What evidence does the prosecution have?

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Evidence for the prosecution? ADHD means impulsive behavior, angry behavior, I think this is huge (and I know ADHD, Ex husband and 2 kids!). Proof RZ lies (again) - he pays cash to stay in hotels anonymously? No hotel allows anyone to rent a room without ID!!! And this medical report is meaningless, just like the picture that doesn't make sense, how did we get black eyes, a back injury, a broken nose that weren't there the night before. It's his family doctor, I don't believe it for a second. MOO.

ETA, just noticed they have a video from 2/29 in the police lobby! We will see the previously missing injuries, if they actually existed. MOO.
Evidence for the prosecution? ADHD means impulsive behavior, angry behavior, I think this is huge (and I know ADHD, Ex husband and 2 kids!). Proof RZ lies (again) - he pays cash to stay in hotels anonymously? No hotel allows anyone to rent a room without ID!!! And this medical report is meaningless, just like the picture that doesn't make sense, how did we get black eyes, a back injury, a broken nose that weren't there the night before. It's his family doctor, I don't believe it for a second. MOO.

I think it is possible and likely that GZ received his injuries when they fell. It's possible TM's head could have hit GZ in the nose when they fell. If GZ never identified himself what was TM to believe that GZ wanted? jmo
I think it is possible and likely that GZ received his injuries when they fell. It's possible TM's head could have hit GZ in the nose when they fell. If GZ never identified himself what was TM to believe that GZ wanted? jmo

For all Trayvon knew, GZ could have been a pervert or a human trafficker hellbent on taking Trayvon hostage and using him as a sex-slave.
I am not a legal expert by any means, but I know that if they had statements from those witnesses, they would have to be turned over. I cannot guess on whether or not the state did not get the statements, or if witnesses were not cooperating. All I know is that from the 8 page filing, there appears to be no statements. MOO

I think there is a LOT that's not been released.

"The defense is trying to decide what evidence it wants a judge to keep confidential before the media gets a chance to see it, but WFTV is being told that could happen in the next week or so."

Just a little anecdote:
A friend of mine was bending over to tie his shoes. I reached behind him to grab something. As I was coming back to my original position, he sat up and in the process he broke my nose. He had absolutely no injury. Within minutes I had a swollen nose and two black eyes. That was the fourth time my nose had been broken.

The first time I broke my nose, I was five years old. My sibling sat on my head.

The second time I broke my nose, I was swinging on my stomach and fell face first out of a swing.

The third time I broke my nose, I was playing basketball. An over zealous teammate passed me the ball. It hit me right upside the nose.

The fifth time I broke my nose I was on my way out of a double door when a co-worker called out to ask me a question. I was holding the right side of the door open, answered the question and turned quickly to leave. When I did that, I hit the side of my nose right against the closed side. Nose broke instantly.

I thought my nose was broken seven times but I can't remember the sixth time, right now.

The final time I broke my nose, I was wrestling with my 30 lb dog. She got very excited and accidentally head butted me and crack the nose broke again. It used to have a slight crookedness to the left and surprisingly my pup straightened it out a bit. It now goes slightly to the right. She had no injury either.

Just goes to show ya, noses break in all kinds of ways from all kinds of impacts especially if they have been broken before.
It sure took a while to find a doc willing to provide documentation for injuries that can't be proven at this late date!
I think there is a LOT that's not been released.

"The defense is trying to decide what evidence it wants a judge to keep confidential before the media gets a chance to see it, but WFTV is being told that could happen in the next week or so."


They haven't released much of anything yet. I was asking up thread why some of the witness's show that they haven't given statements yet. The last witness statement is dated 4/2. See this doc.

From the link:

But Sheaffer said there could be another explanation for Martin's knuckle injury.

“It could be consistent with Trayvon either trying to get away or defend himself,” Sheaffer said.

I agree that the prosecution will have to try and explain Trayvon injury's as being defensive. The hard part will be fitting that in with the rest of the evidence. JMO.
It sure took a while to find a doc willing to provide documentation for injuries that can't be proven at this late date!

