What do you think really happened? Nothing makes sense.

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I can't find where anyone has said ANYTHING about the sisters. It's like these people have that "no snitch" mentality. What is wrong with people?

Here is the link to that page on AWB's site:

Middle ways down the page is the post where it has the Indiana arrest and says he was a fugitive from Indiana. Is that for child selling? Is that what I am reading?
After reading this for the second time, I believe AWB is questioning whether or not TS could be arrested for IC 35-46-1-4 - Neglect of a dependent;selling child.

I'm overprotective because when I was 11 my best friend was kidnapped, raped, killed and missing for 9 weeks - very, very small community back before mass media. However, God forbid, if something did happen I'd rather my children remained alive and we could deal with the aftermath. In a sense, MP was surrounded by convicted child molesters who were essentially free men. If he did molest her (I think he did) what did he have to gain by killing her - knowing that (presumably from his prior convictions) murder would be a worse charge if caught than child molesting. Just seems like a much higher risk for him to take, especially dumping her body so near the house and planning to do whatever with the identifiable parts later. Only thing I can attribute is that he panicked somewhere along the line.
What I think happened is that MP groomed all the girls.. very possible in other states.. However regarding AL.. molested her over months, this time somthing went wrong.. perhaps she finally fought back, perhaps he was too rough, perhaps.. whatever.. but he killed her during molestation or her perhaps actions after as stating she would tell.. and he had to prevent that.. I doubt that due to he could of said.. oh she dreamed it during night terrors, sleepwalking.. the family would of believed him over AL.

I believe that TS didnt think she would be killed.. she was a careless mother who didnt care whom her kids stayed with. The week long.. flu... hmmm not a chance.. perhaps withdrawls from oxy.. if you cant keep them in sytem.. severe flu like symptoms.. hot and cold.,, body aches.. stomach upset.. cant sleep .. similar to the flu ( my neice was hooked and always, always said flu sympton but 10 times worse) no one can make me believe she was "clean".. drugs in a low income trailor park.. almost a given.. JMO on the withdrawls.. read up on the withdrawl symptoms.. my neice would have family keep her kids for yep.. a week to get through it.. and then be semi ok after the major withdrawls..not because she wanted off.. but in my neice case.. because she couldnt get her hands on them at the time.. again JMO on the "flu"

The MP overnights.. again push kids off on anyone.. he groomed and was there and willing.. still on TS part.. horrible decision due to commen sence... kids with a male.. bad news.. male that associated with TS, RSO... 2+2 is FOUR.. horrible and neglet to her children...does this make her responsible.. yes it contributes to her death.. the circle of friends with previous molestors the entire pack of them .. the word that comes to mind is "pure trash"

Little Angel is gone.. little girl missing in man's care.. come on he should of entered their mind the first moment he stated she was gone...

it all makes sence to me.. neglect, put kids last, put men first, put RSO father first, put possible drugs first, put her kids last on list in the hands of a monster.

That is what happened.
I thought you worded it great and yes, I agree!

Not one person has come out and said something about her leaving the girls with a RSO for a week or anything! Especially given that this whole group is not normal. I would expect tons of fighting and finger pointing. Even Ali's daddy hasn't said anything has he?

But he has always been such a nice, helpful, friendly guy, who hands out toys and candy at funerals, who loves to babysit and have sleepovers, who lists children's movies as being favs - why, oh why, would they point fingers at 'Uncle Mike?'

<insert sarcasm icon here>
IDK, but I see the whole clan as opportunists of all sorts. Mom went man to man, moved place to place which is expensive and excessive. Why all the moves? It would be interesting to hear from the previous landlords if when she/they left; the rent was unpaid & the place a disaster or if CPS was on their heels?

People generally know if something is too good to be true; to be careful, check things carefully. She found someone to take her kids for days on end. An opportunist is a taker & will take everything someone has to offer until bitten and I also don't buy she moved there to take care of dear old Dad; she doesn't seem like a giver. I get the feeling she lived a hard life of survival. The woman seems very street smart; she is no dummy of what could happen, it already occurred TWICE; just selfish, uncaring & negligent IMO. The step-father...not expecting much better, maybe worse. Yes, I am more upset with MP, but he is being dealt with.

