What evidence does the prosecution have?

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Oh, right, the swing at the bus driver? Well, it's in the msm, so I suppose it's fair game.

I think it was a comment to TM on his facebook page. That does not make it fair game. It makes it an unverified rumor regarding a victim. Certainly not proof of anything other than what it is, a comment made by someone else to TM. No police reports that would back it up. Kids sometimes embellish stories to make themselves seem tougher than they really are.

Plus wasn't it a question that TM never replied to? And, again, if it were true with all the media tracking down information we would have heard a statement from the bus driver by now. It's a fact that the question was asked. It is not a fact that it ever happened and to state it otherwise such as "he swung at the bus driver" would be a false statement. jmo
Please provide a source, or link that proves "There is absolutely zero evidence that Trayvon was smoking pot" is not a false statement. We do not know if there is evidence he was, or was not; the autopsy report will be that evidence, and it is currently sealed.

By the way, if LE took some/any of Zimmermans clothes that night, I am sure they are in the possession of the Prosecution now. Those clothes should/would have some of Zimmerman's blood on them. Can they possibly do a tox screen on that blood now?

They did a tox screen on Martin as part of the autopsy. IIRC it's standard operating procedure at autopsies. They didn't single Martin out by doing a tox screen on him.

The way SPD handled this case, if TM tested positive for drugs/alcohol...you can bet your bottom dollar they would shout it from the highest tower..

I believe the link I supplied in that post should have been sufficent...but I will agree that the toxicology report will tell it true...and I believe it will show TM was as sober as a judge...

The police didn't take his clothes that night, what value would they be after the fact? GZ could have washed his clothing, so there would be no evidentary value to them...

I don't understand, truly don't understand why folk are trying to hard to make TM the villian here...
You can't just blood and alcohol test someone who's not under arrest (at least not without a court order in most cases). Here, because of the potential immunity, SPD referred the matter to the prosecutor immediately, and he determined that there was insufficient cause to arrest George without potentially running afoul of the immunity statute. So the fact that there's no blood and alcohol on George is most certainly not a huge mistake, just a product of insufficient evidence to arrest George and subject him to testing.

Not to mention the fact that he was obviously not drunk, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to orchestrate his extremely clever plot or walk with perfect precision while in handcuffs at the SPD, among other things. jmo

There can be a lot of difference between being drunk and being under the influence. I have always wondered too how did George loose the weight and when. imo
Originally Posted by Karmady
Oh, right, the swing at the bus driver? Well, it's in the msm, so I suppose it's fair game.
I think it was a comment to TM on his facebook page. That does not make it fair game. It makes it an unverified rumor regarding a victim. Certainly not proof of anything other than what it is, a comment made by someone else to TM. No police reports that would back it up. Kids sometimes embellish stories to make themselves seem tougher than they really are.

Plus wasn't it a question that TM never replied to? And, again, if it were true with all the media tracking down information we would have heard a statement from the bus driver by now. It's a fact that the question was asked. It is not a fact that it ever happened and to state it otherwise such as "he swung at the bus driver" would be a false statement. jmo

Wasn't it already stated, those accounts were hacked into so, it should be deemed incredible?

Why does it seem this is being rehashed over and over again?

This makes no sense to play blame the victim...

I thought his was a crime victims board?

Victim friendly board?

Rumors are vicious...:banghead:
I don't have an opinion on the truth of it or not. Although I will say that a contemporaneous communication to Travyon about his behavior has far more credibility in my eyes than a statement made to the media in a high profile case about an incident that occurred many years ago. jmo

I think the difference between the two is one was a question to TM and there is no proof it ever happened, just a comment that TM could have answered with, "No, but I would have liked to." No proof it happened, no way to verify it because it's just idle teen chatter. It's only an unverified rumor because it was a question and not a statement that he did.

With GZ he was actually employed by a company to work at illegal parties as a bouncer which can be verified. The claim is he was fired which sounds about right because he never talks about working for this employer from what we have seen. He seems to skip right over that part of his life. It could easily be verified because he was paid and there would be a record. Plus GZ is alive and can be asked this question. Someone has actually given a statement that this happened as a fact. jmo
Wasn't it already stated, those accounts were hacked into so, it should be deemed incredible?

Why does it seem this is being rehashed over and over again?

This makes no sense to play blame the victim...

I thought his was a crime victims board?

Victim friendly board?

Rumors are vicious...:banghead:

Plus, it's really not a game. I thought we were interested in finding out what actually happened that night and what the truth is? jmo
That might have been who Zimmerman was on the phone with in that pic of his bloody head. It might have been the cop calling him.

If he was on the phone in that picture I am thinking, yes it was probably the cop that called him to see where he was. You think that call will be released?
There is some evidence George had been drinking.

The night of Feb. 26, Zimmerman made a non-emergency call to police before fatally shooting Martin, in which he told a dispatcher, "This guy looks like he's up to no good, on drugs or something."

But law enforcement expert Rod Wheeler who listened to the tapes tells ABC News that Zimmerman, not Martin, sounded intoxicated in the police recordings of the 911 calls.

"When I listened to the 911 tape the first thing that came to my mind is this guy sounds intoxicated. Notice how he's slurring his words. We as trained law enforcement officers, we know how to listen for that right away and I think that's going to be an important element of this entire investigation," Wheeler said.

But Zimmerman was not tested.

Honestly, do you have a link to the evidence? Or is it your opinion that what Rod Wheeler says is evidence of GZ being drunk, and will that be used in court?
If he was on the phone in that picture I am thinking, yes it was probably the cop that called him to see where he was. You think that call will be released?

