What info did Lee A take to the defense team?

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
I completely understand how people could believe any sordid story floated about this family; every family member is a mess in his/her own way, imo.

But, it makes no sense to me that Lee and Casey had a sexual relationship or that anyone in the family ever thought Lee to be Caylee's father. Remember, Baez said himself in opening statements that Lee never went as far as George with Casey. George went so far as to engage her in oral sex, according to Baez. Even if Baez was hinting that there was intercourse with George, Baez said outright that Lee didn't go as far as George, basically Lee didn't "go all the way" (my paraphrase). Also, TonE testified in proffer that Casey claimed Lee tried and failed to "feel her up".

The only reason, imo, Baez is now clearly trying to make people wonder if Lee was the father is because George flat out denied any abuse. Strike one for Baez. So, now he's pulling out his back-up cards from opening statement, which didn't even make sense to me. "Lee never got as far as his father", but "it got so bad that that the FBI ran a paternity test". Conflicting statements, intentionally vague. I think Baez figured George might cop to something either for Casey or to protect Lee from more detailed and worse accusations. George didn't, so Lee was put on the firing line. He also didn't cop to anything; that's why Casey was crying, imo. Daddy and bro just robbed her of her "abused victim" excuse. I hope George and Lee stay firm about not making any false abuse admissions for Casey. I also hope Cindy cares enough about George and Lee not to be pushing them to lie about something that will brand them (even more negatively) for the rest of their lives. Sadly, I think Cindy might pressure them to be vague and sketchy in a way that might create a doubt though. It's possible that Lee did just that on the stand (also possible that he's just a really weird guy honestly answering questions and having a meltdown on the stand). JMO...
I wonder if LE ever obained paternity tests from any of the guys involved with Casey. Like Ryan, or the guy from Cali (can't think of his name), or Brandon, etc. I'm sure they couldn't compel any of them to comply with DNA testing, but I would think at least some of them would give it up just to clear them as possible donors. Also, SOMEBODY obviously slept with her at the time in question, and this case isn't exactly a secret. Why wouldn't somebody come forward and supply DNA to find out if they were the bio father of Caylee. If they were a sleaze bag, they might make some money off of it, and if they were "upstanding" they should want to know if they had a child that was murdered.
I can see somebody not wanting to put themselves in this circus. They are throwing people who might have looked at Casey the wrong way under the bus. I can't imagine what they do with the actual father coming forward. And what good would it do??? What would be acomplished?? IMO
I can see somebody not wanting to put themselves in this circus. They are throwing people who might have looked at Casey the wrong way under the bus. I can't imagine what they do with the actual father coming forward. And what good would it do??? What would be acomplished?? IMO

Well not come forward now, but it's been three years. I guess I just think like a girl; if I had a child out there, I would want to know it.
The only thing this tells me is that ICA probably read the book or more likely saw the movie and based some more of her lies on it.

I agree Lee is odd, but if the A's really thought Lee might be the father it would be ... once again ... because ICA told them that. NOTHING is ever her fault.

Look at all the other people she claimed to be the father too. I honestly believe she doesn't know who the father is and it probably wouldn't look too good to tell Cindy they would have to do 6, 7, maybe 8 paternity tests to find out.


I am visualizing a classified ad in several Florida newspapers asking: "Were you intimate with Casey Anthony in October, November, or December of 2004? If so, please contact Orlando Health Department immediately. (Imaginary men need not apply)." Two days later there's a news photo showing a line around the block! :hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper:
I've been seeing a lot of sleuthers say CA tried to "cover up" the pregnancy. I don't think that's correct... rather, she avoided it. She put it off until she couldn't any longer, much like KC taking police to the end of the hallway at Universal and finally turning around to say "OK, I don't work here".
I've been seeing a lot of sleuthers say CA tried to "cover up" the pregnancy. I don't think that's correct... rather, she avoided it. She put it off until she couldn't any longer, much like KC taking police to the end of the hallway at Universal and finally turning around to say "OK, I don't work here".

