What Is the Defense Strategy?

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They will have the "Script" that Casey was made to follow. This shows her innocence!!! Lol
They could claim that she more than likely is hiding out in her home country? I personally wouldn't buy it, but they are trying to plant some reasonable doubt here. The hardest defense is going to be explaining away all of her 'after the fact' lies. But I guess she can claim that she got carried away because she knew there would be he!! to pay with her mother, but while she was lying, she still fully anticipated Caleigh's return? In this scenario, they wouldn't have to produce a nanny...maybe witnesses who claim she existed. MOO
They could, but then they'd have to explain why KC had no communication with the nanny while she was in the USA; no cell phone records, emails, scribbled notes on paper, photos, or records of payment for her services. There's simply no tangible evidence that the nanny existed. None at all. Any defence tactic that claims the nanny did it will have to produce something other than a Jedi hand wave at the jury, imo.
They could, but then they'd have to explain why KC had no communication with the nanny while she was in the USA; no cell phone records, emails, scribbled notes on paper, photos, or records of payment for her services. There's simply no tangible evidence that the nanny existed. None at all. Any defence tactic that claims the nanny did it will have to produce something other than a Jedi hand wave at the jury, imo.
But if Casey's own mother claims that yes, she existed, & that a phantom nanny wasn't necessary, because she herself was available to babysit anytime, then that might produce some reasonable doubt. Casey could claim to have paid in cash. & she could say she lied about the nanny having a phone, because in hindsight, she realized how negligent she was. She could also claim she lied about the apartment for the same reason...& that she just met up with the nanny in the park or wherever. She could say that this lady had kept Caleigh for extended periods before, so she wasn't worried. explain that she lied because she fully expected Haleigh to be returned & didn't want her parents to judge her for her very poor decisions. If she presents herself as a non thinking, negligent mother, then she might have a chance at some reasonable doubt. But she'll have to admit to lying & explain why. MOO.
In the case against Bobby Cutts (Jessie Davis) he was found guilty of murder one because he didn't call 911 to try and save the baby which was a very real possibility since Jessie was 9 months pregnant. The same could be said here about Casey for any accident theory the defense may try to use. For instance the drowning theory Mason brought up. By Casey not getting assistance she allowed her daughter to die. That might get her out of the DP but she's still going to do hard time imo.

In the end the jury is going to want to know what happened to Caylee bottom line. In this particular case I don't think it will be enough for the jury if the defense just tries to create reasonable doubt. If not Casey then who? I think this jury will insist on an alternative with very convincing evidence to back it up. The defense just showing that not everything the state presents is accurate will not be enough for an acquittal imo.
From Danziger's website:


• Competency
• Sanity at the time of the offense
• Psychosexual
• Issues relating to downward departure or sentence mitigation
But if Casey's own mother claims that yes, she existed, & that a phantom nanny wasn't necessary, because she herself was available to babysit anytime, then that might produce some reasonable doubt. Casey could claim to have paid in cash. & she could say she lied about the nanny having a phone, because in hindsight, she realized how negligent she was. She could also claim she lied about the apartment for the same reason...& that she just met up with the nanny in the park or wherever. She could say that this lady had kept Caleigh for extended periods before, so she wasn't worried. explain that she lied because she fully expected Haleigh to be returned & didn't want her parents to judge her for her very poor decisions. If she presents herself as a non thinking, negligent mother, then she might have a chance at some reasonable doubt. But she'll have to admit to lying & explain why. MOO.
Caylee - the defense and the grandma forget her name, but WS'ers need to write it and write it often!!
But if Casey's own mother claims that yes, she existed, & that a phantom nanny wasn't necessary, because she herself was available to babysit anytime, then that might produce some reasonable doubt. Casey could claim to have paid in cash. & she could say she lied about the nanny having a phone, because in hindsight, she realized how negligent she was. She could also claim she lied about the apartment for the same reason...& that she just met up with the nanny in the park or wherever. She could say that this lady had kept Caleigh for extended periods before, so she wasn't worried. explain that she lied because she fully expected Haleigh to be returned & didn't want her parents to judge her for her very poor decisions. If she presents herself as a non thinking, negligent mother, then she might have a chance at some reasonable doubt. But she'll have to admit to lying & explain why. MOO.

