What happened to Brandon Lawson?

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What happened to Brandon Lawson?

  • BL Alive and in hiding.

    Votes: 16 5.2%
  • BL Succumbed to the desert elements.

    Votes: 57 18.5%
  • BL Dead at the hands of strangers.

    Votes: 139 45.1%
  • BL Overdose/or alcohol poisoning.

    Votes: 14 4.5%
  • BL Dead at the hands of someone he knew.

    Votes: 55 17.9%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 27 8.8%

  • Total voters
I totally agree with you. After i read this article
The Bizarre Disappearance of Brandon Lawson • Morbidology

and listened to his 911 call this is what I think he was saying... what i gathered by that phone call... when his truck ran out of gas and he pulled over he was on the wrong side of the road, facing the way to Abilene. He came up on some guys in a field out by the woods (probably in the process of another crime) . He said he wanted the cops to report them, and they must have seen or heard that. Knowing whatever they did would/could land them in jail they tried to stop him from getting the cops involved. You can hear after the line goes silent, and the dispatcher repeatedly says hello, you can hear 2 distinct but muffled gun shots, probably from a pistol.

Its so hard to listen to knowing that something clearly awful happened minutes after that phone when silent.
After hearing the latest interview with his brother where he says he knows for a fact BL was high on meth that night and he was under a bridge during the phone call my opinion on things has changed. What I once thought was gun shots I now think was a car driving over the bridge. After hearing BL tell his brother to RUN from the cop that was pulling up to his truck, along with some other suspicious activity by LE it makes me question a LE actually being involved in his disapearance.
Has anyone else listened to this? If it's true, and I have no reason to believe it's not, it explains a lot we didn't understand before. Not everything, but a lot. Drowned in the Colorado River near the bridge?

Has anyone else listened to this? If it's true, and I have no reason to believe it's not, it explains a lot we didn't understand before. Not everything, but a lot. Drowned in the Colorado River near the bridge?

I did not listen, but as someone who has driven over that river many times, there is seldom enough water to drown in the river. I know people can drown in a few inches of water, but I think if he had drowned they would have found his body. It isn't deep enough to hide a body and not a lot of current unless there has been flooding. IIRC we were in a drought at this time when BL went missing.
I don't understand, you've driven over A bridge or THE bridge, the one in Bronte? The Colorado River is 862 miles long in Texas alone and I'm going by photos that show people using watercraft on it; it looks huge and deep, more like what I'd call a lake. Do you know what it looked like in Bronte at the time Brandon went missing?
I have driven over THAT bridge many times. It is seldom deep. If Brandon had drowned in the river his body would have been found.
I personally think he was on meth and died by misadventure. In one video.. pretty sure it would've been a Danelle Hallan video as she's great, makes in-depth well researched videos and often gets fairly exclusive information with direct contact with the family in some cases, so probably a Danelle Hallan..

so, in this video the person (probably Danelle) had been in touch with Brandon's brother, recently out of prison, apparently Brandon was an occasional meth user. Brandon's brother said he actually went to try and help Brandon, saw Brandon sort of hiding behind his vehicle while he was on the phone to him, and Brandon said to hide, that there were police. And Brandon's brother was there, looking at Brandon.. and there were no cops I think? Something like that. He said he never saw any vehicle that seemed to be chasing Brandon, and I think the brother told Brandon he was there and Brandon said, on the phone "where are you? I can't see you?".. I believe it was at this point that the brother said Brandon said to hide, and ran into the woods I think.. so he seemed reight paranoid, was an occasional meth user and there might've been something in the video about Brandon having acted strangely on meth benders before. Should be an easy enough video to find just Danelle Hallan on Brandon Lawson.
I personally think he was on meth and died by misadventure. In one video.. pretty sure it would've been a Danelle Hallan video as she's great, makes in-depth well researched videos and often gets fairly exclusive information with direct contact with the family in some cases, so probably a Danelle Hallan..

so, in this video the person (probably Danelle) had been in touch with Brandon's brother, recently out of prison, apparently Brandon was an occasional meth user. Brandon's brother said he actually went to try and help Brandon, saw Brandon sort of hiding behind his vehicle while he was on the phone to him, and Brandon said to hide, that there were police. And Brandon's brother was there, looking at Brandon.. and there were no cops I think? Something like that. He said he never saw any vehicle that seemed to be chasing Brandon, and I think the brother told Brandon he was there and Brandon said, on the phone "where are you? I can't see you?".. I believe it was at this point that the brother said Brandon said to hide, and ran into the woods I think.. so he seemed reight paranoid, was an occasional meth user and there might've been something in the video about Brandon having acted strangely on meth benders before. Should be an easy enough video to find just Danelle Hallan on Brandon Lawson.
What I recall is that when his brother arrived, Brandon told him over the phone that he could see him, but his brother never saw Brandon, so it was assumed he was in the field (possibly hiding) at that point.
What I recall is that when his brother arrived, Brandon told him over the phone that he could see him, but his brother never saw Brandon, so it was assumed he was in the field (possibly hiding) at that point.

Ohhhhh okay, that makes sense. I've watched and read so much about so many cases I get some things mixed up.
I personally think he was on meth and died by misadventure. In one video.. pretty sure it would've been a Danelle Hallan video as she's great, makes in-depth well researched videos and often gets fairly exclusive information with direct contact with the family in some cases, so probably a Danelle Hallan..

so, in this video the person (probably Danelle) had been in touch with Brandon's brother, recently out of prison, apparently Brandon was an occasional meth user. Brandon's brother said he actually went to try and help Brandon, saw Brandon sort of hiding behind his vehicle while he was on the phone to him, and Brandon said to hide, that there were police. And Brandon's brother was there, looking at Brandon.. and there were no cops I think? Something like that. He said he never saw any vehicle that seemed to be chasing Brandon, and I think the brother told Brandon he was there and Brandon said, on the phone "where are you? I can't see you?".. I believe it was at this point that the brother said Brandon said to hide, and ran into the woods I think.. so he seemed reight paranoid, was an occasional meth user and there might've been something in the video about Brandon having acted strangely on meth benders before. Should be an easy enough video to find just Danelle Hallan on Brandon Lawson.

