What if another parent from Skyline abducted Kyron?

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Jul 8, 2010
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I just wanted to put this out there because I'm wondering about the way the LE has focused so directly on TH.

On the one hand I have a feeling they have a reason for doing so.

On the other hand I'm wondering how simple it would have been that day for another parent at the school to have abducted Kyron.

The focus of the day was the science fair. There were parents milling about all over the place. It would have been really easy for someone to simply put Kyron in their car, especially if it was parent he knew from the school.

Something so simple could have happened in seconds. Perhaps the other parent sees that Kyron has gone off on his own. The parent sees TH leave and knows in two seconds he or she can abduct this child with very little stress? Even a pedophile could likely have come to the school that day knowing he wouldn't stand out so much since so many parents were there who may or may not have been known to the school.

I am wondering if this might be the case. If you consider the ease with which Kyron could have been taken, it's very frightening.
Good theory, I'm beginning to think that something like this DID happen to Kyron. But, what about the failed polygraphs?? That always stumps me.
I know I'd fail a polygraph test. I am the kind of person who is always apologizing for things that have nothing to do with me. If I was the last person that saw Kyron alive I'd be mortified. Especially if the family turned on me and started trying to blame me for his disappearance.

I don't get the armchair psychology stuff. TH definitely seems weird. But I would seem weird to people, I've been told so. I have a bit of Asperger's type personality and don't often get along with women. I tend to deal better with men because I see thngs from a more logical stand point. Additionally I have very little compassion for melodramatic women. So to a lot of people I come across cold.

Public opinion on how a person ought to act in a situation has always seemed like a vicious attack on people to me. I have sympathy for people who are strange and don't act "appropriately" according to others.
I just wanted to put this out there because I'm wondering about the way the LE has focused so directly on TH.

On the one hand I have a feeling they have a reason for doing so.

On the other hand I'm wondering how simple it would have been that day for another parent at the school to have abducted Kyron.

The focus of the day was the science fair. There were parents milling about all over the place. It would have been really easy for someone to simply put Kyron in their car, especially if it was parent he knew from the school.

Something so simple could have happened in seconds. Perhaps the other parent sees that Kyron has gone off on his own. The parent sees TH leave and knows in two seconds he or she can abduct this child with very little stress? Even a pedophile could likely have come to the school that day knowing he wouldn't stand out so much since so many parents were there who may or may not have been known to the school.

I am wondering if this might be the case. If you consider the ease with which Kyron could have been taken, it's very frightening.

This is my opinion, that Kyron was taken from the school,either by someone he knew, perhaps slightly,or by a stranger. With regard to the Science Fair : I've chaperoned quite a few of them. In a school the same size as Skyview. I remember that it was very hard to keep an eye on who was coming and going, before we got cameras put in. IMO the worst part of this is the fact that hours went by before Kyron was even missed.It gave whoever took him a huge advantage. And I agree with e PP who wrote about the need for LE to clarify things before school starts again. Right now, all opinions are valid IMO.

I think the title of this thread needs changing. I thought at first that it was referring to KH, DY, or TY, but then read it and realized it was about parents from the school. More people might read it if "parents from Skyline" is emphasized. Otherwise, people might think it's about KH, DY, or TY, who we're not supposed to sleuth at this point.

I do think that maybe another parent from Skyline is a very good point I hadn't really thought about. It's worth discussing.
We have had threads go sideways with bashing of the bio-parents before., So keep your discussion to theory and do not bash the parents... And no rumors. Thanks.
As far as I am thinking, it could be anyone for any reason. Male or female, pedophile (yes women can be too) or not, someone wanting a child. Kyron is bright, quiet, listens. If you wanted a child for any reason, maybe you just want a child, not necessarily really bad (but I doubt it), Kyron was easy to locate. Easy to figure out where he was, what his outgoing family does from minute to minute, 2 months tops of stalking and you have Kyron. Why no one thought about the internet connectivity to weirdos given the different jobs of 4, I just don't know. Sometimes, children are just a must to people, not a living child. Just saying.
We know that other parents have been questioned. We know some families have been questioned multiple times. We also know that families have been asked to turn over copies of photographs taken that day. It seems that LE has worked hard to keep everyone quiet because that's the way to uncover inconsistencies in the perp's story. If there are other adults who have inconsistencies in their stories, cellphone pings, alibis etc, then I'm sure LE would be (and are) following up on that. I believe at this point, everyone else known to have been at the school that day has come up clean. Could they have overlooked something? Maybe, but I doubt they have utterly abandoned any possibilities that are anything less than water tight. They may not be talking about it, but I'm confident they are checking into anything like that. The way other information has been leaking to the media makes me believe that, at least right now, there is only one plausible direction for the investigation to go, and that's pointing right at Terri. Media are bloodhounds when it comes to sniffing out stuff like that. If they caught wind of some else with a wobbly story, we'd know about it.
That's the thing though. It would be impossible to detect inconsitancies in people's stories if someone just rolled into the school during the science fair and wandered around the school until they found an unattended child. Kyron was excited, he was looking at science fair projects and wearing a CSI shirt. A kidnapper could have simply found him alone wandering around and said "Hey you're the CSI kid, I need some help to bring in my son's project you wanna help me out? And started talking to him about the televsion show out to the car, it's in the back of the truck and bam in close doors and drive off. If he or she wasn't seen then that's the end of the case right there. There would be no way of them knowing this person even existed.
Good topic. Most people don't realize how easy it is to snatch a child or how quick it can happen. It only takes seconds. With the school being so crowded that morning, it would have been almost as simple for someone else to have snatched him as it was for Terri to get him out with no one seeing it. And pedophiles have many faces, they can be your next-door neighbor and you wouldn't know it.
Good thread, thanks.

