What Is the Defense Strategy?

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Yikes, you have come with a whole new scenario - just bizarre enough for the DT to consider it. My head had not gone to the additional rape theory at all.
Hmmm - very interesting! That would get GA out of wrongly admitting to the abuse charges, lets CA off the abusive mother theories, and perhaps in the eyes of the DT, explain way too much.

I am not liking this at all. :banghead::banghead:

She just jumps around from one bed to another without much thought. Here she is claiming how much Tony means to her but her emails show she is trying to line up the next person she will be with. She knows evetually they will find out that she is a liar and a thief.

Rape is never an excuse to steal from your family, blocked out or not. jmo
Forgive me, as I haven't finished reading the thread yet, but many questions were posed about the diminished capacity/PTSD questions. I posted this yesterday in the questions to the lawyers thread - just to clarify what was said in court related to this issue.

I listened to that specific part (related to #2) @ 12:40
Here is what I got . . .
HHBP: Is it going to necessitate an examination by the State of Florida?
AF: I don't think so -
JA: I can't imagine - Unless it doesn't involve an interview with the defendant - then if it does then the State of Florida is going to want to have an expert examiner.
AF: They don't have any vehicle, that I am aware of, that would authorize the State of Florida to examine under these circumstances. But this obviously may invoke some kind of litigation. Like I say, it's Not a Mental Health defense, So it doesn't trigger any requirements under 3.316 or under the
HHBP: The only thing that I am curious I guess we will find out when we talk about it, is when you talk about somebody's state of mind - and the first thought goes to some type of Diminshed Capacity
AF: It is clearly not dimished capacity Your Honor, obviously we perhaps may need to provide the court with some case law.
JA: First thing we need to get is the report, um then we will deal with the issues . . . .
I do hope this isn't an ambush for the state...I don't trust this one teeny bit. If the DT had her evaluated, then the State needs to do the same. Why at this late date is this first coming to view?? Somethings fishy and it appears like more of a fishing expedition to see if this will stick...too bad ICA doesn't take the high road and do what's right for Caylee in death since she didn't do it in life...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I do hope this isn't an ambush for the state...I don't trust this one teeny bit. If the DT had her evaluated, then the State needs to do the same. Why at this late date is this first coming to view?? Somethings fishy and it appears like more of a fishing expedition to see if this will stick...too bad ICA doesn't take the high road and do what's right for Caylee in death since she didn't do it in life...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I could see JB being up for the ambush but not AF. She seems to want to help KC legally. I think this is about saving her life. jmo
I do hope this isn't an ambush for the state...I don't trust this one teeny bit. If the DT had her evaluated, then the State needs to do the same. Why at this late date is this first coming to view?? Somethings fishy and it appears like more of a fishing expedition to see if this will stick...too bad ICA doesn't take the high road and do what's right for Caylee in death since she didn't do it in life...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
It's an ambush, imo. They already tried to have her visitor log sealed so, the SA would not know who the experts were that they had seeing her, and that was back in June 2010. HHJP denied the request. I would sure like to see the visitor logs to see if Weitz ever physically visited her. If he didn't, and just evaluated her over the phone and/or via interviews of family set up thru AF, and/or evaluated Dr. Danzinger's report in order to keep it on the down low, then i'd say it's an intentional ambush 6 weeks before trial. And if he didn't actually evaluate her in the jail, does that mean the SA doesn't 'have a vehicle' to have their own expert evaluate her? Remember when AF asked the JAC for money to go and interview people/family in Ohio? Was it Weitz that did the interviewing and not a PI? :waitasec:
I think the focus will be shifted off of ZFG by claiming/confirming that ICA made that story up, all lies.. and build their case around the reasons she lied. They will hammer the family about abuse allegations, Cindy and ICA's relationship. I think they want to plant the 'accident' scenario, but i'm not sure how they will go about this. I think the DT will actually highlight her dysfunctional behavior ie: stealing, lying, fake job, rather than try to minimize or hide it in order to set up for the PTSD or 'state of mind' scenario as cause for her behavior. It's going to get ugly in there. The question JB asks GA.."so you would even not show up to court if it meant saving your daughter?" (not verbatim)..has me curious. I wonder if George intends to refuse to testify and go to jail to help the defense? George wants to avoid having to answer to the abuse allegations, he can't stomach saying he is guilty (when he isn't), so does he consider going to jail an easier and more effective out in not damaging her defense? Of course i'm just postulating here. But that is a very suggestive question to George which makes me very suspicious as to how it will be played out. JMO.

Remember when JB was questoning Yuri at the last hearing? JB was highlighting all KC's lies to LE and everyone wondered why her lawyer would say these things in open court. Maybe that was JB laying the foundation for this whole thing. KC would never have to testify if the DT keeps asking LE and the ME 'Can you rule out drowning? an accident?' They will bring the accident in through the testimony of others...not KC.
I could see JB being up for the ambush but not AF. She seems to want to help KC legally. I think this is about saving her life. jmo