The cycle HAS to STOP...NO EXCUSES ~ take the kids away at least for as long as it takes maybe FOREVER! They need to come first, not poor mom...who may continue on and on with one loser after another.

Sorry just had to vent my current opinion.
And as a RN (verified), you can verify the fact that there are a number of disabilities that mimic flu symptoms, whose symptoms come and go, and whose symptoms are exacerbated by stress?

MS comes to mind however I believe that whoever said she was paralysed was exaggerating, I don't doubt that she could not walk, she has been through extreme trauma.
Whatever her failings are as a mother, she has lost a child in horrific circumstances
What I think happened is that MP groomed all the girls.. very possible in other states.. However regarding AL.. molested her over months, this time somthing went wrong.. perhaps she finally fought back, perhaps he was too rough, perhaps.. whatever.. but he killed her during molestation or her perhaps actions after as stating she would tell.. and he had to prevent that.. I doubt that due to he could of said.. oh she dreamed it during night terrors, sleepwalking.. the family would of believed him over AL.

I believe that TS didnt think she would be killed.. she was a careless mother who didnt care whom her kids stayed with. The week long.. flu... hmmm not a chance.. perhaps withdrawls from oxy.. if you cant keep them in sytem.. severe flu like symptoms.. hot and cold.,, body aches.. stomach upset.. cant sleep .. similar to the flu ( my neice was hooked and always, always said flu sympton but 10 times worse) no one can make me believe she was "clean".. drugs in a low income trailor park.. almost a given.. JMO on the withdrawls.. read up on the withdrawl symptoms.. my neice would have family keep her kids for yep.. a week to get through it.. and then be semi ok after the major withdrawls..not because she wanted off.. but in my neice case.. because she couldnt get her hands on them at the time.. again JMO on the "flu"

The MP overnights.. again push kids off on anyone.. he groomed and was there and willing.. still on TS part.. horrible decision due to commen sence... kids with a male.. bad news.. male that associated with TS, RSO... 2+2 is FOUR.. horrible and neglet to her children...does this make her responsible.. yes it contributes to her death.. the circle of friends with previous molestors the entire pack of them .. the word that comes to mind is "pure trash"

Little Angel is gone.. little girl missing in man's care.. come on he should of entered their mind the first moment he stated she was gone...

it all makes sence to me.. neglect, put kids last, put men first, put RSO father first, put possible drugs first, put her kids last on list in the hands of a monster.

That is what happened.

I may get smacked for not keeping up but are we sure that drugs are involved?
Do any of the gang have drug convictions? Certainly MP has a steroid look to him
I don't know what to think! I don't think TS ever imagined her child would be murdered. The first thing that crossed my mind when this story broke was that TS (and possibly AS) had made these girls available to MP in exchange for drugs or cash. Then I started learning about this tawdry, too close for comfort web of wierdos surrounding the family. I then thought OMG, a child-*advertiser censored*, child exploitation ring of some sort. Now I've backed off it being an organized, for profit enterprise. I do think MP is an evil man who took advantage of a situation which was perfect for his sick purposes, but my opinion of the family and their intertwined circle is a little different, now. I think these people don't respect normal boundaries or what most of us would find appropriate behavior. Among them, there seem to be swingers (my interpretation), people into alternative life styles (fetlife) and an easy acceptance of molestation. I think these people feel about child molestation the same way a lot of people might feel about adultery, i.e, adultery isn't really "right", but things happen, lots of people do it, and it doesn't define the whole person. I don't think TS is without feelings. I think she grieves for her father and her child. I don't think this was a business deal for her. I do think she just didn't have the normal fears about what might happen in a situation like this because she didn't think it was any big deal. In her skewed view of the world, the usual feelings of wanting to care for and protect loved ones was replaced by self gratification, doing whatever felt good at the moment and letting everyone else, even children, fend for themselves as best they could. All MOO.

I think you are quite likely correct, and this was well said.
IDK, but I see the whole clan as opportunists of all sorts. Mom went man to man, moved place to place which is expensive and excessive. Why all the moves? It would be interesting to hear from the previous landlords if when she/they left; the rent was unpaid & the place a disaster or if CPS was on their heels?

