What Is the Defense Strategy?

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IMO - more than OJ's fame, he had very sloppy Prosecutors on his side only - think back - whose faces did you see on camera after the trial each day - the defense or the prosecutors. They seem to be focused on their own fame rather than getting a conviction. Clearly OJ was guilty, but the prosecutors did not make their case - a terrible tragedy.

When have we seen the SA on camera in ICA's case?

Wanting to add for those who say WTH? As a Canadian, I had no idea who OJ was, nor do I care one iota about football, but the trial was broadcast nightly in full. It was fascinating to watch and clearly without the OJ fame influence, I viewed it from a different perspective than most Americans. I was shocked by the sloppiness and carelessness of the Prosecution in court while they promoted themselves during and after hours at trial.
From the very beginning of this case regarding the outcome of the trial and defense strategy; I was smug. I was certain, beyond a shadow of any doubt that the defense had no sensible or believable defense.

I'm thinking all the while that the defense is going to do the best they can to create reasonable doubt in the mind of just one single solitary jurer. All along this thread; member's have mentioned possible methods that the defense could/will use. So, my smugness continued.

But, then I remembered something.
I felt the very same certainty during the OJ trial. To this day; I feel sorrow for the obvious reasons but also because of the verdict. To this day I feel anger towards the DA for allowing that jury to decide that case.

So, I went back to the very beginning of the Anthony case. I read documents for the third or fourth time. I watched videos with the audio and without the audio. I went back and read some of my writings in my many notebooks.

Here's the deal. I'm worried. I watched the 911 hearing for the 5th? time.
The 911 hearing has more meaning to me now; because the trial is getting closer and I was able to view a very slight glimpse into the manner in which the trial may be handled by the defense and the SA. I know that the trial is going to be different in many aspects than this 'lil hearing.

I've sort of figured out the source of my worry. I did not expect the 911 hearing to go as well as it did. Sure the defense "lost" and the 911 tapes will be introduced as evidence, thank goodness. Some of my concerns are ICA's spontaneous reaction to Lee's declaration of love for her. I feel that CA did better than I expected. CA generally followed the script as rehearsed. It was not the disaster I expected.

I am no longer smug. I have learned the lesson I should have in the first darn place.

So, to sum it all up my answer is... I pray with all of my heart that whatever the defense strategy will be, it won't be good enough.

A guilty verdict won't be good enough for me, LWOP won't be good enough for me, the DP won't be good enough for me and it's not good enough for Caylee Marie Anthony either.

Don't worry, Wysteria. When that jury hears 31 days, there smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car, and KC's lies to detectives as she takes them through Universal studios to her pretend office, nothing JB says is going to scratch the surface of the disdain they will feel for the mother before them. Top that with the tattoo, party pics, constant cell phone activity with no worries whatsoever, and the liefest that the entire Anthony family has been on, they are going to despise ICA. The video of her family PI, DC, digging and poking in the exact area where that babies bones would be found will slam the door shut. I just hope she gets the needle, because LWOP will not be hard enough for her. JMO.
Everyone on that side has been much, much to quiet lately. They are afraid of something no doubt about it. Even the precious one was not her lively self last time we saw her. She seemed a little cranky with her boys. For anyone in the family to be this quiet they know their tiny self serving little world is day by day coming closer to blowing up in their faces.

I think Casey had better watch out if Cindy comes to that conclusion cuz that's when she will turn all her energy against Casey.. to save herself.

From the very beginning of this case regarding the outcome of the trial and defense strategy; I was smug. I was certain, beyond a shadow of any doubt that the defense had no sensible or believable defense.

I'm thinking all the while that the defense is going to do the best they can to create reasonable doubt in the mind of just one single solitary jurer. All along this thread; member's have mentioned possible methods that the defense could/will use. So, my smugness continued.

But, then I remembered something.
I felt the very same certainty during the OJ trial. To this day; I feel sorrow for the obvious reasons but also because of the verdict. To this day I feel anger towards the DA for allowing that jury to decide that case.