It should be. It will be interesting to see who the cop was that called him.

The reason I say that is in one of the interviews Chief Lee said Zimmerman claimed it was self defense or SYG at the scene. From the two police statements we have that was never backed up. George just said I shot him, according to Officer Smith. Maybe he claimed the self defense in the phone call?
Honestly, do you have a link to the evidence? Or is it your opinion that what Rod Wheeler says is evidence of GZ being drunk, and will that be used in court?

Zimmerman's whole 911 call is evidence and every word he said in it is evidence. There are words in it he said that are slurred. IMO
Plus, it's really not a game. I thought we were interested in finding out what actually happened that night and what the truth is? jmo

It's not a game on my part and it shouldn't be the blame the victim....

I'm not sure why there are folks who seem to be blaming TM for what GZ did to him, instead they should get a full picture of WHO GZ is and his mentality which I believe drives his behaviors..As the prosecution sees his past criminality with the propensity for violence..

I am truly so disheartened at how TM came to his demise, especially being in those shoes 29 years ago. It's devasting to the family and the sorrow one feels goes so deep into the depths of your soul...you can't think straight, you can't eat, sleep, it's horrific.

The prosecution, when this batch of discovery is released we will see how much evidence there is piling up against GZ...I want to read his different versions of events...I believe since the prosecutor stated, he gave 5 different versions, he might have been trying to add details, embellish details to go towards his defense but it didn't work for him when the SP and her team investigated..

I also believe Detective Serino might have had some input since he did want GZ charged...he thought manslaughter was sufficient but for the SP to elevate it to murder 2, they must have the goods that back those charges up...I don't take what the TH's say in the media, they were not privy to the evidence the SP and her team had available to them...

I await this document dump...
But, what Alan Dershowitz says, we should all believe? :waitasec:

For what it's worth, I don't believe any of the talking heads.

That's the thing with him, I find him to be a bit bothersome most time I see or hear him, but I'll be dam*'d if he doesn't know Law inside and out. Listen to him when you don't have a dog in the race or a buck to be made and he hits the nail on the head, its not about emotions and compassion, it's about the Law and he knows it, that's what I like about him. jmo
It should be. It will be interesting to see who the cop was that called him.

The reason I say that is in one of the interviews Chief Lee said Zimmerman claimed it was self defense or SYG at the scene. From the two police statements we have that was never backed up. George just said I shot him, according to Officer Smith. Maybe he claimed the self defense in the phone call?

It is my understanding that the "purpose" of the law is to keep people from being arrested and charged. So you would say you where defending yourself at the scene. Now I am wondering if he was asked at the scene all the details and particulars of what happened there or saved it for the station. jmo
How much can AD know, he was not part of the investigation? He does not know what reports/evidence the SP and her team were privy to, he's just talking to talk and bring in the conspiracy theories..so that the controvery sells media airtime and he gets face time...Agendas...:maddening:
It is my understanding that the "purpose" of the law is to keep people from being arrested and charged. So you would say you where defending yourself at the scene. Now I am wondering if he was asked at the scene all the details and particulars of what happened there or saved it for the station. jmo

If he was asked at the scene it should have been in Officer Smiths report since he had custody of him.

If a police officer called George and that is who he is talking to on the phone with the bloody head it could not have been Officer Smith otherwise it would have been in his report.

Makes me wonder if maybe the Sgt. called him.
If he was asked at the scene it should have been in Officer Smiths report since he had custody of him.

If a police officer called George and that is who he is talking to on the phone with the bloody head it could not have been Officer Smith otherwise it would have been in his report.

Makes me wonder if maybe the Sgt. called him.

Makes me wonder who released "the bloody pic" the day before iirc. If it was an officer then that means it would end up the property of the state, correct? Why would the state want the bloody head pic of GZ on the phone released the day before the hearing? idk maybe I got it wrong jmo
Here is what Chief Lee said.

Q. Why was George Zimmerman was not arrested the night of the shooting?

A. When the Sanford Police Department arrived at the scene of the incident, Mr. Zimmerman provided a statement claiming he acted in self-defense, which at the time was supported by physical evidence and testimony. By Florida Statute, law enforcement was prohibited from making an arrest based on the facts and circumstances they had at the time.

Read more: The Sanford Herald - Chief Bill Lee answers questions about investigation into shooting of 17 year old Trayvon Martin
Here is what Chief Lee said.

Q. Why was George Zimmerman was not arrested the night of the shooting?

A. When the Sanford Police Department arrived at the scene of the incident, Mr. Zimmerman provided a statement claiming he acted in self-defense, which at the time was supported by physical evidence and testimony. By Florida Statute, law enforcement was prohibited from making an arrest based on the facts and circumstances they had at the time.

Read more: The Sanford Herald - Chief Bill Lee answers questions about investigation into shooting of 17 year old Trayvon Martin


Investigators with the Sanford Police Department are still trying to figure out exactly what happened during an altercation which resulted in a fatal shooting in the Twin Lakes area.
And even then the next day it was being reported that it was still under investigation, not swept under the rug like it had/has been suggested and reported. jmo
What time would count for the running around the truck 3 times and hiding? The time period that things supposedly happened, still makes me wonder what really happened?

I don't recall he ran around the truck "3 times" - was this from the bond hearing?
Makes me wonder who released "the bloody pic" the day before iirc. If it was an officer then that means it would end up the property of the state, correct? Why would the state want the bloody head pic of GZ on the phone released the day before the hearing? idk maybe I got it wrong jmo

The person who released the picture, according to ABC was a neighbor - the one he told to call his wife.
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