My husband and I are landlords and we have seen all sorts. We have had the tenants that move from place to place. They pay for a couple months, are late for a couple then stop paying and we have to evict them. They leave all sorts of belongings and furniture behind essentially starting from scratch. A lot of these tenants are single moms with kids. Doesn't make sense but it's a lifestyle for these folks.

Maybe TS et al live like this?
Did anyone note what days she was playing?

If she was in rehab or detoxing then I doubt she would be on FB.

She could very easily have someone logging in and tending her "farms" for her. The crops rot in the field if you don't harvest.

I *just* started following this case so please, please forgive me if this has been mentioned a million times... But why in the world was a NINE year old 45 pounds and 48 inches?!?!

I have a proportionate 5 year old that weighs 44 pounds?! And she turned 5 just a week ago.

I know she had some other disabilities but, man, that is a small 9 year old.

Because she was a small child? I was only 50 lbs at 9 years old.

I see your point regarding Christmas being a hard time on the family for a parent to go into rehab.
However, one of my close relatives did just that...this person did not want to miss her grandbabies during this special time of year.
However...like the good nurse said..."Do you want to see your "babies" this year, then never again..or do you want to get well so that you can see them for many years to come?" It is like life and death surgery to some...waiting may be too late.
This is my experience...and I could relate other examples of rehab during Mother's Day, etc...but getting well is actually the best gift, because death is often the alternative.

The holidays can be really rough for people that self medicate and can finally push them over the edge.
I cut alot of your post out to talk about this one thought you had.I know its hard to try to explain our feeling online sometimes, Ill try my best here.

Adultry is what "adults" do conciously, KWIM?
Child molestation or any form of it to me is probably one of the worst things ANYONE can do.
The childs rights,innocense,ETC are completely taken from them, it is a brutal barbaric act.
I think these people KNOW whats right from wrong or else they wouldnt keep it private.
When anyone is engaged in adultry, they eventually have a choice, they can stay with that person or they can leave.
A child has no choice,after molestation. They have been completely robbed.

Oh, I think you are right about molestation of course. I'm just not so sure a lot of the people involved directly and indirectly in this tragedy see it in the same light. I agree that it's not always easy to get a point across writing online. People routinely do things that are immoral or illegal because for them, what they do is not "all that wrong". Many people who are abused as children survive to become loving, protective parents and advocates for children. Others become abusers themselves or marry abusers because they are emotionally damaged, morally deficient and view such horrors as "just the way things are." I, in no way, mean to excuse such views or behavior. Just trying to understand what happened. All MOO.
Here's my post from a previous Thread:

Originally Posted by concentric
I'm vacillating between mom being totally snowed by Plumadore or somewhat on-board with his plans for the week.

Do you think he could have said something like this: I know you're strapped for cash, but on-line child *advertiser censored* is lucrative and I have some connections. I will just need to take some naked photos of the girl(s). I won't hurt them in any way. So, no harm. We're helping each other.


Seems MP enjoyed working from home. So...did he have some video cam child *advertiser censored* that he was distributing?
Here's my post from a previous Thread:

Originally Posted by concentric
I'm vacillating between mom being totally snowed by Plumadore or somewhat on-board with his plans for the week.

Do you think he could have said something like this: I know you're strapped for cash, but on-line child *advertiser censored* is lucrative and I have some connections. I will just need to take some naked photos of the girl(s). I won't hurt them in any way. So, no harm. We're helping each other.


Seems MP enjoyed working from home. So...did he have some video cam child *advertiser censored* that he was distributing?

Well you wouldnt have to go far to sell would you.
I find this article mighty interesting, in that it is on the bottom of a page of the article of Aliahna's service. U.S. Marshalls just arrested this guy. Seems he left Indiana in a hurry. You have to wonder if he had any connection to this whole mess:


This article has the correct spelling of the man's name
Here's my post from a previous Thread:

Originally Posted by concentric
I'm vacillating between mom being totally snowed by Plumadore or somewhat on-board with his plans for the week.

Do you think he could have said something like this: I know you're strapped for cash, but on-line child *advertiser censored* is lucrative and I have some connections. I will just need to take some naked photos of the girl(s). I won't hurt them in any way. So, no harm. We're helping each other.


Seems MP enjoyed working from home. So...did he have some video cam child *advertiser censored* that he was distributing?

