What does the jury think happened today?

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What does the jury think happened?

  • ICA plans to plead

    Votes: 21 10.6%
  • ICA (or someone) is sick

    Votes: 117 58.8%
  • Judge or Lawyer had a personal emergency

    Votes: 24 12.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 37 18.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I have so many different ideas of why she pulled this. Firstly, I think she couldn't keep faking her emotions any longer, it was exhausting for her. Secondly, I think this was all making her truly sick, the fact that the focus was on Caylee and not her. She needed to turn that around quick and she did. Thirdly, I do think the memory of the smell in her car and how it was when she moved her to the swamp was indeed making her nauseous and it was a great opp for her exit out of that room.

That's exactly what I think. The focus was no longer on her. She wasn't getting the type of attention she wanted and needed to do something to get attention.
If she was really feeling sick (big if) it was from remembering the smell and the decomp as she moved Caylee to the woods.I don't think that's it,though,because she barely blinked during the smell of the trunk testimony.
I don't think ICA realized how damning that duct tape would be.She probably imagined it slipping down or being too loose to prove where she placed it.
If JB really did not show her those pics,that was very poor judgement on his part.
Big surprise.
NO ONE COMFORTED ICA DURING THE PICTURES. DS half heartedly patted her on the back,but she distanced herself emotionally from ICA.

ITA for the most part. I posted something similar on the trial thread this morning about DCS -- she has been noticeably removed from ICA. I don't blame her for beng annoyed about having been saddled with surrogate "Mommy" duties to the little monster.

It's because of her reaction -- and the rest of the DT generally -- that I can't really go to deliberate strategy. I know they are trying (unsuccessfully, in my view) to manage their client's behavior, but I don't think they engineered this. There's a difference between saying "be sure to react a bit" to the obviously jarring testimony (well, to most people anyway), and "pretend you're sick to the point that we will get the session cancelled." I'm not sure I can believe that the whole team would endorse a plan like that, but I don't necessarily put it past JB and ICA.
She never even looked at the pictures. If she had looked at even one of them I MIGHT buy it, but probably not. Plus, the testimony had gone on quite a while and the first visceral shock was over.
She can fake tears at will, and I'll bet she can barf at will, too. Driving around with her little girl's decomposing body in her car trunk didn't rattle her, but seeing Caylee's bones DID? I don't believe her act for one little minute. She probably envisioned herself strapped on the gurney in Florida's death chamber, and that helped fuel her little freak out.
I really like Judge Perry, he is very no nonsence. There must have been some very compelling information on her illness to actually get him to stop court for the day. Otherwise I think he would have had a recess to let her pull herself together and continue with court. HOWEVER, it will be interesting to see what happens if this becomes a pattern when difficult evidence is being presented.
She never even looked at the pictures. If she had looked at even one of them I MIGHT buy it, but probably not. Plus, the testimony had gone on quite a while and the first visceral shock was over.

I agree with you. I was reading on the news feed during the hearing that she had never seen the pictures before and that Baez blocked her view of the pictures today. So she never saw the pictures at all. What was she so sick over? IMO, that the jury was looking at her and taking notes and for the first time she is starting to realiaze this is about Caylee not her. The fear of the needle is what has her so sick. JMO :cow:

"Snip" Casey, herself, did not look at the images, but became more emotional as the testimony got more graphic.FULL STORY http://www.cfnews13.com/article/new...kull-make-Casey-Anthony-ill,-court-ends-early
I really like Judge Perry, he is very no nonsence. There must have been some very compelling information on her illness to actually get him to stop court for the day. Otherwise I think he would have had a recess to let her pull herself together and continue with court. HOWEVER, it will be interesting to see what happens if this becomes a pattern when difficult evidence is being presented.

