Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #112

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This illness you speak of seems to be making the rounds where I live. DH and I are going into week 3 of it and finally seem to be recovering. The cough has been awful but it’s finally getting better too. It just seems to be a virus you just have to wear off. My son’s MIL has had it for a week longer than us. She’s still coughing too. She got a shot, a Zpack and antibiotics. None helped her. My daughter is about a week behind us and very frustrated that she can’t shake it.
Sorry to hear that you and our family have been, and still are, sick with whatever is making the rounds, likely several things - both viral and bacterial. I hope you continue to recover and the worse is behind you.
It’s definitely on the increase in the UK with a number of colleagues getting it and I have it as a result of a work trip to Europe. I think I got it on the plane there. I tested Friday and it was negative, tested Sunday and the test line showed up bright red before the control. I have heard that this strain is a strong one so I am taking it easy. It’s a shame we have no statistics as I would be interested to know where it is peaking around the world.
This illness you speak of seems to be making the rounds where I live. DH and I are going into week 3 of it and finally seem to be recovering. The cough has been awful but it’s finally getting better too. It just seems to be a virus you just have to wear off. My son’s MIL has had it for a week longer than us. She’s still coughing too. She got a shot, a Zpack and antibiotics. None helped her. My daughter is about a week behind us and very frustrated that she can’t shake it.
Sorry to hear that you and your family members have been sick. I was missing you on the "foodie" thread and thought you might be on vacation. I hope you and your family feel better soon.
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This may just be a random correlation, but I have noticed an uptick of crimes being done by people in their early 20's. The Covid lock down occurred when they were in high school. I just wonder if it really affected teens more than any other group, and if there have been serious mental health disorders, statistically higher than usual in that age group.

I have noticed so many young people that age group, who just seem to be "lost". Many didn't go to college, and they get random jobs, that they quit just as fast.

This may just be a random correlation, but I have noticed an uptick of crimes being done by people in their early 20's. The Covid lock down occurred when they were in high school. I just wonder if it really affected teens more than any other group, and if there have been serious mental health disorders, statistically higher than usual in that age group.

I have noticed so many young people that age group, who just seem to be "lost". Many didn't go to college, and they get random jobs, that they quit just as fast.

It's definitely an issue, and one I've been worried about since the very beginning of the lockdown when I realized people weren't mentally handling it very well. I've wondered if this will lead to more homelessness, drugs, etc., which is a growing problem.

I found this article has some good information, it's long though. Here are a few snippets:

Mental illness among teens and young adults has been an increasingly prevalent issue, observed to have been exacerbated by COVID-19. In fact, over the course of the pandemic, youth anxiety and depression doubled globally.[1]

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that the prevalence of anxiety and depression increased by 25% worldwide during the first year of COVID-19, and that youths were most severely affected.[2] Further, the waning of the pandemic has not prompted a return to pre-pandemic levels. Rather, various research studies and extensive media coverage have documented the lasting impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of many populations, notably teens/young adults


Lotsa good info here:
@Gemmie my own daughter is one of the "lost". She was in her 2nd year of college, and being stuck inside, taking classes on a computer monitor didn't help much. She dropped out of college, went into a huge depression. She has changed jobs several times...just seemed "lost". And legal Marijuana probably didn't help much.

She is doing much better now. More goal oriented. But, I think Covid really affected the age group 14-21 for some reason.
@Gemmie my own daughter is one of the "lost". She was in her 2nd year of college, and being stuck inside, taking classes on a computer monitor didn't help much. She dropped out of college, went into a huge depression. She has changed jobs several times...just seemed "lost". And legal Marijuana probably didn't help much.

She is doing much better now. More goal oriented. But, I think Covid really affected the age group 14-21 for some reason.
I'm really sorry to hear how hard it was on your daughter (and others), but glad that she's doing better now. :)

And it also affected people WAY younger than 14. Like... single digits. I'll see if I can drum up my old post on that. It's scary and sad.
Found it back in thread 110 @mickey2942. This is Kindergarten thru 3rd grade!!!

Snippet of my old post:

I too am worried about the long-term effects of Covid on people's mental health for one (some are NOT dealing with it well at ALL) and that's extremely scary. Even young kids aren't coping well. A school, grade Kindergarten - 3rd is experiencing the below, and it's not just this school. My bother works for a school in a different state and tells me horror stories about the last 3 yrs of what they've been dealing with since the pandemic.

Below are just a few examples of what teachers at Meadow Ridge are coping with. We are struggling. We need help. Many of us are contemplating and looking for new career paths if we don’t get relief and if our safety and mental health isn’t taken seriously. This is a hostile and unsafe work environment. No one deserves to work in these conditions. Kids don’t deserve to be traumatized and try to learn in these conditions. Below are some examples of the behaviors Meadow Ridge is experiencing:

○ Students being violent in the classroom and common areas
○ Hitting
○ Kicking
○ Chasing with scissors
○ Stabbing with pencils
○ Locking teachers out of classroom
○ Threatening teachers with sharp objects

○ Disrupting the learning environment daily, when teachers call to have students removed, staff is not available or students are brought back in the classroom after a few minutes.
○ Choking other students
○ Assaulting students in the restroom
○ Destroying classrooms

○ Students have lost IEP minutes due to behavioral issues
○ Self harming in front of peers
○ Several students across grade levels with severe delays in learning. More delayed than general education teachers are equipped, trained, or educated to teach in a general education classroom setting without support.
○ Star classrooms are severely short staffed without subs. This program needs to be fully
staffed or students and staff are put at risk of unnecessary injuries.

Source on page 3: Board Packet 01-23-23 Updated.pdf

Full post here: Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #110
Yes, I saw that. Some extreme behavior. Dysregulation. Children have really been affected by Covid.

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