So, I went back to the very beginning of the Anthony case. I read documents for the third or fourth time. I watched videos with the audio and without the audio. I went back and read some of my writings in my many notebooks.

Here's the deal. I'm worried. I watched the 911 hearing for the 5th? time.
The 911 hearing has more meaning to me now; because the trial is getting closer and I was able to view a very slight glimpse into the manner in which the trial may be handled by the defense and the SA. I know that the trial is going to be different in many aspects than this 'lil hearing.

I've sort of figured out the source of my worry. I did not expect the 911 hearing to go as well as it did. Sure the defense "lost" and the 911 tapes will be introduced as evidence, thank goodness. Some of my concerns are ICA's spontaneous reaction to Lee's declaration of love for her. I feel that CA did better than I expected. CA generally followed the script as rehearsed. It was not the disaster I expected.

I am no longer smug. I have learned the lesson I should have in the first darn place.

So, to sum it all up my answer is... I pray with all of my heart that whatever the defense strategy will be, it won't be good enough.

A guilty verdict won't be good enough for me, LWOP won't be good enough for me, the DP won't be good enough for me and it's not good enough for Caylee Marie Anthony either.

Hi Wysteria :)

FWIW, I am confident the days of OJ trials are long gone. We've progressed so much and there were many lessons learned and applied as a result of that fiasco. ("Fiasco" is JMO!)

Linda Drane-Burdick and Jeff Ashton are experienced, focused, intelligent-beyond measure and will do their very best to ensure justice for Caylee. They are really remarkable prosecutors and their good reputations are even known all the way over here on the other side of the country!!

JMO, of course. :)
Respectfully Quoted faefrost :)

ITA. I know Websleuthers had burned up many a thread illustrating how this defense would not work. This is my first case, and I have no personal understanding or theory as to what Jose could be up to with this: all of my understanding has come from this case. I had very different ideas about what it meant to defend someone(in the legal sense) before this case.

I couldn't possibly understand what is involved in being a defense lawyer, but there are people on WS and elsewhere that do understand what is involved: and they seem to be of the consensus that Jose is (to put it mildly) making mistakes and makes little sense.

Reasonable doubt. Is that what Jose is after? Of all the explanations I have read that is the one I remember the most. Convince one juror that it is possible that someone else put Caylee, deceased in the woods. That Casey was in jail with no bond and couldn't have put her there. So, they have to have someone testify that there was no water in the area of the remains during the search and so therefore they could tell/they know Caylee was not there. Caylee was found there, they will agree, but they know she was put there later and again they know this because they were at the exact spot before Casey was arrested and there was no Caylee remains.(Sorry Caylee Angel)

The one woman who was claiming this (out loud)as far as I know, was supposed to be interviewed, deposed today or yesterday, sorry I am not clear on those facts. I haven't read everything today so I don't know if that happened or not-I haven't even been to todays news thread.

Anyway, I totally agree with you in there are so many complications to this defense if this is what they are after. Aren't or isn't someone being looked at for witness tampering because of the guy who taped a convo he had where he was being led to say he searched somewhere other than where he did?

I didn't mean to get into all of this-I think it has all been discussed, I have left a few really long posts in the last day or so and I feel like I am babbling all over the place...I just want this to go to trial. I want to know, to see Jose's big plan in action. I want to know if Casey will take the stand in her defense. What innocent person wouldn't? There are probably legal reasons a innocent person would not take the stand, but I just mean to say I want anything the defense has to say to be said already-and said in front of a judge and jury.

There have only been a handful of days that I have not read here about this case: still I have tons of questions and I feel I understand so little about this process. It's not the case itself, I am so confused about, it is this legal process that has me mystified.

I agree with what you are saying, everything does lead back to ICA-that is why I am of the opinion she is guilty and I don't see how a jury could see it any other way. So, maybe Jose realizes he can't possibly win, some have suggested this about his defense. Maybe he doesn't care about being a lawyer after this? Maybe he figures he will do a reality show? :eek:


But even if someone moved Caylee around...it doesn't mean Casey did not kill her. I think they're forgetting the mountain of other evidence pointing to no one but Casey (and possibly other Anthony family members, but that's yet to be determined).

