What is your #1 top indicator that Terri IS responsible for Kyron's disappearance?

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What's your #1 top indicator that Terri's responsible for Kyron's disappearance?

  • last known person to see Kyron before disappearance

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • the polygraphs

    Votes: 7 2.3%
  • how she looked during during pressers

    Votes: 8 2.6%
  • hitting the gym posted on FB

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I felt she was guilty from the beginning

    Votes: 17 5.6%
  • not fighting for custody/visitation

    Votes: 17 5.6%
  • not proclaiming her innocence

    Votes: 12 3.9%
  • LE seems to think it's her

    Votes: 10 3.3%
  • the Grand Jury

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • LE no comment statement when asked if TH was seen leaving the school with Kyron

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • No current info convinces me she's involved

    Votes: 28 9.2%
  • liklihood that one innocent person is associated with MFH AND dissapearance slim to none

    Votes: 7 2.3%
  • LE finding MurderForHire credible enough to tell Kaine

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • Kaine and Desiree's statments that Terri is involved.

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Having 90 min unaccounted for

    Votes: 14 4.6%
  • Combination of things!

    Votes: 104 34.2%
  • TH's June 5 email about a MMC

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Her timeline disagrees with her cell phone pings

    Votes: 6 2.0%
  • She still has not been cleared by LE

    Votes: 4 1.3%
  • Kaine (allegedly) making her teenage son move out.

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Allegedly creating confusion about the Dr's Appt. Speaks to Premeditation

    Votes: 4 1.3%
  • Not cooperating when 7yo she raised missing 2+mo.

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • I'm not convinced she is guilty

    Votes: 13 4.3%
  • combination of things

    Votes: 10 3.3%
  • Statistically, children are most often harmed by people known to them. Everyone else has an alibi.

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • seeming lack of concern for Kyron since his disapearance

    Votes: 2 0.7%

  • Total voters
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It's a combination of things, really, the things that come out seem to point to her being the target of the investigation. LE said no other kids were in danger, isolated case, it points to family IMO. And the family suspect a certain member of it, and later on it is told that that LE are searching the houses of that family member's friends. Her timeline raises some questions. She lawyered up and did not contest the RO prohibiting her from seeing her daughter. The overall hinky feeling I get from some details. It just feels like many other people have to be lying, mistaken, totally misled or bungling their jobs if everything gets explained away in the end. It's possible I guess.
Then once again I ask, why wasn't he curious about this science project when he arrived home at 1:45? Instead, he just casually walked to the bus stop with baby K and waited for Kyron to arrive. He described a rather bucolic time at home, he doing some work on his computer, Terri on hers, baby K playing. If he believed that project was supposed to be home, why didn't he ask?

Do we know that he didn't ask? Maybe he did and Terri told him something.
If he didn't ask, is there any reason that he should have? He had no immediate need to see the project as far as I can tell, he'd already seen it if they worked on it together. If my husband says in the morning that he's going to pick some stuff up today I may ask him about it in the afternoon just as a part of the casual chitchat about our days but I can't say that I make a rule of checking out if he's done all the things he was supposed to do, especially if it's of no consequence to me.

This appointment is causing much consternation. The fact that no one but the teacher is referring to it leads me to believe the teacher perhaps is covering her own patootie for not having noticed Kyron was gone earlier and following procedure to determine where he was. It isn't fact, but then, neither is it fact that Terri talked to the teacher about an appt.

Have we heard the teacher refer to the appointment? I haven't heard her speak at all.
Not proclaiming her innocence, all the way for me. If you didn't do it, just come out and say it. Just once.
Her own email from June 5.

I am now off the fence, this statement:

I left the school at 9 and he was seen with a man ‘chaperone’ and 2 girls after I left. There were no men on the chaperone list.

IMO this is a totally made up statement. TH says "after she left", so she's implying someone told her this. If someone else had seen Kyron with an unidentified male (I don't care if it was a 7 year old who saw it or anyone else) IMO LE and the media would have been all over it. They also would not be saying TH was the last person to see Kyron. Her statement makes no sense at all, and I believe it may just be what came back to bite her in the butt. I now think she is definitely involved in Kyron's disapperance.
Not proclaiming her innocence, all the way for me. If you didn't do it, just come out and say it. Just once.

I am so right there with you...

KH and DY are convinced that TH was behind Kyron's disappearance. That means that they hope she has stashed him someplace but they fear that she's killed him.

What could be worse than that????

If TH was completely uninvolved and doesn't know anything about who took him.... then she has to think that it was a stranger abduction. Which probably means a pedophile. She would know that a monster took Kyron and could have him still. Could still be hurting him right now, today, this minute. Everyday, every minute since June 4th.

If she did something to him she's a horrible person. If she's covering for somebody else, she's a very bad person for making his parents suffer.

But if she didn't take him and she's not doing anything to get people to understand that LE has made a mistake by focusing on her and by not continuing the search for Kyron, not even one time, then what she is doing is assisting that pedophile and there is no rationale, no defense whatsoever for that, no motivation that could support keeping her mouth shut when she could have helped in a way that nobody else can. I realize its not in her best interest from a legal standpoint, I even realize that most people probably wouldn't believe her b/c of people who have proclaimed their innocence even while they were being proven guilty, but I have a hard time believing she could be innocent and not at least TRY.
Initially, I voted "combination of things" but I went and revised to "Not proclaiming innocence." It's been two months and she KNOWS police are investigating her, that many people think she is involved. If I were truly an innocent victim in all this, I'd have my lawyer on tv saying, "My client is not responsible for Kyron's disappearance, and misses him and wants him home." Instead, the only thing I can find him saying on her behalf is (paraphrasing), "I look forward to defending her vigorously against any charges that may be filed." ????