It wasn't just the nanny she made up. Juliette, ZFG relatives and JH for instance. How is Cindy going to verify a nanny just because Casey used that story when she didn't want her mother to really know where her and Caylee were staying? It only proves to me that she lied to Cindy. There have been a number of times Casey has used the nanny story with Cindy yet Cindy herself said in one of the LE interviews that she thought zanny the nanny was just a term Casey used for who ever was watching Caylee at the time. That was her reason for indicating JG, AH, etc.

P.S. Cindy was not available to babysit anytime. Unlike Casey Cindy had a full time job. We don't know what the flurry of phone calls made to George and Cindy that day were about either because they didn't answer their phone. Supposedly an argument the night before so were they putting their foot down and knew Casey wanted them to babysit?
It wasn't just the nanny she made up. Juliette, ZFG relatives and JH for instance. How is Cindy going to verify a nanny just because Casey used that story when she didn't want her mother to really know where her and Caylee were staying? It only proves to me that she lied to Cindy. There have been a number of times Casey has used the nanny story with Cindy yet Cindy herself said in one of the LE interviews that she thought zanny the nanny was just a term Casey used for who ever was watching Caylee at the time. That was her reason for indicating JG, AH, etc.
That's where she could say the snowball effect kicked in. one lie leading to another and so on...I'm not saying this IS their defense, I'm just saying what I think their defense might be. I can't think of anything else that might help save her hide. MOO.
They could, but then they'd have to explain why KC had no communication with the nanny while she was in the USA; no cell phone records, emails, scribbled notes on paper, photos, or records of payment for her services. There's simply no tangible evidence that the nanny existed. None at all. Any defence tactic that claims the nanny did it will have to produce something other than a Jedi hand wave at the jury, imo.

Don't forget the phone call Casey received from Caylee on the 15th. she claimed. That lie she couldn't even pass off the lost blackjack story like she did for all the non-existent friends since she said she lost it 9 days prior and reported it to US. It would have gone to the Nokia and there's no record of it.
That's where she could say the snowball effect kicked in. one lie leading to another and so on...I'm not saying this IS their defense, I'm just saying what I think their defense might be. I can't think of anything else that might help save her hide. MOO.

Well, she isn't talking. Her story is on tape and she lied. She is toast.
But if Casey's own mother claims that yes, she existed, & that a phantom nanny wasn't necessary, because she herself was available to babysit anytime, then that might produce some reasonable doubt. Casey could claim to have paid in cash. & she could say she lied about the nanny having a phone, because in hindsight, she realized how negligent she was. She could also claim she lied about the apartment for the same reason...& that she just met up with the nanny in the park or wherever. She could say that this lady had kept Caleigh for extended periods before, so she wasn't worried. explain that she lied because she fully expected Haleigh to be returned & didn't want her parents to judge her for her very poor decisions. If she presents herself as a non thinking, negligent mother, then she might have a chance at some reasonable doubt. But she'll have to admit to lying & explain why. MOO.
My opinion is that any 'I was terrified and covered it up,' ship has sailed.

Here's why I think that.

Cindy took care of Caylee a lot and there may not have been need for a nanny, but it doesn't matter; the defendant claimed there was a nanny and never changed her story.

KC didn't work, so she couldn't pay anyone in cash, unless she paid with the money she stole. The record reflects that she used the money she stole to buy herself things from target and to pay her cell phone bills.

KC could say that the nanny kept Caylee for extended periods of time, hence, she wasn't worried. However, the record reflects, via her own written statement, that from day 1 she knew the nanny had kidnapped Caylee and was worried thus began her own investigation. She also claimed that she told two people of the kidnapping from the beginning, but again, she lied.