Can't remember which article I read that Baez/Defense asked Judge Perry for early recess because Casey was ill. It's in today news thread. I to wonder if this will turn into a pattern. The judge did make a comment to the jury not to speculate on why court was in recess early.
She just had to make it about "her", can't have Caylee getting all of the attention. It's "me,me,me".......and since it worked this time, expect repeats.
I agree with you. I was reading on the news feed during the hearing that she had never seen the pictures before and that Baez blocked her view of the pictures today. So she never saw the pictures at all. What was she so sick over? IMO, that the jury was looking at her and taking notes and for the first time she is starting to realiaze this is about Caylee not her. The fear of the needle is what has her so sick. JMO :cow:

"Snip" Casey, herself, did not look at the images, but became more emotional as the testimony got more graphic.FULL STORY http://www.cfnews13.com/article/new...kull-make-Casey-Anthony-ill,-court-ends-early

ITA. The link between herself and the event is becoming impossible to ignore, and every action ICA has taken in the case has been engineered to distance herself from any such attachment. It's all consistent with her earlier testimony. :cow:
ICA was not sick but I believe she may have been experiencing anxiety just like on Dec 11 when the remains were found...
I watched on WESH streaming and she looked pale (but then again no make, no sun and according to Cindy, lack of eating may do that)
When I watched it again on the tv WESH HD she did not look that pale and definitely not sick...IMO it was anxiety

The DT turned the computers away from Casey and not once did I see Casey look up to even try to look at the photos.....she listened to the testimony

I also did not see tears streaming down her face, yes we saw her blot her face and near the sides of her nose with a folded tissue...
IMO Casey was more upset and cried when Cindy left the stand after testifying.
I have been watching her supposed sickness over and over and my conclusion is she wanted out on her own. I wish she would not have got her way.
i agree. she wanted to put a stop to the public airing of her dirty laundry and it worked. unfortunately for her, she's no longer dealing with family and friends, people she could easily dismiss if confronted. nope, she's now dealing with a court of law and the public airing is going to pick up right where it left off. and jr. will see to it...
ICA was not sick but I believe she may have been experiencing anxiety just like on Dec 11 when the remains were found...
I watched on WESH streaming and she looked pale (but then again no make, no sun and according to Cindy, lack of eating may do that)
When I watched it again on the tv WESH HD she did not look that pale and definitely not sick...IMO it was anxiety

The DT turned the computers away from Casey and not once did I see Casey look up to even try to look at the photos.....she listened to the testimony


Right on there, I think -- at least as far as that went in terms of legitimate symptoms. I do think she is cornered, and because she cannot lash out with her tongue, she resorts to wearing her "victim" hat (my own view is that that is learned behavior, as CA definitely uses that tactic). :moo:
She can fake tears at will, and I'll bet she can barf at will, too. Driving around with her little girl's decomposing body in her car trunk didn't rattle her, but seeing Caylee's bones DID? I don't believe her act for one little minute. She probably envisioned herself strapped on the gurney in Florida's death chamber, and that helped fuel her little freak out.

I've actually been waiting for her to "get ill". I knew it was coming, just didn't know when. Unfortunately I haven't seen her "act" today, so I can't judge on whether it deserves an Oscar or not. Probably not, because all her performances so far have been so obviously fake that this one couldn't have been better. I'm sorry HHJP fell for it. I would have made her stay!
I have so many different ideas of why she pulled this. Firstly, I think she couldn't keep faking her emotions any longer, it was exhausting for her. Secondly, I think this was all making her truly sick, the fact that the focus was on Caylee and not her. She needed to turn that around quick and she did. Thirdly, I do think the memory of the smell in her car and how it was when she moved her to the swamp was indeed making her nauseous and it was a great opp for her exit out of that room.

I think you're right that she was tired of faking emotions, and "just make him stop" expectation of wanting it to stop, and since her attorneys couldn't stop it, she would have a fit and get out of there her own way. I also think she HATED that it was about caylee and everyone in that courtroom was sad for that little girl and not sad for Casey in that moment. Attention was off her, and she hated it.

I don't think the memory of the smell made her sick, I think she long ago blocked all that stuff like a sociopath.

