What do you think really happened? Nothing makes sense.

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This is the big question. I would say absolutely. After all, by their own admission they gave their girls to Mike, to do anything he wanted, with no supervision, no checking, and for no compensation at all. They knew going in that Uncle Mike would be feeding them, dressing and undressing them, giving them their baths. If they were willing to allow Mike to do all THAT, why would they object to a little cash for it.

cbm-bbm = I don't see him having to dress and undress 6 and 9 year olds. I believe these children learned to dress themselves long ago. I also don't see how he would have to bathe them ~ maybe run the water and leave them to it. They aren't 2 year olds that need to be monitored in the bath. There would be NO reason whatsoever for him to have to see these children undressed at all.
cbm-bbm = I don't see him having to dress and undress 6 and 9 year olds. I believe these children learned to dress themselves long ago. I also don't see how he would have to bathe them ~ maybe run the water and leave them to it. They aren't 2 year olds that need to be monitored in the bath. There would be NO reason whatsoever for him to have to see these children undressed at all.

To be honest with you, it's been 17 years now since my daughter was six, and I haven't the slightest idea what she did or didn't do for herself at that age.

However, and I think this is important, regardless of whether or not you or I or even their mom thought it would be necessary or appropriate for him to "assist" them with these functions, the reality is that he was empowered by mom to do just that.
My thoughts about that horrible night. Just one of my many theories. Based on nothing but snippets of what life in the trailer park might have been like and could have led up to.

I think that mom and dad sent the girls to stay for few days - why, I'll leave that up to speculation, hopefully disclosure in the future.

I'm thinking MP was still at the "grooming stage" (Ali first, since she's more to his pre-teen preference). That's why the genuine excitement from the girls to stay with Uncle Mike. He's fun, lets them play games, maybe stay up later watching TV - things they don't get to do at home.

He knows mom has issues, is overwhelmed, having an especially bad week and will be less likely to interfere this particular weekend. She needs help, so he volunteers to help out and keep the girls. It's divine intervention - these few days are the time to make "his move"... He's been waiting for just the right time and thinks she's ready.

But he misjudged her. She's not the submissive little girl he'd been hoping for and makes a break for it, unfortunately, she's not fast enough. He subdues her - kills her.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I'd like to believe that she was NOT sexually abused/assaulted by him before she died. I think she still would have died, because it sounds like she had enough spunk in her to tell someone, but I'm hoping she wasn't abused. :(

I also don't think he dismembered her to hide her body. He folded too easily. I think he was angry at the rebuff from her, and in a fit of rage killed her and cut her up. Maybe he'd had enough - frustrated the grooming tips from JL didn't even work for him! I think he then decided he wanted to be caught for whatever reason.

Why keep pieces of her with sisters there and the police sniffing all around? If he left those little girls in the middle of the night as he said to go get a cigar - he could have dropped off plastic bags all over and throughout town.

Maybe he thought he'd never been important to anyone before - maybe felt like he was a "mistake", ignored by mother-who wasn't ready to be one when she had him, not acknowledged by bio father, women, who knows. Maybe there are more bodies out there?

I think he's getting the attention he's always wanted now though.

Finally, and this is actually what I believe....

I suspect this is exactly what was going on, but I think it didn't start with Mike. I think it started when grandpedo was still alive, and that's the real reason they moved there in the first place. It was a business, and it has probably been going on for a while. No one expected anyone to get hurt, and the parents and grandparents really did believe that Aliahna had run off. In this scenario Mike might not be a serial killing maniac at all. Something went wrong, he brained the girl as she was trying to escape or whatever, and realized he now had a HUGE problem. She's in seriously bad shape, dying or dead, and she has obvious signs of chronic sexual abuse. He can't just stash the body, he can't toss it in a ditch, he has to demolish it completely to keep everything under wraps.

But that's just a theory. Random thoughts.

This is the first theory that ties everything together IMO
To be honest with you, it's been 17 years now since my daughter was six, and I haven't the slightest idea what she did or didn't do for herself at that age.

However, and I think this is important, regardless of whether or not you or I or even their mom thought it would be necessary or appropriate for him to "assist" them with these functions, the reality is that he was empowered by mom to do just that.

And that really is the point, isn't it? I agree with Sparklin that the children probably learned to care for themselves at an early age. Even if they did need help to bathe or dress, there is a proper way that adults can assist children with personal grooming while retaining respect and privacy. Yet, responsible parents are very cautious when assuming that level of trust because the stakes are so high.

