What evidence does the prosecution have?

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MOM is actually going to have something in this case that most defense attorneys do not have and that will be using the testimony of the SPD officers against the state. He's going to hammer all of them on what was their reasoning behind not charging GZ, what led them to that conclusion, etc. It looks like they did do some sort of investigation in the early going with taking pictures and statements. He's going to use that evidence and show it to SPD and say, what does this show you and how did that influence your reasoning on not charging GZ.

Interesting point. Especially since it appears that the state is only relying on GZ statements for their case.
Could they be media interviews?

Sure, I guess. But that still wouldn't account for that many cd's unless each interview had it's own cd, too. I don't know how many interviews Taffe and Oliver gave between them, and I also don't know whether the SP would necessarily produce that type of thing in discovery, though.
MOM is actually going to have something in this case that most defense attorneys do not have and that will be using the testimony of the SPD officers against the state. He's going to hammer all of them on what was their reasoning behind not charging GZ, what led them to that conclusion, etc. It looks like they did do some sort of investigation in the early going with taking pictures and statements. He's going to use that evidence and show it to SPD and say, what does this show you and how did that influence your reasoning on not charging GZ.

All they can testify to is what happened when they arrived on the scene and what they put in their report. Homocide had the case once TM was declared deceased. The detective in charge would be the one to recommend GZ be charged and what he was to be charged with after GZ's statements. They are only reporting what happened that night and their would be no testimony against the state. It was Wolfinger that dismissed any charges against GZ and he's just going to claim he did not have enough information at the time to charge GZ. SPD did not have the final say and MOM is not going to ask that question because their reports have the charges listed right up in the corner. Wolfinger dismissed those charges and SPD had no choice because the Chief sided with Wolfinger that it was SYG. jmo
All they can testify to is what happened when they arrived on the scene and what they put in their report. Homocide had the case once TM was declared deceased. The detective in charge would be the one to recommend GZ be charged and what he was to be charged with after GZ's statements. They are only reporting what happened that night and their would be no testimony against the state. It was Wolfinger that dismissed any charges against GZ and he's just going to claim he did not have enough information at the time to charge GZ. SPD did not have the final say and MOM is not going to ask that question because their reports have the charges listed right up in the corner. Wolfinger dismissed those charges and SPD had no choice because the Chief sided with Wolfinger that it was SYG. jmo

You don't think he'll put both the Chief and Wolfinger on the stand and go through the evidence that they had at that moment in time? Hasn't Serino already backtracked on the report that he wanted to charge GZ right away? The chief and Wolfinger had the same GZ statements that AC has. He is going to go through that statement and ask them what made them not charge GZ IMO.
Sure, I guess. But that still wouldn't account for that many cd's unless each interview had it's own cd, too. I don't know how many interviews Taffe and Oliver gave between them, and I also don't know whether the SP would necessarily produce that type of thing in discovery, though.

Oh, I don't know. The statement "mad as he!! and not going to take it anymore" might have some merit and not for GZ. It could see GZ's state of mind as viewed through his good buddy. jmo
Oh, I don't know. The statement "mad as he!! and not going to take it anymore" might have some merit and not for GZ. It could see GZ's state of mind as viewed through his good buddy. jmo

Sorry. I'm not following you. What does this have to do with my post you were replying to?
MOM is actually going to have something in this case that most defense attorneys do not have and that will be using the testimony of the SPD officers against the state. He's going to hammer all of them on what was their reasoning behind not charging GZ, what led them to that conclusion, etc. It looks like they did do some sort of investigation in the early going with taking pictures and statements. He's going to use that evidence and show it to SPD and say, what does this show you and how did that influence your reasoning on not charging GZ.

I think it's also important to remember that the police DID want to arrest GZ for manslaughter the night of the shooting. It was the prosecutor, Wolfinger, who made the decision to not charge GZ.

Does anyone know if Wolfinger could be deposed or called as a witness by the defense to explain why he made the decision not to bring charges? Because that is the story I most want to hear. Apparently there was a "difference of opinion" between the police officers and the prosecutor. And why was the prosecutor involved in a decision that occurred late in the evening, not to arrest? I'd like to know if that is common. Does the prosecutor get called often after hours to weigh in on the police processing of homicides? How quickly is a proscutor typically involved in homicide processing? Did the police officers have a dispute among themselves as to whether GZ should have been arrested? Did they call Wolfinger to intervene in the decision making? I really just want to know how Wolfinger came to be involved in that decision, and the timing of his involvement. Did someone from OUTSIDE the police department contact Wolfinger?? With all of the zeal for the DOJ to investigate this highly inflamed homicide as a hate crime-- I hope there is at least EQUAL scrutiny of what occurred in the process of Wolfinger directing the decision making. And I haven't heard or read much at all about that.

