What Is the Defense Strategy?

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Yes, in a more serious note, I appreciate that. I do understand the issues they have to work with. However, what we have seen is two years of loafing, spending defense monies on who knows what, complete BS rhetoric about ICA's innocence, and bulldozer tactics over completely innocent people who may or may not have had the misfortune to have been a part of ICA's life - to what end? Such nonsense - I can't help myself from the occasional giggle.

I have a feeling someone like RHornsby would have put on a much different intelligent defense without the same rubbish we have witnessed.


Yeppers, we would have seen motions filed correctly that had significant relationship to them with properly cited case law and were proof read before submitted to the courts. Then again we might have even seen a plea agreement too. At least Richard is easy on the eyes and voice vs. JB and Cheney. And we can understand each and every pronounced word uttered by Richard. Thank Heavens Richard has ethics and a moral compass NOT to have taken a client like ICA. He has that "show me the money" before he even will talk to a client. He would have not wasted that $200k+ either.
The defense expert had completed the testing on the hair in the trunk by then and indeed (my guess) confirmed the death band on the hair in trunk indeed belonged to Caylee Anthony. Where is my video..You Dropped A Bomb On Me?

The baby being dead in Casey's car that she and she alone had care custody and control over, then dumped is going to be uphill both ways to have the jury infer someone else did this. The way Casey, mom and pop looked last hearing was thoroughly deflated as if they had been kicked in the stomach. Hard.

The only strategy the defense had that I could ever discern was Linda Kenney Baden was going to argue the garbage in garbage out theory that the labs used unreliable meathods, the evidence was contaminated, and therefore can not be trusted. Then Andrea was going to pinch hit in the penalty phase and regail the jury with stories of some of her death row clients indeed finding small ways to contribte to society with rare examples of how they minister in prison, etc. in order to play on the jury's sympathy and spare Casey's life, which she has been very successful at on her past cases. Other than that I expect them to argue that pop had just as much opportunity to have done those computer searches, therefore there is no premediation, absent that, they will ask for the jury to be instructed to consider lesser charges. Under no set of circumstances do they expect her to walk free, anything short of the death penalty they will proclaim as victorious that they saved Casey Anthony's life.


Thanks to a new job, working midnight shift, I missed this hearing, can somebody shoot me a link? TIA, it'll give me something to watch at 3 in the morning ;)

Thanks to a new job, working midnight shift, I missed this hearing, can somebody shoot me a link? TIA, it'll give me something to watch at 3 in the morning ;)

It was an 11 minute telephonic hearing:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5817889&postcount=3890"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Media Links - *** NO DISCUSSIONS! ***[/ame]

Thanks to a new job, working midnight shift, I missed this hearing, can somebody shoot me a link? TIA, it'll give me something to watch at 3 in the morning ;)

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5746408&postcount=789"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2010.10.29 Status Hearing[/ame]

True, true.

Thank you for the reminder on both of your points. I hadn't thought of either when I was composing my post. I followed the SP case as well; but did not post very much during that case.

ICA is infamous, OJ famous, and I understand the difference.
There is more evidence in this case. Wysteria listen to KaRN!:smile:
The points you make settle me down a bit.

Nice to read you again btw, I'll presume that you are the KaRN. You and I discussed/debated both of the trials mentioned in your post and also the MJ trial. I didn't post often, so you may not remember me.

IIRC the SA is treating this case like all of the other cases in that they are not going to hire a jury consultant. Some say no biggie; I say I'd feel less uneasy if the SA hired one. I just have this THING stuck in my head about how important a jury is. For sure the jury is important; but sometimes it's my only focus, irrational...I know.

I think that the closer we get to trial the more anxiety I'm going to feel.

I thought you were familiar! :blowkiss: Great to see you Wysteria! I was worried throughout the SP case what the jury was thinking. In retrospect I was giving the Court TV TH`s opinions way more credit than they really deserved. The same thing during MJ.
I really believe the SA has a compelling case against ICA and hold one or more smoking guns that won`t be revealed until trial. When they put the DP back on the table and when JA spoke so eloquently during the hearing while ICA begged to make him stop I knew that she knew that he knew her dirty secret even if we don`t yet.
There also may be someone in the AG`s office who specializes in consulting so it`s not required for them to hire someone from the outside. JB has complained several times about all the dozens of people the SA has working on the case. Boohoo :)
Also in the other cases we worried over, the defendants had money they could throw at their own defense and did. ICA is indigent and not eligible for a JAC funded consultant. HHJBP already ruled there would be no additional funding for a defense jury consultant
`During Thursday's hearing, Chief Judge Belvin Perry denied requests to spend public money on four expert witnesses and forensic tests requested by Anthony's defense attorneys. The judge nixed a trace evidence expert, a cell phone expert, a jury consultant and money for a car to replicate evidence found in Anthony's car.` http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20004299-504083.html

Have faith my friend!! Caylee has many angels here on earth, 12 of whom will be seated next May in as many days as my ticker says.
IMO there really isn`t a demogrphic that wouldn`t find ICA offensive. She stole from the frail elderly in palliative care. Rule out jurors over the age of 50 IMO. She stole and lied to her friends so jurors under 30 might not relate well to her either. Parents with young children will likely be horrified. Single Mothers who work and struggle to provide good homes aren`t going to relate to a single Mom who pays no rent, doesn`t need to work and parties like a rock star every weekend. Nobody can relate to the 31 days. Young men may find her hot until they present the text messages between her and TonE, or JG takes the stand, or.....when they see a huge image of her tattoo with the strange skin affliction that got CA all worried enough to write her about.
The more I type the more convinced I am we`ll have our guilty verdict 10 minutes after the jury is dismissed to deliberate. :woohoo:

Caylees 12 angels want us to hear this message [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UkKTlzyLhQ[/ame]

Don`t stress Wysteria!!
Many thanks KaRN :hug:

You have remained levelheaded and reliable; just like you were in all of those other cases we fretted about. Mostly everyone involved felt the stress and anxiety in some of those cases; especially during deliberations.