A predator doesn't need a good reason to do a bad deed; he only needs an opportunity. Unwittingly or not, in this case like so many others we hear about, the power to control was placed right into the monster's hands.
Maybe O/T a bit, but tonight when I went to a convenience store, I saw a man standing outside lighting up a fresh cigar, relishing his first draw. Immediately I envisioned 'Uncle Mike', and was disgustingly creeped out. I'll never view a cigar again in any other way.
Even though TS was grieving the loss of her father, afaik she still had presents under the tree for her children and she was looking forward to celebrating not only Christmas but her Wedding Anniversary with her new husband, but what about MP? What were his plans for Christmas? What did he have to look forward to this year? His employer had just died so his source of income was severed and the trailer he lived in would likely go to TS, so this year MP, at the age of 40, was homeless, penniless, and alone. Were there presents under the tree for Uncle Mike? Was he invited to TS’s home to celebrate Christmas? What was he to do?

MP was approaching 40 and still single, so he could have been deeply agitated and frustrated because he couldn’t attract a mate and have a family of his own. NG repeatedly tells us how she longed to marry and have a family of her own and MP likely felt the same way; in fact he was on FB trying to attract a mate. MP was living in a hidden state of confusion and desperation when he murdered and dismembered Aliahna.

TS and MP are close in age and their physical appearance is similar yet TS had no problem attracting a mate and fulfilling her dreams of becoming a wife and mother but MP was not so lucky. His present circumstances in life were totally opposite to Tara’s and it is very difficult to see those around you flourishing and getting out of life what you can’t seem to find without experiencing a negative reaction. If no one was sensitive to MP and understood what he was feeling, people who feel rejected and unworthy of love often inflict serious harm and damage upon themselves and others.

We don’t know if MP was ever in a serious relationship and was rejected, but by the age of 40 he may have been struggling to come to terms with the fact that no female wanted him and he would be alone for the rest of his life. Let’s face it, MP didn’t own a home, a vehicle afaik, and he didn’t have an education and the means to provide for his family so he may have been freaking out because he had no one he could confide in and help through this tumultuous time in his life. This can cause a person to feel less than human and this is what motivated him to attack, kill and dismember Aliahna imo. If this is the case, I doubt he sexually molested her. The girls were likely excited about Santa coming to their house this year and Mike was upset that he was alone but now all his needs for housing and food will be provided for. jmo
There is a purported ex-girlfriend of MP that has made an appearance on facebook - however looking at her own facebook page - she seems to have had quite a few of them and is very dramatic about the beginning and short lived end of the said relationships. In addition, it is rumored that KrK was at one time engaged to MP, but I have not seen anything concrete. It is being discused on HinkyMeter.
Considering MP was accused of sending inappropriate messages to a 13 year old, frankly, I am not at all convinced that what he wanted was age-appropriate mate of his own. I am also not at all convinced there were any Santas coming to girls house. How long were they supposed to stay with MP anyway?
It makes no sense whatsoever that you would pack your kids a whole week's worth of clothes when you lived right next door to where they would be staying and they could walk over and change clothes. Why go to the trouble of packing for a week? Did TS know that it would take just that long to overcome the flu? Doesn't flu sometimes last for 7 to 10 days? I am inclined to believe that TS was NOT home until that Friday morning. Nothing else makes any sense.
It makes no sense whatsoever that you would pack your kids a whole week's worth of clothes when you lived right next door to where they would be staying and they could walk over and change clothes. Why go to the trouble of packing for a week? Did TS know that it would take just that long to overcome the flu? Doesn't flu sometimes last for 7 to 10 days? I am inclined to believe that TS was NOT home until that Friday morning. Nothing else makes any sense.

It would make sense to 'pack' if the parents weren't going to be home/in their trailer for the time period the girls would be with MP.

But if that were the case - why wouldn't they just have MP stay at their place? That would be an easier choice - no need to pack up anything......

IF the above were true (the girls went to MP's because no one was going to be home at their house) - then did they not have MP stay there with the girls because they didn't trust him for some reason?
I read on facebook the other day someone stated that TS was not around and only came back on Friday when they discovered Ali was missing. I can't find the comment now - can't be sure if this was from someone who knew family. The person said it will all come out. Anyone else see that or know what I am talking about?

