What do you think really happened? Nothing makes sense.

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Thanks for telling your story, barrysgirl. Thanks for the info about paralysis and detoxing too. I was going to go for that as an explanation but now, maybe not. Her paralysis story got my alert up because of the claim that she was paralyzed from the waist down, where her privates are. I had to wonder if a drug was involved in that? Then I wondered if someone tried that with the girls, in order to rape them and have them not be able to run away? Did anyone see the sisters at all during the time they were staying at MP's? trailer?

I can't find where anyone has said ANYTHING about the sisters. It's like these people have that "no snitch" mentality. What is wrong with people?

Here is the link to that page on AWB's site:

Middle ways down the page is the post where it has the Indiana arrest and says he was a fugitive from Indiana. Is that for child selling? Is that what I am reading?
um...they are in Indiana, yes I know, lol. I was getting Iowa and Indiana confused. Hush up, lol. Hell, I've confused myself now.
Hoppy: agree. Where's the grandma now? Where's anyone? How come no one is coming out to vent anger and disbelief? It's weird but then again, Aliahna's dad was fb friends with a guy who molested her. I think everyone is quiet because anyone's name will lead to some skeletons in the closet in this case. JMO

While she was missing they were quick to put the blame on Aliahna oh she is this or that. I think that is want has me more annoyed. Not one person has come out saying I told TS that it was not safe why didn't she listen. So far no one in their grieving process has blamed TS or AS. It just doesn't seem normal.

IMO no one bothered to stand up for Aliahna while she was alive. I hope organizations, LE, FBI and the courts will stand up for Ali and her siblings and not let this story die out in the media.
I am also a RN (verified) and have nursed hundreds detoxing from many drugs and also have never seen paralysis.
AFAIK paralysis is a neurological symptom or a conversion syndrome (hysteria)
So yes, I call BS too.

OTOH I have yet to see any drug convictions related to this motley crew, has anyone else?
I really don't think she was selling them for sex or anything like that.

I think it boils down to the fact that Tarah herself was an abuse victim and is severely damaged from it. Things that would seem obvious to those of us who think clearly and have never been a victim of abuse, are not seen by her in the same way. I'm thankful that many are able to overcome abuse and go on to live normal happy lives and break the cycle, but I don't believe that Tarah was one of them. I think there is a lot of denial going on in her family, and sadly it cost Aliahna her precious life.

I don't know why they were staying with Mike. Maybe she wasn't feeling well, and perhaps he said he offered to take the girls for a few days until she was feeling better, etc. The grandma said they had sleepovers etc., so sadly, I don't think it was out of the norm. Again, as an abuse victim, her judgement is clouded by so many things. Possibly drugs too. And Mike, as a predator, knows just when to strike as the "caring, concerned friend."

I agree with you for the most part. I also cant just erase the notion that it was also a very selfish act on TS's part. Yes, her judgement is clouded, but she is also from a "entitlement" mind set culture. The pedos in her family felt "entititled" she feels "entitiled" (to her free time with no kids, no matter the cost). She may have argued with herself about letting the girls associate with MP, but ultimately she wanted what she wanted, and that won out. I see this all the time, moms putting themselves first.

Also, what in the h-e-double hockey sticks is wrong with the TS's husband??? His child was there too...birds of a feather I guess. Working a third shift is NO excuse. My husband just retired from the police force, after 36 years of working graveyard! I worked too, and he took care of the kids many times during the summer when they were out of school, I was working, and he had worked a third shift. It was hard, yes, but we did it. He went without a full 8 hour nights sleep for most of his life. Good parents make sacrifices. Simply put.....TS and her husband are bad parents, they lack skills and the willingness to make sacrifices. Plain and simple.
Not to a 'poor me' or non-rational type person, perhaps. And isn't there something to a victim being distraught when their victimizer dies/goes away? Not implying that's the case here... But no initial public outcry over her missing daughter.

Have we heard the 911 call?


Conversion disorder

Hysterical neurosis

Conversion disorder is a condition in which a person has blindness, paralysis, or other nervous system (neurologic) symptoms that cannot be explained by medical evaluation.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Conversion disorder symptoms may occur because of a psychological conflict.

Symptoms usually begin suddenly after a stressful experience. People are more at risk for a conversion disorder if they also have a medical illness, dissociative disorder, or a personality disorder.

