What evidence does the prosecution have?

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Officers had the exact location from the 911 calls before TM was even shot. They arrived at the scene which would be where TM body would have been. There were a number of 911 calls giving the exact location. Officer Smith reported he arrived at the scene at 7:17, removed GZ gun and placed GZ in handcuffs and waited until the other officer arrived at 7:19 before attending to TM. If you have that link that reported it took LE a couple of minutes to make it to the scene once they arrived in the complex I'd like to see it. They could have driven around the complex 5 times in two minutes. It's not that big a place. They report their location to headquarters when they get to the crime scene and it is recorded via their radio. Their reports are based on what they record. His exact time arriving at the scene would be when he called it in to tell dispatch what he found and what he needed and whether or not the area was secure for SFD to come to TM's aid.

Staying with his truck would have made it a lot easier for LE to find GZ and TM would still be alive. And why did GZ get out? TM would have been moving by the time LE got there and away from the address GZ walked all the way over to the next street to get. He could have easily driven to that location. Still TM would not have been there. If TM were headed to the back gate, as GZ stated to LE, why didn't GZ go there and wait for the patrol cars?

It makes no sense that GZ followed TM. I can't make any sense to it at all. Why go to all the trouble to get an address for a location TM would no longer be? To me it would have made more sense if GZ just circled the block. Getting out of the car makes no sense unless GZ intended to keep TM from going any further than he already was. jmo

IMO, he wasn't acting reasonable/rational at that time. He was apparently frustrated about the recent breakins, Frank Taffe even alluded to it: “I think any time you use a weapon, there are certain anger issues working,” Taaffe said. “I think he had fed-up issues. He was mad as hell and wasn't going to take it anymore.” http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2...es-to-defense-of-trayvon-martins-shooter?lite

GZ apparently didn't want another a-hole to get away so why wouldn't he continue following?
Another piece of evidence they have is Consciousness of Guilt I believe. From the bond hearing we learned the state does not believe Zimmerman's story lines up with the evidence. What they will probably say is he lied about the events because he knew he was guilty. It is evidence. IMO
There is no evidence TM was doing anything other than walking home while he was talking to his friend who he had been on the phone with all day. Sort of obvious that talking to her was an important event for him. We also know he walked to the store to get some Skittles and ice tea to watch the game that would be starting around the time he was due home. What incentive would he have to deliberately track someone down when he didn't know who this person was and certainly did not know this person would follow him. What incentive did TM have????

What was GZ's incentive? We've discussed it numerous times, no need to repeat. Mr. Taaffe's statement about GZ's reasoning for tracking TM down can only hurt GZ. FT constant and continual appearance on media programs and GZ's lack of trying to control FT through his attorneys will also hurt him. GZ will appear exactly the way he was. Bound to take the law into his own hands without any consideration of what those consequences might be. He was reckless in his behavior and judgment and it cost a young man his life. I think the State will have no problem proving their case. jmo
LambChop: As per your request for a source earlier on my stating that police could have arrived 2min earlier, this was based on some work that the user named "Who" did. It's in the witness thread.
LambChop: As per your request for a source earlier on my stating that police could have arrived 2min earlier, this was based on some work that the user named "Who" did. It's in the witness thread.

But it's speculation not based on fact. Everything LE does is documented for their reports. LE can't arrive on the scene and describe his findings if he still riding around in his patrol car. jmo
But it's speculation not based on fact. Everything LE does is documented for their reports. LE can't arrive on the scene and describe his findings if he still riding around in his patrol car. jmo

I think it's safe to say that nearly everything posted here right now is speculation, but I wouldn't say it's not based on fact because the 911 calls are time stamped (or should be).
The state has the recorded screams from the 911 call. The state has the video tape of Zimmerman at the police station that seems to contradict his own words as to what occured that night. The state has Trayvon's autopsy report (even though we don't yet) that will either prove or disprove Zimmerman's claims for the events that night. I'd have to say that since A Corey has seen the report that she feels that it does not prove Zimmerman's claims. The state also has the non-emergancy call from Zimmerman that night that will prove his state of mind (those a-holes always get away).



