What is Cindy A doing while trial watching?

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My feelings have changed quite a few times about the Anthony's, but right now I hope they make themselves rich just to burn KC's but*-- she'd writhe like she'd been hit with holy water.

As far as Lee's permission, he was there for the remainder of Cindy's testimony, I think it was for her support. jmo
This is exactly what the DA are counting on...This family covered up for her big time and the Da will do everything possible to convince the jury that this was done because they were involved. I don't believe they had a thing to do with her death. As such, I will not comment on their actions after the fact at all.


ETA- Regarding the A's, I will comment "BIG TIME" ...later.
If I were CA, I would be taking detailed notes about what I wanted to say in a long, long letter to ICA. Maybe I'd send it, maybe I wouldn't but writing it would be cathartic.
When my younger son died six weeks before his third birthday, June16, no less, as a divorced Mother of a seven year old son, I HAD to work. THAT was the easy part ........... dealing with my elder son's grief, while working through my own grief - we were in counseling - is something words just cannot describe. However, I worked, yes, I could have gone on disability due to my mental status, but chose not to do that, and I was a d@mn good employee. In retrospect, I am very glad I made that decision - it was very good for the two of us, as my son has grown into a wonderful, compassionate, STRONG young man.

Oh, and that *closure* *move on with your life* stuff ....... doesn't happen. You 'adapt' over time and learn 'where you can go in your mind,' and just how far ....... BUT, you NEVER get over it. You are NEVER the same. However, you don't 'wear your grief' like a badge, either.

It has been 35 years and I can tell you, it still feels like yesterday. That "punch in the gut," heart literally painfully hurting feeling is real & present EACH time I think of him ...... still many times, daily.

I am neither trying to be rude, nor garner sympathy .... just saying, life is about 'experiences' and how we each deal with and learn from them.

GA & CA, I believe, are still 'one' with their murdering daughter & her DT, and are just presenting themselves with 'different masks' at this time. We shall see. jmho

i am sorry for you loss and send hugs. if you don't mind me prying was the death natural? (not trying to offend, just can't find a better word/way to ask)

also when did they stop working?
If I were CA, I would be taking detailed notes about what I wanted to say in a long, long letter to ICA. Maybe I'd send it, maybe I wouldn't but writing it would be cathartic.

I was thinking/hoping the same thing. I imagine it having the words 'this was another proven lie' in bold letters after each notation.
wow- sure glad one or two of you are not on a jury and promished to be fair, compassionate and consider others in empathy. wow you are a rejected juror! no names to protect the innocent and guilty of post!

life can change in an instant , a friend of mine was in a car accident and may not make it- the other car driver was killed. i am torn with omg- now my friend must live with that if he himself lives. all this happened in less than 24 hours. i am considering everyone- no blame just thinking how people i do not know are mourning the death of the other car driver. do you think some are so incapable of feeling others pain?

so is this a clue how casey feels from some of the posts we read-and do not understand how some can not feel any feelings of relating- just cold?

As far as I know, one does not have to 'promise to be compassionate and consider others in empathy,' as you stated, to be on a jury.

Fair & IMPARTIAL, I'll go for .......... even though I would have never stated I could even do that in this case.

eta: I'm sorry you felt a need to state your position in such a condescending manner, especially the last line, imo. However, since you do give updates when you are in the gallery, I'll forgive you. :)
When my younger son died six weeks before his third birthday, June16, no less, as a divorced Mother of a seven year old son, I HAD to work. THAT was the easy part ........... dealing with my elder son's grief, while working through my own grief - we were in counseling - is something words just cannot describe. However, I worked, yes, I could have gone on disability due to my mental status, but chose not to do that, and I was a d@mn good employee. In retrospect, I am very glad I made that decision - it was very good for the two of us, as my son has grown into a wonderful, compassionate, STRONG young man.

Oh, and that *closure* *move on with your life* stuff ....... doesn't happen. You 'adapt' over time and learn 'where you can go in your mind,' and just how far ....... BUT, you NEVER get over it. You are NEVER the same. However, you don't 'wear your grief' like a badge, either.

It has been 35 years and I can tell you, it still feels like yesterday. That "punch in the gut," heart literally painfully hurting feeling is real & present EACH time I think of him ...... still many times, daily.

I am neither trying to be rude, nor garner sympathy .... just saying, life is about 'experiences' and how we each deal with and learn from them.

GA & CA, I believe, are still 'one' with their murdering daughter & her DT, and are just presenting themselves with 'different masks' at this time. We shall see. jmho


God bless you for going on and being strong for your son. Sounds like you were a wonderful force in his life. I am sure what you all have been through you never get over. Wishing you love and peace.
wow- sure glad one or two of you are not on a jury and promished to be fair, compassionate and consider others in empathy. wow you are a rejected juror! no names to protect the innocent and guilty of post!

life can change in an instant , a friend of mine was in a car accident and may not make it- the other car driver was killed. i am torn with omg- now my friend must live with that if he himself lives. all this happened in less than 24 hours. i am considering everyone- no blame just thinking how people i do not know are mourning the death of the other car driver. do you think some are so incapable of feeling others pain?

so is this a clue how casey feels from some of the posts we read-and do not understand how some can not feel any feelings of relating- just cold?

