What dreams have you had about Caylee?

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OK. Two dreams I've had, I'm sure because of this case:

Dream #1: Last Sunday, before the marijuana became a talking point on NG, I dad a dream. Hubby and I had already put our daughter, 21 months, down for bed.
We were on the front porch in on some sort of a porch chair, I think similar to a wicker chair we have, but big enough for my husband and me to sit close together. Our son, 21 months, was on my lap. He was obviously sleepy, his eyes were drooping. It was evening. We were sitting on the side of the porch we don't use for sitting IRL because it's next to the front door.
The next part of my dream, we were sitting on my side of the bed and smoking marijuana. There was some paraphenalia on a rectangular plate that we own IRL on the bed between us. I remember the clinking on the plate.
My parents-in-law or parents were sleeping in the guest room with the door closed. All of a sudden, I was terrified. We'd left our son outside with no supervision. We live on a main street. We ran downstairs and out the front door as fast as we could.
We found him asleep face down in the front corner of the yard. The chair we had been sitting in was turned upside down next to him. Our yard had a picket fence in the dream, although our front yard is not fenced IRL.
I snatched him up and held him close to me, and I felt awful, terrified that something could have happened to him. I couldn't believe I had been so careless with my dear boy.
I woke up yelling, "hold me, hold me, hold me." I couldn't get out of the dream. I was terrified, and I wanted my husband to hold me.

Dream #2: Was two or three nights ago. I was standing in front of some sort of chair or sofa in a place I've never been IRL. One of the cushions had been removed from its cover and a dead body of a young woman, I think, was in the cushion cover. It had been placed on the chair or sofa as if it was a cushion. I could see that it was lumpy and I knew there was a dead body in there.
I was with a petite, dark haired young woman. I had feelings of dread, remorse, nausea. The woman told me not to say anything and implied that we were bonded for life because of this. The way she looked so devoid of emotion when I was feeling so terrible was chilling.
In the next part of the dream, I was on my college campus in an academic building. In my dream, it was much bigger and had a foyer that was very large. There were hundreds of students, and many of them were coming out of a class in a large lecture hall that in real life would have been a theater.
I saw an old flame (from real life) leaving the class. He had some books in his hand. He had pursued me a lot through college and after. I stopped to talk to him. I was feeling despair and loneliness and dread, and I wanted to talk to him because he was a friendly face, and I knew he would drop everything to talk to me.
He didn't. He was in kind of a hurry. Although he was perfectly nice, he said he couldn't stop to talk now because he had to go to class.
I saw the dark haired woman coming down the hall toward me, and I was filled with dread. I don't remember what exactly she said, but I said to her, "What am I supposed to do? I can't talk to anyone about this." She told me not to worry, that we had each other to talk to.
I felt dread and incredible sorrow and anxiety that I was now tied to this person for life. I would never be able to get away from her. I felt trapped, scared, lonely and guilty for what had happened.
I couldn't believe what was happening in my life. I didn't know how I was going to live with myself.
And that was the end of the dream.
Keep in mind dreams often make no sense.

I dreamed that Law Enforcement is going to charge her with Involuntary Manslaughter and Failure to Report a Crime.

I dreamed that Casey placed Caylee behind the fence (near a wooden privacy fence) in a very shallow body of water. She was already deceased from the pool (drowned). She was in the water and then moved. Her DNA was in the water. There were tall trees around, and an apartment complex.

The body had not been found at the time Casey was being charged with the crime.


Gina in Indy
I have been thinking about a dream that I had almost a week ago and, unlike most dreams I have, this one keeps popping up like a picture that I can't push away. I've never really had a picture like this that was so clear or persistent. So, here it goes. I would love to know if anyone had a similar image pop out of nowhere!

In my dream, I was part of a search team. I was just walking along through an old run-down area, (no ponds or lakes or water in sight), just like a field with old overgrown lots and tall weeds and a tree here and there (not forest looking trees, just raggedy looking trees). I spot a patch of dead grass/ dirt / rocks that looks like it had been touched recently because there was some dirt moved, some grass had been pulled and thrown to the side. I had a walking stick so I pushed some things around and spotted a square-shaped rock that looked like it had been placed in its spot. I moved it to the side and started digging in the spot under the rock. The dirt was loose and dry and almost seemed to get looser (like fresh dirt) as I dug deeper. I started digging faster thinking that something would be found in that spot because the dirt was falling off to the sides, almost like the hole had just been filled so it took very little effort to go deeper. Then suddenly the dirt felt hard and packed again and I realized that I was at the bottom of the hole and nothing had been buried in that spot.

