What info did Lee A take to the defense team?

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I have a few questions and I have no idea if they belong here. First can someone tell me why they are not allowed to talk about things that Casey purchased with the stolen cards and money, even they didn't say that it was purchased with stolen money? The second is about the fight between Cindy and Casey the night before they believe Caylee died about the money stolen from the grandparents. That to me has always been the motive and I just can not for the life of me understand why that has not been talked about at all. Is it because Cindy didn't admit to it?
Yes, I believe it was not brought up because the SA was led to believe that CA was not going to be a hostile witness for the state. jmo of course
They were somewhat naive (sp) to think that she would not try to save her daughter. It seems they have been working with the DT all along. hmm.
I would try to save my daughter, but I wouldn't throw my husband to the wolves to do it. That is not the way to remember Caylee, imo.

About the purchases of KC, I don't know why they didn't talk about it other than it didn't have any evidentiary value? :waitasec:
The thanks button wasn't enough because this helped clear a lot of things up for me. The only logic they presented that I couldn't follow was when they were talking about JB repeatedly asking Lee about "what else?" or "something else?" (I don't remember the exact words). They said a lawyer would never ask a question without knowing what the answer would be ~ but Jose has already had to walk away with egg on his face several times because he did do that and did not get the answer he expected. And it hurt his case.

Besides, I kept getting the feeling that Lee felt he was being excluded from all of the baby preparations, not because there was suspicion that George was the father, but because they thought he was.

JB kept asking "what else were you upset/mad about" because he expectedc LA to speak about the sexual abuse at that time.
I agree who in their right mind covers up an accident with a murder scenario or covers an accidental drowning by covering the face with duct tape. Any reasonable person would be asking these questions.
Why would they let KC rot in jail for three years for an accident.

The only reason for not reporting an accident is, it wasn't one.

An ex-homicide detective would use that kind of a scenario, as that's the kind of evidence and investigation an ex-homicide detective would be most familiar with... if that person had something to hide that is. moo
I don't know but I am sure that he felt it would benefit ICA. After today, I am more sure than ever that Lee needs intensive counseling.

Oh I so agree....I thought that through his whole testimony. If anyone needs counseling it's him. He has some real anger issues among many other things.

OMG> THAT is really frightening. The state may have just dodged a bullet and they are not out of the woods yet. The way Baez consoled and comforted Lee afterwards makes me think JB is still going to try and get him to lie about his dad. That is disgusting.

And that must have been what JA was alluding to when he tried to pre-emptively strike by asking what LA was doing by going and meeting with the DT.
The second is about the fight between Cindy and Casey the night before they believe Caylee died about the money stolen from the grandparents. That to me has always been the motive and I just can not for the life of me understand why that has not been talked about at all. Is it because Cindy didn't admit to it?

I think someone with more understanding of the law can take the first one :) but as to the second one, CA testified for the prosecution that the attempted confrontation about this stolen money took place at a later time than 6/15... IIRC it was the following weekend, when she said she called ICA and ICA said she and Caylee were at Universal, so she drove down there to confront her in person. She said she called from Guest Services and ICA had to "admit" she wasn't there and revealed she was actually with Jeff Hopkins and his son. :waitasec:

I, for one, tend to believe this portion of CA's story more than the one where the fight was 6/15 after a pretty fun Father's Day and evening swim. I think if CA was getting ready to give ICA the business about the stolen money, she would not have been casually swimming in the pool when ICA got there.

On topic, I think the important part I heard was that after hearing this tidbit from his parents, and asking if anyone was going to tell JB, he said something like, it was pretty obvious no one was going to tell JB so he told him himself. Is that accurate?

I wonder if it was about the computer searches. CA might have mentioned something about how she search chloroform after searching chlorophyll and that the SAs were not bringing that up. Maybe LA decided to take that to JB to make sure it got in...?
I doubt there was anything that Lee found out that he had to relay to Baez.