There's an excellent episode of Criminal Minds (Season 3, Episode 5) called "Seven Seconds." In it a family member snatches a little girl. It only took seven seconds.

One famous test pilot said that two seconds is a long time; you can save your life in two seconds. (I think it was Chuck Yeager, but don't have that at hand right now.)

Or, perhaps someone with a rolling trash can, seemingly working. Calls K. over, whips out chloroform, stashes in can, ambles out of school.

But I think that someone either a) hid K. somewhere in school for awhile or b) walked him out of there, with him going willingly because he trusted the person.

Has anyone ever identified that male in one of Kyron's science fair project photos? In back left, looks like he's trying to avoid the camera, IMHO.

Here's an interesting experiment: time yourself doing something simple. You may be amazed--I've done this, and I was. For example, I often eat NutriSystem meals, which take 1.5 minutes. I'm amazed at how much cleaning I can get done in kitchen in that time.

All the perp had to do was walk Kyron out and put a vehicle between him and anyone's vision from inside the school (where everyone was milling around) and then literally grab and slam him into a vehicle.

An aside: I've never gotten the concerns over TH not walking him to his classroom. Why would she? He rode the bus some days, he's in school, teachers and volunteers are around. I doubt very many parents go to school and walk their kids into their classroom every day.
That's the thing though. It would be impossible to detect inconsitancies in people's stories if someone just rolled into the school during the science fair and wandered around the school until they found an unattended child. Kyron was excited, he was looking at science fair projects and wearing a CSI shirt. A kidnapper could have simply found him alone wandering around and said "Hey you're the CSI kid, I need some help to bring in my son's project you wanna help me out? And started talking to him about the televsion show out to the car, it's in the back of the truck and bam in close doors and drive off. If he or she wasn't seen then that's the end of the case right there. There would be no way of them knowing this person even existed.

I'm thinking this is more and more likely what happened...I can't figure out how his bag and jacket remained in the classroom and the comment from his seatmate if it wasn't some sort of fast, rapid abduction. And if anyone has ever been at a primary school during a fair (science or otherwise), it can be a chaotic event.

Herding Cats
What do you mean how his bag remained in the classroom? If he went into the classroom and dropped his stuff off and then ran around looking at science fair projects the bag would have remained in the class. If he was abducted during this period the bag would have still been there.

The other thing I was thinking is what Kat010 pointed out. Most of us would think trying to abduct a child is pretty risky business. But all a perp needs is a gullible cooperative child and a few seconds. He wouldn't even need to subdue the child with cholorform if he or she had a van. No one is going to have a clue there's a kid inside a van screaming or crying while they ride on the road. Destination is gotten to and he has a garage. No one would ever see it. The poor child would be terrified and obediant just because of the shock.

I really am not seeing things that are pointing to TH by this point having something to do with his disappearance alone. I do think we ought to consider other possibilites.
The more I hear,the more I'm wondering.After hearing that older boy seeing Kyron in the gym with other kids lets us know he was there later than we thought.Even though all we've heard recently points to Terri,I would love to hear from LE directly.I have alot of questions in my mind.Why was he marked absent if he was seen in the gym without Terri and could someone have taken him out the stage door exit from the gym?I feel it's not a stranger abduction from all we've been hearing lately,but I would love to know what LE is thinking and why it's not all adding up.Sure would cost the school if it was a stranger abduction and they let all those kids back in there that Monday.What were they basing it wasn't a stranger abduction on,a weekend investigation with no sign of Kyron?
It very well could be another parent. WHich is sickening but it happens which is sad....
Maybe even a uncle, aunt, older brother, sister.... Someone got Kyron out of the school.
I was sitting at a light yesterday, and noticed a black truck sitting in an abandon lot. I thought to myself, what if this truck was a focus. Would I have even seen it, if I wasn't thinking about this case. So lets rewind to the science fair... If I was new to the school and bringing my kindergarten to school, would I have notice a small child coming out of the school, with a red head, with a man with a hat, would I even notice the kid. Whose to say that Kyron didn't walk right pass a bunch of people that can't remember. I don't know.... I just want to know how he got out of the school. Because he did leave that school..
Then that's where the case should have stayed focused from the get go. We know he was at the school so how did he get removed from the school. Jumping over to TH doesn't solve this issue and without it we don't really know what happened.
Then that's where the case should have stayed focused from the get go. We know he was at the school so how did he get removed from the school. Jumping over to TH doesn't solve this issue and without it we don't really know what happened.

Exactly. And if the school had video cameras this case would have been solved.
I'm also less than convinced that Terri committed this crime. I have thought about Kyron's reported last words to his friend....about heading to see "the cool electric" exhibit. It would be easy to lure a child out of the school with talk about electric gadgets, etc. I think it would be more likely that Kyron was lured away instead of snatched in the school, but anything is possible.

The one thing I'm having a tough time with is that LE believes Kyron is alive. His dad seems certain that Kyron is coming home. What information is leading them to believe this? I would think that a stranger abduction has a higher chance of ending poorly than any other theory....
Exactly. And if the school had video cameras this case would have been solved.

And an automated system that calls parents when their child is not in school, no matter what the teacher assumes.

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