What evidence does the prosecution have?

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I don't know exactly what you mean by the bold, but I've had the dubious privilege of receiving numerous *just plain old* cd's with scanned docs for review and I need a cocktail after 3 or 4, max lol

Meh, "everyone" probably would've been the better word to use, including myself. What a waste if they didn't use DVDs though. I should call Mr. O'Mara and ask if they are regular CDs, and if they are I'll call the Fraud, Waste and Abuse hotline!
For all we know each CD has a single witness statement on it, and another 60 CDs full of Ms. Corey's investigators with a sworn statement saying the other 7 CDs are "the full truth and nothing but the truth." :floorlaugh:

Even still, that would be more than what was on the PCA.:moo:
Regarding how much info might be on the state's CDs in this case, I recall another case in which defense attorney Jose Baez whined to the judge at one point that the prosecution wasn't combining things on CDs and was charging the defense per CD to copy them. Not sure if that's standard procedure for the prosecution or just the way it happened to have occurred in that case. FWIW (which probably ain't much). ;)
Aside from here, has this been mentioned by LE or speculated on anywhere in the MSM? I'm seriously trying to figure out how no one saw or heard this phantom accomplice. TIA

It has been speculated that while GZ was still on the NE call to LE that he began to whisper, that there is tapping or knocking sound and that GZ seemed distracted. This occurs about the time that he changes his mind as to where LE should meet up with him. Perhaps he has a friend in ear shot, at their patio door. When GZ hangs up from LE, perhaps the two decide that GZ will track down the @$$hole and run him toward his buddy's back door. The buddy can then step in front of the @$$hole and GZ can hold him there until the actual police finally decide to show up. For all we know this might have been discussed previously in preparation for the "next time" one of these @$$holes thought they would mess with GZ's neighborhood and their property.

THIS IS ALL SPECULATION but not out of the realm of possibility.
More to my above Speculation:
When Trayvon tried to get away the physical fight began and the helper retreated into his home to make his comparatively quick call to 911. KWIM?
Here is the WFTV link about the article.

AFAIK, that other link has not been permitted. Checking with other mods to make sure I have that right. Until then, I have removed the posts referencing the non-MSM link since it only cited the WFTV article.

Was it the chron.com article? I forget. If so, it's definitely MSM http://www.chron.com/ Hearst media, Houston's online version of their local newspaper. Hope that helps!
Not to be gross, but he was lying on his back and it was raining. I am also interested in seeing some documentation of this callous act by the officer.

I would guess since it was a detective who responded to Mr. Martin's call that it was a crime scene photo. jmo
I was replying to the poster reader, who wrote: "Trayvon's mother and father can testify he was staying in Sanford and that he was legitimately a resident."

I never said he didn't have a right to be there, he had every right to be there. I was just pointing out that witnesses testifying that he was a "legitimate resident", could be easily disproved. IMO, they would be saying this only to try and say GZ should have seen him before, which has been alluded to.

And, if he left his home angry, we might be seeing text messages to & from anyone he may have been angry with or from a like-minded neighbor saying something like, "I see one of those @$$Holes up near the front exit, he's coming onto the property, Mr So & So. GZ response: "Ok, this time he's not getting away..." Something like that could be a real eye opener.

I will not be surprised if it is proven that GZ had eyes and ears, other than his own, on his victim.

Tracy Martin can also attest o the photograph of Trayvon showing the tear coming out of his eye and the saliva on his cheek. Trayvon was CRYING.


TM was a 'legitimate' guest, he had every right to be there...he was temporarily staying with BG...what's the problem with that?

I also wanted to know if GZ had an argument with his wifey before going on his alleged milk run...was he already in angry mode? Is he just an angry guy? I believe anything could set him off with the alleged Jekyll and Hyde personality...

The document listed 18 Sanford police officers as primary witnesses, including lead Investigator Chris Serino. Corey's office also turned over five reports prepared by him, as well as written reports prepared by four other Sanford officers.

The list includes new video evidence from the night of the shooting — both from the 7-Eleven store where Trayvon reportedly purchased Skittles and Arizona iced tea and from a clubhouse in Retreat at Twin Lakes, the townhouse complex where the teen was killed.

I also believe, CSerino had lots of input for the SP and her team, after all he did want an arrest warrant for manslaughter, so he might have lots of info as well...