It seems a lot of people are quick to bash the police, but I see the situation as one of conflict, collusion, or confusion in decision making between police and prosecutor. That indicates a big "systems" problem to me. There are an awful lot of questions about how this case has evolved that preceed the accusations of racism and hate crimes-- which I feel have been inflamed to an outrageous and dangerous level.
Has anybody posted this yet? The 8 page redacted evidence list...it was obtained this morning judging by the time stamp on it.


  • 93646122-Redacted-witness-and-evidence-list-filed-by-the-state-in-George-Zimmerman-case.pdf
    177.3 KB · Views: 39
Has anybody posted this yet? The 8 page redacted evidence list...it was obtained this morning judging by the time stamp on it.

Is there a link to that pdf somewhere? I hate downloading files in that manner.
Has anybody posted this yet? The 8 page redacted evidence list...it was obtained this morning judging by the time stamp on it.

I wonder who witness number 8 is that they had to subpoena their cell phone records?????? jmo
I wonder who witness number 8 is that they had to subpoena their cell phone records?????? jmo

My best guess is that W8 is the "girlfriend" of Trayvon. It shows an interview with Crump, undated....followed by the interview with SAO on 4/2

Edit to add, I think W6 is "Mary" who has been interviewed several times by the MSM.

JMO on the above post.
Sorry. I'm not following you. What does this have to do with my post you were replying to?

It was FT that gave that interview to the media. It shows how FT viewed GZ's state of mind. jmo
My best guess is that W8 is the "girlfriend" of Trayvon. It shows an interview with Crump, undated....followed by the interview with SAO on 4/2

Oh, darn, you're probably right. I was hoping for someone else. lol
I think it's also important to remember that the police DID want to arrest GZ for manslaughter the night of the shooting. It was the prosecutor, Wolfinger, who made the decision to not charge GZ.

<snip for relevance>

Wasn't Ben Crump interviewed about this claim that he made, and he didn't answer the question of whether or not he lied about creating the claim? When further questioned specifically about seeing Mr. Serino's affidavit he said he hadn't seen it. I believe Bill Lee also had a press conference where Mr. Serino flatly denied the charge and called them "outright lies."

I'm pretty sure vlpate linked interview with Mr. Crump somewhere but I'll find it.
Wasn't Ben Crump interviewed about this claim that he made, and he didn't answer the question of whether or not he lied about creating the claim? When further questioned specifically about seeing Mr. Serino's affidavit he said he hadn't seen it. I believe Bill Lee also had a press conference where Mr. Serino flatly denied the charge and called them "outright lies."

I'm pretty sure vlpate linked interview with Mr. Crump somewhere but I'll find it.

It's possible that the information came from someone inside the SPD, such as an officer close to the case who did not share Wolfinger's views, someone who may have seen the affidavit and talked with Mr. Serino personally. Mr. Crump might not want to get this person in trouble, IMO. It will be interesting to hear what Mr. Serino has to say about GZ's statements. jmo
I wonder who witness number 8 is that they had to subpoena their cell phone records?????? jmo

There was speculation on our local news last night that this may be the girlfriend who was on the phone with Trayvon.
Sure, I guess. But that still wouldn't account for that many cd's unless each interview had it's own cd, too. I don't know how many interviews Taffe and Oliver gave between them, and I also don't know whether the SP would necessarily produce that type of thing in discovery, though.

Do you think the reason for all the CD's is that SA made it easier for MOM to view them when some of them would not need to be held up? For instance, the authopsy report? That could be released sooner than some of the other's that MOM might want to keep from being released until he can review them further? jmo
It's possible that the information came from someone inside the SPD, such as an officer close to the case who did not share Wolfinger's views, someone who may have seen the affidavit and talked with Mr. Serino personally. Mr. Crump might not want to get this person in trouble, IMO. It will be interesting to hear what Mr. Serino has to say about GZ's statements. jmo

So, Mr. Wolfinger's statement that investigators can make arrests at any "dadgum" time? It seems someone has taken a non-story and run with it, why oh why would Mr. Crump do that? Right, to try to get a non-story into the news.


Google search terms to find your own source: Wolfinger dadgum
Do you think the reason for all the CD's is that SA made it easier for MOM to view them when some of them would not need to be held up? For instance, the authopsy report? That could be released sooner than some of the other's that MOM might want to keep from being released until he can review them further? jmo

If you read the PDF there are 67 "players", if you will, between the people listed as witnesses in categories A, B, and C. I thought there were something like 67 CD's, right?

They might be broken down a CD/DVD for every person.
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