What info did Lee A take to the defense team?

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GG, I think there's truth in those blogs. I remember reading some of them very early on in the case. If Mark as Tara's husband was Lee's 'rival', then Casey becoming pregnant by Mark would be seen as a betrayal by Lee. It sounds as if Lee was totally in love with Tara, then she supposedly aborted his baby? Thus, the emotionality of his testimony, with all those feelings coming back to him. Maybe he kind of 'rejected' Caylee if Mark was her father. This all makes more and more sense to me. In deference to Lee, then, the family just pretended Caylee's bio dad wasn't important.

Am I remembering correctly that Mark is now deceased? I even remember a jail conversation between CA and ICA where ICA refers to Caylee's 'half-brother'. Any else remember any of this?

I always wondered why the Anthony's didn't go after child support for Caylee. It was some other guy, not Mark, who died. I know there is a huge monster thread devoted to who might be Caylee's real dad, but if you look at a picture of Mark Hawkins, Caylee didn't look at all like him.
Mark Hawkins

She looks more like this guy, JP Chatt, a roomate of one of her ex-boyfriends-- compare the arch of the eyebrow, shape of the nose and mouth:


JP did not meet Casey until 2007. No way possible he is the dad...
Color me unimpressed with the sobbing sibling on the stand routine. During his tearful testimony when asked who he was angry with he said he was angry with his mom and his sister and then through sniffles and sobs just had to add that he part of him didn't believe that it was happening. Please. What's not to believe? Sister is having a baby. So what? The whole 'didn't believe it was happening' just fits too neatly with the DT m.o. with Casey and the 31 days behavior following an alleged drowning. Oh, and Lee, what did you mean when you said you wish you could have been there more (for Caylee)? Didn't you mean "would" have been there more? Then again, that little consonant switch would be accepting more responsibility than anyone in your family is capable of taking on.

Yes, as Valhall pointed out, LA cannot recall anything the SA questions him about, without referring to previous documents- but when questioned by JB has instant vivid recall of the minutiae of this case.
I always wondered why the Anthony's didn't go after child support for Caylee. It was some other guy, not Mark, who died. I know there is a huge monster thread devoted to who might be Caylee's real dad, but if you look at a picture of Mark Hawkins, Caylee didn't look at all like him.
Mark Hawkins

She looks more like this guy, JP Chatt, a roomate of one of her ex-boyfriends-- compare the arch of the eyebrow, shape of the nose and mouth:



Who are they going to go after? ICA confided to Kiomarie, her best friend at the time, that she had 8 sexual partners in the month that Caylee was conceived.
I think you're overlooking the fact that there wasn't any need to 'go after' anyone. JG took the bait.
Even if Caylee didn't look like Mark, that doesn't mean he wasn't the father. For years my daughter looked like two of her paternal aunts...and not her dad.
I was lucky enough to have a happy, stable childhood, but my two older brothers (technically half brothers) are extremely close. When they were very young, they suffered through their father being an alcoholic and physically abusive towards our mother, and the subsequent divorce and remarriage. They formed a strong bond early on based on their shared experiences in an effort, I think, to counter act the chaos in their lives. I love them, and they love me but I will never be as close to them as they are to each other. I think it's not implausible to consider incest, but in that family I also think it would be understandable if they were just really close emotionally. MOO
I am so glad your brothers had each other during what had to be traumatic years and what you said makes great sense. It would not normally occur to me to look at siblings who are close as having an inappropriate relationship. It came to me in this case becuase of ICA's ability to manipulate and charm and that the idea of sexual abuse/activity fostered by the defense.
Here is a Hal Boedeker blog discussing what Baez says he was trying to establish from Lee's testimony yesterday:


In part it reads: “He [Baez] wanted that jury to know that those parents feared Lee Anthony was the father of that child,” Rivera said on “The O’Reilly Factor.”
“That’s why they didn’t want him involved in the baby’s birth. That’s where he was going. The judge stopped it.”

Interesting. And then I bet JB wanted to explain how Caylee got her name..... Cay (as in KC) /Lee. What a mess.
Even if Caylee didn't look like Mark, that doesn't mean he wasn't the father. For years my daughter looked like two of her paternal aunts...and not her dad.

True. My daughters look nothing like their dad. I thought Caylee looked like her grandma CA. jmo
Mark flew to Orlando. In his depo, he clearly states he did NOT have sex with ICA.
I hoped that if JO was the father that the family of his would ask for a dna test, as grandparents they could do this, even if he died, just so they could stop the A's from making money off Caylee.
About LA testimony and what he said he overheard, I believe he heard NOTHING, that it was just a lie, to cover for him going toJB so they could go over his script. He like KC was crying for his self)about being left out.
IMO, LA had nothing of any great significance for JB -- no Perry Mason moment!!