It is important to understand that patients are not making up their symptoms (malingering). Some doctors falsely believe that conversion disorder is not a real condition, and may tell patients the problem is all in their head. However, these conditions are real. They cause distress and cannot be turned on and off at will.

The physical symptoms are thought to be an attempt to resolve the conflict the person feels inside. For example, a woman who believes it is not acceptable to have violent feelings may suddenly feel numbness in her arms after becoming so angry that she wanted to hit someone. Instead of allowing herself to have violent thoughts about hitting someone, she may experience the physical symptom of numbness in her arms.

Her RSO father had died days before on December 3. She had written all over her FB wall about him. Not a stretch for me to believe this could have been her 'illness'. None of them look healthy IMO. This kind of behavior doesn't just start up one day, there are too many players in this game. This has been going on for a very long time and they simply don't see a problem with it. IMO.
Personally, I believe that TS and Stepfather sent the girls to MP so they could have their anniversary celebration. They didn't think the kids would be running in and out because they absolutely forbid them to come home. For both of them the kids were out of sight, therefore out of mind.

I don't believe there was ever a party that ALi was supposed to go to. I don't believe that either parent checked on the girls while they were at Mp's. I think more than likely the girls weren't running back and forth because they were drugged most of the time that they were there, to fit in with MP's schedule. Whether that was TS's order or at MP's discretion remains to be seen.

I think TS finally called to have the kids come home, once she and stepfather were recovered from their celebration. I also think that MP might have told her there was something wrong with Ali, but not told her the whole story. Just told her that things went too far, and he needed time to clean her up. Several hours later, TS reported Ali to save her own skin, probably realizing by that time that Ali was dead.

I think she knew what MP was when she sent the kids there, she just didn't care, or was not capable of caring for whatever reason. MOO, and I would love to be wrong.
So TS has the 'flu' for a week and paralysis, has 3 little girls to care for, it is her 2nd anniversary and she never goes to the doctor?????
Everything about this is hinky to me.
How did this gang of people fly over the radar of so many states.
The child selling/exploytation should mean a life sentence.
Stalking and sexting to a 13 year old should be also.
Why did they get away with stuff like that?
How many children are hur, missing or killed ?
One interesting thing n reading I observed that IIRC July 1st, 2011 BOTH
MP and TS went to 'care for RSO GP'..................
Why would TS husband quit a job to travel to FT W. ?
What really tied MS/TS together? Did she go to RSOGP thinking $$$$$
or is there more?
TS also had a good job once in PA in computers.
Personally, I believe that TS and Stepfather sent the girls to MP so they could have their anniversary celebration. They didn't think the kids would be running in and out because they absolutely forbid them to come home. For both of them the kids were out of sight, therefore out of mind.

I don't believe there was ever a party that ALi was supposed to go to. I don't believe that either parent checked on the girls while they were at Mp's. I think more than likely the girls weren't running back and forth because they were drugged most of the time that they were there, to fit in with MP's schedule. Whether that was TS's order or at MP's discretion remains to be seen.

I think TS finally called to have the kids come home, once she and stepfather were recovered from their celebration. I also think that MP might have told her there was something wrong with Ali, but not told her the whole story. Just told her that things went too far, and he needed time to clean her up. Several hours later, TS reported Ali to save her own skin, probably realizing by that time that Ali was dead.

I think she knew what MP was when she sent the kids there, she just didn't care, or was not capable of caring for whatever reason. MOO, and I would love to be wrong.

Except their anniversary was the 29th, right? A week AFTER he killed Ali.....if I don't have all my timing screwed up....that is my problem with that scenario.
AWB also is looking into the possibility that this goup was into some fetish type of
stuff. Is that the glue to keep them togther? like in kinky sex stuff with children?
Except their anniversary was the 29th, right? A week AFTER he killed Ali.....if I don't have all my timing screwed up....that is my problem with that scenario.