There is a big difference between a car accident and murdering your baby in cold blood.
LA is probably, more than likely, on the DT list so therefore is not allowed to attend the trial until he is completely done testifying.

The ONLY reason GA and CA are allowed is because they got special permission from the court.

IMO general rule is that you can not attend any portion of a trial where you will be testifying until after your testimony.

Legal eagles........ am I right or wrong?[/Q]

His attorney, who is also the A's filed for and received permission for him to sit in the gallery throughout testimony. Oh, and when he testified, he did state, he is currently unemployed.

info i found on them allowed in court, i'm sure there is more out there and it could have been covered in the ?'s for attorneys thread.

http://www.***********.com/2011/04/cindy-george-anthony-want-excused-from-sequestration-rule/ (it's at caylee daily site, april 25th)
I would love to read a book written by Cindy, from a mother's thoughts, from a grandmother's heart.

When she was younger, one of my children could tell me a lie with a smile on her face, looking me straight in the eyes and then give me a great big hug and kiss and tell me that she loves me sooo much and then I would feel like such a terrible mother for not believing her in the first place. I would defend her to other people and tell them that I know she's not lying and that I could tell 100% of the time when she tells me the truth. It would usually take a week or so before I would find out that what I had been defending had been a lie all along. Each time this happened, I really completely believed her until I was shown proof that it had been a lie.

Of course and thank God, the lies that I was told were never as serious as the lies that ICA has told to Cindy. I think that for the most part a mother believes that they know when their child is lying but sometimes we really don't.

So, I wouldn't want to read a book about ICA or go through all of the trial details all over again but I would love to read it if it has to do with being a mother and going through these horrible events one after another as a mother/father, wife/husband and a grandmother/grandfather. I think that would be a book that would be helpful to other people as well as to be All About Caylee.

If I were Cindy, I would write a book like that and not put ICA's name or picture in it anywhere! That would probably make ICA so mad she'd :behindbar
She's in a court room listening to testimony about her granddaughter being consumed by animals and insects because of the actions of her daughter. She is not allowed to show any emotion in court. In her place I'd do the very same thing to keep my wits.
I think Cindy is signaling something to Casey here starting at the 1:40 mark.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwZ249btR9g"]YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony: Murder Trial - Part 6 - 6/11/11‬‏[/ame]
I think Cindy is keeping a journal of what happens at the trial for the purpose of a future book or movie...does not matter to me....it will not hurt or help Caylee.

I can not imagine, no matter how much my child lied, stole money, or used my credit cards that I would ever believe them capable of killing their child. I think she has had a terrible time coming to griips with this reality. To make matters worse, I see her as being like my mother in that if you do not see something, or are not forced to face it, It doesn't exist!!!

My mother sees no evil in this world, and has nothing bad to say about anyone because she just refuses to see it. Bless her, she is a saint. I realize CA is no saint because she has lied and covered for ICA, but I will recognize the difficult position she is in. ICA is her baby, after all, and when she looks at her she has all those good memories. So Sad....
i am sorry for you loss and send hugs. if you don't mind me prying was the death natural? (not trying to offend, just can't find a better word/way to ask)

also when did they stop working?

Thank you ... for being so kind.

Yes - a very, very rare congenital heart defect ....endocardial fibroelastosis

When did who stop working? The Anthony's? CA hasn't worked since day 31, GA has maybe (big maybe, not confirmed) been employed as a rent-a-cop, but not over a month total, since 7/08. Regarding LA, I was surprised by his answer on the stand, when asked where he was employed and he stated he is unemployed.

God bless you for going on and being strong for your son. Sounds like you were a wonderful force in his life. I am sure what you all have been through you never get over. Wishing you love and peace.

Aw, so sweet, Lori, which is my sister's name, also! And, to further go O/T, I just last year moved from League City, TX back to LA. !!

Thank you for your very kind words - I 'got' the good vibes. :)
George sends his own signal to Casey as Cindy is sending hers.

I think Cindy is signaling something to Casey here starting at the 1:40 mark.

YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony: Murder Trial - Part 6 - 6/11/11‬‏

At first I really thought you guys were full of it. Just looked like she was chewing her thumbnail. Then I kept watching. Wow! Now wouldn't this count as gestures and facial expressions that have been forbidden by HHJP? Wonder if she'll get busted for it.

eta: How creepy is it that ICA needs coaching to look like she's crying???
of course there is. the point was life can change in an instant. a life can be taken in a murder or accident- ***survivors*** the family of the dead - live day to day with events. cindy was judged as a maniac by some and some say get a job you lazy --. i typed some judge harse. not saying a contract is needed for juror but would you want someone telling you this stuff if it was you dealing with this stuff? the thread was about cindy not us-SHES NOT NEEDING A JURY-- yet i got upset when i read some posts by another who i felt had not connected to walking in anothers shoes. its not an attack on anyone - just when you sit in trial as i have - i see emotions first hand and i would not want to be cindy or george. sad-

Sorry if it seemed I was picking on you. With your clarification I have to say I totally agree with you.

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