The thing is, if Mom was on board with him creating child *advertiser censored* of her children, why send them there for a week? I mean, it doesn't take that long to take some pictures. Even if it were some elaborate movie or something, they could still go home to sleep in their own beds.

I feel like I need more info. to even guess at the "why" behind them being sent there for a week's long sleepover. I'd bet some kind of illness besides the flu or an issue with drugs affecting Mom is close to the truth, but the stepfather was home, so that doesn't totally make sense to me. It seems to me like the most logical answer is that she wasn't there. With the stepfather working the night shift, maybe in her mind it was more "responsible" to leave them with someone who'd be home all night?
I think this makes no sense to us because most of us wouldn't give three little girls to a single unrelated middle aged male for babysitting, let alone a convicted felon. But time and time again, we see mothers leaving kids with their boyfriends, or male babysitters, ending up in tragic consequences. I don't think this has to be anything more than that.
I find this article mighty interesting, in that it is on the bottom of a page of the article of Aliahna's service. U.S. Marshalls just arrested this guy. Seems he left Indiana in a hurry. You have to wonder if he had any connection to this whole mess:




Conviction Date: 9/24/2009

Angola, IN 46703 ( about an hour from ft. wayne and RSOville. )
Here's my post from a previous Thread:

Originally Posted by concentric
I'm vacillating between mom being totally snowed by Plumadore or somewhat on-board with his plans for the week.

Do you think he could have said something like this: I know you're strapped for cash, but on-line child *advertiser censored* is lucrative and I have some connections. I will just need to take some naked photos of the girl(s). I won't hurt them in any way. So, no harm. We're helping each other.


Seems MP enjoyed working from home. So...did he have some video cam child *advertiser censored* that he was distributing?

This is, of course, a possibility. He might also have been acting as a pimp, farming them out to the RSOs in the trailer park. I suspect a fair number of pedos would pay just to watch them take their clothes off, and it might have even started with something that "innocent". But of course, this is all just nonsense until LE releases more information. The crux of the issue is that what occured here with these parents is so extreme that theories this depraved actually make more sense then what the parents are asking us to believe. In my opinion of course.

It is EASY to imagine a pedophile willing paying Mike and Tarah some cash to peek at these girls in their underwear, or naked. I would say that's a no brainer -- of course they would be willing to pay for that. 100% guaranteed. With that as a given, it seems to me that the major questions are:

1. Was Mike so morally upstanding that he would refuse to be involved in such an obvious easy-money business opportunity?

In my opinion, this is a silly question. Talking about the morals of a child murderer is ridiculous. He had none. And in any case he lived with, and surrounded by, pedophiles. He cared for one, and he had at least one prior complaint against him for going after a kid himself.

2. If Mike was willing to do something like this (and I see no reason to doubt that he would) what leverage would he use with the parents to allow him access to the kids?

Obvious answers are drugs, money, or some potential blackmail. I say this not as a reflection on these parents. For all I know they are rich as midas and have never even drank a beer. But drugs and money work on most people -- offer enough and ethics are compromised.

3. Based on what we know of these parents and the girls history, would money or drugs or whatever be enough?

This is the big question. I would say absolutely. After all, by their own admission they gave their girls to Mike, to do anything he wanted, with no supervision, no checking, and for no compensation at all. They knew going in that Uncle Mike would be feeding them, dressing and undressing them, giving them their baths. If they were willing to allow Mike to do all THAT, why would they object to a little cash for it.

And Mike would be smart enough to start small if he thought that's what it would take. Just looking, no touching, maybe some pictures. Then work from there.

Finally, and this is actually what I believe....

I suspect this is exactly what was going on, but I think it didn't start with Mike. I think it started when grandpedo was still alive, and that's the real reason they moved there in the first place. It was a business, and it has probably been going on for a while. No one expected anyone to get hurt, and the parents and grandparents really did believe that Aliahna had run off. In this scenario Mike might not be a serial killing maniac at all. Something went wrong, he brained the girl as she was trying to escape or whatever, and realized he now had a HUGE problem. She's in seriously bad shape, dying or dead, and she has obvious signs of chronic sexual abuse. He can't just stash the body, he can't toss it in a ditch, he has to demolish it completely to keep everything under wraps.

But that's just a theory. Random thoughts.

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