Imo, they might be able to squeeze out some doubt, but it won't be reasonable doubt. There's just too much pointing to Casey and the 31 days.
From the very beginning of this case regarding the outcome of the trial and defense strategy; I was smug. I was certain, beyond a shadow of any doubt that the defense had no sensible or believable defense.

I'm thinking all the while that the defense is going to do the best they can to create reasonable doubt in the mind of just one single solitary jurer. All along this thread; member's have mentioned possible methods that the defense could/will use. So, my smugness continued.

But, then I remembered something.
I felt the very same certainty during the OJ trial. To this day; I feel sorrow for the obvious reasons but also because of the verdict. To this day I feel anger towards the DA for allowing that jury to decide that case.

So, I went back to the very beginning of the Anthony case. I read documents for the third or fourth time. I watched videos with the audio and without the audio. I went back and read some of my writings in my many notebooks.

Here's the deal. I'm worried. I watched the 911 hearing for the 5th? time.
The 911 hearing has more meaning to me now; because the trial is getting closer and I was able to view a very slight glimpse into the manner in which the trial may be handled by the defense and the SA. I know that the trial is going to be different in many aspects than this 'lil hearing.

I've sort of figured out the source of my worry. I did not expect the 911 hearing to go as well as it did. Sure the defense "lost" and the 911 tapes will be introduced as evidence, thank goodness. Some of my concerns are ICA's spontaneous reaction to Lee's declaration of love for her. I feel that CA did better than I expected. CA generally followed the script as rehearsed. It was not the disaster I expected.

I am no longer smug. I have learned the lesson I should have in the first darn place.

So, to sum it all up my answer is... I pray with all of my heart that whatever the defense strategy will be, it won't be good enough.

A guilty verdict won't be good enough for me, LWOP won't be good enough for me, the DP won't be good enough for me and it's not good enough for Caylee Marie Anthony either.

Keep in mind though, we've hardly heard a peep from the SA, compared to the volume of what we've heard from the defense. I have supreme faith in JA and LDB...I feel there is something special about those two as a team. I don't know how to explain it...but they are working together for a reason imo. Ashton is razor sharp, intimidating and stern. When he made the 'duct tape' speech you could tell he had real, unmanufactured passion about this case. I think when the real battles begin, we'll see something amazing happen.
Hi Wysteria :)

FWIW, I am confident the days of OJ trials are long gone. We've progressed so much and there were many lessons learned and applied as a result of that fiasco. ("Fiasco" is JMO!)

Linda Drane-Burdick and Jeff Ashton are experienced, focused, intelligent-beyond measure and will do their very best to ensure justice for Caylee. They are really remarkable prosecutors and their good reputations are even known all the way over here on the other side of the country!!

JMO, of course. :)

Case in point. the Robert Blake "I couldn't have killed her because I left my killin' gun in the restaurant" defense. Oh wait that worked?
IMO - more than OJ's fame, he had very sloppy Prosecutors on his side only - think back - whose faces did you see on camera after the trial each day - the defense or the prosecutors. They seem to be focused on their own fame rather than getting a conviction. Clearly OJ was guilty, but the prosecutors did not make their case - a terrible tragedy.

When have we seen the SA on camera in ICA's case?
Thats true. The Orlando prosecution is a classy bunch. I laugh every time JB complains about the state releasing something.
I recall the judge didn't have much control of the courtroom either in OJ's case and the jury went partying with the defendant after the verdict also. The entire trial was pretty surreal IIRC.
I do think fame offered OJ a presumption of innocence that the public isn't willing to offer ICA though.
Thats true. The Orlando prosecution is a classy bunch. I laugh every time JB complains about the state releasing something.
I recall the judge didn't have much control of the courtroom either in OJ's case and the jury went partying with the defendant after the verdict also. The entire trial was pretty surreal IIRC.
I do think fame offered OJ a presumption of innocence that the public isn't willing to offer ICA though.

