What do you think happened to Malaysia Flight370?

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What do you think happened to Malaysia Flight 370?

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Landed safely on land to hijacked destination for later use as a bomb. Hostages either still alive and in pretty bad shape by now, or assassinated. Well planned hijacking, however I would like the Australia woman's husband looked into deeply because he left her his wedding ring and I think his wallet "in case anything were to happen". I suspect him, and would like to know if he has a pilots license or any previous job as a pilot. TV I tv wife several times and I found her statements to b of grt concern.

I agree, but :twocents:I would look at every single person on the plane. I always plan in case something happens before I fly. That's not uncommon.
I was thinking of choosing one of the "modsnip"ped choices for the fun of it, but since I have no idea what was snipped I changed my mind. :wink:

1) Maybe the airplane went into a different dimension.

2) Maybe the pilot and/or co-pilot had other plans for the plane and landed, only to have it be brought back into service for nefarious deeds. In this case, I would suspect they rendered the passengers obsolete when they accelerated suddenly to a higher elevation, cockpit crew having the appropriate protective devices in use.

3) They could have innocently crashed into the ocean.

I tend to think #s 2 or 3 are more likely, but # 1 would certainly be more interesting and less tragic.

I just feel so bad for the passengers and especially their families left to deal with the unknown horror of this whole thing. :please:

I heard they called off the search in the southern Indian Ocean until tomorrow (Friday) because of bad weather. According to this article (with satellite pic of debris), the search has resumed (Friday morning, Australia):


BBM - pretty much like your #1
Can we add another option to the poll??

X: The aircraft suffered a catastrophic event which resulted in crew incapacity either over time or rapidly. Attempted a diversion to alternate and succumbed (for reasons yet unknown and hard to explain) before a safe recovery of the aircraft was completed - Malaysia was aware of the emergency event on board and sent up a fast jet escort to make a visual assessment of the aircraft and attempt to communicate with passengers or crew. This was *before* the aircraft made a change of course on a heading that tracked toward an approach that was familiar to the pilot in command (which he may have trained on his home simulator for just such emergency's) and the intercept heading for the fast jet was quickly changed - the pilot throwing the Su-30 into full military power with augment as he turned the jet around (which was what the NZ oil rig worker may have seen... possibly)... upon form up with the Malaysian Airlines 777, the lack of radio communication and a distinct lack of life via either visual signal or otherwise indicated to the SU-30 crew that there was no conscious or able person on board the stricken jet who would likely recover (maybe they knew a little of what had happened and realized it was a rapid and major loss of life event on board) - so they were instructed to maintain escort with the plane until it flew over the Malaysian Peninsula and out to sea, where it would no longer pose a threat to any lives on the ground.

Instructions would have been to shoot the 777 down should it change course without communication toward a populated area or should it begin to descend out of control toward populated space.

The jet flew past the alternate airport and its required entry's to a successful approach - and continued out to sea (as was seen by Malaysian Lilitary radar who were already well aware of the ghost planes tragic story) - where the chaos and disbelief of what had occurred quickly resulted in a total $shitstorm of incompetence and disorganisation by a shambles government that was simply not capable of dealing with the complex and high profile event, which might have been a real 1 in a million that no one could ever have otherwise forseen as realistically occuring.

They then proceeded to bury their heads in the sand and hope it all went away.

The End.

No fact or inside info in this - just me typing up an enthusiastic return to the forums after sitting in the bad corner for 24hs ;)

Glad you are back!

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At this point in time, I believe this was a very sophisticated and well-planned hijacking attempt which was thwarted by acts of heroism, and the plane is now at the bottom of the South Indian Ocean. I hope to God it is, anyway, since the alternatives seem even more horrific. I am also hoping that the innocents did not suffer for long.
At this point in time, I believe this was a very sophisticated and well-planned hijacking attempt which was thwarted by acts of heroism, and the plane is now at the bottom of the South Indian Ocean. I hope to God it is, anyway, since the alternatives seem even more horrific. I am also hoping that the innocents did not suffer for long.