I think he went to Baez and asked what he needed to do to help his sister get off on a murder beef.
Haven't read everything yet but, IMO it's probably something really simple like, he heard GA and CA talking about X, Y and Z and he realized the info they had was wrong and felt the need to clarify the info to JB. Or something along those lines. Like, "hey JB, my parents think Casey was at location Z on this date but I know that's not true for X reason." Ya know? I just doubt it's anything earth shattering. JMO
They can not talk about Casey's "prior bad acts" as that is considered prejudicial. Today the DT opened that door by asking a deputy about his handcuffing Casey and it created a big bruhaha.

Nobody who was in the house that night admits that any fight took place. The only info around that is hearsay from people who Lee spoke too. As such it can't be admitted unless one of the participating parties fesses up.

Actually Cindy spoke to Mark Furhman and admitted there was a fight that night, still can't bring it in but we know %100 there was a fight. I don't think there was a pool incident either, I believe neither Cindy nor Caylee were in the pool that night, there was a knock down drag out fight when KC came back from TL's though and only Cindy and KC were home.
An ex-homicide detective would use that kind of a scenario, as that's the kind of evidence and investigation an ex-homicide detective would be most familiar with... if that person had something to hide that is. moo

IMO, a former LE person would be the first to understand why covering up an accident with a staged kidnapping wouldn't work.
The thanks button wasn't enough because this helped clear a lot of things up for me. The only logic they presented that I couldn't follow was when they were talking about JB repeatedly asking Lee about "what else?" or "something else?" (I don't remember the exact words). They said a lawyer would never ask a question without knowing what the answer would be ~ but Jose has already had to walk away with egg on his face several times because he did do that and did not get the answer he expected. And it hurt his case.

Besides, I kept getting the feeling that Lee felt he was being excluded from all of the baby preparations, not because there was suspicion that George was the father, but because they thought he was.

I thought that interview with the two attorneys made a lot of sense. But imo
RH seems to give JB more credit in this interview than he does in his tweets.
Sometimes things you say come back to bite you, right CM?:seeya:
I agree who in their right mind covers up an accident with a murder scenario or covers an accidental drowning by covering the face with duct tape. Any reasonable person would be asking these questions.
Why would they let KC rot in jail for three years for an accident.

The only reason for not reporting an accident is, it wasn't one.


The one thing Baez can count on is the ability of some of the public to accept his outrageous tales and innuendos. IMHO these are the same people who read and believe absolutely everything in the tabloids, are more concerned about the life of a celeb than their own life, and literally suck the opinions of others into their brains, relinquishing their own common sense.


What set of circumstances speak more to the truth that a murder has been committed: duct tape, chloroform, 31 days, fake job, fake babysitter, baby thrown out like trash, baby left to rot, and all the recordings and affidavits of that baby's mother telling lie after lie after lie - or the coulda, shoulda, woulda of an attorney who has no facts of his own and creates his own tabloid defense that he hopes just one person will buy.

Just one.

I beg people - don't be the one and don't encourage the one. Think rationally. Think justice for a little girl who didn't yet know how to read her picture books, let alone the tabloids.
Dumping poor Caylee's body fifteen houses down/less than two minutes away from the Anthony home screams Casey. It screams of someone who was much too busy doing important things, like renting movies arm-n-arm with said boyfriend, spending the entire day in bed with said boyfriend, managing shot-girls, entering hot body contests, and getting tatts. Someone who was familiar with LE/Investigative procedures would have put Caylee's remains much further away from the home than this and had that been the case, it's very likely that Caylee's remains would have never been found. As far as what info LA took to the defense, probably a counter-offer. Back off the sexual abuse allegations and we'll (CA, GA, and LA) help strengthen the "pool accident" theory and help alleviate the state's charges of premeditation. i.e., CA will say she did the computer searches, left the pool ladder up, etc, etc, etc. JMO ~
I think Lee heard GA and CA discussing the photo's of Calley climbing into the pool. They tend to make George look guilty for the whole drowning thingy.

I'm sorry, I don't get your reasoning..how do the photos tend to make GA look guilty?