That's interesting to say that Karn, really interesting! I watched that case in minute detail, read everything possible on the internet and in papers, and I thought from day one he was absolutely guilty. But I was not surprised, based on the mess the prosecution made of the case,and not the racial factor, that he was found not guilty. They even let that glove fiasco get by. I know it upsets people to hear me say that, but it is IMO. If ever there was a mess of a case, that was it. Even the defense knew he was guilty - remember the look on OJ's face when they said not guilty? Wow - he could not believe it, because he knew he was. It didn't take him long to become his assinine self again tho.
That's interesting to say that Karn, really interesting! I watched that case in minute detail, read everything possible on the internet and in papers, and I thought from day one he was absolutely guilty. But I was not surprised, based on the mess the prosecution made of the case,and not the racial factor, that he was found not guilty. They even let that glove fiasco get by. I know it upsets people to hear me say that, but it is IMO. If ever there was a mess of a case, that was it. Even the defense knew he was guilty - remember the look on OJ's face when they said not guilty? Wow - he could not believe it, because he knew he was. It didn't take him long to become his assinine self again tho.

Or the WTF look on Robert Kardashian's face. When your own defense attorney is stunned by the verdict, that said it all for me.

We won't see that in this case.
Or the WTF look on Robert Kardashian's face. When your own defense attorney is stunned by the verdict, that said it all for me.

We won't see that in this case.

Yes, LOL - I shouldn't laugh because that case was such a tragedy - but it was so funny - there was one well known personality - I wish I could remember his name - he had kind of chubby face and had been reporting on the case all the way through it - the CNN camera was on his face just after the verdict and when I think about that case I still see the huge shock on his face.

We won't see that in this case for sure, and I pray won't in any case again. It was a disgrace. I don't think Kardashian ever forgave himself.
I'd like to say thanks for the efforts to settle me down a bit.
Everyone made excellent points.
I've just finished reading the Diane Fanning book and that helped my nerves as well.
It's a decent book. The Copyright is 2009, and other evidence has surfaced since. She seems to have tried to focus on the salient points of this case. There were a few errors, but not many.
I don't feel that JB has the capacity or capablity to defend a person accused of littering.
Thanks again, your comments and insight are appreciated.

True, true.

Thank you for the reminder on both of your points. I hadn't thought of either when I was composing my post. I followed the SP case as well; but did not post very much during that case.

ICA is infamous, OJ famous, and I understand the difference.
There is more evidence in this case. Wysteria listen to KaRN!:smile:
The points you make settle me down a bit.

Nice to read you again btw, I'll presume that you are the KaRN. You and I discussed/debated both of the trials mentioned in your post and also the MJ trial. I didn't post often, so you may not remember me.

IIRC the SA is treating this case like all of the other cases in that they are not going to hire a jury consultant. Some say no biggie; I say I'd feel less uneasy if the SA hired one. I just have this THING stuck in my head about how important a jury is. For sure the jury is important; but sometimes it's my only focus, irrational...I know.

I think that the closer we get to trial the more anxiety I'm going to feel.

It would not have mattered what the evidence was in the OJ case, he was not going to be convicted by that particular Jury.
Yes, LOL - I shouldn't laugh because that case was such a tragedy - but it was so funny - there was one well known personality - I wish I could remember his name - he had kind of chubby face and had been reporting on the case all the way through it - the CNN camera was on his face just after the verdict and when I think about that case I still see the huge shock on his face.

We won't see that in this case for sure, and I pray won't in any case again. It was a disgrace. I don't think Kardashian ever forgave himself.

That could have been Kato Kaelin - he was OJ's "houseboy" and testified in the case, but I remember them showing his reaction when the verdict was read. I remember the total shock and horror on his face - if that is who you were thinking of, it made an impression on me as well!! He was quite the "celeb" at that time. Certainly enjoying his 15 minutes, anyway!!
Everyone on that side has been much, much to quiet lately. They are afraid of something no doubt about it. Even the precious one was not her lively self last time we saw her. She seemed a little cranky with her boys. For anyone in the family to be this quiet they know their tiny self serving little world is day by day coming closer to blowing up in their faces.

