What is going on between Baez and Casey?

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Yep, she is PIZZED she doesn't control that courtroom. HHJP doesn't do what she wants. The SA doesn't do what she wants. None of the witnesses, including her dad, will do what she wants so far. The courtroom officials and staff are not doing what she wants. The media and the public in the gallery are not doing what she wants. No one seems to be in the gallery for Casey, but to watch her burn, which is not what Casey wants. She's star, not a murderer! Even the jury is probably not doing what she wants either. They seemed to be getting fed up with Baez and don't seem to be completely buying that BS story he told in his opening statement.

And is her defense team helping her one iota to control any of that? Is her knight in shining armor who's supposed to rescue her from jail actually doing that? No, Baez is jumping around like a monkey, attacking witnesses, losing points to the SA left and right, and losing the jury left and right. What a disappointment he turned out to be. I can't believe she hasn't asked to fire him yet. She probably feels like she could do it better herself and I bet no one at that defense table is really listening to her tips and suggestions.

She is fit to be tied, and the defense are the only people right there for her to take it out on. I can't believe it's been five days and she has NOT had a meltdown yet. She must be on some goooooooooood drugs, I tell you.

But a meltdown is soooooooo coming. She is going to drive her sociopathic self into a tizzy because of such a large lack of control she has. I mean, major people like Amy H, Tim Miller, Dr. G, Yuri Melich, and anyone that sees right through and isn't afraid to talk about it have not hit the stand yet. Can you imagine how she's going to be when people who aren't going to say nice things about her hit the stand? And also her mother and brother haven't hit the stand yet. I'm sure whatever they say she'll be angry at them too. Huh. I just realized if she cared, she would now know how her family felt dealing with her all these years! Can't take what you dealt out, can you Casey?

Yeah, that licorice love affair between Baez and Casey is soooooo over.

JB had better start figuring on who will be his Atty when ICA sues him and starts talking about who chose this "let's blame GA" defense strategy, after it fails.
IMO: The whole point of keeping the theory that "Caylee not missing, she drowned in the family pool" a big secret, is that they thought that would derail the SA's game plan. But it hasn't. The SA have continued and haven't changed one thing based upon ICA now claiming Caylee drowned.

All this 'nasty' stuff, she didn't expect to come out, cause she would expect that those witnesses would no longer be needed, if the baby drowned. But, as I said, the SA hasn't changed their theory.

ICA was convinced it would work and staked her life on it. I'm sure she is pissed. Instead of helping, it looks worse. IF they had aired their theory ahead of time, there would have been time for folks to point out the holes FOR THEM.

Exactly...The DT is at a total loss:waitasec: They bet everything on the SA being thrown off track and having to change their game plan. Well, the DT's curve ball didn't work and it's driving them crazy that the SA has not even acknowledged their new theory. The SA is treating this new theory like it's Junk Science and it's not even worth their time. I love it, the SA is staying focused and moving forward and the DT is starting to panic. :great:
She is in charge, they work for her. She has every right to call the shots.

and remember her daddy told her this when she first arrested ... they are her staff and she is the CEO !!!
Yep, she is PIZZED she doesn't control that courtroom. HHJP doesn't do what she wants. The SA doesn't do what she wants. None of the witnesses, including her dad, will do what she wants so far. The courtroom officials and staff are not doing what she wants. The media and the public in the gallery are not doing what she wants. No one seems to be in the gallery for Casey, but to watch her burn, which is not what Casey wants. She's star, not a murderer! Even the jury is probably not doing what she wants either. They seemed to be getting fed up with Baez and don't seem to be completely buying that BS story he told in his opening statement.

And is her defense team helping her one iota to control any of that? Is her knight in shining armor who's supposed to rescue her from jail actually doing that? No, Baez is jumping around like a monkey, attacking witnesses, losing points to the SA left and right, and losing the jury left and right. What a disappointment he turned out to be. I can't believe she hasn't asked to fire him yet. She probably feels like she could do it better herself and I bet no one at that defense table is really listening to her tips and suggestions.

