What Got/Keeps You Involved in Caylee's Case?

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I don't believe we have a thread that deals with WHY so many of us have such STRONG feelings one way or the other about this case and the players therein. I wonder what it is about THIS case, or THESE people that fill us with such anger/rage/hatred.

For instance, I detest the entire A family, but the fact is, I probably dislike ICA the least. Go figure, right? I believe I dislike the parents the most because I don't believe she was born a monster, and let's leave it at that.

I have, however, seen many posters who detest ICA with a purple passion, and I wonder what brings out such strong feelings in them.

Anyone want to give it a try?

I had never closely followed this kind of case until the summer of 2008, when my wife told me briefly about this thing on the way to work. I tuned in to Nancy Grace that night, watched the show, and the rest was history. I joined Websleuths shortly thereafter as a result of my ravenous hunger for all things related to the case -- and as an historian, I am professionally trained at seeking source material. Believe me, Websleuths has been, bar none, the finest source of information on this case from the beginning.

Once I'd read the preliminary interviews and viewed some of the videotape, it was clear to me that something really unusual was going on. The clincher was CA's behavior. The more I tried to work it out in my mind, the less sense it all made. The family seemed to be in obvious denial about the possibility their daughter was lying, and I found that reasonable enough -- but then it became abundantly clear that CA seemed to be quite determined to foil LE at every turn in their attempts to get to the bottom of things.

The more the family spun, and the weirder the story got as it changed continuously, the more I was determined to see this through to the end. I wanted to see ICA face justice for what I feel it is obvious she did. I do not claim to know the details of how Caylee died, but no one will every convince me that ICA is not a narcissistic sociopath who, if she did not willfully kill her daughter, was certainly capable of doing so and thought nothing of her death once it occurred.

If I have strong feelings about it, it is because I have spent so many hours reading, posting, and thinking about the absurd web of nonsense this family (primarily ICA, of course), have foisted upon us all. When I think of the thousands of LE and citizens who participated in the searches for a daughter ICA knew damned well was dead, and the nasty things CA said about Tim Miller, whose only crime was giving his time and energy to helping this family find their missing granddaughter, it fills me with resentment. The thought that ICA could walk free after having left this kind of destruction in her wake is beyond my ability t comprehend.

So, if I feel strongly, that's why. I suspect I am not so different from many others here.

Bill Scheaffer said that JB is a very good lawyer.

I've been watching BS and let's just say, all of us can have a moment of stupidity! I didn't hear this, and I don't agree with him if he did say it, but BS is very good as an analyst.

I personally think that JB should be disbarred and I can see why he was not allowed to practice law for 8 years!
I think a lot of people in this country have come to detest bullies and the havoc they are allowed to wreak on defensless people. But in this case, Casey Anthony didn't pick one of her peers to bully around and treat horribly. You know, "go pick on somebody your own size". She picked her target very carefully - a little girl who loved her very much. Someone who could not fight back, and would never have fought back because she loved her mother.

If we are to believe her defense and she has an abiding hatred for her father because of sexual abuse, why did she not stand up to him? Why not pick him as her target? Why not rat him out? That would be well deserved.

If we are to believe she just wanted her freedom to party every day and never have to work for anything she got, then why didn't she just "give" her little girl to grandparents who really wanted her and who were basically providing for her anyway? She would have gotten her freedom. Caylee would still have had someone to love her.

This is truly senseless. I do believe that people simply want to see her get what's rightfully coming to her. The taxpayers of Florida are footing a huge bill to see that Casey Anthony is treated fairly and justly. She is receiving more than her daughter ever hoped to receive in the way of fairness and justice. May she get what she deserves.
Thank you m'dear. Now, another question, maybe the one I've been wanted to get to. Are many of our feelings about the players in this case predicated on our own personal experiences, ie, my mother did want to take over my first born, and I was married. She would take my baby daughter places and pretend she was the mother. I never did bond properly with my child because of that. I believe that is one, small reason (there are plenty more) that I have such negative feelings for CA.

Yes, precisely. Our own experiences color our perceptions of people and situations, right?

