What do you remember?

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I agree there is a big difference between 5 and 6. I hope I did not sound dismissive of the piano or bus trip, they would certainly stand out in Annas memories. My suggestion was just because it surprised me or stood out to me the not so special memories my son shared.

Would you mind describing the pinata and the party? Did her class mates attend? Might be odd, but I keep thinking the more descriptive we are, the greater the possiblity Anna finds us.
I agree there is a big difference between 5 and 6. I hope I did not sound dismissive of the piano or bus trip, they would certainly stand out in Annas memories. My suggestion was just because it surprised me or stood out to me the not so special memories my son shared.

Would you mind describing the pinata and the party? Did her class mates attend? Might be odd, but I keep thinking the more descriptive we are, the greater the possiblity Anna finds us.

No, Cubby, I didn't think you were dismissive at all. I was just thinking that probably Anna would remember her kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Rafello, whom she loved so much. As I think I have mentioned, I still remember my kindergarten teacher very well, though that was so many years ago I hate to think of it. (One WebSleuths member found a picture of her and of the house where she had her kindergarten and sent it to me.)

I can't remember much about the birthday party or the pinata. I remember we hung it from the entrance to the little dining room. I don't remember who was there, but certainly it would have been the three little girls who were our neighbors, and possibly Anna's friends from school, Becky and Kelly.

Lots of my memories from 1972 are pretty dim, which is why I loved making a CD of an old audio tape made Christmas, 1972, less than a month before Anna disappeared. Sherlock asked for this, and when I heard the conversations, the memories became clearer.

I have been pretty discouraged lately about the search for Anna. It seems to me that we have tried everything and have looked everywhere we possibly could, and I think most of us are pretty much at our wits' end about what else we could possibly do. Still, so much has been accomplished--parallel to our own search--and so many people whose faces I have never seen have been friends to me and my family. I will never be able to thank you adequately, but I will try. Thank you.
Lots of my memories from 1972 are pretty dim, which is why I loved making a CD of an old audio tape made Christmas, 1972, less than a month before Anna disappeared. Sherlock asked for this, and when I heard the conversations, the memories became clearer..

This was actually requested by the physic who completed a summary of Anna. After reviewing the tape, the physic sent the cd to my address.

I have been pretty discouraged lately about the search for Anna. It seems to me that we have tried everything and have looked everywhere we possibly could, and I think most of us are pretty much at our wits' end about what else we could possibly do. Still, so much has been accomplished--parallel to our own search--and so many people whose faces I have never seen have been friends to me and my family. I will never be able to thank you adequately, but I will try. Thank you.

In the past 3+ years there have been times when the search seems to stand still, but has always been temporary. Just wanted to assure you that we have not given up on Anna or her family.:rose:
In the past 3+ years there have been times when the search seems to stand still, but has always been temporary. Just wanted to assure you that we have not given up on Anna or her family.:rose:[/QUOTE]

I'm positive we will find a new avenue to research Anna. Given the fact that Anna's story is written in print, this forum and other websites, the story of Anna is reaching more and more people.

If anyone has any ideas moving forward, we're listening! :)

Hugs to all!!
any info on the physic? has she mentioned anything solid about what might have become of anna?
After looking at the photos in Annasmom's photo album here, I can't imagine Anna not remembering the bus trip. Sitting in the barrel chair, the potbelly stove on the bus, had to have been very exciting for a child. After all these years, her memory may be a bit faulty, especially if she was told something along the lines of that being a memorry from a vacation, a school trip, or even something she saw on a TV show/movie. Even my 6 yr old was fascinated with those pictures.

Just thinking outloud..... and trying to ponder more avenues to reach Anna.
After so many years, I sometimes wonder if Anna might not recall faces, but recalls smells. Annasmom, was there any favorite foods that were cooked often? Something Anna might recall smelling? Anything you recall her commenting on smelling whether good or bad? Perhaps she has memories of smells she can't place. Maybe reading them here might jar her memory.
After so many years, I sometimes wonder if Anna might not recall faces, but recalls smells. Annasmom, was there any favorite foods that were cooked often? Something Anna might recall smelling? Anything you recall her commenting on smelling whether good or bad? Perhaps she has memories of smells she can't place. Maybe reading them here might jar her memory.
Maybe patchouli, since we had a cat by that name. Burning wood smell from the smoky fireplace? Wet dog? Bergamot? (We used to gather this mint for tea). Liver and onions? She liked to eat this with our pretty neighbor, since nobody else would touch it.
Here are pictures of a little thing Anna made in kindergarten. I took it out to wash it today and thought I'd post pictures of it. Happy Halloween, everybody!


