What does the jury think happened today?

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What does the jury think happened?

  • ICA plans to plead

    Votes: 21 10.6%
  • ICA (or someone) is sick

    Votes: 117 58.8%
  • Judge or Lawyer had a personal emergency

    Votes: 24 12.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 37 18.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
IMO...sorry, she didn't look too sick to me...maybe hyperventilating like she did watching the news about a body being found back on Dec 11, 2008. Who says we wouldn't get to see the video??? We got better....a live "performance"!!
Also....this seems just like the "forgot the folder" nonsense....bet someone down in the Orlando area could find the DT having a dinner meeting with LKB.....since she IS the super woman forensic lawyer....again, all IMO.
Originally Posted by luvmygarden
In the first Image of ICA crying wiping her eyes she is giving the prosecutor the finger.
She seems to really like doing this. That was the only pic I saw her do the eye wipe that way. Wonder what part of the questioning he was at. I don't think she cried when Lee was there.

Yes, I say the same thing she is giving the finger and she is mad that she has to sit in court all day listening to the experts. She had a melt down IMO, she was not sick!

OT: Pic's 3, 7, 10 ,show the mac screen. Anyone able to get a larger view of it? TIA http://www.wftv.com/slideshow/news/28182689/detail.html
Some of us here know the grief associated with the death of a child.

My personal experience with grief is that it doesn't maintain any degree of composure. It doesn't dab at the eyes with a view to keeping the mascara intact. Grief isn't a mild sniffle that uses 1.5 tissues. Grief sobs uncontrollably with bubbles coming out your nose, a mouth open in anguish unable to close, knees that give out from under you without warning ... Grief is the pain of a thousand years etched on the face and a scream that seems to live in your heart forever.

IMO, KC's "grief" looked more like a touch of the flu ... an act by someone trying to mirror what they believe true emotion looks like.

Your are so right on. Our family experience a death of a beautiful young teenage girl, who was the best of friends with our daughters and spent much time at our house. She died at the hands of a drunk driver along with her mom. When we found out about her death, you would of thought one of our own had passed. We sobbed for days. I did not got to work, nor did my DH. The kids did not go to school and we did attend a grief counseling session.We all walked in a trance like state. To this day we still have moments of extreme sadness. Every year we celebrate the life she shared with us with a special angel ornament on the Christmas Tree.
Dressed in white today (please) + super incriminating testimony today + tantrum yesterday because testimony ended on an incriminating note = "illness" and "taking toys and going home" today
Sunny H. on prime news said it best (and she is no SA supporter by any means) when she said it looked just like when a defendant has an emotional breakdown b/c they know how much evidence is against them and they have a physical reaction to it- she said she has seen huge men have this same reaction.
IMHO, ICA has been shielded from the evidence (because that is what people around ICA do) in a way that would be presented as the SA is presenting it. The TH's are all saying this is the turning point- VP is saying he now knows why they are going for the death penalty and I'd bet ICA sees it too.
Her "illness" is her first gut reaction to the fact that she knows there is a good possibility she will get the death penalty and at the very least, be in prison for the rest of her life.
There is nothing there about her daughter- we have seen her reaction to all things Caylee. This about her and her realization that it is over.
Even sociopaths get sick and panic when they are caught.

Great Post! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Some of us here know the grief associated with the death of a child.

My personal experience with grief is that it doesn't maintain any degree of composure. It doesn't dab at the eyes with a view to keeping the mascara intact. Grief isn't a mild sniffle that uses 1.5 tissues. Grief sobs uncontrollably with bubbles coming out your nose, a mouth open in anguish unable to close, knees that give out from under you without warning ... Grief is the pain of a thousand years etched on the face and a scream that seems to live in your heart forever.

IMO, KC's "grief" looked more like a touch of the flu ... an act by someone trying to mirror what they believe true emotion looks like.

bumping this because it is so eloquent and so true and I share your opinion for the same reason...thank you was inadequate, your words are the truth and very expressive. Those who know are not manipulated into belief, by these inane attempts to mirror what she thinks grief should look like.....