The SA most likely have the same evidence that had Serino wanting to charge GZ with manslaughter that night. And because she chose to charge him with 2nd degree murder tells me she uncovered a lot more evidence. JMO
I think it's safe to say that nearly everything posted here right now is speculation, but I wouldn't say it's not based on fact because the 911 calls are time stamped (or should be).

A patrol officer is not talking to 911 once he arrives on the scene. He's talking to dispatch and they are recording the information for his report, such as the time of arrival at the scene, securing the shooter, securing the scene and clearing SFD to come in and give medical attention. There were many 911 calls about the shot so one of the callers would have thought LE was coming in from the wrong direction because they were unaware of the other callers. I would believe what is on the police report is correct. jmo
A patrol officer is not talking to 911 once he arrives on the scene. He's talking to dispatch and they are recording the information for his report, such as the time of arrival at the scene, securing the shooter, securing the scene and clearing SFD to come in and give medical attention. There were many 911 calls about the shot so one of the callers would have thought LE was coming in from the wrong direction because they were unaware of the other callers. I would believe what is on the police report is correct. jmo

You'd have to ask Who about the specifics of how he came to the conclusion that he did, I was just using him as the source of the information. Sorry I can't debate this further with you.

The SA most likely have the same evidence that had Serino wanting to charge GZ with manslaughter that night. And because she chose to charge him with 2nd degree murder tells me she uncovered a lot more evidence. JMO

Would you mean, as in Gilbreath's answer to what evidence there was and his last comment was something similar to...."and we have the body." TM didn't lay out in the elements for 6 months so his body will tell us a lot about what really happened. jmo
You'd have to ask Who about the specifics of how he came to the conclusion that he did, I was just using him as the source of the information. Sorry I can't debate this further with you.

That's fine. I believe the police report speaks for itself. jmo
Trayvon's Autopsy Report.

IMO, it seems GZ wants us to believe that TM was shot while on top of GZ...but what if the bullet trajectory do not match that?

What if it DOES? I mean we are hearing from quite a few people that the evidence that HASN'T come in yet will prove GZ was guilty. And I will admit that I am a GZ supporter, but if the evidence indicates he is guilty, I say fry him. The problem I have is that when confronted with the as yet unreleased evidence, if it shows that GZ is telling the TRUTH< these people will have nowhere to go. We have seen things such as:

  • So what if TM attacked him, he shouldn't have shot him
  • TM was defending himself, so he had a RIGHT to attack GZ
  • The only thing GZ's injuries show is that TM should have hit him harder

These people have already convicted GZ, with a SCANT amount of evidence against him and have negated ANY actions by TM to have escalated the situation.

Yes, GZ followed TM. NOT against the law. But some are using GZ's following as a CAUSE for the shooting. Lets face FACTS here, GZ is not claiming he shot TM because he was following him, he shot him because, as he claims, he was attacked. Using their logic, if a person robs a STORE, it was the STORE OWNERS fault, because he decided to OPEN A STORE.
What if it DOES? I mean we are hearing from quite a few people that the evidence that HASN'T come in yet will prove GZ was guilty. And I will admit that I am a GZ supporter, but if the evidence indicates he is guilty, I say fry him. The problem I have is that when confronted with the as yet unreleased evidence, if it shows that GZ is telling the TRUTH< these people will have nowhere to go. We have seen things such as:

  • So what if TM attacked him, he shouldn't have shot him
  • TM was defending himself, so he had a RIGHT to attack GZ
  • The only thing GZ's injuries show is that TM should have hit him harder

These people have already convicted GZ, with a SCANT amount of evidence against him and have negated ANY actions by TM to have escalated the situation.

Yes, GZ followed TM. NOT against the law. But some are using GZ's following as a CAUSE for the shooting. Lets face FACTS here, GZ is not claiming he shot TM because he was following him, he shot him because, as he claims, he was attacked. Using their logic, if a person robs a STORE, it was the STORE OWNERS fault, because he decided to OPEN A STORE.