I'm not usually consumed by many stories but this one I am! I'm sick that in this day & age something like this could happen after 9/11. Didn't other countries learn from it? How can any country not act on the military radar? Just so much about this disappearance that really makes me ill. I can't even imagine what the families are going through with how it's making me feel!
If I had been the mastermind, I'd have opened the door and walked the passengers out of it over deep water from enough elevation to ensure they would not survive impact, then toss the "flotation devices" (seat cushions) and some additional debris that might also float out as well to create a "debris field" and potential for recovery of bodies before landing the jet secretly and safely for later terror-related use (or to be dismantled for parts or sold on the black market). Then you don't have to deal with hundreds of crying, screaming, begging, hungry, thirsty hostages who "have to pee".

There may be something to this...
Wow Lisa, remind me to never fly with you!
I personally think the pilots were involved. They also knew how deep the water was where plane disappeared. I don't know if anyone has the capability of gathering anything from those depths having worked for Oceaneering International all the years I did. I'm sure folks with stolen passports get on international flights everyday. Just my two cents.
Need some help from you all. At one point an airport was mentioned that was huge, handled many planes on the ground at once. With preplanning, could this plane have shadowed said plane, then flown into this huge airport for refueling at a hangar, not a main gate? Sounds crazy, but at two weeks out, it is going to take putting crazy pieces into the equation in hope to solve this. This was a master plan which included simple steps we have just not put together. I don' recall where the large airport was but it was mentioned as having runways for 370 to land on, and fuel may have been a question if 370 could reach it.

My vote is plane landed. It will be used for a Part II!

My opinions only.
Changing my theory…

I think there was some type of hypoxia event (thank you, SeriouslySearching), and as the crew was loosing consciousness, they turned the plane away from land and put it on auto-pilot.

I'm thinking that all of the guesses about how they programmed the turn 12 minutes before the transponder went out, were just that, guesses, or kooky, unconfirmed details coming out of Malaysia and distributed by media. The plane flew until it ran out of fuel, then ended up in the Indian Ocean, and all of the passengers and crew had already suffocated. :'(

I don't think that this many countries would be spending this kind of money searching for a plane in the ocean if they in any way thought it was hijacked or stolen. I also think they ruled out that the plane went north because Indian airspace is heavily monitored. They had no good data that said it entered their airspace, or any other country in that area.

This is the best way that I can make all of the puzzle pieces fit.
Guess I should pop this over here. Not my ultimate conclusion, just a random theory-

Someone posted a link to this article last night (or early this am)-

KUALA LUMPUR: The consortium of insurers of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 led by Allianz are bracing themselves for a huge payout in respect of insurance claims connected to Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 from KL to Beijing which has been missing since March 8.

Read more at: http://english.astroawani.com/news/show/mh370-insurers-of-flight-mh370-brace-for-payout-32108?cp

Has anyone floated the theory that this was just done plain and simple for the money?
By that I mean one person, in dire straits, decided to take this plane out (disregarding all other lives on board) just to give his/her family a pretty large sum of money?
I know that sounds crazy, but to a very poor family in a 3rd world (or close to it) country, a payout for a disaster like this is life changing, possibly for generations.

ETA-There were 154 Chinese passengers on board the missing flight and most of the Chinese passengers on the plane had purchased accident or life insurance policies, according to major Chinese insurers.
I personally think the pilots were involved. They also knew how deep the water was where plane disappeared. I don't know if anyone has the capability of gathering anything from those depths having worked for Oceaneering International all the years I did. I'm sure folks with stolen passports get on international flights everyday. Just my two cents.

Did you see this? I know I am supposed to be respectful of the "crew" but here it is...Sometimes we get more updated news from overseas than we do right here at home:


Did you see this? I know I am supposed to be respectful of the "crew" but here it is...Sometimes we get more updated news from overseas than we do right here at home:



The link was posted somewhere on here! :)

It does seem to me that someone who piloted the plane, be it the pilot, co-pilot, or someone else who took control and did know how to fly the plane is likely. I'm suspecting the pilot the least of the three though and really not understanding why the media isn't looking into the copilot or a possible crew/passenger who could fly the plane. Maybe lack of any available information to do that?
Changing my theory…

I think there was some type of hypoxia event (thank you, SeriouslySearching), and as the crew was loosing consciousness, they turned the plane away from land and put it on auto-pilot.