Dang now I'll be digging again.

That would follow what I remember reading, something along the lines of MP told TS that morning she was gone and TS didn't call LE til 8 something that evening.
I *just* started following this case so please, please forgive me if this has been mentioned a million times... But why in the world was a NINE year old 45 pounds and 48 inches?!?!

I have a proportionate 5 year old that weighs 44 pounds?! And she turned 5 just a week ago.

I know she had some other disabilities but, man, that is a small 9 year old.

I agree with you.

I doubt that she and her sisters were getting three decent meals a day.
It would make sense to 'pack' if the parents weren't going to be home/in their trailer for the time period the girls would be with MP.

But if that were the case - why wouldn't they just have MP stay at their place? That would be an easier choice - no need to pack up anything......

IF the above were true (the girls went to MP's because no one was going to be home at their house) - then did they not have MP stay there with the girls because they didn't trust him for some reason?

Going along with the theory that Mom & stepdad were gone, maybe grandpa's mobile had more luxuries like cable tv, big 50" flat panel, xbox, lot's of movies? Things their home didn't have or they weren't able to do at their home.

Just guessing.
...but I think it didn't start with Mike. I think it started when grandpedo was still alive, and that's the real reason they moved there in the first place. It was a business, and it has probably been going on for a while. No one expected anyone to get hurt, and the parents and grandparents really did believe that Aliahna had run off. In this scenario Mike might not be a serial killing maniac at all. Something went wrong, he brained the girl as she was trying to escape or whatever, and realized he now had a HUGE problem. She's in seriously bad shape, dying or dead, and she has obvious signs of chronic sexual abuse. He can't just stash the body, he can't toss it in a ditch, he has to demolish it completely to keep everything under wraps....

This has the ring of truth.
Hi all. I have been lurking on this site for a long time. This is my first post.

I will have to admit that from the beginning, this case has fascinated me in a morbid way. I cannot fathom how a person could do what this animal did to another human being, especially a child. I also can't fathom how a mother acted the way she did, and put her children in harms way. I am just beside myself with disbelief and anger at the whole situation.

Phew! Got that outta the way!

Now, I want to know why there is no new news? I have not read anything new about this case for a few days. It seems like there should be waaaaaay more to this story. I would think that the media would be all over this story too. Here in So Cal, there's nothing new at all. That is just sad to me. I feel like we should know more about the the victims family and their lives, are there going to be any more charges against anyone, the suspect's family and past, etc. I guess I'm just frustrated because there are no answers for why this happened. I understand that there probably isn't a real answer (or at least one that would make this tragedy any better), but even some sort of explanation would make me feel better. Do you understand what I mean? I guess I'm just sick of things like this being in the headlines for a little while, then on to the next awful tragedy. This crime was so absolutely horrific and brutal that it's one that I don't think I'll forget, or get over. I'm so sorry to rant, I just really thought that the public would know more by now.
Hi all. I have been lurking on this site for a long time. This is my first post.

I will have to admit that from the beginning, this case has fascinated me in a morbid way. I cannot fathom how a person could do what this animal did to another human being, especially a child. I also can't fathom how a mother acted the way she did, and put her children in harms way. I am just beside myself with disbelief and anger at the whole situation.

Phew! Got that outta the way!

Now, I want to know why there is no new news? I have not read anything new about this case for a few days. It seems like there should be waaaaaay more to this story. I would think that the media would be all over this story too. Here in So Cal, there's nothing new at all. That is just sad to me. I feel like we should know more about the the victims family and their lives, are there going to be any more charges against anyone, the suspect's family and past, etc. I guess I'm just frustrated because there are no answers for why this happened. I understand that there probably isn't a real answer (or at least one that would make this tragedy any better), but even some sort of explanation would make me feel better. Do you understand what I mean? I guess I'm just sick of things like this being in the headlines for a little while, then on to the next awful tragedy. This crime was so absolutely horrific and brutal that it's one that I don't think I'll forget, or get over. I'm so sorry to rant, I just really thought that the public would know more by now.

Hi Kristen, and welcome! :seeya:
Unfortunately, these cases are a dime a dozen and they go away with the next big case. Sometimes I have to stop and remember which murdered child the thread is about when I open it. The great thing about Websleuths, they keep these cases alive and never really forget.

Once the trial starts, if there's a trial, there will be a lot of news. Looking forward to your input....have a good night :)

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