What does the jury think happened today?

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What does the jury think happened?

  • ICA plans to plead

    Votes: 21 10.6%
  • ICA (or someone) is sick

    Votes: 117 58.8%
  • Judge or Lawyer had a personal emergency

    Votes: 24 12.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 37 18.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Had to come out of my lurker mode to see if anyone else noticed how medicated ICA was after the lunch break. At one point I think she nodded off. It could have been the meds on an empty stomach. What do you think?
Although I do think ICA was impacted by the day's proceedings, I wonder if the "illness" was magnified to some extent by DT due in part to DT's desire to have some extra time to prepare for cross-x tomorrow. Did you see DS passing notes during ME testimony? If this is DS area of expertise, I bet DT wanted some more time to prepare response. Hmm....

Bingo. IMO) this performance was just a DT stall tactic. They need more time to try to do damage control.
I just watch the video from the beginning of the day and only focused on Casey and you can tell she was preparing to fake sick... Much like opening statements when she was taking deep breaths like she was going to hyperventilate. All an act.
I have already seen what she did in the 31 days following Caylee's death,so I know she had no emotion about it then and does not now.
This is just another stunt,from a con artist, akin to Michael Jackson showing up in court in his PJ's when he had 'back pain'.
HHJP needs to kick her out when she acts up and carry on without her.
Pretend IMO. What Casey does best. She did not appear to be in distress to me. Just busted. I don't think there was any shame or embarrassment. Just busted. IMO
In the first Image of ICA crying wiping her eyes she is giving the prosecutor the finger.
She seems to really like doing this. That was the only pic I saw her do the eye wipe that way. Wonder what part of the questioning he was at. I don't think she cried when Lee was there.

Good catch Luv. I agree yes she does enjoy giving others the finger this way. IIRC she gave George the finger this way while he was on the stand (way before the trial started).

Back on topic, I just got back from a dentist appt. and missed the meltdown episode may I ask a couple of questions quickly?

1. Did KC actually use the term PVC's? (saw that posted back thread and wasn't sure if it was her words or the posters words).

2. Did KC require medical assistance?

Why didn't she request not to be in the courtroom today? Surely she's seen these pictures already, as part of the defense.

I have the patience of Job but this gal is workin' my last nerve. JMHO
And the academy award for the best Dramatic Actress goes to....
A number of reasons....

Let's see, Baez pulled something similiar off a few weeks ago during jury selection. Casey pulled it off today. Now I see why they couldn't pull the immediately following lunch thing a second time. Anyone care to guess who on the DT will pull it off next and at what time? Perhaps after morning break next time?

do they think people don't notice?

First Baez gets sick and doesn't come back to court. Now KC gets sick and disrupts another afternoon of proceedings. This defense team is pathetic. KC was so angry that today wasn't all about her she had an anxiety attack. I hope the judge has the common sense to MAKE her sit there every single day from now own unless she actually passes out onto the floor or has a REAL seizure and froths at the mouth. Other than that, the DT needs to stop messing with this trial and get on with it. They are an abomination.

I have to make one more comment. I used to love when Dr. Kobelinski was on NG, etc. he was so sweet. Now that he has been hired by the defense team, every time he is on one of these shows, he comes up with ridiculous reasons why the "facts" aren't really "fact's" anymore. What happened to the brilliant opinions he used to have on other cases? He had a completely different attitude about the evidence on this case before the DT got ahold of him. Now I can't stand to look at him or hear his voice. Along with anyone on the DT.

His professional reputation went down the drain when he aligned himself with the DT in this case... his comments on NG were laughable.
I seriously doubt this was a DT ploy since it totally goes against their theory that ICA cannot show emotion.

It will make those 31 days harder to explain away.

I think that ICA was pissed for the following 5 reasons:

1. Caylee was getting the attention
2. Shame at having the world see the fruits of her handy work.
3. She wanted the attention for herself.
4. She was getting tired of trying to look like a grieving mother.
5. ICA just wanted to get out of court.

At the end of the day this a major setback for her DT on so many levels, does she really think that the jury will not figure it out?
These jurors want to wrap this up as soon as possible.


I think Casey's DT probably wants to wring her neck right about now. I voted that they had nothing to do with this stunt. It's totally Casey's M.O. It's just like what she did with her hands during jury selection, and it never crossed my mind that the DT was involved with that, either.
She looked like she was trying to get out of school early. She looked like she had gas pains. Let us all remember George actually THREW UP in an police interview ... just talking about the smell of the car and hoping his daughter didn't murder his granddaughter.

Good luck with your defense strategy, Case.
The reason I voted for a deliberate ploy is because there was only 90 minutes left in trial. This gave ICA most of the day to look pretty pitiful, then to leave sick. AND, for Your Honour ask them not to speculate (which we all know they will).

Planned? Absolutely!


Some of us here know the grief associated with the death of a child.

My personal experience with grief is that it doesn't maintain any degree of composure. It doesn't dab at the eyes with a view to keeping the mascara intact. Grief isn't a mild sniffle that uses 1.5 tissues. Grief sobs uncontrollably with bubbles coming out your nose, a mouth open in anguish unable to close, knees that give out from under you without warning ... Grief is the pain of a thousand years etched on the face and a scream that seems to live in your heart forever.

IMO, KC's "grief" looked more like a touch of the flu ... an act by someone trying to mirror what they believe true emotion looks like.
The saying :

"A deer caught in the head lights"

Sums her up completely this afternoon I think.
I think the defense had something to do with it and it was Casey, she wouldn't stand up that one time and plus her behavior looked guilty more so than it ever has before in that court room. I think everyone else was much more Ill than Casey after seeing those pictures of Caylees remains and yesterday they were able to see the beautiful Caylee alive and well pictures.
Maybe she was considering death, decomposition, skeletons-- and the fact she's facing death herself.

Do we know if she has any phobias? If not, I think she's brewing one.
The reason I voted for a deliberate ploy is because there was only 90 minutes left in trial. This gave ICA most of the day to look pretty pitiful, then to leave sick. AND, for Your Honour ask them not to speculate (which we all know they will).

Planned? Absolutely!



And remember as soon as he said that and released them, as everyone stands up as the jury exits, Casey grimmaces, clutches her stomach, barely stands and then falls back in the chair....She didnt want them speculating, she wanted it perfectly crystal clear it was ALL ABOUT HER and not CAYLEE...

Cut to her saying her goodbyes to DT, no clutching stomach, no grimmaces, at best moving a little slower and out the door she bounds with a pat on the back from JB. :takeabow:
In the first Image of ICA crying wiping her eyes she is giving the prosecutor the finger.
She seems to really like doing this. That was the only pic I saw her do the eye wipe that way. Wonder what part of the questioning he was at. I don't think she cried when Lee was there.

Wondering if that gesture that goes unseen by the one it is directed to makes her feel better, powerful and yes so so spiteful. Would she do it had JA been looking. I think not. How adolescent. :pullhair:

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