The defense expert had completed the testing on the hair in the trunk by then and indeed (my guess) confirmed the death band on the hair in trunk indeed belonged to Caylee Anthony. Where is my video..You Dropped A Bomb On Me?

The baby being dead in Casey's car that she and she alone had care custody and control over, then dumped is going to be uphill both ways to have the jury infer someone else did this. The way Casey, mom and pop looked last hearing was thoroughly deflated as if they had been kicked in the stomach. Hard.

The only strategy the defense had that I could ever discern was Linda Kenney Baden was going to argue the garbage in garbage out theory that the labs used unreliable meathods, the evidence was contaminated, and therefore can not be trusted. Then Andrea was going to pinch hit in the penalty phase and regail the jury with stories of some of her death row clients indeed finding small ways to contribte to society with rare examples of how they minister in prison, etc. in order to play on the jury's sympathy and spare Casey's life, which she has been very successful at on her past cases. Other than that I expect them to argue that pop had just as much opportunity to have done those computer searches, therefore there is no premediation, absent that, they will ask for the jury to be instructed to consider lesser charges. Under no set of circumstances do they expect her to walk free, anything short of the death penalty they will proclaim as victorious that they saved Casey Anthony's life.
Here it is Saturday morning, and O/T, we have just had our first snowfall. I logged in to this site which I love, and saw the first thread - "What Is The Defense Strategy" and burst out laughing!!

Answer? "Who Knows"!!!!
Here it is Saturday morning, and O/T, we have just had our first snowfall. I logged in to this site which I love, and saw the first thread - "What Is The Defense Strategy" and burst out laughing!!

Answer? "Who Knows"!!!!

LOL !!! But really...... I wonder if they actually have a Defense Stratergy or if they are pulling stuff out of their a$$ as it comes up... they look like a bunch of monkeys in business suits.. :crazy::crazy:
We have to remember to look at what they have to work with. 0 - 0 = 0. KC not only continues to lie but she obviously has a temper. Not pleasant circumstances under any situation. I'm sure they are trying to do their jobs, which we all understand and accept. It's the nasty parts we don't like to see them use. If your client is innocent you should not have to ruin other innocent people's lives trying to prove it. That is exactly what we are seeing here. jmo
We have to remember to look at what they have to work with. 0 - 0 = 0. KC not only continues to lie but she obviously has a temper. Not pleasant circumstances under any situation. I'm sure they are trying to do their jobs, which we all understand and accept. It's the nasty parts we don't like to see them use. If your client is innocent you should not have to ruin other innocent people's lives trying to prove it. That is exactly what we are seeing here. jmo

Yes, in a more serious note, I appreciate that. I do understand the issues they have to work with. However, what we have seen is two years of loafing, spending defense monies on who knows what, complete BS rhetoric about ICA's innocence, and bulldozer tactics over completely innocent people who may or may not have had the misfortune to have been a part of ICA's life - to what end? Such nonsense - I can't help myself from the occasional giggle.

I have a feeling someone like RHornsby would have put on a much different intelligent defense without the same rubbish we have witnessed.
Yes, in a more serious note, I appreciate that. I do understand the issues they have to work with. However, what we have seen is two years of loafing, spending defense monies on who knows what, complete BS rhetoric about ICA's innocence, and bulldozer tactics over completely innocent people who may or may not have had the misfortune to have been a part of ICA's life - to what end? Such nonsense - I can't help myself from the occasional giggle.

I have a feeling someone like RHornsby would have put on a much different intelligent defense without the same rubbish we have witnessed.

BBM: Now that's the part I don't like. You know, I'm not even sure HOW JB passed the bar because he can never remember to copy JAC when the motion is about asking for money. How many times has the judge warned him???? lol
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