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Annasmom, thank you for sharing the bus trip with all of us. I'm sure there are MANY things Anna remembers from that year and just needs those memories to be triggered.

I have hundreds of memories from, about 1 thru 5. I'll only post a few.

I remember using one of my little chairs when my Mom used a kitchen chair so we could exercise with Jack LaLaine on tv.

When I was between 12 and 16 months old my paternal grandparents, aunt and uncle came to visit. I remember my Uncle Marlon reaching over into the playpen and handing me a stuffed giraffe he had gotten me. I talked to my Mom about it when I was a teenager and she didn't remember, but my Aunt confirmed it. Uncle Marlon was always my favorite (shhh).

I remember when I was about the same age my Mom would give me campbells vegetable soup EVERY day for lunch. If the phone rang in the apartment, she would have to go out of the kitchen, into the living room to answer it. There was a window that My Mom could see me through, (one window in the living room on one side of the entry and one on the kitchen side of the entry). As soon as she answered the phone I would drop the bowl of soup. She could see me do it, but never remembered to move the soup before she answered the phone. ;-)

I remember three girls who lived in the apartment next door. I was about 23-26 mos. old and I had gotten my first tricycle. I couldn't reach the pedals, but the three sisters would take turns pushing me on my tricycle, as they rode on the little steps they had on the back, behind the seat. I remember that my Mom and theirs would be hanging clothes on the clothes line. When I was about 8 I was talking to my Mom about them and asking who they were. She told me they had never played with me? When I was 10, they came to visit! It was great, as I didn't know it was them, but they asked me if I remembered them pushing my tricycle while our Moms hung the laundry!! ;-) I remember my Moms face, priceless!!

I remember one of my maternal Aunt had a dog named Buckaroo. I used to make him howl all the time (basset hound) and got him to howl in time with "Twinkle twinkle little star", when I sang it. I also remember when the mouse ran into my Aunts kitchen, from outside. My Mom and Aunt climbed up onto the kitchen table screaming and Buckaroo wouldn't let the mouse get near me:woohoo:!! Buckaroo was a good ole dog!! I wasn't two yet, then.

When I was 2 years 9 months, we moved to our house, where my Dad still lives. I remember going to the hospital to look through the nursery window and see my baby brother. After that we went to my paternal Grandma and Grandpas, so I could see my Aunt. She had a grass skirt that my Dad had gotten her during the Korean war and she had it on, dancing a "hula dance". I remember crying because she told me I was too stupid to wear it because I didn't know how to hula. Since she was about 11 years older than me, she was my hero, so at the time it broke my heart. Maybe that's why I remember it.

Anyway Annasmom, those are but a smitance of my memories and those are all before or at the age of 2 years, 9 months!! I am sure Anna has memories of you, her brothers and more!! She just may not be aware of what those memories are of, until they get triggered!! I also think that it is funny how different my brothers memories of childhood are so different than mine. Sometimes I wonder if we grew up in the same family.:waitasec: lol
Hi all;
this evening on Italian TV, the finding of a child abducted in 1987 in Italy, when he was 5 old (now he is 28 old); the child is born in Guidonia town, Roma province, ITALY, kidnapped in 1987 in the blackyard of home;
well after 22 years, this child, now a man, contacted all italian people having same surname ( mother surname) on Facebook, and one replied, just a journalist of Italian TV, so the story ended; and finally the truth:

the child was abducted from a Sudan's man, for order of father (born in Egypt), and it was carried in Egypt for to live with paternal grandparents; the him name was chaged, and the child had order of to say nothing to nobody.. but the child remembering very well that him first name was Alex .... and not Alì ..... as he was named in Egypt; and remembering many things of Italy also;

when adult, and need of to work, he had no documents proving the identity, especially birth certificate; and by memories and asking to grandmother ( she be silent, and only said very little things .. no much helpful for Alex) he however had some input and added it to own memories, and searching the mother, remained in Italy... now died..

what is interesting, it are the memories: this child when abducted, it was 5 old, and remembering:
-the own name
-the mother
-the country
-the names of other little friends
-the names of some cousin,
-the name of a uncle...

this abduction having some clue as Anna;
the child vanished in some minute in the blackyard; only 3 minutes before, the little friend left it for to go at home and soon back, but Alex vanished; nobody saw nothing; no rumor car, nothing;
the police's dogs scent the track until to a travertine mine; after no more...
the child remembering that in the travel for the Egypt, the man of Sudan, the abductor, it covered a child eye with a bendage and ditto a arm :waitasec:

I think that Anna also remembering ....