As a health care professional, I completely disagree with that statement. I take extreme issue with ANY unfounded criticism of the doc and clinic that saw GZ at that visit. The doc did not have a clue what happened, or how it would eventually be blown up in the media. He saw the doc when the clinic records say he did--the next day after the incident, according to the ABC story. I would be VERY surprised if the Family Practice group GZ was seen at does not keep meticulous documentation-- and very likely electronic documentation. There will be clear evidence of when he signed into the clinic, who processed him in, which medical assistant processed him into the exam room and took his vitals, documentation for the insurance company, possibly labs or xrays taken in the clinic-- in short, oddles and gobs of documentation beyond what the family doc documented in his/ her notes. It would be EXTREMELY difficult to fake a doc visit to a modern clinic in a large city in this day and age-- and why would GZ have done that?? At the time, the day after the incident, he had NO WAY of knowing how this would evolve. Neither did the family doc. The family doc saw GZ as he saw any other patient--and remember-- the doc ALSO did not know at the time how this case would "blow up" in the media.

With electronic record keeping, it's just about impossible to fake the date and time someone was seen at a hospital or clinic. Secure e-signatures, timestamping, multiple layers of software and security, etc.

Edited to add: I'd not be surprised to find that facial xrays were done to rule out a LeFort fracture, given the bilateral black eyes. (If the clinic has their own xray dept on site.)
Altamonte is about 12 miles from Sanford....
Kind of far to go for a Family Practice and one that isn't an Urgent Care Facility.
As a health care professional, I completely disagree with that statement. I take extreme issue with ANY unfounded criticism of the doc and clinic that saw GZ at that visit. The doc did not have a clue what happened, or how it would eventually be blown up in the media. He saw the doc when the clinic records say he did--the next day after the incident, according to the ABC story. I would be VERY surprised if the Family Practice group GZ was seen at does not keep meticulous documentation-- and very likely electronic documentation. There will be clear evidence of when he signed into the clinic, who processed him in, which medical assistant processed him into the exam room and took his vitals, documentation for the insurance company, possibly labs or xrays taken in the clinic-- in short, oddles and gobs of documentation beyond what the family doc documented in his/ her notes. It would be EXTREMELY difficult to fake a doc visit to a modern clinic in a large city in this day and age-- and why would GZ have done that?? At the time, the day after the incident, he had NO WAY of knowing how this would evolve. Neither did the family doc. The family doc saw GZ as he saw any other patient--and remember-- the doc ALSO did not know at the time how this case would "blow up" in the media.

With electronic record keeping, it's just about impossible to fake the date and time someone was seen at a hospital or clinic. Secure e-signatures, timestamping, multiple layers of software and security, etc.

Edited to add: I'd not be surprised to find that facial xrays were done to rule out a LeFort fracture, given the bilateral black eyes. (If the clinic has their own xray dept on site.)

Yes, I'm sure it's documented seven ways to Sunday. However, the doctor can't document when and where Zimmerman received his injuries except from what Zimmerman says.
Altamonte is about 12 miles from Sanford....
Kind of far to go for a Family Practice and one that isn't an Urgent Care Facility.

Are you saying that GZ doctor is in Altamonte? How do you know that and if true what does it matter?
Yes, I'm sure it's documented seven ways to Sunday. However, the doctor can't document when and where Zimmerman received his injuries except from what Zimmerman says.

As was pointed out, however, at that point in time, nobody had a clue this case would become a national issue.

There would have been no reason for GZ to think he needed to create a cover story at that point. He had already been questioned at length by the police the night before, and I would assume that the stories he told each of them (the police and the Dr.) align.
Are you saying that GZ doctor is in Altamonte? How do you know that and if true what does it matter?
Just based on the Family Practice Name. It's been stated that it was Altamonte Family Practice. Seems kind of far to drive for Urgent Care.
Just based on the Family Practice Name. It's been stated that it was Altamonte Family Practice. Seems kind of far to drive for Urgent Care.

Where to you get the family practice name from?
Where to you get the family practice name from?
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