CA really infuriated me as well. She is not a likable person at all. (I have my own mother issues ;) ) Is she the perfect mother? Of course not, but ultimately she is a victim of her daughter too. Many overbearing and over involved mothers don't have daughters who go on to become sociopaths. There is no accusation towards CA by the defense other than she has lied.

ICA has only herself to blame for where she sits today. Dragging her family down with her, along with half of Florida is yet another reason why she is so reviled, surpassed only by what she did to that poor child.
I'm not a big fan of the Anthonys, especially Cindy. I think she's horrible, but I will never understand hating them more than a cold blooded murdering mother like Casey Anthony. Cindy wasn't a good mother in my eyes, but she certainly didn't do anything that would make her daughter kill her own daughter in a cruel way and throw her in a swamp, then lie about it and party for a month and blame other innocent people to this very day, including her own brother and father, an ex boyfriend who loved her and her baby, and a girl who was a very good friend to her. I'm sorry, but sometimes people just ARE evil and Casey Marie Anthony is evil. IMO.
I have quite a few reasons. In July of 2008, my niece Haley had just turned three-years-old four months earlier. So I had this beautiful and thriving little girl in my life and I just could not imagine her being out there somewhere/anywhere and not knowing what was she going through and who was she with. I could not even think of any reason, at all, for Casey to not report Caylee missing. I knew Caylee was deceased when I read the headline "Mother doesn't report Child Missing for 31 days." There was never a moment when I thought that Caylee was alive and I feel awful for feeling that way, but I just knew.

My main focus was that she be found. That is all I cared about. I was hoping she wasn't burnt, like I had thought when news of the gas cans being stolen broke. I was hoping and praying that alligators had not gotten to her. There was a time when I believed that she would never be found and I was so happy on December 11th, 2008. Happy and sad at the same time. She deserved to be found and given a proper burial. Sad that she was thrown out into those woods so close to home. Sad that the circumstances surrounding her death were much worse than I ever could have imagined.

After the initial shock of and the memorial, I really thought that Cindy and George would stand up for Caylee, but I was really wrong. From the time Caylee was found until just these past few weeks, it did not appear that Caylee had anyone from her family that was wanting justice for her murder. It was extremely sad. There are a lot of victims of violence in this world... but usually there is someone in their family fighting for them. I just did not feel that Caylee had that an I almost felt like I owed it to her to stand by her side all these years. I felt she deserved to be surrounded by people who wanted Justice for her. That is why I have become so connected to this case. We had a victim, a two-year-old victim, who needed people to fight for her. Even if my fight was from my computer keyboard to this forum... or my many, many prayers for her... I felt I did something. Minimal, but something.
I freely admit I detest the Anthonys. I don't believe it's against TOS unless I call them names or some such. I could be wrong, so if I disappear. . .:seeya:

me too...i'd be glad if they locked them all up in the same prison cell....along with baez.
Yes, precisely. Our own experiences color our perceptions of people and situations, right?

CA really infuriated me as well. She is not a likable person at all. (I have my own mother issues ;) ) Is she the perfect mother? Of course not, but ultimately she is a victim of her daughter too. Many overbearing and over involved mothers don't have daughters who go on to become sociopaths. There is no accusation towards CA by the defense other than she has lied.

ICA has only herself to blame for where she sits today. Dragging her family down with her, along with half of Florida is yet another reason why she is so reviled, surpassed only by what she did to that poor child.

BBM, true to a point, however, Casey was in jail, it was her parents who were on the TV circuit, sending nasty emails to Tim Miller, threatening news men, hosing protestors, just making an all-around scene, plus spreading a few, well a lot of "untruths". Without GA and CA acting the way they did, this case would probably been over and done with long ago and a lot more cheaply.

My opinion only
For me, I think it's the investment and feelings I've put in since July 16, 2008. I so desperately want to see justice for this precious little girl, Caylee Marie Anthony.