But as I started to put the dirt back, I noticed an open spot, an open hole about the size of a softball on the side of the wall of the area that I had just dug out. I bent over and put my head down in the dug out area and peeked into the softball-sized hole and I could clearly see an area that had been dug out about 5 feet from where I was looking in. I was looking through a tunnel that was only about the size of a softball but I could see that there were two items buried on the other side of the tunnel. It was almost like a light was shining on the items, even though they were buried underground. The items were a mobile phone, lying face up, the left side of the phone and the top of the phone was what I could see. The face of the phone was black, not the flip-type phone, and the phone was off (no lights were on indicating it worked), but I remember thinking that it would startle me if it happened to ring while I was peering at it through this tunnel. Lying right above the phone was a silver box cutter or pocket knife. It wasn't rusty or dirty looking, just normal looking. It was the size of a box cutter. I couldn't see any other items buried in the small space but I had the feeling that there could be something else. I have no idea why I didn't go over 5 feet from where I had been digging and dig down into the space where the tunnel ended so I could get the phone and the knife, but I didn't. I think that's when I woke up.

This dream, "image", (whatever it was) stands out because it was SOOO crystal clear and it seemed like a spotlight was shining on the items (like a circle-shaped spotlight), which was strange because I could clearly see that there was loose dirt above the items but the items seemed to be in a clear box because there wasn't any dirt touching the items, the dirt was about 2-3 inches above the items and I could see the dirt above the items when I looked through this small dirt tunnel.

The area that was lit up by the light and the two items that were SO clear and easy to see ..... this image keeps popping up in my mind just like I'm looking at a photograph. Like I said, I typically blow off my dreams or I forget about them by the next day, but this was really different. It woke me up in the middle of the night and made me wonder "what was THAT all about??!" It stuck with me all day and even now, days later, even though I've had time to rationalize it away, it still feels like it was .....different. I keep seeing that image so clearly! It's almost like I feel like drawing it out on a piece of paper. Wierd.

It's just really strange and I even hesitate to share it on here because I am basically just a lurker reading along all the twists and turns on this board and I'm so insignificant to this terrible and crazy story, but since this topic was about "dreams", I thought I'd put it out there just to see if anyone else can relate to this specific "image"??? (I would never share this kind of stuff with my friends or family.... they would probably roll their eyes! Ha!-ha!) They'd say.... Ok, time to get OFF the computer and find something else to do!!

I guess I'm thinking that it would be weird if this sounds familiar to someone - but we'd never know if someone doesn't describe it and share it! =) Ok, so that's that!

(I hope this case is resolved soon. It can be draining!)
I have been so infatuated with this case like most of you. Every night I read websleuths and all of your opinions, ideas, and thoughts about little Caylee. Even with all of the facts and evidence that has been released, I just cannot make myself believe that the little girl is not with us anymore.

Last night I had my first and only dream about Caylee. I could not sleep after it. Casey and Caylee were in a hotel room or small studio or apartment with some guy just hanging out. It was not really a shady place, but it’s not a place they went to often. Casey and the guy knew each other but did not hang out that much. She called him because he was a good drug hookup and she wanted to get messed up that night b/c of the stress with her mom. He is the kind of guy you call when you want some pills or something stronger than weed, but to get it you have to pay, and not with money. He was cool though, not mean or weird or anything.

Anyway, Caylee went to sleep in the bed (it was a big bed - maybe king size) and Casey and the guy just got REALLY high together. Eventually they messed around and went to sleep in the bed with Caylee. In the dream the guy woke up a few hours later, it was still really early b/c it was dusk out. He just started freaking out b/c he noticed Caylee was cold and blue (sorry for that). Casey woke up and they both started yelling at each other. Instead of calling 911, they thought about all of the drugs in the room, as well about the police blaming them for what happened. At that point I woke up.