If she presents herself as a non-thinking negligent, fearful mother, the SA can produce KC's audio of her phone call home after her arrest, wherein she begins to ask for Tony's phone number and never expresses concern for her child at all, and derides a friend who does. Kristina C. says, 'If anything happens to that baby, I'll just die,' she sobbed. KC's reply was, 'Oh well. OMG, calling you guys, huge waste.' This seems to me not to be someone who is afraid, but someone who just doesn't give a damn where her child is. Also, the SA can produce the jail video of her parents visit, where she throws a hissy fit because her parents are asking about Caylee, and the nanny, etc. KC was all, me me me me.

KC's history, imo, reflects someone who didn't care how her parents viewed her, judged her, etc. She stole from them constantly and according to a neighbour, KC cursed at her mother during a loud argument. KC's mother had already judged her of being a terrible mother, yet KC didn't seem to care; she never got a job and took care of her baby.

She can present herself as negligible and scared, but that presentation has to be grounded in evidence; it isn't, imo.
That's where she could say the snowball effect kicked in. one lie leading to another and so on...I'm not saying this IS their defense, I'm just saying what I think their defense might be. I can't think of anything else that might help save her hide. MOO.

I think any defense based on sticking with the ZFG story would be suicide so to speak. There is too much evidence that shows there was a dead body in her trunk. That doesn't tie in a nanny at all. Her lame attempt to have anyone believe Zanny had a key to the A's house is just one more example where Casey tries to explain away evidence that she knows if found will point straight at her. Count 3 different versions involving the nanny yet she is telling Rob Dick, Lee Anthony, etc. a list of possibilities of who should be looked into or not trusted like JG for instance. Is she serious? I mean really, c'mon.
IMO, the defense can only try and create reasonable doubt on all the evidence the State has. Being that the 2 atoneys are bumbling idiots, I do not believe either can present a cohesive argument about any aspect of the case. Throw it out there and see what sticks. MOO
That's where she could say the snowball effect kicked in. one lie leading to another and so on...I'm not saying this IS their defense, I'm just saying what I think their defense might be. I can't think of anything else that might help save her hide. MOO.
KC can say she was abducted by aliens, passed out, out of body experience, or that the dingo stole her baby - it has to be grounded in something other than "KC says..." because she's a proven liar. The defence will have to produce tangible evidence that supports KC's claim.

Incidentally, the detectives offered KC the "lies that snowballed" lifeline back in 2008, several times, but she stuck to her nanny story.
Present Ugly Coping = Lies = Zanny story = Caylee taken but ICA blanked and panicked?

That might work except she was bringing up the nanny, sometimes by name, months before Caylee went missing. The *ugly coping* only would have come about by her being stressed out over all the lies she told and trying to keep them straight. She lost her job in 2006? That's two years of getting up and leaving the house saying she was going to work. If they had a contest for lying, Casey would walk away with the Heavy Weight Title.
Ya know Turnadot, it's just never ending. As soon as an alternate theory is tossed out there it is simply shredded with tons of evidence that prove otherwise. If the defense had listened to Richard Hornsby we wouldn't even be here. There would have been no trial and Casey may have gotten out in 15 years.
KC can say she was abducted by aliens, passed out, out of body experience, or that the dingo stole her baby -.

LOL! I figured the 'alien abduction' would be used sooner or later. And the 'dingo stole my baby' :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Somebody already tried that one :)

Interesting. With the background of the 2 new witnesses, I think I see where they are potentially going with this. Maya's statements and pressing for downward sentencing?

I was wondering the Prosecutor might have that the defense thought they could use. He prosecuted that one girl in the cell next to Casey who said she heard Casey say she used Chloroform. I really don't think she's credible. But what could the prosecutor have????
Ya know Turnadot, it's just never ending. As soon as an alternate theory is tossed out there it is simply shredded with tons of evidence that prove otherwise. If the defense had listened to Richard Hornsby we wouldn't even be here. There would have been no trial and Casey may have gotten out in 15 years.
I agree with you! My personal opinion is that if KC had a lawyer that wasn't a complete -unusual person- this would probably have ended shorty after it began. Then again, sociopaths, which I believe KC to be, in general don't have a sense of their own detriment and self sabotage. Perhaps Baez did give it to her straight, but she just didn't listen.
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