What is your #1 top indicator that Terri IS responsible for Kyron's disappearance?

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What's your #1 top indicator that Terri's responsible for Kyron's disappearance?

  • last known person to see Kyron before disappearance

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • the polygraphs

    Votes: 7 2.3%
  • how she looked during during pressers

    Votes: 8 2.6%
  • hitting the gym posted on FB

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I felt she was guilty from the beginning

    Votes: 17 5.6%
  • not fighting for custody/visitation

    Votes: 17 5.6%
  • not proclaiming her innocence

    Votes: 12 3.9%
  • LE seems to think it's her

    Votes: 10 3.3%
  • the Grand Jury

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • LE no comment statement when asked if TH was seen leaving the school with Kyron

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • No current info convinces me she's involved

    Votes: 28 9.2%
  • liklihood that one innocent person is associated with MFH AND dissapearance slim to none

    Votes: 7 2.3%
  • LE finding MurderForHire credible enough to tell Kaine

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • Kaine and Desiree's statments that Terri is involved.

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Having 90 min unaccounted for

    Votes: 14 4.6%
  • Combination of things!

    Votes: 104 34.2%
  • TH's June 5 email about a MMC

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Her timeline disagrees with her cell phone pings

    Votes: 6 2.0%
  • She still has not been cleared by LE

    Votes: 4 1.3%
  • Kaine (allegedly) making her teenage son move out.

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Allegedly creating confusion about the Dr's Appt. Speaks to Premeditation

    Votes: 4 1.3%
  • Not cooperating when 7yo she raised missing 2+mo.

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • I'm not convinced she is guilty

    Votes: 13 4.3%
  • combination of things

    Votes: 10 3.3%
  • Statistically, children are most often harmed by people known to them. Everyone else has an alibi.

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • seeming lack of concern for Kyron since his disapearance

    Votes: 2 0.7%

  • Total voters
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Good morning, SMM :)

How so? Let's assume that LE has released hard evidence that Terri conspired in a MFH plot. Hard, indisputable evidence that we all accept.

What about that makes you believe Terri is guilty of a crime in Kyron's disappearance? Do you need other evidence of Terri's guilt in a crime regarding Kyron? Or is the MFH regarding Kaine enough?


I know this question was directed at SMM, but I'm siding with her on this one and want to throw in my two cents here. Look at the basics here. Stepmother, last person to see a now missing little boy, has an alibi that is weak (driving around on rural roads) and possibly is missing a chunk of time, has had evidence come out that PROVES that she tried to hire a person to kill her husband not even a year earlier, is said by those in her life to be a liar, has a best friend that is also missing the same chunk of her morning too and also supplied her with a bat phone and said "Any conversations that we wanted to have, we'd go out into the yard," and "When we were in the house, we'd talk about the kids, we'd talk about her marriage, talked about her family", referring to when she stayed with the stepmother. This same stepmother has sent sexual text messages, including photos of herself engaged in graphic sexual activity to an old high school buddy of her husband's just a couple of WEEKS after her stepson goes missing, and it is said that these texts are similar in content to some sent to the landscaper that she tried to hire to kill her husband (and we're working on the assumption that this is proven). I know there is more, but I wanted to touch on the basics of this case. I just don't believe in those types of conicidences. Occam's Razor. IMO, Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance.
Thanks, Sarah...and I'll add when among the immediate family of a missing child, if there is one person who considers murder a solution to problems...since, thank God that type of thinking is rare....I'll make the leap.
Thanks, Sarah...and I'll add when among the immediate family of a missing child, if there is one person who considers murder a solution to problems...since, thank God that type of thinking is rare....I'll make the leap.

Exactly :clap:
I don't see any irony, sickening, or otherwise. I see a woman confused, thrown away like dirt. I have to ask myself WHY KH was so quick to throw away his wife, companion, and mother of his child - even though he obviously did it before with DY. Strange this keeps on happening.

My opinion only

Terri is no stranger to throwing spouses away like dirt. She's done it twice already.
Much of my belief in Terri's guilt hinges on the Murder-for Hire plot.

Specifically I look at Kaine's complete reversal. It is stunning.

2. Do not speak to any media if contacted; I am trying to contact Intel legal to give them the heads up and help with this situation"


What is "the situation?" It's Terri being treated like a suspect.

I think this is a warning shot...the media is upsetting my innocent wife. I'll take this to legal if I have to and none of you better add fuel to the fire.

Kaine sent that on June 5, to his co-workers. He warned THEM he was in contact with legal about "the situation" which was people talking out of turn about HIM. Terri doesn't work at Intel; Kaine does. Terri needed no protection at Intel. Kaine did. Kaine demonstrated very early on his need to control what the media was told, or reported. We can look at many things, but your next link proves it without a doubt.

Then came the exclusion of the Oregonian and Willamette News:

"Horman said the family didn’t like The Oregonian’s coverage and wanted them to leave. Horman said the daily had failed to be a “team player.”"


Kaine himself was certainly not seeing anything in these newspapers that targeted or alluded suspicion on HIM. But there were articles beginning to question Terri, hateful comments under articles about Terri. Kaine, in everything he does, IMO, is protecting the wife he loves...he neither suspects her or blames her.

Kaine had filed for divorce several days earlier. He was no longer protecting (as you call it) Terri. In fact, he'd by July 1st, given several interviews directly pointing his finger at Terri.

