isn't telling the truth. She can't prove where she'd been, what she did, who she saw, etc. etc. because....................well, again, the truth doesn't change and obviously, the truth will implicate Terri Horman and she can't have that.

I would have asked questions that were much less nice. Like....Did you KILL Kyron? Where have you stashed him? Did you hire someone to KILL your husband?

Oooohhh....I would have LOVED to see her snap. Dang. Ice Queen fits perfectly. And yeah...she's innocent until proven guilty in the court of law....but the court of public opinion....not so much. And IMO, that's fine. If someone thought I was guilty...so be it, as they say "put up or shut up". Show me the proof you aren't guilty to change my opinion.
I think they were walking to a car, then when he was questioning her, they turned around and went back to the office they came from.

ah...thank you. For some reason I assumed they were coming, not going.
Oh I think the media is just getting warmed up.:snooty: This story has intrigue now...and the person of public interest now (TH) not talking...the media starts doing some odd stuff when it is offended...for instance they start breaking stories about murder plots...we just need them to get a wiff where the boy is.

This story keeps making People, and the Morning shows (like Today show), then isn't it on Nightline tonight? Of, course Nancy Grace has it plastered everywhere. It won't go away for TH.

She needs to say something.

I hope more than anything he is in the least found alive.:angel:
LOL....probably will depend on whether the owner of the building is TH's attorney. If it is his private office facility....I am sure he might have something to say about the whole thing.


Maybe they checked that out beforehand, but maybe not.
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