What evidence does the prosecution have?

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They can really exist and be documented, but the persons who would have access to that information would be limited to the parties, the parents, the juvenile justice system (including the court workers, social workers, juvenile justice attorneys, judges, their employees, etc.) and anyone else that may have become privy to that information through association with the parties or the court.

Only some of those people can talk about what they know. Including any member of the general public, including Trayvon's family, friends and his victims unless they are prohibited by court order, etc., but not anyone who gained that knowledge through the juvenile justice system. For example, if the female friend on the phone knows about a juvenile record, she could say what she knows. The judge who heard the case, could not.

OK, thanks, understand that...used to work for Florida DCF. What I was asking is how can it be said as a fact that Trayvon has a 'documented history' of violence when as you say nobody in the public can know that at this point and will not until and unless it is presented at court? IMO
I am confused. What possible difference could it make to this case if Trayvon was smoking pot?
OK, thanks, understand that...used to work for Florida DCF. What I was asking is how can it be said as a fact that Trayvon has a 'documented history' of violence when as you say nobody in the public can know that at this point and will not until and unless it is presented at court? IMO

Sorry to tell you what you already know. :) I don't think I said it could be said as a fact that he has a record. I think what I said is that we don't know. I only mentioned it b/c the OP said that Trayvon had no history of violence as a fact, iirc.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.
I meant research what she is saying! I've tried to find more about the law, but haven't found anything yet :(

d'oh :::smh::: lol. I'd have to read the quote again, but we all know that she's got a thing for treating juveniles like adults, and I would imagine that "almost" adults are very high on her list if 12 yo's are.

I'll see if I can find something. See, I told ya I have no common sense :floorlaugh:
WOW that would be bombshell :what: info call nancy, so according to RW GZ was drunk and the cops didn't smell anything, or they did and didn't do anything. jmo :fence:

Drunk and bitten by a dog! How did SPD miss this? Wonder how RW knew the difference between how GZ sounds sober and drunk.

Funny, he was "drunk" 30 minutes before on the 911 tape when it fits the argument, yet was "walking perfectly fine", when the argument is about how he couldn't have had his head bashed because he wasn't dazed and confused AT ALL on the police tape. The prosecution would have to pick one, because they can't have it both ways.
There is some evidence George had been drinking.

The night of Feb. 26, Zimmerman made a non-emergency call to police before fatally shooting Martin, in which he told a dispatcher, "This guy looks like he's up to no good, on drugs or something."

But law enforcement expert Rod Wheeler who listened to the tapes tells ABC News that Zimmerman, not Martin, sounded intoxicated in the police recordings of the 911 calls.

"When I listened to the 911 tape the first thing that came to my mind is this guy sounds intoxicated. Notice how he's slurring his words. We as trained law enforcement officers, we know how to listen for that right away and I think that's going to be an important element of this entire investigation," Wheeler said.

But Zimmerman was not tested.


Wheeler is now a Fox News contributor. What he has to say, based on a 911 call and not being there in person, is not "evidence". JMO

And I believe once the prosection gets GZ on the stand, just let him talk, and talk and talk, he'll dig his own grave..I believe as with the bond hearing he will try and sway the jurors and if the prosecution plays their cards right, just get GZ angry and his temper might just flair...

As far as CHernandez, one needs to read up on that case, I too thought this 'child' was overcharged but I believe he was nurtured into a sociopath..he's done lots of harm to his smaller relatives..just read up on him..I believe he needed to be taken out of society and in just 7 years, they would not have been able to undo all the harm done to this child...ACorey is for the victims of crimes, she did what she thought was best for society and that child...

Sorry for going O/T but one needs to really read up on it...

I could not agree more!! 12 years old or not, the child has repeatedly sexually assaulted other children. Definitely got where he is now because of his own abuse, which is incredibly sad. At the same time, this is a child that needs to be kept away from society and the juvenile justice system cannot do that. The charges are appropriate, IMO, based on the facts of the case. As I hope we will soon be able to confirm for this case as well!!
I am confused. What possible difference could it make to this case if Trayvon was smoking pot?

IMO, it would only make him "mellower" and less likely to engage in hostile behavior. OTOH, it would support GZ's claim that he looked like he was on drugs. One cancels the other out. So, no difference, IMO.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:
The prosecution will need more than RW saying GZ sounded drunk. They would need a breathe or blood test. And, AFAIK, they have neither. That's a no go right out of the gate.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:
Please do not take my posts out of context. I never said there was evidence Martin was smoking pot. My statement was unless you have seen the autopsy report to say there is no evidence he was is false. Based on what we know so far? What do we know so far that is evidence he was OR was not smoking pot that night?

By the way, the high number of minutes he was on the phone with his gf? IIRC, one of the effects of smoking pot is the smoker becomes more talkative.

And, if, he had been smoking pot, where does the hour before come into play? If he had been smoking, he could have finished mere seconds before George Zimmerman saw him.


Don't smoke much pot, do ya? I'm a medical marijuana patient and I can assure you that smoking pot doesn't necessarily make you more talkative. Nor does it make you more violent, in fact it has quite the opposite effect. You might wrestle with someone for that last Twinkie but I've never known anyone that smokes pot to be violent or angry.

Interesting that these accusations are made with no physical evidence to back it up. Did TM have a lighter? Don't think so, none listed on the inventory. Were there any traces of pot in his pockets? Did GZ smell the odor of pot? Funny, he didn't mention it. The smell is very distinctive and will carry a great distance, even in the rain.

This whole issue has nothing to do with what evidence the prosecution might have against GZ. That's what we're supposed to be talking about in this thread, not whatever baseless speculation there might be about TM.
IMO, it would only make him "mellower" and less likely to engage in hostile behavior. OTOH, it would support GZ's claim that he looked like he was on drugs. One cancels the other out. So, no difference, IMO.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:


How does someone "look" when they're smoking pot?

How does someone "look" when they're smoking pot?

Like this I guess:waitasec:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m128QcdrUI&feature=related"]Reefer Madnees guy laughing - YouTube[/ame]

Don't smoke much pot, do ya? I'm a medical marijuana patient and I can assure you that smoking pot doesn't necessarily make you more talkative. Nor does it make you more violent, in fact it has quite the opposite effect. You might wrestle with someone for that last Twinkie but I've never known anyone that smokes pot to be violent or angry.

Interesting that these accusations are made with no physical evidence to back it up. Did TM have a lighter? Don't think so, none listed on the inventory. Were there any traces of pot in his pockets? Did GZ smell the odor of pot? Funny, he didn't mention it. The smell is very distinctive and will carry a great distance, even in the rain.

This whole issue has nothing to do with what evidence the prosecution might have against GZ. That's what we're supposed to be talking about in this thread, not whatever baseless speculation there might be about TM.

I agree when it comes to baseless speculation, on both the prosecution and the defense side.
He was told BY AUTHORITIES to stay in his vehicle. Nuff said....

No, he wasn't told to stay in his vehicle, he didn't mention his vehicle, and dispatchers are not "authorities".
Wheeler is now a Fox News contributor. What he has to say, based on a 911 call and not being there in person, is not "evidence". JMO
But, what Alan Dershowitz says, we should all believe? :waitasec:

For what it's worth, I don't believe any of the talking heads.
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