What Is the Defense Strategy?

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I truly believe Baez hurt his own case long ago...this isn't the video I was scouring for when Baez claims it does no good for ICA to show her hand, tell what she knows...the video above was when ICA was arrested on the economic charges...taking about leaks not coming out of his office...what a fool...JMHO

Seems very angry that his client was arrested and he wasn't allowed to "bring her in"...minor economic charges, only $700...LE interested in making ICA look bad...

@ the 4:00 mark "You are assuming she's not talking and your also assuming she does not know where her daughter is"...exactly stated...he said. "there are facts that I have not disclosed and will not disclose...I will not lay out my case in the public"...yet he has...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Hopefully, that video will surface soon. Seems like several video gems have been taken down or just plain missing.
LancelotLink- I'm with you...hearing the defense explain the 31 days will be rather interesting.

There really is no excuse for waiting 31 days to report your child missing. Unless they're REALLY still going with the "well Caylee was with Zanny the Nanny" story still, in which case the entire defense will be a joke to listen to.
If you read one of casey's letters to her bff "cookie" in jail, she already got that story straight.

Said she was going to be moving out of the family home, and needed zanny to look after caylee for a few days while she got organized. But, then Zanny disappeared with casey.
Although, of course, ICA forgives her! ~L~

what a nutjob
LancelotLink- I'm with you...hearing the defense explain the 31 days will be rather interesting.

There really is no excuse for waiting 31 days to report your child missing. Unless they're REALLY still going with the "well Caylee was with Zanny the Nanny" story still, in which case the entire defense will be a joke to listen to.

There is nothing they can say to counter the 31 days. Jose has said in past that come trial, we would all learn the other half of the story and would see his client as a courageous young woman who acted to protect her child.
I have no link, but it was on video.
This is susan Smith all over again.
If you read one of casey's letters to her bff "cookie" in jail, she already got that story straight.

Said she was going to be moving out of the family home, and needed zanny to look after caylee for a few days while she got organized. But, then Zanny disappeared with casey.
Although, of course, ICA forgives her! ~L~

what a nutjob

Which flies in the face of Cindy saying they were on holiday, bonding....
There is nothing they can say to counter the 31 days. Jose has said in past that come trial, we would all learn the other half of the story and would see his client as a courageous young woman who acted to protect her child.
I have no link, but it was on video.
This is susan Smith all over again.

Oh yeah, I remember that. I'm really looking forward to (no sarcasm) hearing the "other half of the story". I'm anxious to see what kind of story KC has managed to concoct during her jail stay.

There are only 2 halves in a whole. I could've swore we've heard "the other half" multiple times, in multiple versions now.
Which flies in the face of Cindy saying they were on holiday, bonding....

At that point it was so obvious that's what Cindy was forcing herself and wanting the media to believe, because if they weren't, the real reason Caylee wasn't at home was too terrible for Cindy to even begin to think about.
I think they're crazy for not asking for a plea deal...not to say that the prosecution would even entertain the thought...but if they're relying on refuting expert testimony and finding that lone juror who has reasonable doubt...their goose is cooked...IMO...too risky when someone's life is on the line.
Oh yeah, I remember that. I'm really looking forward to (no sarcasm) hearing the "other half of the story". I'm anxious to see what kind of story KC has managed to concoct during her jail stay.

There are only 2 halves in a whole. I could've swore we've heard "the other half" multiple times, in multiple versions now.

Which imo is what will do her in with the jury. Despite immediately invoking his client's 5th amendment rights, using a PR firm, assembling a so called dream team, telling us we would all understand......Baez couldn't get Muffin or the Anthonys to shut it.
I think they're crazy for not asking for a plea deal...not to say that the prosecution would even entertain the thought...but if they're relying on refuting expert testimony and finding that lone juror who has reasonable doubt...their goose is cooked...IMO...too risky when someone's life is on the line.