LP said everything Casey says has a small amount of truth to it and I believe this. When LE questioned her about giving Zanny money for the baby, and she said that if she wanted to get rid of Caylee, she would have given her to Cindy. Well IMO, Casey didn’t want to get rid of Caylee, she did love that kid. I know it is hard for some people to understand how she could love her. But a lot of people don't understand her situation. Being a young single mother trying to make it and always trying to prove herself to her mom. Also, when Casey said she spoke with Caylee on the phone, I think she did speak with Caylee, but in a dream. She remembered the date because it was probably one of the only good dreams she had about her daughter.
A guy like the person I saw with Casey in my dream has a lot of connections, and could very easily hide a small body. He would also never say a word about what happened because he would be very familiar with what could happen to them if they got caught.

Well that is my one and only dream about that sweet little girl, and I hope it is my last.
I also had my first and only dream about Caylee last night.

It was a sweet dream, and she was alive (even though I do not believe she is). She was going around my neighborhood, from house to house and yard to yard hiding from something.

In my dream she was sooo adorable, not in an angelic sort of way, but sort of elfin...tiny voice and little pointed chin, etc. But her eyes and hair were the same as in the photos.

I discovered her in my back yard and she told me she was hiding from her family, I took that to mean the entire A family. She said they were making her go back to live with her mother.

It became scattered after that, as dreams tend to do. It finally ended with a hoard of my neighbors (myself included) facing down the A's and protecting Caylee.

The dream really touched me because of the 'presence' Caylee presented in it. Such a sweet, gentle soul, and she loved hugs and had such a precious little voice.
I just had my first Caylee dream last night.

I was somehow in the Anthony house--I don't remember why or how, but I was myself, nothing different. I knew I had flown down there to help in the search and somehow I had met Cindy, and she asked me to come in. I was in the house and there were numerous other people around, but I didn't really know any of them except George (and obviously I only "know" him from the media). I knew Cindy was somewhere in a back bedroom, recuperating from a surgery on her arm... Weird, I know.

The people seemed obviously busy with what I think of as the Caylee Campaign. I stopped a few of them and asked them if anyone had thought to look in the house itself. They said that yes, they'd looked through the house first thing, and that the police had also did a search through it. They said I was certainly welcome to have a look myself, but not to be disappointed because they were positive that Caylee wasn't there.

So I was going through the house, and I came to a closet in the hallway. Someone walked by and said not to bother, because Caylee certainly couldn't have been in the closet this entire time. I opened the closet anyway, and looked around. It had stuff hanging up (I don't know what--clothing of some sort). There were a bunch of shoes on the floor, and a fairly large wooden box with a typical latch like an old lunchbox latch. It had something painted on it with block letters I think--it's not really that clear to me now. It seemed like there was nothing else, but I decided to try calling Caylee's name, and then the box shook a little when I said her name, and then a hand reached out and opened it, and it was her inside it.

She was really thin and dehydrated. I picked her up and we ran to the kitchen to get something to eat and drink. George was amazed, and somehow I picked up from the conversation that she had been in the box for what must have been 12 days (I know it's too short of a time, but I also don't believe this dream is "psychic"--it is just leftover scraps from my mind). They said she must have been playing hide & seek, and that no one had ever found her.

George was excited, and ran to tell Cindy. Cindy came into the kitchen and was surprised, not really excited. she had her arm in a cast. She said Casey had been arrested again the night before and they were expecting her home again any minute, that she would be happy because the charges would now be all dropped since Caylee had been found alive. During this time, Caylee had been drinking apple juice and wasn't speaking much, but she was looking really healthy.

Then there was a commotion and Casey came in the door with a bunch of body guards.

That's all I remember. The most vivid part was the hand opening the box when I called her name. It made me extremely sad for some reason, even though she was alive in the dream and was "rescued."

Juat wanna bump this up..there were quite a few of us here at WS who had dreams about Lil Caylee....This particular part of my inital dream & most vivid impression really amazes me now that the 'location' has been indicated as a wooded , dense, shrubbery, weeds etc...and also the FERNS they are taking out , that apparantly have something to do with where Caylee was 'placed' . I am telling ya, once this 'crime scene' opens up & we know much more about it...I have a feeling BLUE- as thought by many of us -is going to play a huge roll in her lil remans being 'found'.....so sad! Bless you Darling!,Caylee