Cindy showed real grief.... regardless of her other less than stellar behaviors, you witnessed real grief on the stand that day.

it doubles you over and drives you to your knees like a hammer on your neck, it sucks the air from your lungs and closes off your throat so you cant breathe. It makes you sob so hard, there is no more breath in you to make sound, just dry empty shaking of the body.... and tears that just roll from your eyes whether you want them to or not, when you are overcome by the pain at inopportune times alone and in public and you are powerless to stop them... no need to look for their evidence.... you know they are there...

its days and weeks and months of not sleeping and laying in the dark wishing with your entire being that God had let you trade places with your child...

so dear friends of WS ... dont be fooled even by one second of her performance, when ICA manages a tear, its for herself, and her concern always has been and ever will be for herself... she is NOT grieving her daughter... she's worried how this must look to other people... she's grieving her failures to hide the evidence, at getting caught, and making an attempt to swing sympathies back to HER.

Once you know the real deal, fakery will never resemble the real thing.
Dressed in white today (please) + super incriminating testimony today + tantrum yesterday because testimony ended on an incriminating note = "illness" and "taking toys and going home" today


Originally Posted by coloradoteacher
Sunny H. on prime news said it best (and she is no SA supporter by any means) when she said it looked just like when a defendant has an emotional breakdown b/c they know how much evidence is against them and they have a physical reaction to it- she said she has seen huge men have this same reaction.
IMHO, ICA has been shielded from the evidence (because that is what people around ICA do) in a way that would be presented as the SA is presenting it. The TH's are all saying this is the turning point- VP is saying he now knows why they are going for the death penalty and I'd bet ICA sees it too.
Her "illness" is her first gut reaction to the fact that she knows there is a good possibility she will get the death penalty and at the very least, be in prison for the rest of her life.
There is nothing there about her daughter- we have seen her reaction to all things Caylee. This about her and her realization that it is over.
Even sociopaths get sick and panic when they are caught.
I didn't see it. So the jury didn't see her act? Good. In that case, I'd say she really did feel bad, given she had to face the reality of her choices, want to or not.

It's not my child, but I couldn't take it and turned it off to pray for Caylee, Cindy, and George. KC will see the bowels of hell.

Well, they saw her "sickness" progressing, they just don't know that she was the reason court was adjourned early.
The brains of human beings contain mirror neurons. These mirror neurons are the physical structures of empathy. From a purely physiological perspective, that's why we feel sadness & cry when when are in the presence of someone who is sad, or happy when we interact with someone who is laughing.

When I watched KC's *emotional display* earlier today, I felt not one iota of sadness with her or for her. If anything, I felt annoyed, and as the display continued, I began to feel angry.

Then came the brief camera shot during recess that captured a hostile expression on KC's face. Bingo!

I contrast today's experience with CA's reaction on the witness stand during the playing of the July 15th 911 tape. My whole body ached as I watched CA break down. I felt her pain both physically and emotionally.

I say this as someone who has not followed this case until the trial began. Prior to the trial, I knew very little about the details of the case. As the witnesses testify and the evidence is presented, I'm hearing/seeing almost all of it for the first time. Before May 24, 2011, I had no particular opinion regarding Casey Anthony.

IMO, KC is a master manipulator with many years of practice. But I think she's as transparent as glass. She doesn't fool me for a nano-second.

I think her feigned display of anxiety and grief were a deliberate ploy on her part in an attempt to sway the jury because she knows the evidence against her is insurmountable.
Sunny H. on prime news said it best (and she is no SA supporter by any means) when she said it looked just like when a defendant has an emotional breakdown b/c they know how much evidence is against them and they have a physical reaction to it- she said she has seen huge men have this same reaction.
IMHO, ICA has been shielded from the evidence (because that is what people around ICA do) in a way that would be presented as the SA is presenting it. The TH's are all saying this is the turning point- VP is saying he now knows why they are going for the death penalty and I'd bet ICA sees it too.
Her "illness" is her first gut reaction to the fact that she knows there is a good possibility she will get the death penalty and at the very least, be in prison for the rest of her life.
There is nothing there about her daughter- we have seen her reaction to all things Caylee. This about her and her realization that it is over.
Even sociopaths get sick and panic when they are caught.

Great Post! :clap: :clap: :clap:

It is isn't it Sleuth5! I agree great post.

I also read where a sociopath will even kill themselves. Surprising but they will if they are sentenced to LWOP or especially the DP. It's their way of having "control". Not my thoughts, just relating what I've read. I think a great many people think that people with ASPD don't have emotions. They do. But not like the way we do, theirs is a different experience.
The brains of human beings contain mirror neurons. These mirror neurons are the physical structures of empathy. From a purely physiological perspective, that's why we feel sadness & cry when when are in the presence of someone who is sad, or happy when we interact with someone who is laughing.

