What Is the Defense Strategy?

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They will have to explain the dogs hitting in the backyard so they will have to claim it was the pool. George and Lee have already denied the sexual abuse --I can see GA admitting to it to save his daughter but I'm not so sure about Lee. CA will take the fall for the chloroform in the car--she already gave statements that she was the one looking it up on the computer. The only problem I see the DT facing with this scenario is she just coincidentally remembered this a month before trial?
Please don't tell me that Casey and her defense will go as far as claiming that Casey caught George doing something to Caylee and Casey went into a state that took her back into her own childhood and the abuse that she had endured... that when she killed Caylee... she actually thought she was killing herself and therefore didn't remember that she killed Caylee, but herself... and then was reborn into the new "Beautiful Life" Casey who never looked back?
Wouldn't PTSD be considered diminished capacity more than just "state of mind" though?
Like JA said, the state's expert will most certainly need to examine her if any of the 'state of mind' issues were obtained as a result of the defendant being interviewed by the defenses expert. (in so many words) And imo, PTSD is a mental health issue, not to be undermined as a mere 'state of mind'.
I can not see just how that would work. A couple DR,s get up and say, she said ?
Cindy gets up and says she said, but I didn't believe her ?
George gets up and says I did what she said ?
Lee gets up and says well like she said it was okay w/mom&dad, so yeah like she said I did it toooo ???
It just will never happen.
Please don't tell me that Casey and her defense will go as far as claiming that Casey caught George doing something to Caylee and Casey went into a state that took her back into her own childhood and the abuse that she had endured... that when she killed Caylee... she actually thought she was killing herself and therefore didn't remember that she killed Caylee, but herself... and then was reborn into the new "Beautiful Life" Casey who never looked back?

Close. I think it will be something like that. I think they will say after the fight where CA tried to choke Casey and threatened to keep Caylee for herself, Casey went into the depths of PTSD. And she worried about George abusing her daughter. And she was so freaked out that she neglected to notice that Caylee had gotten into the pool. ....bla bla bla...
It's not diminished capacity if she is claiming she is innocent. As AZLawyer opined, they could argue that it explains her behavior AFTER the fact.

Thanks. I understand now. I guess the legal term "diminished capacity" only refers to a defense against the crime itself. And since the defense team is using the term "state of mind" it means they would use this (PTSD?) to explain her bizarre actions after the crime (accident).

Now, if this is their plan, wouldn't they have to have some solid proof of the trauma that caused the PTSD? Or could they just say their client was sexually abused as a child so this is the result? How solid could the dx be if there is no solid proof of the onset/causation?
I can not see just how that would work. A couple DR,s get up and say, she said ?
Cindy gets up and says she said, but I didn't believe her ?
George gets up and says I did what she said ?
Lee gets up and says well like she said it was okay w/mom&dad, so yeah like she said I did it toooo ???
It just will never happen.

I really cannot fathom Lee, after seeing what this monster did to his family, his mom and dad/grandparents, (and god only knows what she pulled in her teen years) his niece, seeing her not lift a finger to ever tell the truth or do the right thing - I cannot see him choosing to put himself in a position of permanently tarring himself as a molestor or anything like that. Why would he? I'd be surprised if he ever spoke to her again really...he seemed to know what she's all about during that talk with Tony.
Please don't tell me that Casey and her defense will go as far as claiming that Casey caught George doing something to Caylee and Casey went into a state that took her back into her own childhood and the abuse that she had endured... that when she killed Caylee... she actually thought she was killing herself and therefore didn't remember that she killed Caylee, but herself... and then was reborn into the new "Beautiful Life" Casey who never looked back?

I don't know where they would find anything to back that up. That sounds like outdated notions of psychology from the 60s and 70s peppered with some Hollywood drama to me.
That is what I'm sayin.
Those three may lie till they are blue in the faces about all the great things KC is, but they will not get up and say it was all their fault.
The one constant in this whole mess or truth if you will is that they loved KC and Caylee more then anything and they will never swallow this sick little pill.
Close. I think it will be something like that. I think they will say after the fight where CA tried to choke Casey and threatened to keep Caylee for herself, Casey went into the depths of PTSD. And she worried about George abusing her daughter. And she was so freaked out that she neglected to notice that Caylee had gotten into the pool. ....bla bla bla...