Originally Posted 9-22-08
I knew this was a hunt for Caylee but I didn't know who it was(exactly) that was looking ...I was there ...but not actually in the search myself, kind of in the background & I don't think anyone was aware of my presence?......there were- what I believe to be- detectives who were spraying 'weed like' plants with a blue spray paint(vivid BLUE-stood out to me!).....to 'mark' some type of importance as to where to find Caylee....there was also a Field -I believe a corn field...(I live near this , so maybe just a fluke?)don't think there are many corn fields in Florida(LOL)! But I just woke up feeling like she would be found in some dense area with shrubbery...and some type of blue fern????I got the impression upon awakening that the blue spray paint was actually a "BLUE FERN" of some type .....like a message or something,not that the 'weeds,I ealrier described where actually being painted blue'? weird, maybe nothing- but weird!?
I woke up this morning from a dream about neck breaking and chloroform.

Yeah, I really got a good sleep last night! :rolleyes:
I have had three dreams about little Caylee within the past two weeks. In the first one she was writing at a school house desk under water. She was very animated, smiling and happily drawing on her paper and I kept trying to get her to leave with me, as we were both under water and she kept saying no, she wasn't done with her drawing yet. So I waited for her, then I woke up.
Second dream: She was at the school house again, sitting at the desk, but, this time we were no longer under the water. This was several days before the remains were found. She was again drawing on a piece of paper. I asked her what she was drawing. She said it was a message that God was looking out for her, and watching over this case. I looked over to the right and saw a "figure" kind of blurry walking next to her, then I woke up.
Third: The day the remains were found. I lived in Houston and was visiting my eldest brother whom lived across the street from the Anthony's. I went over to the Anthony's as I was very angry and upset, and wanted to know why they were not defending Caylee. When I got to the door I felt very uncomfortable, like maybe I should not have gone over. A child opened the door, and I looked at her and recognized her as little Caylee. She was smiling up at me, and said to come in. I was like, how is the possible, that I am looking at you? I felt such intense love for baby Caylee. She reached out and took my hand, and walked with me towards another room. As we were walking, I noted several other children running towards the front door. They were going to get ice cream, and asked Caylee if she wanted to go, and she said no. I encouraged her to go, as I thought she would like ice cream to and she continued to walk with me to what looked like a living room area, to an arm chair and wanted me to sit down. I sat down and she sat next to me, smiling up at me. I hugged her, and told her many were looking for her, and loved her deeply. That she had touched so many lives, and I began to cry. She asked me not to cry and pointed another direction. It was then I looked across from me and seen L.A. sitting on the couch. I felt very uncomfortable being so close to him. My thought was why is he here and he shouldn't be alone with little Caylee. I asked him, where is everyone? He looked at me and said "it was the drugs and the sex." "That is why it happened, she just couldn't stop." I asked why her family didn't help Caylee, to keep her safe from all of it? He just looked at me and said nothing. Caylee was there but it was like he couldn't see her. Dreams are strange to say the least. Caylee continued to stay next to me, on the chair, not saying anything, just smiling, and I was holding her hand. Then C.A. and G.A. came in. I put Caylee more behind me, so they couldn't get to her. C.A. was all smiles, saying she just returned from her trip and people were still trying to find Caylee. I looked at her, thinking can't you see Caylee, she is right in front of you, right next to me. C.A. just carried on in her animated way, she said,"oh that body they found today was not Caylee it was some little boy named Ricky". I was like what, and how do you know it was Ricky? I thought they said it was a little girl? She said no, it wasn't a little girl, and they will go on looking for our Caylee. I looked over at Caylee and she continued to smile and hold my hand, sitting more in the back of me. I looked at C.A. and wanted to have sympathy for her but it was hard. I recall going through a lot of emotions back and forth holding on to Caylee. Then I noticed G.A. he was in disguise, wearing very thick glasses. He said hello. I moved Caylee closer to me and held on tightly to her, put her on my lap in fact so they couldn't touch her, she bagan laughing and I started to tickle her, and then G.A. stepped closer to where we were sitting, and we stopped. I looked at him as to dare him to step one foot closer to Caylee. Then I realized they couldn't see her. He started talking about the smell in the trunk how he knew it wasn't pizza. I said something to the effect, that Caylee is here right next to me, and he just kept talking and talking, as did C.A. they were very animated and just going on about a "live Caylee sighting." Then I heard a voice say to me "he is not what he appears." Then I woke up.
Dreams are indeed fiction. I felt good though that I had seen Caylee and was able to hug her, and tell her how much everyone loved her. Then I was left wondering about what I learned if anything from this dream???
I had this dream a little over a month ago: I was in a college campus area that was very rocky and hilly and many of Casey's friends were there. I went up around a large rock and the scene turned into a mall. There was a bomb scare at the mall and since I was near the exit, I left quickly but followed along the building to an indentation and a baby Caylee was right there as if on a dressing table. I was overjoyed. I took her into my arms and was carrying her to a hospital next door.
I had a vivid dream about caylee.Probably because i had heard more about her bones yesterday;