GZ was not in his store. GZ was not in his vehicle. GZ was not at home. GZ did not follow the specific instructions he knew to follow when reporting a suspect, who FYI was indeed not a suspect. GZ took matters into his own hands by following someone....first with his car, then on foot. GZ was pursing TM, there is no other explanation for GZ to have been following TM. What was GZ goal, what did he hope to accomplish? There is only one answer. He did not want TM to get away. TM told his GF someone was following him and he was fearful. We know from the tapes GZ never identified himself. We know from the GF's statement about what she heard that GZ never identified himself. We will soon learn if he bothered to identify himself ever from his statement to LE. How would anyone expect a young 17 year old to know what this man was up to?

It was always GZ who knew why he was following TM. It was always GZ who knew he had a gun. It was always GZ who knew LE was on the way. It was always GZ who was mature enough to know he should have never left his vehicle. TM had no advantage whatsoever. If TM was in fear for his life, he was correct wasn't he???? jmo
GZ was not in his store. GZ was not in his vehicle. GZ was not at home. GZ did not follow the specific instructions he knew to follow when reporting a suspect, who FYI was indeed not a suspect. GZ took matters into his own hands by following someone....first with his car, then on foot. GZ was pursing TM, there is no other explanation for GZ to have been following TM. What was GZ goal, what did he hope to accomplish? There is only one answer. He did not want TM to get away. TM told his GF someone was following him and he was fearful. We know from the tapes GZ never identified himself. We know from the GF's statement about what she heard that GZ never identified himself. We will soon learn if he bothered to identify himself ever from his statement to LE. How would anyone expect a young 17 year old to know what this man was up to?

It was always GZ who knew why he was following TM. It was always GZ who knew he had a gun. It was always GZ who knew LE was on the way. It was always GZ who was mature enough to know he should have never left his vehicle. TM had no advantage whatsoever. If TM was in fear for his life, he was correct wasn't he???? jmo


I'm not sure. IMO, one of the nagging questions about the timeline is why wasn't TM at home? If he'd headed straight home, he and GZ would never have crossed paths. It makes me wonder if, in a display of youthful bravado, TM decided to turn the tables on the man following him. It seems to me something a teenager might do.
The police dispatcher asks Zimmerman to meet the responding officer at the mailboxes. First Zimmerman replies in the affirmative. But then he immediately changes his mind and says for the responding officer to call him and he&#8217;ll tell him where he is. IMO this shows Zimmerman&#8217;s frame of mind and the action he intends to take: He is going after Trayvon to detain him, he will not wait for the police to arrive to do their job, he will do it for them. This is another example to show that Zimmerman does not have any self-restraint.


I'm not sure. IMO, one of the nagging questions about the timeline is why wasn't TM at home? If he'd headed straight home, he and GZ would never have crossed paths. It makes me wonder if, in a display of youthful bravado, TM decided to turn the tables on the man following him. It seems to me something a teenager might do.

I don't think so. He was not on his own turf and he was alone. A normal teen would have nothing to prove to anyone with bravado.

I'm not sure. IMO, one of the nagging questions about the timeline is why wasn't TM at home? If he'd headed straight home, he and GZ would never have crossed paths. It makes me wonder if, in a display of youthful bravado, TM decided to turn the tables on the man following him. It seems to me something a teenager might do.

I have to agree with your post here, I have seen plenty of teens thinking they are Billy Badazz, and have no fear of trying to get in a grown mans face.. I am still on fence, til I see more facts about this case..
I have to agree with your post here, I have seen plenty of teens thinking they are Billy Badazz, and have no fear of trying to get in a grown mans face.. I am still on fence, til I see more facts about this case..
From the evidence on the 911 tape we know who was projecting the machismo, going after the possibly armed and messed up on drugs teen who was up to no good.
From the evidence on the 911 tape we know who was projecting the machismo, going after the possibly armed and messed up on drugs teen who was up to no good.

That does not mean that TM was not being aggressive neither, Like I stated need to see and hear more facts on the case.. I do not think TM deserved to be shot and Dead, My prayers go out to his family... JMO,
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