Her, ahem, PTSD surely didn't keep her off of the phone with TonE a large part of the day on the 16th!! :rolleyes: She was so worried about sexual abuse that she spent hours making "small talk" with her boyfriend that day. :floorlaugh:Those pesky phone records will come back to bite her!!!
Judge denies Casey Anthony's defense for rehearing on key evidence
Casey Anthony's defense wanted another hearing to have her statements tossed from trial.
March 25, 2011|By Amy Pavuk, Orlando SentinelThe judge presiding over Casey Anthony's first-degree murder case on Friday denied an attempt by the defense to get a rehearing on a series of motions aimed at tossing key evidence from the trial.

In denying the motion, Orange-Osceola Chief Judge Belvin Perry did not address the defense's claims that he was biased and made errors in his earlier rulings.

He simply denied the order for a rehearing, adding that, "No other motions for rehearing shall be considered."


Well, it's back to the drawing board for ICA and her team...His Honor is wise and only one case was partially overturned on appeal...as per KBelich....

At 6 o’clock, WFTV’s Belich turned to Perry’s record: She found that just one of his rulings in 10 years was partially overturned. She reported that he has sentenced eight murderers to death, and the Florida Supreme Court affirmed all those sentences.

I also read on the comments section at above link, that CMason's client Nelson Serrano is sitting on death row...

scroll down to his name and see the nine issues he brought up for appeal...
Please don't tell me that Casey and her defense will go as far as claiming that Casey caught George doing something to Caylee and Casey went into a state that took her back into her own childhood and the abuse that she had endured... that when she killed Caylee... she actually thought she was killing herself and therefore didn't remember that she killed Caylee, but herself... and then was reborn into the new "Beautiful Life" Casey who never looked back?

But....uh.......What happened to the Defense Team saying she was INNOCENT?
If BAez et al try to throw the Anthony's under the bus, can the state or someone somehow bring it out that the Anthony family denies the accusations? I mean, they can't go the whole trial without actually saying that Casey was traumatized and abused her whole childhood and then only make those accusations when she has been found guilty of something, can they? Or alternatively, can they go the whole trial saying that w/out the state questioning Lee, George, Cindy as to the accusations?

I am just SO. CONFUSED. as to how the defense is going to make this all fit for a somewhat cogent defense.
How can the defense argue an accident when Caylee was found dumped like trash with duct tape over her airways??? Doesnt' that knock out accidental death??? Will the DT now have to say ZFG was made up? She had this elaborate scheme to blame a ficticious person, so in essence she was covering for her actions, knowing right from wrong..she evaded her parents for 31 days, avoiding being questioned as to the whereabouts of Caylee??

I couldn't accept that as an accident theory gone awry, if I sat on this jury...it's too devious, depraved and inhumane to do that to your child...putting all the evidence in it's totality, it's overwhelmingly against ICA. Common sense would dictate, if it were an accident a call to 911 requesting EMS to assist in a drowning would be normally done and accepted..I can't see how that would fly..JMHO

Justice for Caylee
How can the defense argue an accident when Caylee was found dumped like trash with duct tape over her airways??? Doesnt' that knock out accidental death??? Will the DT now have to say ZFG was made up? She had this elaborate scheme to blame a ficticious person, so in essence she was covering for her actions, knowing right from wrong..she evaded her parents for 31 days, avoiding being questioned as to the whereabouts of Caylee??