If Kaine's intent up until the moment he fled from the house with baby K was to "protect" Terri, he did a very shoddy job of it. If you listen to any of the interviews following his leaving of the house, you'll hear his comments about how he questioned her, told her to come clean, pointed out how it wasn't about her it was about Kyron, etc etc. And tacitly, all along, he has allowed Desiree's comments about Terri to stand unquestioning, nodding in agreement if keeping silent while it's said.

Using these two examples as demonstration of his protectiveness seems to me as easy to use them as examples of how he threw her out and didn't look back. That's his right, as his belief is that Terri disappeared his son.
Again, you are entitled to your opinion.

I disagree.

Terri was the object of the gossip, the object of suspicion. There has been no proof anywhere that there is anything to be gossiped about concerning Kaine.

He linked to a news article. What disturbed himabout the article? Have we seen it? Does it say that Terri was the last to see Kyron which she was denying? Does it say anything about KAINE? No, we have seen no gossip about Kaine.

Kaine was a protective husband to Terri until the MURDER for HIRE plot was revealed.

You refer to his interviews FOLLOWING his leaving the house. Of course, he looked at everything differently. Of course, he saw Terri through different eyes.

I ask myself, having an adult son...what can I honestly say I would tell my son...if our grandson was missing...and then LE tells him his wife tried to have him killed. Apparently many of you would tell your son to stay, sleep in her bed, let her have your only other grandchild ALONE in that house.

I would not. I cannot be a hypocrite and expect of Kaine something I would not expect of my son.

I would tell him...grab Baby K and run!
I think my #1 indicator right now is the GJ and particularly the testimonials of the Starbucks employees and Andrea L. It seems to mean that it's Terri the prosecution is after because Terri's alibi appears their only connection to the case. Of course LE could be chasing the wrong person but they know much more than I do so I think it's my best bet to go with LE.

Two women who work at a Starbucks Horman allegedly visited the morning Kyron disappeared testified for more than two hours.


I suppose if it was a case against someone else they could be there to rule out the last person to see him because she has an alibi but in that case it seems a bit problematic that AL is talking about Terri behaving oddly. Whoever the other suspect is his/her lawyers might use it to create reasonable doubt if the missing child has a stepmom behaving oddly an hour after the child was last seen.
"I think the thing that seems odd about it perhaps is that we were just passing each other by and in a few seconds, with her daughter being sick in her arms, made a point to show me the picture."
What is wrong with asking one of the last people to see your son questions? I would do that if it were my missing dog? "Did you see this?" Did that happen?" Of course, he would question her. He would be one bizarre individual if he never asked her anything when his child is missing.

Where is the link to him telling her "to come clean?' We can discuss that after I see it.

Nothing wrong with saying it is about Kyron. Ir is, isn't it? Frankly I would lose patience in my grief with someone mostly concerning about their own PR when Heaven knows what is happening to an innocent child. I don't truly know how much self-involved nonsense I could tolerate. So they are criticizing you on the blogs, Teri! Is that ANYTHING, anything compared to what this child may be enduring?

I would also like links to the critical things said about Terri by Desiree PRIOR TO the Murder for Hire plot. I would like to reads them to better understand your point of view. Thank you.

I don't remember him ever saying "come clean Terri" before he left either. Personally, I wouldn't blame him if he did. I certainly don't blame him after LE informed him of the MH plot him, packing up...I know I would.
If you're stating a fact, provide a link to back it up please. If it is an opinion, state it is merely your opinion or speculation.

I'm getting a bunch of alerts from MANY different members right now. Please review your posts and make sure everyone is being civil please. I'll be back in a little while and will review them then. If you need to self edit, do it now before time runs out and you can't. Thanks!
Just curions, is there a transcript anywhere? Unfortunately, I work for a living and don't have time to listen to every freeking sound bite (there's a bunch of them in this case!!) I will see what my evening holds and get to it tonight, if possible - just thought it would be faster to read! TIA.

I've transcribed various parts of it, but not the whole thing. If you can find the time, it really is worth listening to - it has quite a bit of good info in it.
Terri is no stranger to throwing spouses away like dirt. She's done it twice already.

8 marriages between D/TH/K . I don't think Terri is the only one who could be seen as not taking their vows seriously.
8 marriages between D/TH/K . I don't think Terri is the only one who could be seen as not taking their vows seriously.

I only count 6.

Desiree and 1st hubby
Desiree and Tony
Desiree and Kaine
Terri and 1st hubby
Terri and Ecker
Terri and Kaine.

Are there more we don't know about?
8 marriages between D/TH/K . I don't think Terri is the only one who could be seen as not taking their vows seriously.

KH/DY and KH/TMH = 2
TMH/#1 = 1
TMH/#2= 1
DY/#1 = 1
DY/TY = 1

I get 6 marriages - which 2 am I missing? :waitasec:
8 marriages between D/TH/K . I don't think Terri is the only one who could be seen as not taking their vows seriously.

What did I miss? I get six.

Terri and Tarver
Terri and Ecker
Desiree and first husband
Desiree and Kaine
Desiree and Tony
Kaine and Terri

ETA: Are you counting Terri + Kaine and Kaine + Terri?
Desiree + Kaine and Kaine + Desiree
Ha ha! Good things come in threes. Jinx on you all!
i only count 6.

Desiree and 1st hubby
desiree and tony
desiree and kaine
terri and 1st hubby
terri and ecker
terri and kaine.

Are there more we don't know about?

k = 2

d = 3

t = 3
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