I'm thinking that all of the guesses about how they programmed the turn 12 minutes before the transponder went out, were just that, guesses, or kooky, unconfirmed details coming out of Malaysia and distributed by media. The plane flew until it ran out of fuel, then ended up in the Indian Ocean, and all of the passengers and crew had already suffocated. :'(

I don't think that this many countries would be spending this kind of money searching for a plane in the ocean if they in any way thought it was hijacked or stolen. I also think they ruled out that the plane went north because Indian airspace is heavily monitored. They had no good data that said it entered their airspace, or any other country in that area.

This is the best way that I can make all of the puzzle pieces fit.

I like your theory. I'm in the minority on this, because I cannot adequately explain the weird flight paths, but I'm leaning toward some kind of disabling event affecting communications electronics. Smoldering fires do happen, and sometimes only affect a region where they occur. Is there a single corridor where that wiring runs from the flight cabin to the antenna on the top of the plane?

My implausible theory:

Fire, partial destruction of cabin electronics, but not total (autopilot works) - I'm deliberately ignoring altitude data because several flight forums seem to be perplexed about why anyone intentionally would go so high, etc. and that the data may not be reliable for some reason.

The "lithium batteries caught on fire" theory is a longshot, but deserves consideration until it can be ruled out.

It's not so much that I don't want terrorism/hijacking to be the answer, but I would like to hear counter arguments about technical scenarios that may explain some of this.

I'm naive in many respects, but I think with (some of) the media being so hungry for this to be terrorism, we owe a little time to considering possible technical causes, if for nothing more than playing devils advocate.

We only have theories until solid fact discount them, and we should consider all the possibilities.
The third option is mechanical failure and blew up. You can always add your own choice. Write ins are allowed. :)

I don't think it blew up.

My theory is quite simple. I think the plane experienced some mechanical failure inside the cockpit which resulted in the pilot trying to go back but sadly ended up in the ocean.

The zombie plane theory also makes sense.


She explained that the scenario could have occurred if fumes or smoke knocked out everyone on the plane, which would then have flown on autopilot until crashing. Malveaux said that was what caused the crash of a charter plane carrying golfer Payne Stewart in 1999.

Did you see this? I know I am supposed to be respectful of the "crew" but here it is...Sometimes we get more updated news from overseas than we do right here at home:



I don't believe it. There were 20 people from one company; yet everyone but the pilot /copilot checks out? I say bull$hit!!!!

The link was posted somewhere on here! :)

It does seem to me that someone who piloted the plane, be it the pilot, co-pilot, or someone else who took control and did know how to fly the plane is likely. I'm suspecting the pilot the least of the three though and really not understanding why the media isn't looking into the copilot or a possible crew/passenger who could fly the plane. Maybe lack of any available information to do that?

Someone held something to one of their heads; or had a bomb. They turned before good night hoping it would get caught; they turned off tracking hoping military would see... Does everyone realize how many people failed the plane that night? Then they got a 4 day lead.

I like your theory. I'm in the minority on this, because I cannot adequately explain the weird flight paths, but I'm leaning toward some kind of disabling event affecting communications electronics. Smoldering fires do happen, and sometimes only affect a region where they occur. Is there a single corridor where that wiring runs from the flight cabin to the antenna on the top of the plane?

My implausible theory:

Fire, partial destruction of cabin electronics, but not total (autopilot works) - I'm deliberately ignoring altitude data because several flight forums seem to be perplexed about why anyone intentionally would go so high, etc. and that the data may not be reliable for some reason.

The "lithium batteries caught on fire" theory is a longshot, but deserves consideration until it can be ruled out.

It's not so much that I don't want terrorism/hijacking to be the answer, but I would like to hear counter arguments about technical scenarios that may explain some of this.

I'm naive in many respects, but I think with (some of) the media being so hungry for this to be terrorism, we owe a little time to considering possible technical causes, if for nothing more than playing devils advocate.

We only have theories until solid fact discount them, and we should consider all the possibilities.

Wow; have not seen Gamers burning kitty avatar in years.
I don't believe it. There were 20 people from one company; yet everyone but the pilot /copilot checks out? I say bull$hit!!!!

Someone held something to one of their heads; or had a bomb. They turned before good night hoping it would get caught; they turned off tracking hoping military would see... Does everyone realize how many people failed the plane that night? Then they got a 4 day lead.

Wow; have not seen Gamers burning kitty avatar in years.


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