Kinda like when CA/GA didn't find out she would not graduate HS until the day before.....
I recall GA on the stand (in what seemed like a few nanoseconds after JB's opening statement), and JA asking GA, point blank, if he had abused ICA. But I don't recall JA or any other SA's asking LA the same question.


I think because GA's alleged abuse was what led to KC's propensity to live a lie, and thus be able to party and get tattoos after her daughter drowned in the pool. Yikes, that sounds so ridiculous. I hope no jurors fall for it.

Since GA is being blamed for hiding the body etc, JA had to jump out and attack what the defense said about him.
Ahh I bet Lee heard George and Cindy say Melich told them about the pooh blanket the day the search warrant came...
If Cindy actually saw an obit, it could have been one that Casey chose at random from the newspaper. Any good-looking young man would do. She could always claim she'd met him at a bar.

IMO, Casey doesn't know who the father was.

That's a perceptive point. :bowdown: Hindsight is 20/20, but this entire fiasco might have been avoided if GA and CA had told ICA early on,

"If you ever decide to get pregnant prior to marriage, knock yourself out, but you will no longer live under our roof and on our dime. You will be responsible for the baby's financial support."

Under these conditions, I suspect that Casey might still have become pregnant with Caylee, but might well have had an abortion. I'm surprised that Casey did not have an abortion anyway.

She tried with Jesse. He had the gaul not to take her word for it and had a paternity test done. ICA realized anyone she claimed to be the father would probably do the same thing. Since I don't think she knows who the father is, that could involve several tests, which even for ICA, might become kind of embarrasing after the first two or three.

Your response is well stated IMHO. If ICA saw Caylee as a huge ball-and-chain to her free-wheeling lifestyle, I'm truly puzzled why ICA did not opt for an abortion or adoption. Her not knowing the father's ID would perhaps have made these options even simpler.

I presume (perhaps wrongly) that ICA could have taken either of these options without CA ever knowing about the pregnancy to being with. ICA would just erase the "mistake" and go sailing merrily along. I'm not sure why ICA went through with parenthood at all, if she never wanted the responsibilities.

IMO Casey didn't realize that Caylee would cramp her lifestyle as much as she did.
Children are a huge responsibility that people that have no younger siblings are not aware of, until they have to deal with the day to day constant care.
Casey assumed wrongly, that her entire family would be at her beck and call, she was not going to raise Caylee, or she would have left home.
I think because GA's alleged abuse was what led to KC's propensity to live a lie, and thus be able to party and get tattoos after her daughter drowned in the pool. Yikes, that sounds so ridiculous. I hope no jurors fall for it.

Since GA is being blamed for hiding the body etc, JA had to jump out and attack what the defense said about him.

IMHO you are on sure footing here. (By the way, I'm a long-suffering, 40 year Saints fan) :woohoo:.

Apparently neither CA nor LA were any part of GA's masterful cover up (but Kronk, a total stranger, was). :floorlaugh:

Yes, ICA's defense is that GA mistreated her as a child, then 10 years later, this causes ICA to not report a pool accident so as to avoid all legal blame, but instead, to tell multiple lies to the world, exposing herself to a possible death penalty.

And ICA does this because GA's abuse taught her to lie all the time, except that, on the day the trial starts, ICA miraculously recovers from this syndrome, and suddenly becomes fully truthful about GA.

JB has just left out the important step of coherently explaining this to the jury.

IMHO you are on sure footing here. (By the way, I'm a long-suffering, 40 year Saints fan) :woohoo:.

Apparently neither CA nor LA were any part of GA's masterful cover up (but Kronk, a total stranger, was). :floorlaugh:

Yes, ICA's defense is that GA mistreated her as a child, then 10 years later, this causes ICA to not report a pool accident so as to avoid all legal blame, but instead, to tell multiple lies to the world, exposing herself to a possible death penalty.

And ICA does this because GA's abuse taught her to lie all the time, except that, on the day the trial starts, ICA miraculously recovers from this syndrome, and suddenly becomes fully truthful about GA.

JB has just left out the important step of coherently explaining this to the jury.


Haha!! KC's defense is worse than a soap opera script! (GEAUX SAINTS!! :great:)

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