What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

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I got in some trouble for talking about people who made decisions on "feelings'. The jurors were not emotionally healthy enough to distinguish between a thought and a feeling...sad, sad.
After weeks of sleeping badly, I just slept for 18 hours, and haven't read this thread before posting, but, here's what I would ask the jury.

How could you? Did it not occur to you that if the judge didn't think the elements were there all the options wouldn't have been? Why not manslaughter? Did it not occur to you that the defendant could appeal your decision but the state could not? Do you seriously think you are a good person and deserve applause for what you did? How dare you and how dare you have your hand out for money from this? Anyone who pays you people a penny will lose viewers. I hope the name of every jury is made public so people who know them can shame them. Shame on each and every one of them. If they talked about this case before deliberations and then lied to the judge when he asked them about this, I hope there is a contempt charge and jail time awaiting each and every juror.l
Yes, it happened in the Nanny case in Massachusetts--Louise Woodward, I think that's the case you mean.

Anyway the judge overturned seconddegree murder and gave her manslaughter and time served so she got out. Completely out, that had her on a plane back to England lickedy spilt. A political decision I would imagine.

I think that was it. But, now reading your reply, the judge lowered a "guilty" verdict. If a person is found "not guilty", can the judge change that to a guilty?
To the jurors I say thank you and my apologies for my fellow non-jurors for the irrational behavior displayed by so many.
Apparently they all lack the cerebral capability that a reasonable juror should be required to have. Who the he^^ are these 12 people who did this? Did they not know they were supposed to examine re: READ and LOOK AT the evidence? Did they just consider what Jose said which was NOT SUPPOSED TO BE considered? How could any sane rational person NOT come to the conclusion that she did this crime? Jesus! I am crushed for Caylee...

Or the testicular fortitude to face the public via a news conference.
How can we stop this kind of injustice from happening again???
We will NEVER get over this as a country with this presidance........
what would i say??

dead 2 year old + duct tape= Homicide NOT accident= at the very least MANSLAUGHTER

to juror #3. i recall JC on HLN stating on the date of closing arguments you would not look at jeff ashton. were u tuning him out? was your mind already made up? he DESERVED you undivided attention. and for all of you...you took an oath
1. making sure you have a clear understanding of instructions. (sorry #3, it wasnt your duty to worry about penalty during guilt phase.
2. for juror # 2 did you understand the charges? if not ..why not get informed. motive and cause of death are not required for a guilty verdict (just ask scott peterson jurors) HHBP wa more than accomadating. why not ASK him like you all did about seeing he sticker.
3. what is your definition of reasonable doubt?
4. why were you dressed up on day 2. mind made up already?
5. why did some of you not bring your notes
6. did you discuss the case secretly
7. do you feel you "deserve' to make money since you did you civic duty
8. if you all felt so sick..why didnt you decide to talk it out and ask yourselves why the verdict made you uneasy before rendering it. if you guys took the time to question each other and debate and deliberate then maybe some of the EVIDENCE would have been more clear.
9. do you realize the DT experts 8 out of 10 times only view photos of evidence and crime scene and they were not fully informed of the fact of the case? it was the prosecution experts who handled, smelt, and viewed the evidence personally
10. did you even spend a minte discussing the lesser charges? if you did you wouldnt have felt so "sick"
11. were you really so indifferent to the fact that in high profile cases the country is looking at you to do the right thing and not rush out of there? your verdict impacts hw the nation feels about our justice system. take it seriously!
12. you do realize not reporting a child dead/missing is child abuse. do you understand if caylee did drown it was her mothers duty to call 911 and render aid. theres your evidence
Hey, Juror #3. Thanks a bunch for slithering out of the shadows and commenting to ABC today. Sorry to hear you're having some "tummy trouble" over your decision. I was so heartened to hear that although your interview was unpaid, ABC's parent company (Disney) has compensated you with free Disney park access. Why, delightful, indeed!!
MAY YOU SEE LITTLE CAYLEE MARIE'S FACE IN EVERY PRECIOUS BABY THAT TODDLES OR IS ROLLED BY YOU. Enjoy it for that murdered child who lay in the wet filth for six months. Think of that, as you enjoy the Princesses, Castle, and general magic of it all, Sweetheart.