Oh puleeze. This is the same girl that was able to cover her innocent beautiful baby's mouth, suffocating her. Then move her while she was decomposing. Get in her car and drift off to La La Land to eat dinner and watch movies with her boyfriend.
Hate to say but Caylee was decomposing in her car and it didn't bother her then. She was able to party like it was 1999. :banghead:

Yup. Bag and tape up her dead child (No matter HOW Caylee died (intentional or neglectful accident) i truly believe Casey is solely responsible for driving around with her in the trunk), put her in the trunk, go watch horror movies. Stay in bed all the next day having sex with her new bf. Party and have fun for weeks. Get a beautiful life tattoo. Ditch car when it smells of death. But hear experts talk of a skull and suddenly she's faint and ill? :waitasec:

I seriously doubt this was a DT ploy since it totally goes against their theory that ICA cannot show emotion.

It will make those 31 days harder to explain away.

I think that ICA was pissed for the following 5 reasons:

1. Caylee was getting the attention
2. Shame at having the world see the fruits of her handy work.
3. She wanted the attention for herself.
4. She was getting tired of trying to look like a grieving mother.
5. ICA just wanted to get out of court.

At the end of the day this a major setback for her DT on so many levels, does she really think that the jury will not figure it out?
These jurors want to wrap this up as soon as possible.


I do agree that she was getting upset with all the attention on Caylee and not herself, but I also think this was a ploy by a defense that knows it's sunk and knew this day was going to go very badly for them. The jury was very upset at seeing these photos and was glaring at their client. Plus, the rest of the gallery reacted badly as well, and if they saw any of the tweets by the media people, they had to know this day was only going to get worse and worse for their case and client. So the best thing to do was claim illness and hope the jury feels sympathy that Casey got so upset it made her ill. I think they were trying to head off hysterics in the courtroom from her that probably would make the jury like her even less.

I mean, they all went out with her at that ten minute recess. I think they planned it then after realizing what evidence was going to be shown. They wouldn't dare have the day end with Dr. G on the stand or with the jury totally hating their client. This was a definite plan between Casey and the DT, but for different reasons. She just couldn't stand all the attention on Caylee and just wanted out of there. They are trying to salvage the case (badly, I might add, which is par for the course for them) while Casey is just trying to get more attention on herself.

BBM: very good points, i believe you may be right
First Baez gets sick and doesn't come back to court. Now KC gets sick and disrupts another afternoon of proceedings. This defense team is pathetic. KC was so angry that today wasn't all about her she had an anxiety attack. I hope the judge has the common sense to MAKE her sit there every single day from now own unless she actually passes out onto the floor or has a REAL seizure and froths at the mouth. Other than that, the DT needs to stop messing with this trial and get on with it. They are an abomination.

I have to make one more comment. I used to love when Dr. Kobelinski was on NG, etc. he was so sweet. Now that he has been hired by the defense team, every time he is on one of these shows, he comes up with ridiculous reasons why the "facts" aren't really "fact's" anymore. What happened to the brilliant opinions he used to have on other cases? He had a completely different attitude about the evidence on this case before the DT got ahold of him. Now I can't stand to look at him or hear his voice. Along with anyone on the DT.
I think this was completely orchestrated by the DT! I'm surprised they didn't ask to bring in the strings and violins to make it easier for ICA to cry! If those tears were real they were ONLY for herself because everyone else in that courtroom was crying for beautiful baby Caylee!!


There are no skulls in heaven!
They just said on Vinnie Politan's show that KC has seen all of the photos a long time ago. She and Baez have gone through them and since she didn't look at any today how could the photos have made her so SICK????? It DIDN'T. She just knew she could get attention by the nurses and doctors if she claimed she was sick and everyone would be worrying about her instead of thinking about Caylee. She is one sad, sad human being.
I think that she still thinks that she might have a chance to lie her way out of this, or is doing so out of reflex & habit. She knows that a mother *should* feel something bad when hearing about her child's bones being found. She knows that she wants the jury to believe that she's a good mother who was just a victim of circumstance, misunderstood, innocent of any wrongdoing. So, she decides (consciously or unconsciously) to try to act like she's disturbed by this testimony.

And, in usual narcissistic manipulating sociopath behavior, has to make it look bigger than life. Not just disturbed, but so disturbed that court must be stopped. She's hoping to garner jury sympathy. She's hoping that, even if they've been told not to speculate, they will surely figure it out by her earlier behavior (tears, hyperventilating, hugging herself, not looking at pics) & feel sorry for her, think her capable of feeling real emotion.

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