When I watched KC's *emotional display* earlier today, I felt not one iota of sadness with her or for her. If anything, I felt annoyed, and as the display continued, I began to feel angry.

Then came the brief camera shot during recess that captured a hostile expression on KC's face. Bingo!

I contrast today's experience with CA's reaction on the witness stand during the playing of the July 15th 911 tape. My whole body ached as I watched CA break down. I felt her pain both physically and emotionally.

I say this as someone who has not followed this case until the trial began. Prior to the trial, I knew very little about the details of the case. As the witnesses testify and the evidence is presented, I'm hearing/seeing almost all of it for the first time. Before May 24, 2011, I had no particular opinion regarding Casey Anthony.

IMO, KC is a master manipulator with many years of practice. But I think she's as transparent as glass. She doesn't fool me for a nano-second.

I think her feigned display of anxiety and grief were a deliberate ploy on her part in an attempt to sway the jury because she knows the evidence against her is insurmountable.

Thanks is not enough. Bravo!!
Jail doctors have seen just about everything, IMO. There is a term in jail called 'Malingering' that an inmate can be written up for.

Jail doctors do not play. IMO, Casey will be examined and treated. She caught a break on it this afternoon but it will not work again. She gets the benefit of the doubt today. She will be brought into court in a wheelchair if need be. Seriously.

Personally, I do not think she was sick at all. I believe reality is finally setting in. I predict she will have a little stronger meds tomorrow.

could have just been some bloating. I say recall CA and have her check her side profile again.
Had to come out of my lurker mode to see if anyone else noticed how medicated ICA was after the lunch break. At one point I think she nodded off. It could have been the meds on an empty stomach. What do you think?

Trust me, cricketann, nobody bites around here. Well, not so it leaves a mark.

I didn't see that, probably typing something in the session thread at the time. I know others mentioned thinking it looked like she might be doing that. Whether it was just part of her "fakedown" or not, is hard to say. I know the media has been claiming she's on meds, but I don't think that has been substantiated. Always, :cow:

Right on there, I think -- at least as far as that went in terms of legitimate symptoms. I do think she is cornered, and because she cannot lash out with her tongue, she resorts to wearing her "victim" hat (my own view is that that is learned behavior, as CA definitely uses that tactic). :moo:

ITA Sleuth5. I think this is the "meltdown" so many of us have anticipated - in the form of internalised rage. She thinks she has been playing the jury up until now, with her deadpan emotionless expression when they are present, with a few appropriate tissue wipes thrown in now and again, compared with her cocky giggling and chatting when they are not present. I believe she realised she had lost them with today's testimony and she "has no control over any of this".
ITA Sleuth5. I think this is the "meltdown" so many of us have anticipated - in the form of internalised rage. She thinks she has been playing the jury up until now, with her deadpan emotionless expression when they are present, with a few appropriate tissue wipes thrown in now and again, compared with her cocky giggling and chatting when they are not present. I believe she realised she had lost them with today's testimony and she "has no control over any of this".


Add to that the notion "There she goes again, Caylee stealing my spotlight..." That's where I think most of her disdain was today.

Yep, Casey, they really "ONLY CARE ABOUT CAYLEE".
I noticed a remarkable relief on ica face when the judge decided to cut her some slack nervousness gone and a big sigh I didnt buy the panic attack routine didnt come across as spontaneous u could see she was relieved it worked though

Yep. She forgot to act for a minute after the jury was excused. She started up again when the courtroom was asked to rise.
Jail doctors have seen just about everything, IMO. There is a term in jail called 'Malingering' that an inmate can be written up for.

Jail doctors do not play. IMO, Casey will be examined and treated. She caught a break on it this afternoon but it will not work again. She gets the benefit of the doubt today. She will be brought into court in a wheelchair if need be. Seriously.

Personally, I do not think she was sick at all. I believe reality is finally setting in. I predict she will have a little stronger meds tomorrow.


TY for posting that, LaLaw! I was going to post about malingering, but you beat me to it.

ITA. Malingering. IOW - Faking.
Jail doctors have seen just about everything, IMO. There is a term in jail called 'Malingering' that an inmate can be written up for.

Jail doctors do not play. IMO, Casey will be examined and treated. She caught a break on it this afternoon but it will not work again. She gets the benefit of the doubt today. She will be brought into court in a wheelchair if need be. Seriously.

Personally, I do not think she was sick at all. I believe reality is finally setting in. I predict she will have a little stronger meds tomorrow.


Nancy Grace just said she's still in the infirmiry. lol

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