Hi all;
this evening on Italian TV, the finding of a child abducted in 1987 in Italy, when he was 5 old (now he is 28 old); the child is born in Guidonia town, Roma province, ITALY, kidnapped in 1987 in the backyard of home;
well after 22 years, this child, now a man, contacted all italian people having same surname ( mother surname) on Facebook, and one replied, just a journalist of Italian TV, so the story ended; and finally the truth:

the child was abducted from a Sudan's man, for order of father (born in Egypt), and it was carried in Egypt for to live with paternal grandparents; the him name was chaged, and the child had order of to say nothing to nobody.. but the child remembering very well that him first name was Alex .... and not Alì ..... as he was named in Egypt; and remembering many things of Italy also;

when adult, and need of to work, he had no documents proving the identity, especially birth certificate; and by memories and asking to grandmother ( she be silent, and only said very little things .. no much helpful for Alex) he however had some input and added it to own memories, and searching the mother, remained in Italy... now died..

what is interesting, it are the memories: this child when abducted, it was 5 old, and remembering:
-the own name
-the mother
-the country
-the names of other little friends
-the names of some cousin,
-the name of a uncle...

this abduction having some clue as Anna;
the child vanished in some minute in the backyard; only 3 minutes before, the little friend left it for to go at home and soon back, but Alex vanished; nobody saw nothing; no rumor car, nothing;
the police's dogs scent the track until to a travertine mine; after no more...
the child remembering that in the travel for the Egypt, the man of Sudan, the abductor, it covered a child eye with a bendage and ditto a arm :waitasec:

I think that Anna also remembering ....


sorry for error: backyard and not "blackyard"
Taking another look at some of the memories....

I remember my kindergarten teachers name.
I remember she got married during the school year and I remember her maiden name well, I think I remember her married name.

My son, now 7.5, talks about older memories (5 and earlier) for things that either scared him, or things he has developed a greater interest. For example, he still remembers the battery starting to run out on a crib toy and making an awful staticy (sp?) screaching sound which scared him. He remembers a friend, who told funny jokes.(My son loves telling jokes and magic tricks) He remembers his first name and the nickname we have for him, even though we haven't seen him in appx 3 years.

I remember a guy named Bob, that was friends with my parents. God, I loved him. He would always have me sit on his lap while we were all visiting around the kitchen table at his home. I remember how special he made me feel.... for a childhood memory, I can't think of anyone who made me feel more special or made me feel as happy.

The above makes me wonder if Anna had any special 'attachment' or interest in either some of her brothers friends, or family friends. She might remember those people she was especially fond of. I know she was fond of the neighbor lady, but anyone else come to mind?

My son also remembers his first day care provider - who he still calls the mean lady. (My son had delayed speech and it wasn't a good environment for him with his speech delay). I don't know that he remembers her face, but he remembers she was the mean lady when her name is mentioned.
Taking another look at some of the memories....
makes me wonder if Anna had any special 'attachment' or interest in either some of her brothers friends, or family friends. She might remember those people she was especially fond of. I know she was fond of the neighbor lady, but anyone else come to mind?
Peggy and her daughters Shawn, Gina and Daisy, Suzanne and Mrs. Rafello.
Too bad the missing site doesn't have a place to put her little drawings and the pumpkins ? on the site. If she saw them, maybe it would jar a memory....
Which missing site are you refering to Bern? Annamom has a photo album set up here under her user name and we have an images only thread here too. Did you mean the searchingforanna.com site?
I think the Charley Project, I went there to print out her Vital Sats and story along with a group of pictures. I didn't see the drawings or ceramics, but thought if they were there, you never know if she happened on the site, if it would jar a memory.
I think if Anna found anything that jarred her memory whether it be at charley project or elsewhere and she did a little more searching, she would eventually find us here or the searchingforanna.com site along with contact info which is listed at the searchingforanna site.

the more we have to jar her memory the better, whether it be pictures, drawings, or even utilizing the tag features to point people searching those terms here to WS.

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