Here's the video:

[I don't know if it's me, but the music in the background is very distracting! I also changed the settings to playback speed to 0.75 -- she speaks very fast!]

ETA: I just listened to the entire podcast and there was no mention made of meth. I do believe that issue was raised in the True Crime Garage episode (see above post). If Brandon was under the influence of meth, I can see where he could have become very confused, paranoid, got lost in the woods and succumbed to dehydration, or bled to death due to his injury. Despite the intensive searches that were done, maybe they missed finding his body. (IMO)

There is also the possibility of Brandon being involved in a motor vehicle accident with someone. That individual could have become violent with him, mortally injured him, and dumped him elsewhere. If he was still alive when he was dumped, he didn't survive due to blood loss and dehydration. (Just another theory that has been suggested before.)
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Here's the video:

[I don't know if it's me, but the music in the background is very distracting! I also changed the settings to playback speed to 0.75 -- she speaks very fast!]

ETA: I just listened to the entire podcast and there was no mention made of meth. I do believe that issue was raised in the True Crime Garage episode (see above post). If Brandon was under the influence of meth, I can see where he could have become very confused, paranoid, got lost in the woods and succumbed to dehydration, or bled to death due to his injury. Despite the intensive searches that were done, maybe they missed finding his body. (IMO)

There is also the possibility of Brandon being involved in a motor vehicle accident with someone. That individual could have become violent with him, mortally injured him, and dumped him elsewhere. If he was still alive when he was dumped, he didn't survive due to blood loss and dehydration. (Just another theory that has been suggested before.)

The semi-recent interview with his brother Kyle talks about him using meth and how he knew he had been using when he disappeared.
Ohhhhh okay, that makes sense. I've watched and read so much about so many cases I get some things mixed up.
It’s ok, I thought it was possible his brother had said something new that I had missed. I know he finally confirmed that Brandon was at least looking for meth, and knowing that he probably had gotten some explains a lot. I think it was an accidental death because he was paranoid/delusional due to the drug use, and he thought people were after him so he ran into that field and ended up deceased somehow. He may have gone a long ways from that area...people have incredible energy when they use meth so for all we know he could have walked 5-10 miles away.

It really sucks. He seemed like a good guy who just couldn’t get that addiction monkey off his back. That monkey is a strong one that holds on tight, and plays tricks making you think it let go and then it comes back to play again.

Hopefully, someday he will be found so his family can have a little peace.
Knowing what I know now, I would like to change my answer.

I think that BL was high and ended up running off due to paranoia. Something happened out there and he is deceased. It was August in West Texas....heat stroke, rattlesnake bite..anything really. I feel like someone will come across his remains accidentally at some point.
I heard the 911 call and right toward the end of the call you can hear a faint voice saying "help me". I also don't believe that was gunshots in the background.

I believe Brandon died from an overdose of drugs.
Knowing what I know now, I would like to change my answer.

I think that BL was high and ended up running off due to paranoia. Something happened out there and he is deceased. It was August in West Texas....heat stroke, rattlesnake bite..anything really. I feel like someone will come across his remains accidentally at some point.

It has been 6 years, I don't think there is much to come across anymore.
Here's a bump for Brandon and the unidentified one that is with him. IMO they will be found. You see it's one thing to dig a shallow grave and bury a body or two and it's quite another thing to return 6 years later to dig up those remains in an attempt to redispose of them. Now if the best of best won't even do that then I'm betting that his killers won't either, but if they do they had better be damn sure to wear their hazmat suit and a good respirator and then they can explain to the Sheriff's Deputy why their wearing all that gear and holding shovels in a pasture by the....
If he was just methed out of his mind seeing stuff...then what about the other voice on the 911 call. It's hard to say for sure what that person was saying. Maybe he was trying to help BL down or maybe he was tryung to hurt him. Bottom line is that someone else was there and they aren't saying ANYTHING!
I started listening and fell asleep last night, but I am concerned about 2 things he said in the porcast.

1. He says Ladessa is pregnant. I don't think that is correct is it?

2. He says Brandon was going to drive 2 hours to his Dad's house to stay the night. Brandon's Dad lives south of Ft. Worth I think which would have been at least 3 1/2 hour drive. It was not just a little jaunt
up the highway. It's an hour or more to Abilene that route and then another 2-3 hours to Ft. Worth.

I am going to listen again to his analysis of the 911 call, but I wish he would at least get his facts right if he's going to talk about the case.

Cell phone coverage is very bad in this area. You can text better than call.
they said he was headed towards his dads in Crowley. yes, i agree he was going the wrong way heading towards abeline like that, right?
Christina Morris has been found! This gives me hope that one day Brandon will be found too. The one thing I want to point out is that she was found in an area that was already searched. This happens a lot. I have never believed that a thorough search for Brandon was done despite what LE says. I say let the family search! What’s it hurt these land owners? Let a grieving family try to find their loved one. Even if they don’t succeed they will feel like they are actually doing something.

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i don’t think the family wants to search. they have been out there twice on foot (the family and friends) and didn’t walk in very far either time that i could tell. From what i see in posts it’s just jason watts who wants to fly drones over their propertys i guess and they have been being cooperative with that.
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