IIRC it is a day before 12/21/09
So TS has the 'flu' for a week and paralysis, has 3 little girls to care for, it is her 2nd anniversary and she never goes to the doctor?????
Everything about this is hinky to me.
How did this gang of people fly over the radar of so many states.
The child selling/exploytation should mean a life sentence.
Stalking and sexting to a 13 year old should be also.
Why did they get away with stuff like that?
How many children are hur, missing or killed ?
One interesting thing n reading I observed that IIRC July 1st, 2011 BOTH
MP and TS went to 'care for RSO GP'..................
Why would TS husband quit a job to travel to FT W. ?
What really tied MS/TS together? Did she go to RSOGP thinking $$$$$
or is there more?
TS also had a good job once in PA in computers.

And WHERE did those skills come from????? If she is so skilled with computers, why not find another job doing the same thing instead of moving to RSO heaven in Indiana?
Except their anniversary was the 29th, right? A week AFTER he killed Ali.....if I don't have all my timing screwed up....that is my problem with that scenario.

Their anniversary was the 21st. If I'm not mistaken, that was the last day that Aliahna had school before the break. So they planned their celebration for when they could have the kids out of the house. Regardless of who they had to leave them with to make that happen. MOO.
IIRC it is a day before 12/21/09

Correct passionflower! I mis-remembered that. Sorry Not my kids!

from hinky link:
Tarah married Allen Souders on December 21, 2009, who was previously married to Priscilla Brown (she had filed for disollution of marriage 10/15/2009), Allen and Priscilla have one child, a 6 year old daughter.

:crazy: So much to keep straight! :crazy:

Ugggh. :sick: Just thought of something.....wasn't Pris supposed to be in the park during this time? Do you think the anniversary 'party' was a little.....more????? Very good reason not to have the girls in the trailer. I need a shower now. :eek:hdear:
That's okay, if I didn't look back at these dates almost daily, I would lose track of them. This case is crazy, so many people that did so many things that might be relevant. It's hard to keep track of everyone, everything, every time.
I recall someone here posting about a post they saw somewhere from one of TS's friends saying she would be able to walk again the following week...I think maybe the rehab was physical rehab, not drug's...jmo. And perhaps when people are saying she TS wasn't feeling well it was because of this physical problem, and not the flu, has it ever been verified that she had the flu, or are we assuming it was the flu or a cold...this would also go along with aliahna telling her friend she would be staying somewhere else for a week..

I keep having this idea running around in my head...maybe this was not a matter of MP molesting Aliahna...I would like to know more about how severe Aliahna's ADHD was...is it possible that she had an out of control moment and he was trying to control her and this happened...When i worked at my son's school we had a few children that were ADHD...(I mean really ADHD not ADD) there was one boy that would lose it sometimes, for no reason, there was one time that it took 4 of us adults to control him, he was trying to leave the school, and was completly out of control...it was very frightning for everyone and i could not believe how strong he was,, he was in kindergarten, we all had bruises from his kicking and biting etc...

I wonder if when he said he had to control his temper around Aliahna that he was talking about her ADHD issues, it is easy to get upset when trying to control ADHD kids....however, this in no way what so ever would excuse him...and i am not condoning any thing this man did...

anyway, just a thought
Correct passionflower! I mis-remembered that. Sorry Not my kids!

from hinky link:

:crazy: So much to keep straight! :crazy:

Ugggh. :sick: Just thought of something.....wasn't Pris supposed to be in the park during this time? Do you think the anniversary 'party' was a little.....more????? Very good reason not to have the girls in the trailer. I need a shower now. :eek:hdear:

was she really there?
I used to think so FK,but like I explained in the other thread I've changed my mind.
I now think the truly evil one is MP he knowingly infiltrated a group of very damaged and vulnerable people,I no longer believe TS send the girls to his trailer with evil intend.I now believe she really thought he loved children and would take care of them.I think she was devastated by her dad's death and couldn't have them around.

I have to agree until I hear otherwise with proof positive.
I know that when they were informed about Ali, Tarah was taken to the hospital, then the wheelchair. I don't know how distraught she was about her dads passing, but I've heard it was dramatically upset.

If Tarah sent those girls to MP for his entertainment, why kill her when she ran to tell??

eta: Please don't get me wrong - there is no mother of the year/month/day/moment award for TS, but I am thinking more that MP had them all snowballed and that TS thought MP would be the safest place in the park either at his request, the girls request or her request. There is so many issues with that scenario it's almost impossible to list them all, such as why mom hadn't seen the girls -- but if she did call and MP made up some believable story??? I don't know, I just don't think it was a plan.

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