To see the parents change their story time and time again, just angers me even more. I've yet to see a real advocate for Caylee on behalf of anyone in the A family. They stood up for ICA and enabled her more and more, while their blessed grandchild lay in the woods. No one even bothered to ask ICA where Caylee was! Instead they had a normal homecoming dinner, trips to New York, LA, the Ritz, etc.

I don't understand it, and I never will -- regardless of the verdict.

The dysfunction runs deep, and I have a hard time figuring that out. I guess that is why my emotions run so high.


...Websleuths has been, bar none, the finest source of information on this case from the beginning...

Respectfully snipped, bolded, & font size increased by me

Just had to emphasize this - it is the one thing that I think we can all agree on

I grew up with a mom similar to CA... only I was never the "princess"
I can identify with ICA. I was an only child with a dad that worked all the time and was not aware of what went on when he was not home.

For instance... She almost didn't come to my wedding because my husband was adopted. She thought everyone that was adopted were sub-human and destined for mental illness. ~ go figure!
She also told me if abortions were legal back in the day I'd never have been born. When I got pregnant 6 months after having my first baby her response was "well you're gonna get rid of it right"? (5 months of bedrest for my guy! worth everyday!)
so I don't like CA much either. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt ... that didn't lastr long!!!
however my mom would never lie for me! she'd have thrown me to the wolves had I been charged with ANYTHING!!!

My Mother said " If they had Birth control pills when she was having children she wouldn't of had any" She had six. She also was never happy when my sisters and I got pregnant. Her reasoning was that the burden was on the woman not the man. She never wanted any of us girls straddled down and forced to stay with a man because of children. In other words she wanted better for us than her life. Funny thing when my daughter got pregnant I acted just like her. I left the room crying and then it hit me I was acting like my mother. I went back into the room and told her I was sorry and acted happy for her. A mother wants better for her child.
I think what brings about the strongest feelings for me is that as humans, we are supposed to strive to 'play by the rules'... meaning to have integrity, be honest, and strive NOT to be devoid of a conscience. Watching the Anthonys is like watching people who spit on the rules and kick the gameboard so the pieces fly everywhere. Not only don't they CARE about the rules, they BREAK them with wild abandon and totally get away with it. The lies pile up like stinky dead fish, and they just don't care.

I know life's not fair, but watching them stomp on real moral values of honesty, good character, and integrity is horrifying. The problem is, it's also capitvating.

George cooperated with police initially. Cindy is very controlling and I feel he was put in an impossible position of having to try to cover for his daughter and find out what happened to his darling granddaughter. Cindy would not allow George to cooperate with the police. She backtracked on the 'dead body in the damn car'. He had tried for years to hold Casey responsible, only to be undermined by Cindy.

G and C doted on Caylee. Look at her room, their love. ICA was raised the same way and turned into an out of control spoiled brat. She is not a victim of incest.

George has been incredibly tolerant of being accused of things he could go to prison for for the rest of his life. His willingness to take some of the innuendos to save his daughter is a continued love for his daughter. His suicide attempt, and his behavior from day one convince me he has suffered a "sophie's choice" type of conflict.

All family members have lied for their daughter. That is all they are guilty of. George had no idea where Caylee was or what happened to her. He just knew that ICA had done something terrible.

As much as Cindy and lee's denial drove me bonkers, george's situation made me feel sorry for him. He had the LE experience to draw his conclusions and his wife and son hated him for being realistic about ICA.

I'm a shrink and have worked with victims, families, perps and traumatized children for 20 years. So I am making some of my conclusions using my professional hat.

Ya have to get verified before you can state things to bolster your argument. Contact a mod for instruction to post as a verified shrink. BTW I agree with you. The secret in the Anthony family was a psychopath lived amongst them named Casey. She was the source of the family dysfunction, not the other way around. IMO
I had never closely followed this kind of case until the summer of 2008, when my wife told me briefly about this thing on the way to work. I tuned in to Nancy Grace that night, watched the show, and the rest was history. I joined Websleuths shortly thereafter as a result of my ravenous hunger for all things related to the case -- and as an historian, I am professionally trained at seeking source material. Believe me, Websleuths has been, bar none, the finest source of information on this case from the beginning.