OMG yes! This I cannot understand. Every single time we discuss this case here someone invariably says 'Why didn't she just cop a plea?' LE practically laid it out to her in the interview at Universal. She and Baez are absolutely crazy for letting this go so far, they have infuriated the state and the entire world with their idiotic attempts at a defense, they have accused the innocent, and forced Florida to work for every single piece of evidence when they could have found a way to negotiate a lighter sentence early on using what they knew, well it's way too late now.

Strategically masochistic if you ask me.
OMG yes! This I cannot understand. Every single time we discuss this case here someone invariably says 'Why didn't she just cop a plea?' LE practically laid it out to her in the interview at Universal. She and Baez are absolutely crazy for letting this go so far, they have infuriated the state and the entire world with their idiotic attempts at a defense, they have accused the innocent, and forced Florida to work for every single piece of evidence when they could have found a way to negotiate a lighter sentence early on using what they knew, well it's way too late now.

Strategically masochistic if you ask me.

There's no money in "copping a plea."

There's a small fortune to be made in "mother on trial for murdering her child."
^ You're right. Who was it that said P. T. Barnum wishes he was alive so he could sell tickets to this thing'? Pretty spot on really.
I think the main thrust is going to be the science. They will push that there is no direct evidence connecting the murder to KC, they will argue that Caylee wasn't put in the woods until after KC was arrested. Plus I think they will throw in a little SODDIT and then an emotional plea (KC heart-broken mother, young, naive, etc.) then at penalty I think they will go with young naive mother, family issues with parents and psychotic breakdown.
Here is a clip from WFTV where they play the snippet of JB saying "It does her no good...". IF I do this right, that is.

At about the 1:20 mark.


That's the one, Chefmom...

I've been looking all over for this, Thank you...for finding it..

He states he does no good to...so the prosecution can put her away for the rest of her life...Well, Mr. Baez (in His Honor's resounding voice) I do think you have made a mess of things. Why didn't you take that limited immunity offer. Now you are faced with the death penalty...we all know that death is different...ask Caylee....JMHO

Justice for Caylee
This defense imo has no defense. All they have done since the beginning is throw out there SODDI theory and their client has a reason which they can't share until their day in court. So far all they seem to be doing is preparing for the penalty phase. The only defense lay witnesses that happen to do anything is after their client was incarcerated. As for their expert witnesses it doesn't seem like they are going to be able to say much against the State's experts just imply. This defense and defendant know where this is heading. What a gamble they (including the defendant) are taking just to hold their ground and not be held accountable. :banghead:
I also love it when the defense team says that they are looking for 1 juror to have reasonable doubt. (I can't find one at the moment, but I know they are there.) Fact is ONE juror with reasonable doubt will only result in a mistrial and another trial.

The defense has tons of information about the prosecution's case. But at trial, the defense will have to fire all it's secrets to get that "one" juror!

They need to convince 12 jurors there is reasonable doubt. Might be harder the second time around. (Heaven forbid that happens).
Which flies in the face of Cindy saying they were on holiday, bonding....

That woman really needs to learn to swallow her feelings of guilt and just start telling the truth. She has re-created Casey's entire life story and in turn has shown us who and what she really is.. a liar who will stop at nothing to make her lousy job of parenting appear somehow, better. Had she kept her mouth shut we'd all still be sittin' wondering how Casey ended up the way she is but each time she opens her mouth we are shown again and again how casey ended up this way! Except your failures, (no one is perfect) and tell the truth!

If this is a stratagy it's a laughable one!
OMG yes! This I cannot understand. Every single time we discuss this case here someone invariably says 'Why didn't she just cop a plea?' LE practically laid it out to her in the interview at Universal. She and Baez are absolutely crazy for letting this go so far, they have infuriated the state and the entire world with their idiotic attempts at a defense, they have accused the innocent, and forced Florida to work for every single piece of evidence when they could have found a way to negotiate a lighter sentence early on using what they knew, well it's way too late now.

Strategically masochistic if you ask me.
...and this is an about-face for me...I always wanted to see this play out...could have cared less what the defense did...but you're right...this flies in the face of logic.
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