What info did Lee A take to the defense team?

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I was under the impression that the information he provided to defense was something he heard while he was in the courtroom before he testified. I didn't hear that it necessarily came from his parents.

I believe that any information that he provided to the DT would be beneficial to ICA AND that it would be information that GA or CA would NOT want the DT to know about......

I think that GA, CA and LA are all in agreement that they do not want ICA to receive the death penalty.

I think the answer lies in how/why those 3 parties might have a different opinion on a critical issue. I can't imagine what this issue might be.

All I know is I am more confused now that I was before this circus began. I'm so tired of hearing that because there are photos of Caylee in a pool that now there is reasonable doubt???? I have hundreds of pool/beach photos of my daughters - and they are both still alive. NONSENSE All of it!!!
I agree, the photos only prove that Caylee walked up the ladder with her grandmother behind her. It doesn't prove she would or did ever do it alone. I don't understand how those photos hold any burden of proof.
Preface... I mean this in a serious way. I wonder if GA is being medicated or watched out for, in case of another suicide attempt? I think he's deeply involved in all of this, and he's not totally stupid, he was, after all a police det. at one point. He has to see what's coming, or is he not worried because he is going to throw himself on the sword when called to the stand??

Granted, I think he is the one that orchestrated the whole kidnapping conspiracy/cover-up, but I think one member of the family dying is enough. BTW, if you haven't surmised yet, I'm opposed to the DP, but that's each individuals opinion to form for themselves. JMOO

I dont think George had anything to do with it. He would call 911. He reminds me too much of someone I know, the kind who would be very careful of ladders up or down, etc. He would watch Caylee if lazy KC slept in. I hope he doesnt throw himself under the train coming. Stand strong George, she isnt worth it and ya need to think of Lee.
I really wish GA was free to tell his own side of the story. He isnt though.

I just dont believe the drowning theory.
Very plausible! :goodpost:

Maybe GA told him that he was going to make a fool out of JB on the stand if he asked him certain questions, wanting to catch JB off guard, and LA put a stop to it? Who knows. You can't try to understand the logic of a crazy person. In this case, crazy family.
I agree, the photos only prove that Caylee walked up the ladder with her grandmother behind her. It doesn't prove she would or did ever do it alone. I don't understand how those photos hold any burden of proof.

First the defense has no burden of proof... that lies on the shoulders of The State's Attorneys Office, not the defense. As for the photos of Caylee and the pool, those were taken when she was 2 years old and much smaller.

Caylee was certainly much bigger and more agile than when those pictures were taken. Also, remember that CA testified that Caylee loved to "skinny-dip" before getting out of the pool. If she decided to try it on her own... would a 3yo bother to put on a bathing suit?? I am convinced this was a debacle of a cover-up of an tragic, sad, accidental death. JMOO
Preface... I mean this in a serious way. I wonder if GA is being medicated or watched out for, in case of another suicide attempt? I think he's deeply involved in all of this, and he's not totally stupid, he was, after all a police det. at one point. He has to see what's coming, or is he not worried because he is going to throw himself on the sword when called to the stand??

Granted, I think he is the one that orchestrated the whole kidnapping conspiracy/cover-up, but I think one member of the family dying is enough. BTW, if you haven't surmised yet, I'm opposed to the DP, but that's each individuals opinion to form for themselves. JMOO

It's GA's chance to be a worthy in KC's and CA's eyes. It is his chance to be a hero. Don't for a second doubt that between CA, Caylee and KC all fighting for attention, GA and LA were the odd balls out. LA said it today, he was not included. I bet GA was also left out of many discussions and decisions. Falling on the sword makes him the hero.

Poor Caylee. Where is your hero? :sick:
Whatever Lee told the DT, he had to believe it would be beneficial to ICA. My question is ... did he really hear anything or did he just want Baez to know he would say anything necessary to help get ICA off? I believe LA & CA are prepared to let George be the scapegoat at any cost, in order to save ICA.

2 things stood out to me while watching the JVM show tonight. LA & CA's whispering in the elevator while GA faced the elevator wall speaks loudly about this family's dynamic (IMO). Also the fact that Cindy has been diligently taking notes all during this trial. Notes she's allowed to take home every night & discuss with whoever she chooses. I sincerely believe they would sacrifice George in order to save their precious Casey.

I'm just sick over this turn of events. Caylee was the victim here, not Casey.

All just my opinion ...

That is so true, Casey at 22 knew better. She is no victim. Lots of people go thru bad things in their family and they dont end up like her.
So CA was bossy. Lots of Mothers are bossy and over bearing. I thought it was normal when I was growing up. Some had nice ones but mine,though tiny, we were AFRAID of her.
If anything, I see ICA as spoiled. So her Mother wasnt thrilled she was knocked up, lots of others would feel same way. For a single Mother, she had it made, no rent to pay and it doesnt even seem like she was expected to pay groceries. huh?
but, Caylee IS the victim here. I hope the jurors keep it in mind when theysentence her.
I dont think George had anything to do with it. He would call 911. He reminds me too much of someone I know, the kind who would be very careful of ladders up or down, etc. He would watch Caylee if lazy KC slept in. I hope he doesnt throw himself under the train coming. Stand strong George, she isnt worth it and ya need to think of Lee.
I really wish GA was free to tell his own side of the story. He isnt though.

I just dont believe the drowning theory.

I wonder how careful and attentive of Caylee and ladders and things he would be if a lady friend other than CA had his attention at the time?? moo
I think it was something to refute evidence- something that they would know and think was wrong. They have both testified now and and I am wondering if this is ever going to come up or if it was inconsequential to the case in JB's eyes. He had the perfect in to put it out there today when questioning LA about and didn't bring it in. just wondering...