I also wonder if the club house tape will show GZ in hot pursuit of TM, which would mean GZ is lying when he said he started to go back to his vehicle when TM approached him from behind...guessing this is what DGilbreathe meant when he said that didn't match the evidence from the scene..GZ vehicle was too far from where TM was shot dead...I can't wait to hear this evidence and could be showing GZ's story is unravelling...

Yes, that last image of her son will be one she can't shake from her mind..it will be forever imprinted in her brain as well as that horrific wail for help..she must hear it all day long...knowing her son died in fear...I pray for solace for this family and the strength to endure this long hard battle in the courtroom...I pray they stand strong and tall...:please:
I just read that there are 67 cd's. Holy cow, that's a LOT of documents and video -- assuming that they are full or even half full.

Wasn't it reported the other day that there were about 5,000 pages of documentation? That would account for a lot of CD's. jmo
Did we see or hear 7 911 calls?

So there are 28 civilian witnesses listed, 22 names redacted and 6 named.


bob kealing ‏ @bobkealing

State's evidence list documents seven 911 calls, all by witnesses whose names are redacted-listed only by number. #TrayvonMartin. @WESH.


12m bob kealing bob kealing ‏ @bobkealing

State's evidence list, #Zimmerman murder case has 22 civilian witness names redacted. Referred to by numbers 1-22. #TrayvonMartin. @WESH.
The DOJ is also investigating to see if TM's civil rights were violated by GZ..I wonder where they stand?
BBM - Not factual/proven yet. JMO

Where was his phone? Has it been said? Reaching for his phone.....inside pocket of his 'zipped' up jacket as per Taafe (sp) or pants pocket or outside pocket of jacket? Or in his wasteband where he was carrying his gun with the hollow point bullets?
Where was his phone? Has it been said? Reaching for his phone.....inside pocket of his 'zipped' up jacket as per Taafe (sp) or pants pocket or outside pocket of jacket? Or in his wasteband where he was carrying his gun with the hollow point bullets?

You would think it was still in his hand since he had just finished talking with LE and planned to call them right back with an address. He should have been almost back to his car when he hung up. If he planned on giving LE the address why would he put his phone in his pocket if he was close to getting that address? The way he left the phone call was that he would be talking to them again as soon as he had the information. jmo
Where was his phone? Has it been said? Reaching for his phone.....inside pocket of his 'zipped' up jacket as per Taafe (sp) or pants pocket or outside pocket of jacket? Or in his wasteband where he was carrying his gun with the hollow point bullets?
We don't know where his phone was. One of our fellow posters, stated as fact, that GZ was reaching for his phone when Trayvon hit him from behind, both of things haven't been proven.

I guess we shall see soon. It was easy to get to, if you believe Trayvon was straddling GZ (which I don't fully believe). If that is the scenario, then I believe it was in his jacket or already pulled. JMO
Was it the chron.com article? I forget. If so, it's definitely MSM http://www.chron.com/ Hearst media, Houston's online version of their local newspaper. Hope that helps!

No. It was definetly a blog / op-ed link citing and opining regarding the WFTV article.

The chron link is fine.
Thanks. Maybe it is the use of the word 'reaching'. Not sure if I would use that word when carrying a phone in a pocket or somewhere in my clothing. But maybe. I find it odd that GZ stated Trayvon had his hand in his waistband (projection much?) then next he says he is carrying something in his hands.

I am interested in seeing the pictures of GZ at the crime scene. Along with everything else.
MOM is actually going to have something in this case that most defense attorneys do not have and that will be using the testimony of the SPD officers against the state. He's going to hammer all of them on what was their reasoning behind not charging GZ, what led them to that conclusion, etc. It looks like they did do some sort of investigation in the early going with taking pictures and statements. He's going to use that evidence and show it to SPD and say, what does this show you and how did that influence your reasoning on not charging GZ.
Wasn't it reported the other day that there were about 5,000 pages of documentation? That would account for a lot of CD's. jmo

That's only about 2-2 1/2 banker's boxes worth of documents.

I'm no techie, but I don't think it would account for more than a couple conventional cd's. I think each cd probably contains a particular category of document or video linked to a specific source (witness, expert, witness statements, etc.) jmo
That's only about 2-2 1/2 banker's boxes worth of documents.

I'm no techie, but I don't think it would account for more than a couple conventional cd's. I think each cd probably contains a particular category of document or video linked to a specific source (witness, expert, witness statements, etc.) jmo

Could they be media interviews?
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