Oh, and wave, so I know it's you. I'm a passholder and would LOVE to have our own little "meet 'n' greet".
No a judge cannot do that, but they can overturn a guilty verdict.
There is no hope then is there JBean? No recourse even if jury indiscretions were investigated and proven? Like not heeding the judges admonitions? Nothing can change this now, or ever can it?:maddening::banghead::banghead::sick::banghead::sick::sick::waitasec::banghead::waitasec::sick::waitasec::maddening:
Pinellas, you're a disgrace. Waste! HUGE WASTE! Even my agrarian little Polk county could have done better than you.
You did not need a cause of death. Did you LISTEN to the Medical Examiner? I spell these words out in case you dont understand the abbreviations. Did you read ALL of the pages given to you? You all must be speedreaders. I am so sad I cant even stay on this site. Thanks to all WS'ers for posting.I'm sick..

Just watching HLN again tonight. Jurors, who leaves their swimming pool up when they know their grand baby died in it??? Common sense jurors WAS allowed so unbelievable that not a one of you decided to use your common sense. KARMA that's all I have to say to the entire Anthony family and all of the jurors.
Casey Anthony has destroyed so many lives. I'm sorry that you've all become more casualties. Peace to you all and your families.
There is no hope then is there JBean? No recourse even if jury indiscretions were investigated and proven? Like not heeding the judges admonitions? Nothing can change this now, or ever can it?:maddening::banghead::banghead::sick::banghead::sick::sick::waitasec::banghead::waitasec::sick::waitasec::maddening:

Think of all of the others before Casey - O.J. Joran vanderSloot, I'm confident Casey will not last very long. Only a matter of time, she's not that smart, she got lucky to have gotten a jury that didn't take their responsibilities serious. She will self-destruct I just pray she is never near a child again.
I think that was it. But, now reading your reply, the judge lowered a "guilty" verdict. If a person is found "not guilty", can the judge change that to a guilty?

Absolutely not. A judge can not change a "not guilty" jury verdict to "guilty."
There is no hope then is there JBean? No recourse even if jury indiscretions were investigated and proven? Like not heeding the judges admonitions? Nothing can change this now, or ever can it?:maddening::banghead::banghead::sick::banghead::sick::sick::waitasec::banghead::waitasec::sick::waitasec::maddening:
Judge Stan Strickland said on Nancy Grace that the only way something could be done if there was fraud involved. The lawyers tried to explain what would be considered fraud. Things such as a juror saying they actually voted guilty but was counted as not guilty and bribery.
Have you ever heard that one plus one equals two? Never mind I saw the alternate school teacher.
I would ask

If you, every one of you had a choice between,


Or, for every natural day of Casey's life have her as the sole, unmonitored caregiver for a defenseless child, elderly or disabled person unable to speak for themselves within your own family, would your decision have been the same?
It is looking more and more as if there was a pact in advance between these jurors, to cash in and get everything they can out of this. In fact, they seemed to be so excited they sprang into the deliberation room, all dressed up, knowing that they just had to "make a show of it" for a few hours, and then they could get home and cash their media ticket. Avoiding all media, they slithered away with no explanation. Obviously, the were all waiting for a "paid" media spot. Coincidence that they would ALL behave the same way? No way. Greed at the expense of a brutally murdered child. No evidence to be reviewed out of 400+ pieces? No questions for the judge? A mere 10 hours of "deliberation" for Murder One? Very little note taking? Not looking prosecutors in the eye, Juror Number 3?

Jurors: You all colluded, and we see it. I find it reprehensible, and I for one, will boycott every attempt you make to cash in on this horrendous crime, by not watching or buying. You have left society to deal with a dangerous psychopath, rather than take a few days to do the work the county requested from you. Acquitting a criminal based on the jury's laziness and greed??? I am beyond words...there is nothing adequate to describe how revolted I am right now. And Juror 3; you are obviously feeling sick over your decision, because you know that you sold out a brutally murdered baby for a trip to Disney World with ABC. Your words do not make your actions any less greedy or wrong.
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