Watching the dialogue between KC and LA on the jail tapes was like watching a movie play backwards -- listening and watching something go nowhere.

He laughs inappropriately and is not the brightest bulb on the tree. It appears to take him a very long time to process information, which seems pretty clear cut and twice as long to formulate what he wishes to say.

If something was discussed between GA and CA of great importance, one would think CA would be knocking down the door of JB.

I really think LA's entire session on the stand was scripted and the part about contacting JB office due to something he overheard was illicited by JB and was yet another attempt to show fake division and discord among the family.

I don't buy the family secrets scenario either -- if GA had an affair, of course it was a secret. People don't usually talk about their affairs with their family at the dinner table!!

A very poor attempt IMO.

This must have mentioned before, if so forgive me. Remember Cindy testifying that 6 wks ago she stopped believing there was a Zanny? Also remember Lee at the memorial saying he would keep his promise to "CMA? I believe the SA offered them a way to "stick to" prior testimony so that they could fulfill that promise and not suffer perjury charges, if they answered truthfully to subsequent events (rebuttal). I don't believe any of them knew about the sexual abuse charges in OS. They have now (in a way) verified all they have promised and have now fulfilled their promise(s) are ready to tell the turth in rebuttal (since they allowed the SA to open a lot of doors (ie credit card, etc). I also believe that Lee is devastated to know that the sister he know is ready to throw the entire family under the bus to save her *advertiser censored**.

In addition, I have seen footage of Ciney's ntestimony yesterday where Ashton is behind Baez (at the table with the AV guy) encouraging and supporting Cindy (though it was only shown ONCE locally).

FYI bringing over from sidebar thread. please forgive typos)
I've been thinking about this overnight..................

I think Lee overheard a conversation between his parents and their attorney, Mark Lippman, and the gist of the conversation was that GA was not going to lie on the witness stand. He's already testified that he did not molest KC and did not dispose of Caylee's remains.

Lee may have gone to JB and said that his father was not on board with lying to save KC. Lee and JB may have discussed this and agreed that if GA wasn't going to lie to save KC, perhaps Lee could do it.

I think they may have concocted something and when Lee took the stand yesterday, JB expected Lee to say something. Maybe Lee would say that when he was a young teenager he walked in KC's room one day and caught his father molesting KC. Lee might go on to say that KC told him what had happened.........that Caylee accidentally drowned in the pool and GA disposed of the remains telling KC to leave the house.

Then, when Lee got on the witness stand yesterday he couldn't bring himself to testify to what he and JB talked about.

But GA already testified in this trial that he never molested KC. Why would JB think he would now fall on the sword? Why would GA's attorney keep repeating that GA never molested KC. GA is not good enough of an actor to break down and suddenly admit that he did, while all this time denying that he did. He is not that good an actor. imo
I don't think the incest angle has any substance. It was speculated and Baez encouraged the speculation, IMO, in order to make poor little Casey the 'victim'.
It's highly possible had KC told CA that LA was the father of her unborn child, and that CA for a time believed her. That way he would be blamed for her pregnancy and she would be off the promiscuity hook. She would be a victim and the baby would be a family responsibility. Naming her Caylee, a mingling of their names, would reinforce it. It fits perfectly with her MO, and LA wanting to stay away.
Who are they going to go after? ICA confided to Kiomarie, her best friend at the time, that she had 8 sexual partners in the month that Caylee was conceived.

I don't know how I missed that but I did. Figured as much though.
It's highly possible had KC told CA that LA was the father of her unborn child, and that CA for a time believed her. That way he would be blamed for her pregnancy and she would be off the promiscuity hook. She would be a victim and the baby would be a family responsibility. Naming her Caylee, a mingling of their names, would reinforce it. It fits perfectly with her MO, and LA wanting to stay away.

This would also explain why CA was so mean to LA when he asked about her pregnancy. Could also be why he was kept away from the hospital. His tears on the stand could be from remembering how he felt when CA treated him that way. Who knows I wouldn't put it past KC to have told LA he was the father, he may have believed he was the father until FBI ran DNA because when Jessie was found not to be the father it probably made him think he MUST be her father, CA and GA would also believe him to be the father for sure since Jessie wasn't. Maybe the CMA comments at the memorial had something to do with how CLOSE LA and KC were. WOW....

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