She is fit to be tied, and the defense are the only people right there for her to take it out on. I can't believe it's been five days and she has NOT had a meltdown yet. She must be on some goooooooooood drugs, I tell you.

But a meltdown is soooooooo coming. She is going to drive her sociopathic self into a tizzy because of such a large lack of control she has. I mean, major people like Amy H, Tim Miller, Dr. G, Yuri Melich, and anyone that sees right through and isn't afraid to talk about it have not hit the stand yet. Can you imagine how she's going to be when people who aren't going to say nice things about her hit the stand? And also her mother and brother haven't hit the stand yet. I'm sure whatever they say she'll be angry at them too. Huh. I just realized if she cared, she would now know how her family felt dealing with her all these years! Can't take what you dealt out, can you Casey?

Yeah, that licorice love affair between Baez and Casey is soooooo over.

When it's all over we will hear from the jury and we may learn that Jose has already lost them.
JB had better start figuring on who will be his Atty when ICA sues him and starts talking about who chose this "let's blame GA" defense strategy, after it fails.

And when she starts making accusations about what was really going on in his office. Remember, she spent many hours behind closed doors with him and if she is willing to say these nasty things about her father then JB better seek legal counsel as soon as ICA is found guilty.
If by chance she would fire JB, does the state of Florida have to pay for a new lawyer for ICA, and the expenses of a new trial? If after the verdict is read, does Florida have to pay for her to appeal the decision also?

She want get someone like JB. Remember she paid him I think $250K in the beginning. I bet you want find anyone that will touch this case with a ten foot pole. Only what the State appints her and it want be her choice this time.

She better hold on to the last friend on the outside world she has.
I can't believe it's been five days and she has NOT had a meltdown yet. She must be on some goooooooooood drugs, I tell you.

Liked your post ( as usual :))
But no one in jail gets those kinds of meds! LOL
That Horace, or she was telling JB to go after her father with both barrels.:maddening:

And what is so sad, who will she have when she is sitting for the rest of her life in a FL prison. She has already threw her Dad and Bro under the bus.
I agree with what some people said - I don't think ICA ever thought it would get to this point. She may be in a "What are we even DOING here" mode.

I still remember way back during the OJ murder trial when Bill Maher described OJ's demeanor in court as looking as if he's saying: "You know, I'm beginning to think I'm on TRIAL here!"
No, they have enough lawyers on, and qualified. She doesn't know that though. :twocents: I have seen it happen, but then it was only the 2 qualified on, so, KC has plenty of representation, and has had more so. We'll see. The Judge would be happy if she tried, I cannot say 100 percent, but she has quite a team where there are usually only 2 and a mitigator.

Who pays her lawyers anyway? I heard Anthony's do that?
And when she starts making accusations about what was really going on in his office. Remember, she spent many hours behind closed doors with him and if she is willing to say these nasty things about her father then JB better seek legal counsel as soon as ICA is found guilty.

Oh yeah;)
I think the state pays them.

JB is working for Slave Wages as he states. 3.00 an hr I believe. The others are pro bono. The Anthony's are not paying for her defense.

ETA: We the taxpayers of Florida are paying, because Jose blew thru the 200,000 she paid him from the sale of Caylee's pictures.
I have a question which I am sure has been discussed before but there is no possible way for me to keep up with everything. How on earth can ICA afford a defense team?
I have a question which I am sure has been discussed before but there is no possible way for me to keep up with everything. How on earth can ICA afford a defense team?

The wonderful tax payers of the state of Florida are paying for it.:banghead:
I have a question which I am sure has been discussed before but there is no possible way for me to keep up with everything. How on earth can ICA afford a defense team?

ICA has been declared indigent, the state is now paying for her defense, IIRC.

sorry should have read back, I see it's been answered. Prior to that, pictures of Caylee were sold to ABC, I believe, I can't remember the details but Baez brokered the deal somehow IIRC.
JB is working for Slave Wages as he states. 3.00 an hr I believe. The others are pro bono. The Anthony's are not paying for her defense.

ETA: We the taxpayers of Florida are paying, because Jose blew thru the 200,000 she paid him from the sale of Caylee's pictures.

How do you blow through that much money on an accidental drowning defense?

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