Maybe AF really believes this PTSD theory. She may be doing what she thinks is right to save KC.
Remember when JB was questoning Yuri at the last hearing? JB was highlighting all KC's lies to LE and everyone wondered why her lawyer would say these things in open court. Maybe that was JB laying the foundation for this whole thing. KC would never have to testify if the DT keeps asking LE and the ME 'Can you rule out drowning? an accident?' They will bring the accident in through the testimony of others...not KC.
Excellent points Paintr. I think you are right on the mark. I had forgotten about that part of the YM questioning.
You know what is scary? This just might work. Look at all the people who still support the A's and send them cards and money. People have kind hearts. Those average people make up the jury. They won't want the DP for someone so young and this might be a reason/story the jury can live with. :(
You know what is scarey? This just might work. Look at all the people who still support the A's and send them cards and money. People have kind hearts. Those average people make up the jury. They won't want the DP for someone so young and this might be a reason/story the jury can live with. :(
I have felt all along that the DP was never going to happen, hope for Murder1/LWOP, but it is a bit scary that they may have a juror or two that gets sucked in. I have faith in JA and LDB, they are excellent at what they do, but a part of it is still the roll of the dice that worries me. I have felt it was nearly a slam dunker, but now I see it will be a battle.
I am starting to get very fast heartbeats reading this new possibility. Must do deep breathing and reassure myself that whenever JB and the DT come up with something they think is a slam dunk - the SA comes in and quietly and thoroughly step by step demolishes them. :hot:

I'm also asking myself - why would it be any different now. Surely LDB and JA have anticipated this one. :waitasec:

More deep breathing. :hot:
I have been waiting for some surprise move from the DT. I never did buy into CM's 'I'm old, hard of hearing, confused' act. I always thought he sat back in the first days this case hit the media, watched closely, and came up with a clever idea or two. Then he joined in. He loves finding the loopholes in cases. It's his idea of 'fun'. Maybe that is why cM seemed to be so disinterested in court proceedings. Maybe that is why he is ok with letting JB be lead lawyer. None of this matters ( Dr Vass, jail tapes, LE interviews) if the Drs can explain it away. The DT had this 'bombshell' hidden in their pocket for the future.
I am starting to get very fast heartbeats reading this new possibility. Must do deep breathing and reassure myself that whenever JB and the DT come up with something they think is a slam dunk - the SA comes in and quietly and thoroughly step by step demolishes them. :hot:

I'm also asking myself - why would it be any different now. Surely LDB and JA have anticipated this one. :waitasec:

More deep breathing. :hot:

The SA looked surprised in court when Anne F slipped that in.

O/T Good morning, logic! :)
Yikes, you have come with a whole new scenario - just bizarre enough for the DT to consider it. My head had not gone to the additional rape theory at all.
Hmmm - very interesting! That would get GA out of wrongly admitting to the abuse charges, lets CA off the abusive mother theories, and perhaps in the eyes of the DT, explain way too much.

I am not liking this at all. :banghead::banghead:
Let's just hope that LE knows who the father is.
PIP, I still think it is a slam dunk! How much information did it take for you to determine you thought she was guilty? These folks that will be on the jury will be just like us here, and for me there were only a few indications in the beginning and I KNEW she was guilty. As ordinary citizens I think we are aware of the lengths defense attorneys will go to to get a client off, think of how popular all the John Grisham books and movies are... the Erin Brokovitch stories etc. I think all of the forensic evidence is icing on the cake. Many of us know someone who has had trauma (if not personal experience), rape, molestation, military vets etc. and we know these people do not go out and murder their children because of the stress, or cover up an accident- pishaw! This jury is going to convict her of LWOP, IMO, and no fancy-dance, wild trauma theories the DT come up with are going to change that. I think it will keep her from the DP but thats as much as it will do. Keep the faith WS'ers!
My question would be what took them so long to make this determination and what a co-inky-dink that they both came to the same conclusion at the exact same time????? This close to trial is smells fishy.
PIP, I still think it is a slam dunk! How much information did it take for you to determine you thought she was guilty? These folks that will be on the jury will be just like us here, and for me there were only a few indications in the beginning and I KNEW she was guilty. As ordinary citizens I think we are aware of the lengths defense attorneys will go to to get a client off, think of how popular all the John Grisham books and movies are... the Erin Brokovitch stories etc. I think all of the forensic evidence is icing on the cake. Many of us know someone who has had trauma (if not personal experience), rape, molestation, military vets etc. amd we know these people do not go out and murder their children because of the stress, or cover up an accident- pishaw! This jury is going to convict her of LWOP, IMO, and no fancy-dance, wild trauma theories the DT come up with are going to change that. I think it will keep her from the DP but thats as much as it will do. Keep the faith WS'ers!
Thanks Frigga, whew, I feel a bit better now. You are a voice of reason. Deep cleansing breaths, pip.
According to jail logs posted on another forum, Dr Harry Krop, a forensic phychologist, visited KC in Feb. He is an expert in competency issues and mitigation. :waitasec:
According to jail logs posted on another forum, Dr Harry Krop, a forensic phychologist, visited KC in Feb. He is an expert in competency issues and mitigation. :waitasec:
AF mentioned Dr. Krop and Dr. Danzinger in court the other day. So if Krop visited her, isn't that a vehicle for the state to examine her if SA believes that it is in fact a mental health defense, as opposed to their 'state of mind' , non-mental health claim?
According to jail logs posted on another forum, Dr Harry Krop, a forensic phychologist, visited KC in Feb. He is an expert in competency issues and mitigation. :waitasec:

"An Inside Look into the World of a Forensic Psychologist with Dr. Harry Krop

JNET in March!!!

Clinical forensic psychologist Harry Krop will discuss the psychologist's unique role in death penalty cases, using examples from some of his high profile cases, including Danny Rolling and Eileen Wuernos. He will also talk about some of the challenging ethical issues he faced while working on these cases."

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