my dream was short but it was of Caylee being drowned in a bathtub.

The water and tub seemed to be a light blue color?

Almost white/or was white but the water had bubbles that looked blue?
Something about blue for sure stood out.her mouth was covered with something?

She did not struggle long..
sad but I did dream that.
then when I remembered it just now i wanted to post it to see if anyone else thinks this could be how she was murdered?
maybe the reason for no clothing?

Last night I dreamt a short clear dream about Caylee.

I was visiting with Cindy, Caylee and KC. KC was on the other side of the room. Caylee was wearing a pair of big clunky shoes with tread on the bottom. Shoes like you'd see in Oregon where I am from. Caylee was dressed in an aqua blue soft dress. She was playing and dancing around. She was very happy with me and Cindy.

Caylee climbed up in Cindy's lap and said "Mommy Mommy". Cindy and I gave one another a nervous side eye. Cindy says in a big stage voice, "No, Caylee..you mean Grandma..your MOMMY is over there" (using a motion to point to KC). KC doesn't even notice any of this..but clearly Cindy wants Caylee to stop calling her Mommy. KC doesn't care one way or the other..she doesn't even look up.

Caylee keeps saying Mommy Mommy and clunks her big shoes together over and over again. She looks directly at me and says: "the answer is in my shoes".
I had a similar dream--gosh I just got shivers reading this. I had one where I was standing on a grassy sort of hill, I looked down into the water, saw a log and also Caylee's nose and mouth sticking out from the surface of the water.

I was sick when I got up. That ENTIRE day every time I went outside (I live VERY close to the Anthony's) I felt like I was going to throw up. Very bizzare as I have NEVER experienced anything like this in my life.

Wow, that gave me the creeps.
Wow, that gave me the creeps.
Long story...

ETA: and what's real interesting is that she was responding to a poster who had a similar dream (post #9)..who also thought she may have spotted Caylee. [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2721021&postcount=604"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Talk on the Net/Blogs/Round town about this case - NOT FACTS/RUMORS *merged*[/ame]

BTW...check out the date that person was reporting her dream...isn't that beyond spooky!!
One poster dreams of a blue head of cauliflower; another of a child's head that is blue. What is the message in that? Could a blue head signify asphyxiation/suffocation?

Again, just some thoughts.

There is also the blue Winnie The Pooh blanket found with Caylee, the blue fibers collected from the Pontiac trunk, Ricardo's blue couch and the infamous blue Fusian dress Casey wore the night of the hot body contest.
Long story...

ETA: and what's real interesting is that she was responding to a poster who had a similar dream (post #9)..who also thought she may have spotted Caylee. Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Talk on the Net/Blogs/Round town about this case - NOT FACTS/RUMORS *merged*

BTW...check out the date that person was reporting her dream...isn't that beyond spooky!!

When I read the posts, checked at the dates and the descriptions of Caylee's face sticking out of the water by the log... the hair on my arms stood up, I got goose bumps. Lots of people mentioned dark garbage bags as well.

If reading this thread causes me to dream of Caylee, I hope it is a pleasant one :angel:
When I read the posts, checked at the dates and the descriptions of Caylee's face sticking out of the water by the log... the hair on my arms stood up, I got goose bumps. Lots of people mentioned dark garbage bags as well.

If reading this thread causes me to dream of Caylee, I hope it is a pleasant one :angel:
What's really weird is that I can't say for sure that I've had an actual dream about Caylee...but there are times it's as if I can feel her presence.
It wasn't a dream but REALITY.

I drove to the Amcott & a feeling told me to drive
"horizanally to the Anthony's home"

Oh, I had I wish I did.
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