Once I'd read the preliminary interviews and viewed some of the videotape, it was clear to me that something really unusual was going on. The clincher was CA's behavior. The more I tried to work it out in my mind, the less sense it all made. The family seemed to be in obvious denial about the possibility their daughter was lying, and I found that reasonable enough -- but then it became abundantly clear that CA seemed to be quite determined to foil LE at every turn in their attempts to get to the bottom of things.

The more the family spun, and the weirder the story got as it changed continuously, the more I was determined to see this through to the end
. I wanted to see ICA face justice for what I feel it is obvious she did. I do not claim to know the details of how Caylee died, but no one will every convince me that ICA is not a narcissistic sociopath who, if she did not willfully kill her daughter, was certainly capable of doing so and thought nothing of her death once it occurred.

If I have strong feelings about it, it is because I have spent so many hours reading, posting, and thinking about the absurd web of nonsense this family (primarily ICA, of course), have foisted upon us all. When I think of the thousands of LE and citizens who participated in the searches for a daughter ICA knew damned well was dead, and the nasty things CA said about Tim Miller, whose only crime was giving his time and energy to helping this family find their missing granddaughter, it fills me with resentment. The thought that ICA could walk free after having left this kind of destruction in her wake is beyond my ability t comprehend.

So, if I feel strongly, that's why. I suspect I am not so different from many others here.


BBM The bolded part I agree with, BUT, LOL, did you ever notice how the right hand never seemed to know what the left hand was doing? CA would stick up and lie for ICA, but on the other hand, many of those "mistruths" actually hurt ICA instead of helping? There were several such incidents, the latest being the computer search. Methinks there might be a LOT more going on here than meets most eyes. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.

My opinion only
I have twin daughters around the same age Caylee was when she was last seen. They are my sunshine. Need I say more?
I've been watching BS and let's just say, all of us can have a moment of stupidity! I didn't hear this, and I don't agree with him if he did say it, but BS is very good as an analyst.

I personally think that JB should be disbarred and I can see why he was not allowed to practice law for 8 years!

I've been watching Bill S. throughout the trial and I have to agree with you. From his comments I have no idea how he could expect us to believe that is his honest opinion. He has been extremely critical of Baez and I truly can't think of any compliments he has paid to him. I must have missed them. :waitasec:
George cooperated with police initially. Cindy is very controlling and I feel he was put in an impossible position of having to try to cover for his daughter and find out what happened to his darling granddaughter. Cindy would not allow George to cooperate with the police. She backtracked on the 'dead body in the damn car'. He had tried for years to hold Casey responsible, only to be undermined by Cindy.

G and C doted on Caylee. Look at her room, their love. ICA was raised the same way and turned into an out of control spoiled brat. She is not a victim of incest.

George has been incredibly tolerant of being accused of things he could go to prison for for the rest of his life. His willingness to take some of the innuendos to save his daughter is a continued love for his daughter. His suicide attempt, and his behavior from day one convince me he has suffered a "sophie's choice" type of conflict.

All family members have lied for their daughter. That is all they are guilty of. George had no idea where Caylee was or what happened to her. He just knew that ICA had done something terrible.

As much as Cindy and lee's denial drove me bonkers, george's situation made me feel sorry for him. He had the LE experience to draw his conclusions and his wife and son hated him for being realistic about ICA.

I'm a shrink and have worked with victims, families, perps and traumatized children for 20 years. So I am making some of my conclusions using my professional hat.
Great post. I feel the same way regarding George.
BBM The bolded part I agree with, BUT, LOL, did you ever notice how the right hand never seemed to know what the left hand was doing? CA would stick up and lie for ICA, but on the other hand, many of those "mistruths" actually hurt ICA instead of helping? There were several such incidents, the latest being the computer search. Methinks there might be a LOT more going on here than meets most eyes. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.

My opinion only

Oh, believe me, I'm totally in agreement. I have posted this many times: Two Narcissists, One Sociopath.. I do not believe that CA's interests extend beyond protecting her own self image.


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