All of the points you make in your post are spot on. Bottom line is the defense has no defense.

Your tribute to Caylee's 12 angels is touching and beautiful.
Thanks ever so much.
Many thanks KaRN :hug:

You have remained levelheaded and reliable; just like you were in all of those other cases we fretted about. Mostly everyone involved felt the stress and anxiety in some of those cases; especially during deliberations.

All of the points you make in your post are spot on. Bottom line is the defense has no defense.

Your tribute to Caylee's 12 angels is touching and beautiful.
Thanks ever so much.

Awww tks! :blushing: It`s great you`re here!!! Beautiful avatar too!
The delay getting to trial is making it worse I think. Who imagined when Caylee was found in 2008, it would take until mid 2011 to even seat a jury. Even KC has a few grey hairs since her arrest I noticed at the last staus hearing- the least she could do for giving them to us I say lol!
The defense is now asking for a bone/fossil expert who specializes in fossilized remains. Caylee was cremated but IIRC, DR. G had one piece of bone preserved just in case the defense wanted to test.

Casey Anthony Defense Wants Bones, Fossil Expert
Motion Seeks Approval From Judge Perry
POSTED: 6:46 am EST November 26, 2010
UPDATED: 7:04 am EST November 26, 2010

Not sure what it is their after but seems to me, they are still on that fishing expedition. Their "star" witness is no longer their star. Took back the "misstatments" made by LB. BS is another who didn't go forth with the Kronk theory, so where does this leave ICA??

Wonder if the defense has informed ICA how bad things look for her. They claim no duct tape on Caylee, no coffin flies in the trunk of the pontiac, no hair from Caylee with death band...all have gone wayside. Wonder if they took the truthful approach and told ICA to come clean, make that not guilty into guilty and save her own life. You never know how a jury will rule and it's better to be "safe" than "sorry". She should take LWOP vs being sent to death....JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I have been watching a case on Court TV which just ended today with a guilty verdict. The jury deliberated for 5 hours, and I was surprised they deliberated that long. The defense in the case was very lame, basically because the defense attorney, who seemed to be trying hard, had nothing to work with.

I came away from watching today's hearing wondering if this will not be the case in the Casey Anthony murder trial. No reports from ANY experts. No expected testimony from the defense hair expert. Probable withdrawal of the Roy Kronk related motion.

Taking things from the opposite side, can anyone even THINK of any kind of a viable defense?

I mean, Andrea Yates had a documented history of mental illness. Casey doesn't.
After watching the hearing today, :waitasec: it's a mystery to me.

I have no clue what the defense is thinking.
Well, they don't actually have to provide a defense. They just have to poke holes in the evidence to create "reasonable doubt".
They can do like Geragos did for SP and rest after the prosecution presents their case and pretend it's because the state didn't meet their burden of proof. Or they can convince their client to plea and get it over with.
Good point, merc, good point.

The only defense I can think they might try is the some-other-dude-did-it defense. And if so, that other dude (or dudette) would have needed to have access to that Anthony home.
Or, like his famous client, JB will take this to the very, very end and then ask the judge to take pity on his client and give her 25 years to life because it was an accident and she made some really poor choices in handling the matter which she should not die for. Just a guess but seems JB is not really worried about not having any evidence. jmo
Gleeful it has come to this....KC's lawyers have left themselves with the only obligation that they had to begin with-Protect KC's consitutional rights should the state violate them in procedure. That is all they are tasked to do, that is all an appelate court can ask of them as attorneys.

Notice that was all AL was trying to do in her motions-fight the consequences based on the US/Florida consitution and precedent.

If KC wants to correct the record and make things up, she can certainly do it herself on the stand.
Yes, LOL - I shouldn't laugh because that case was such a tragedy - but it was so funny - there was one well known personality - I wish I could remember his name - he had kind of chubby face and had been reporting on the case all the way through it - the CNN camera was on his face just after the verdict and when I think about that case I still see the huge shock on his face.

We won't see that in this case for sure, and I pray won't in any case again. It was a disgrace. I don't think Kardashian ever forgave himself.

That was Domnick Dunne.

Here's a couple of screenshots of his reaction


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Hello everyone. Its been a while since I have been on the site. Alot of life has gotten in the way but I am still thinking about this case and wondering why the trial hasn't taken place yet. I will be reading thru the site in the next few days but wondered why the trial has not taken place and if anyone knows when its scheduled to begin. Its seems ridiculous that all this time has gone by with no trial. I am surprised that Casey sits in jail all this time with no protest since she claims she is innocent. Any short synopsis of the latest would be appreciated. thanks!
Hello everyone. Its been a while since I have been on the site. Alot of life has gotten in the way but I am still thinking about this case and wondering why the trial hasn't taken place yet. I will be reading thru the site in the next few days but wondered why the trial has not taken place and if anyone knows when its scheduled to begin. Its seems ridiculous that all this time has gone by with no trial. I am surprised that Casey sits in jail all this time with no protest since she claims she is innocent. Any short synopsis of the latest would be appreciated. thanks!

Hi Kathyn, the trial is set for May 9, 2011...although there are pre-trial happenings. They have status hearings each month to make sure the defense is adhering to their schedules set by Judge Belvin Perry, Jr...and motions are to be heard within 15 days...so far, it seems this trial will happen whether one side is ready or not on May 9, 2011...they have lots of drop dead dates...meaning if they don't get things accomplished by those dates, they are chit out of luck...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
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