To me.......it looked like a little girl getting support from her nana while attempting to get in the pool. It also, to me, looked like Caylee was hesitant to get into the pool.
I wonder how careful and attentive of Caylee and ladders and things he would be if a lady friend other than CA had his attention at the time?? moo

I don't believe for a second that GA is the 'ladies man' he's made out to be by some..He may have cheated a few xs while married to CA but that doesn't make him any diff or worse then so many other men..Rumor has it she cheated too but that's besides the point.

I seriously doubt he'd be involved with a "lady friend" either in person or on the phone while ICA was at home..We've heard this action by GA in the past was not taken well at all by her..That she took it even worse then CA did..And I don't think we can dispute ICA was home that day so I'm not even going to contemplate that scenario.
IMO, this is all a very rehearsed script with poor acting that goes back to when Casey was arrested. Everything from the jail letters, possible mistress info, changing stories, molestation accusations, etc. is just stuff getting out there to help the final story. There may have been a few changes made during this time, but I figure Lee will say that he heard his folks talk about Casey being raped by a stranger some years back and thought Caylee was of rape, and thus the secrecy and thoughts of molestation. George likes himself, and will never throw himself under the bus to end up in jail. He can't change much about his story, but he might say that he thinks he saw the ladder up and might say he's not sure what Caylee was wearing nowadays. He could admit to being an overbearing bully with Casey and/or cheating on his wife. They don't make good liars, and aren't nearly as good as their daughter. Everyone keeps calling Baez stupid, but he sure is not stupid, especially with the master manipulator that he gets to work with and get info from. It's despicable. I may quit watching altogether, and just wait for the verdict. This is all so unfair to people like Eilenn Wournos who truly were abused and mentally ill yet are dead now. If Casey gets off, our system has gone to the dogs.
This makes perfect sense from what I saw today. When Cindy was on the stand yesterday and said she had done the searches, I saw a change come over KC's face... relief...

Then today her break down when LA was on the stand... he didn't say what she expected or what JB expected... her tears were sadness that LA didn't do what she hoped he would do..

thank you! It's been driving me nuts trying to make sense of the last two days.

I agree. And I think Lee's sobbing was for his father. I have never seen that much emotion out of him before, other than at the memorial. But I think that was all about the entire scenario, not just about Casey.

But today he was emotional because he just could not do what they asked him to do to his father. I think he loves his dad.
OMGosh, Mel, I am glad something is clear to you (not being sarcastic!) because I cannot make heads or tails out of what's going on here. I can't even figure out who has what motives.

For example, why would Lee run to JA who has accused him of molestation to rat on his parents? Why not the state, who seems to be protecting him? Why doesn't anyone ask him about the alleged abuse? Not the defense and not the state either? Why did the state feel that they could ask George about SA, and did, but have pointedly not asked Lee ~ and further, I believe they have made objections to prevent the defense from asking. And why does the defense, pointedly, not ask George the same?

I'm totally clueless. :whoosh:
Just speculating, but could LA say at some future date that he was accused by his mom of incest and that is why he was angry on Caylee's birthday? CA would testify that she wasn't sure if Caylee's dad was LA or GA! OMG! I'm scaring myself!
Perhaps he heard GA or CA admit they cleaned out the Pontiac to their attorney. LE supposedly said to him "we know what you've done" (which I took to mean at the time that he had erased stuff off the laptop) and he thought he was the only one who had hidden something. I'd imagine it might be something that could impeach previous testimony or deposition and he wanted to level the playing field. Or perhaps he learned something about a conversation his parents had had with the state regarding their testimony as state witnesses and he felt it was something JB could use. They are such a deceitful lot it makes the imagination run wild.
I don't trust them...any of them. But, I did honestly think that he went to tell the DT to lay off his father...but I tossed that notion when I realized just how uncooperative he was in meeting with the State. He's so emotional about not being included in the baby news...but not angry enough now knowing how his sister lied and played the entire family? Does he not realize that the State represents his niece?
PS- as far as how the State knew...could be one of the As told them...or they're keeping an eye on all the loose cannons. It wouldn't surprise me if anger motivated him "to reach out". I just can't reconcile how easily he puts that anger aside.

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