I couldn't accept that as an accident theory gone awry, if I sat on this jury...it's too devious, depraved and inhumane to do that to your child...putting all the evidence in it's totality, it's overwhelmingly against ICA. Common sense would dictate, if it were an accident a call to 911 requesting EMS to assist in a drowning would be normally done and accepted..I can't see how that would fly..JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I think the focus will be shifted off of ZFG by claiming/confirming that ICA made that story up, all lies.. and build their case around the reasons she lied. They will hammer the family about abuse allegations, Cindy and ICA's relationship. I think they want to plant the 'accident' scenario, but i'm not sure how they will go about this. I think the DT will actually highlight her dysfunctional behavior ie: stealing, lying, fake job, rather than try to minimize or hide it in order to set up for the PTSD or 'state of mind' scenario as cause for her behavior. It's going to get ugly in there. The question JB asks GA.."so you would even not show up to court if it meant saving your daughter?" (not verbatim)..has me curious. I wonder if George intends to refuse to testify and go to jail to help the defense? George wants to avoid having to answer to the abuse allegations, he can't stomach saying he is guilty (when he isn't), so does he consider going to jail an easier and more effective out in not damaging her defense? Of course i'm just postulating here. But that is a very suggestive question to George which makes me very suspicious as to how it will be played out. JMO.
With the new mental health experts the defense is trying to get on the witness list for the guilt phase and ICA's bizzare courtroom behavior it has me looking into a new possiblity:

A little far out, but consider that the defense might suggest that ICA was raped by someone she met and that Caylee was a product of that rape.

This explains why she never admitted to who the father is, why the A family knows the father won't identify himself and why she denied she was pregnant as she had blocked the rape out of her mind due to ptsd and in her mind, could not be pregnant. When she did confirm she was pregnant she then assumed it was Jesse's.

When Jesse was determined not to be the father, her mind created a happy, made up world of fake jobs, nanny's, etc. to cope.

Then a completely accidental death of Caylee was so tramatic that it caused ICA to again have ptsd becoming even more dissociative and then block that event from her mind, explaining her happy, party self and her new belief that she did not die but a baby sitter had her.

Then the trama of finding Caylee's remains has forced her to remember the rape and the tragic death, and this has finally put her over the edge and she now is completely dissociative and thinks she is one of the lawyers on a case.

Wow, kind of makes Sybil look normal.
With the new mental health experts the defense is trying to get on the witness list for the guilt phase and ICA's bizzare courtroom behavior it has me looking into a new possiblity:

A little far out, but consider that the defense might suggest that ICA was raped by someone she met and that Caylee was a product of that rape.

This explains why she never admitted to who the father is, why the A family knows the father won't identify himself and why she denied she was pregnant as she had blocked the rape out of her mind due to ptsd and in her mind, could not be pregnant. When she did confirm she was pregnant she then assumed it was Jesse's.

When Jesse was determined not to be the father, her mind created a happy, made up world of fake jobs, nanny's, etc. to cope.

Then a completely accidental death of Caylee was so tramatic that it caused ICA to again have ptsd becoming even more dissociative and then block that event from her mind, explaining her happy, party self and her new belief that she did not die but a baby sitter had her.

Then the trama of finding Caylee's remains has forced her to remember the rape and the tragic death, and this has finally put her over the edge and she now is completely dissociative and thinks she is one of the lawyers on a case.

Wow, kind of makes Sybil look normal.

Yikes, you have come with a whole new scenario - just bizarre enough for the DT to consider it. My head had not gone to the additional rape theory at all.
Hmmm - very interesting! That would get GA out of wrongly admitting to the abuse charges, lets CA off the abusive mother theories, and perhaps in the eyes of the DT, explain way too much.

I am not liking this at all. :banghead::banghead:
If BAez et al try to throw the Anthony's under the bus, can the state or someone somehow bring it out that the Anthony family denies the accusations? I mean, they can't go the whole trial without actually saying that Casey was traumatized and abused her whole childhood and then only make those accusations when she has been found guilty of something, can they? Or alternatively, can they go the whole trial saying that w/out the state questioning Lee, George, Cindy as to the accusations?

I am just SO. CONFUSED. as to how the defense is going to make this all fit for a somewhat cogent defense.

The state already showed exactly how they will do this at the hearing challenging the 911 calls. Note how gently they treated CA on the stand. They will quietly and gently hammer it into the juries minds that CA is the one that was looking for Caylee. That CA was the one that called 911. That no matter how awful the A's may seem as people or as neighbors, when it counted CA and GA did the right thing. It was KC that did not. In fact it may have been the A's attempts to truly do the right thing, and take responsibility for Caylee and her safety that may have pushed KC into her murderous act. Not some imaginary "disassociation" or perceived "trauma".
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