What happened to Rebecca Zahau?

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What do you think happened to Rebecca Zahau?

  • It was a suicide.

    Votes: 31 13.1%
  • It was not a suicide.

    Votes: 50 21.2%
  • It was a hired hit.

    Votes: 22 9.3%
  • It was a murder committed by someone angry about Max's accident.

    Votes: 106 44.9%
  • I am unsure of what really happened (on the fence).

    Votes: 27 11.4%

  • Total voters
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Every single day, this case reminds me more and more of the JonBenet case. A case where money, politics and a poor DA's office (in this case, the sheriff dept) followed a pattern of dismissing evidence as it saw fit.
There is a lot of vitriol seemingly bound up in this case. Why the need for it? All that is being asked is for answers for both families and their dead loved ones. It seems that there is an agenda driven by anger....where does that come from? Don't both the family of MS and the family of RZ deserve equal justice? Does money, power and position place the scales of Lady Justice a-tilting?
Every single day, this case reminds me more and more of the JonBenet case. A case where money, politics and a poor DA's office (in this case, the sheriff dept) followed a pattern of dismissing evidence as it saw fit.

Sunnie, the Ramsey case was the most frustrating case I'd ever followed. And you are so right about the parallels in this case. I hope Anne Bremmer can dig up enough evidence so that this suicide theory can be blown wide open, and the guilty party can be held accountable.
They are paid to be impartial. Big difference.

First of all we don't even know if Cyril W. is doing this pro bono or being paid. He may have just been asked about the case and gave his opinion. That being said, why would Cyril lie?
First of all we don't even know if Cyril W. is doing this pro bono or being paid. He may have just been asked about the case and gave his opinion. That being said, why would Cyril lie?

Cyril has been paid.

The Zahau's family attorney Anne Bremner, who said that the case should be reopened, hired renowned forensic pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht to review Rebecca Zahau's autopsy report.


That doesn't mean he's lied, it just means he may not be impartial since he's representing one side only. Also, note he doesn't say that it definitely WASN'T suicide:

"I'm not saying this is a homicide," Wecht told the New York Daily News. "I don't want to be premature or make wild criticisms"

CDS22 It COULD be suicide BUT most likely not. And there are alot of things that point that it wasn't but law enforcement did not investigate the case thoroughly so who knows? They left ALOT out and ignored alot. Including an inconclusive polygraph from the only person known to be near RZ right before she died. LE should investigate til the public is satified. At least most of the public. To have the huge majority believing its murder sure shows a problem here. Again I state there are alot of PR folks from the S family around...
CDS22 It COULD be suicide BUT most likely not. And there are alot of things that point that it wasn't but law enforcement did not investigate the case thoroughly so who knows? They left ALOT out and ignored alot. Including an inconclusive polygraph from the only person known to be near RZ right before she died. LE should investigate til the public is satified. At least most of the public. To have the huge majority believing its murder sure shows a problem here. Again I state there are alot of PR folks from the S family around...

You might want to come over to the Max death thread. I just posted a quote from a doctor at Rady's who thinks Max was suffocated before his "fall".
Just another instance of LE NOT doing their job then! Maybe that weird quote on the bedroom door had to do with someone from the family choking the kid and RZ not saying anything to LE about it. Who knows?? All I know is the whole story on all sides is hinky and needs investigating by decent LE that has no agenda and doesn't care about someone's $$$

You might want to come over to the Max death thread. I just posted a quote from a doctor at Rady's who thinks Max was suffocated before his "fall".
Just another instance of LE NOT doing their job then! Maybe that weird quote on the bedroom door had to do with someone from the family choking the kid and RZ not saying anything to LE about it. Who knows?? All I know is the whole story on all sides is hinky and needs investigating by decent LE that has no agenda and doesn't care about someone's $$$

He wasn't suffocated when he was with family. He was suffocated when he was with Rebecca. IMO
Sunnie, the Ramsey case was the most frustrating case I'd ever followed. And you are so right about the parallels in this case. I hope Anne Bremmer can dig up enough evidence so that this suicide theory can be blown wide open, and the guilty party can be held accountable.

Assuming that this was in fact a murder...of course the guilty person should be held accountable. JMO
Here is some information as to how "complete," the investigation was:


*Note: this is my first time adding a link, so I apologize in advance if I did it incorrectly*


Let’s look at the factoids that were presented as facts and have now been made manifest to have not been such:

Jonah was at Max’s bedside when Rebecca’s body was found.
Jonah was at Max’s bedside when Rebecca died.
Adam passed a polygraph.
Rebecca was not at the hospital after Max’s accident.
There was a loud party at the mansion the night/morning of Rebecca’s death.
Since those have been rendered false (in some degree or another) we at least can’t be kerflunkled by those factoids anymore.

Kind of sums the past couple of days nicely, I would say!!

Cyril has been paid.


That doesn't mean he's lied, it just means he may not be impartial since he's representing one side only. Also, note he doesn't say that it definitely WASN'T suicide:


There is NO proof that Dr. Wecht is being paid. Bremner was hired, she hired Wecht. There has been no discussion of money, if any, being paid to either of these people.

And yes, you are correct. Law enforcement is supposed to be impartial, but look at the facts posted above. They obviously have not been in this case.
You might want to come over to the Max death thread. I just posted a quote from a doctor at Rady's who thinks Max was suffocated before his "fall".

It true, LE dropped ball in both cases.
I believe the link said the doctor thought that at first. What does he think now?

The doctor based his opinion on visible injuries. He did not know about the extensive spinal cord damage, which is what caused Max to stop breathing.
Just because you or others don't find the evidence overwhelming, doesn't mean that it wasn't. Four independent investigations found the suicide evidence overwhelming.

Just because you or others do find the evidence overwhelming, doesn't mean that it was.
There is NO proof that Dr. Wecht is being paid. Bremner was hired, she hired Wecht. There has been no discussion of money, if any, being paid to either of these people.

And yes, you are correct. Law enforcement is supposed to be impartial, but look at the facts posted above. They obviously have not been in this case.

Whether Dr. Wecht is being paid or not, doesn't really matter, he has identified himself as working for Bremner and the family, therefore I doubt they would publish or let him go on tv if his opinion didn't support the family. Do you know if he had the opinion before he was hired?
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