To have Lee bring it in would have been hearsay.
After hearing LA's testimony over and over on HLN, it was something he learned "from his parents".

It had to be something big because it appears to have built a wedge between them or is it just me? Maybe it wasn't something to necessarily help the DT. Maybe it was a "come to Jesus meeting" between him & Baez?

I just can't figure it out & I'd like to know what day last week just to see what direction JB went in or if he changed some portion of his plan. Did LA leave this afternoon when he was released from the stand, because I didn't see him sitting with GA, CA, and the lawyer?
I'm guessing it was HUGE. After thinking about it, LA goes to the defense, what, like last week? and now this week CA and LA are in lock step. If I were to speculate, I say it has something to do with GA and now ICA, CA and LA are all about to toss him smooth under the bus! JMOO :panic:

I didn't take it that this was something that just happened. The way I took JA's questioning was that LA decided long ago to help the DT instead of the prosecution during the investigation.

It could be as simple as him hearing his parents talking and one or both of them saying they'd be willing to perjure themselves to save her. So he goes to Baez and says, "We're in. Split up the testimony you need among us."
I think it was about the fight that CA & ICA reportedly had when it was alleged CA choked ICA. Maybe CA&GA were discussing it and wondering if CA did something with Caylee to spite CA. I don't think I heard it reported, ever, that LA was there at that time. IIRC. JMHO

If that were the case JB wouldn't have used it. It would have set her up for the DP. The State could have used that though to cement her conviction. Just a thought..
Does anyone know if Lee is on the outs with CA and GA right now?? That could be very telling of where is "info" was aimed. I heard tonight that at the lunch recess, a reporter witnessed him eating alone in a sandwich shop... not with the Anthony's, attorneys, nobody, but rather by himself?? That struck me as terribly odd. moo
First the defense has no burden of proof... that lies on the shoulders of The State's Attorneys Office, not the defense. As for the photos of Caylee and the pool, those were taken when she was 2 years old and much smaller.

Caylee was certainly more bigger and more agile than when those pictures were taken. Also, remember that CA testified that Caylee loved to "skinny-dip" before getting out of the pool. If she decided to try it on her own... would a 3yo bother to put on a bathing suit?? I am convinced this was a debacle of a cover-up of an tragic, sad, accidental death. JMOO

Your post brings tears to my eyes. The only thing sad is KC taped up her daughter, stuck her in the trunk and threw her out like trash. Left her in the woods to be chewed by animals. Lied about it for 3 years, blaming a fake Nanny and now ready to throw her family under the bus and a innocent person who thankfully found this little girls body so that she could finally be laid to rest. The state wil have no problem proving that Caylee was taped, dumped and forgotten. The one person who she depended on, never even reported her missing, barley shed a tear when looking at her remains and has lied since the day she was forced to report her missing. THOSE ARE THE FACTS.

Notice, I did not even talk about murder or how Caylee died. I will leave that up to the jury. Caylee is dead, her mother was the last one to see her alive and did not even bother trying to get help to save her daughter or report her missing. If that does not spell out felony, I don't know what does. But lets not forget, KC is the victim. Poor, poor, KC.

I am so sorry, Caylee. You deserved so much more. You never had a chance with these people and I pray that you are at peace. You have forever changed my life and I am praying for your justice. Whatever it may be.
I could see CA doing that to him! LOL I have wondered if all the talk of his mistress testifying has made CA mad enough to pin this all on GA. The next few days will be interesting... I just hope it ends with justice for Caylee.

It would solve her problem of "having to give GA half of everything"! Wasn't that the reason she gave before or either ICA told this to someone. I don't trust her by any means...but, to me, GA has been looking angry the last few days. Do y'all get that same feeling?
Does anyone know if Lee is on the outs with CA and GA right now?? That could be very telling of where is "info" was aimed. I heard tonight that at the lunch recess, a reporter witnessed him eating alone in a sandwich shop... not with the Anthony's, attorneys, nobody, but rather by himself?? That struck me as terribly odd. moo

I thought so too but evidently JVM and JC were on an elevator with CA, LA and GA at lunch time. JVM said that GA had his face turned towards the side of the elevator and LA&CA were whispering together as if they were conspiring about something. I think I heard that on VP show, but one runs into the other and I am too obsessed to turn it off. :innocent:
I agree completely. I just hope the jury is smarter than the media - If I were on the jury and heard all of the abuse allegations and then I saw the defense cuddling up with LA (one of the abusers) I know this wouldn't fly for me. I would also expect/DEMAND that the DT at least ATTEMPT to prove the abuse allegations....

I think that the most intelligent/no nonsense jurors will be able to lead the jury to the only conclusion - 1st degree murder.

Oh who knows? Maybe Lee is going to help the DT prove the sex abuse allegations against George.....................:twocents:
Perhaps the reason Lee was so upset was because he was supposed to throw Dad under the bus today and couldn't bring himself to do it.

Remember when JB asked him if there was "any other reason he was angry" and wouldn't visit the hospital after Caylee was born? Long, long pause. Lots of tears.

I think it might have been set-up that he would say something about GA here and he couldn't bring himself to do it.
Does anyone know if Lee is on the outs with CA and GA right now?? That could be very telling of where is "info" was aimed. I heard tonight that at the lunch recess, a reporter witnessed him eating alone in a sandwich shop... not with the Anthony's, attorneys, nobody, but rather by himself?? That struck me as terribly odd. moo

IMO He wanted to be seen alone. The A's are ver odd, and everything they do is for show. He is very much on the "in" with them. The more he tries to say or give hints to make us to beleive otherwise, the more I know just how "united" they are right now.

If they were on the outs, we would never know. They would fake it in public. But hey, I am pretty jaded about this family right now, so who knows?

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