I would be pleading with my husband, police, family, and the public to believe me - and not in a backhanded, fake-user-name kind of way.
I added LE finding Murder For Hire credible enough to tell Kaine.

IMO a lot of High Profile Cases might bring forward publicity seekers or people with grudges who make false accusation. I'm hoping LE is extremely careful in how they use these accusations.

Now I may well be naive, but I think this MFH plot has to seem very credible or they have essentially broken up an innocent woman's marriage and deprived her of her child...and deprived the child of her MOM. That is quite a huge step.

I have a hard time believing that sort of callous recklessness by LE.

Whatever they told Kaine, he acted on it legally ASAP. He did not seem to be questioning or in doubt. And Terri did not fight...not even when... not fighting... deprived her only child of her Mother.

This is huge to me.

and, let's not forget the sexts were reportedly similar to the one's sent to MC. That iced it for me. Her recent emails that were in the news just helped nail it for me. No mention of Kyron from her at all, not one. That is the biggest prob I have with TH, not saying anything like I love him, miss him, I'm desparate, I can't sleep or eat, you know... the normal things a caring mother would say about her son.
Can I pick them all! Here's some sketchy behaviour that I've either heard or read in the media.

•Terri’s first polygraph (which she failed) was on Monday, June 7th

•That she flunked two polygraphs and walked out of another one (from prior interviews).

•That she felt persecuted from day 1 and put out by having to be questioned (from statements made by Tony on Dateline).

•Since Kyron went missing Kaine has been told by friends that he and Terri visited and possibly spent the night with that after he and Terri would leave their home their alcohol stash would be measurably lower…which indicates the possibility that Terri continued to hide her alcohol consumption past 2005 when her over consumption was revealed via her DUI.
•While it was not explicitly stated what day Terri took the project to school, Kaine explicitly states that Terri did use the pickup on a previous day to take the project to school.

•That her cell phone pings “pinged in locations she wasn’t at on June 4th”. Remember, that’s Terri’s statements. So, in other words, she was admitting that the investigators were saying her cell phone pings did not match where she said she was.

•Kaine’s understanding, based on Terri’s statements, was that she was going to the science fair and then bringing the project home once the fair was over. TH did not bring the project home.

•The lie that Terri and Desiree were good friends before Kyron was born – a Terri lie.

•I don’t think there was a doctor’s appointment. If there had been - we would have known by now.

And most important:

KATU news: Between 10:10 in the morning and 11:39, Terri said she drove her daughter Kiara around on rural roads in the family’s white truck because Kiara had an earache. She said she was trying to soothe the toddler with the motion of the vehicle.


I haven't heard this. Do you have a link? Not doubting you just want to read it for myself.
I would definitely say it is a combination of things that persuades me she is probably involved, but I chose the one about the MFH plot (LE finding it credible), because that is the biggest factor for me. Someone who has already demonstrated that she is willing to commit murder has stepped out of the general "benefit of the doubt" regarding her other behaviors.

But what if the MFH plot is not true? I would still suspect her because of a number of other factors, but then again, the great majority of those factors are also based on reports filtered through the media.

I do have some direct observations of her behavior (her own actions and words or lack thereof) that would make her seem suspicious. But I would not be as strongly persuaded if the apparently damning evidence being presented to us through the media turned out to be false or misleading.

Obviously, there is a whole lot more going on than we know about. But based on our current understanding, she does seem the most likely to be responsible. And I'll have to say that LE's immediate focus on her is one of the factors persuading me, because I believe they have been responding to additional evidence that points more strongly to her than what we know about. I could be wrong about that, but it has been my interpretation.


And most important:

KATU news: Between 10:10 in the morning and 11:39, Terri said she drove her daughter K around on rural roads in the family’s white truck because K had an earache. She said she was trying to soothe the toddler with the motion of the vehicle.



You forgot to edit out the baby's name in your post.
It's a bashed, burned, smoking pile of fence dust.

After watching the presser today, not only am I absolutely clear that they know, not guess, KNOW, who what why where and how (the crime happened, they do not know where Kyron is) but I am clear that I could not have seen what I saw (okay, theoretically I could have, but I'm not flexible enough to stretch that far).

All I do know watching that video is there has been no rush to judgement, they have some damning evidence, and MCSO are my heroes.

I still have no idea how TH managed to corrupt a bunch of seemingly sane people, but clearly she must have. And she and DDS, no matter what "good" (cough, choke) reasons they have thought they had, are bat crazy for doing this. They may be the craziest people I've come across. I grew up in Los Angeles. That's quite the condemnation on my part.

Please, just bring Kyron home. Soon. Please, public, remember. Thank God I was not at Skyline! I'm impressed that Captain Gates remembers his day that day, but I'd have a hard time piecing my day together from a week ago. I hope the public is more like him, less like me.

I like Captain Gates. He's a smart guy. That brain of his is lightning fast. He knew what media was going to ask before the words hit their lips, and he was prepared. It's comforting to know this is the caliber of folks we have in this investigation.

I'd like to let loose with a stream of curse words at a certain pair of diabolical red heads, but I'll refrain.
I'm still on the fence, but IMO, one thing that does not bode well for TH is that there hasn't been anything found (weak or strong) in all this time that clears her. Maybe she's been really unlucky, but as time goes on I'm starting to lose my balance.
They don't have t prove she didn't do it. They have to prove she DID.
If TH was completely uninvolved and doesn't know anything about who took him.... then she has to think that it was a stranger abduction. Which probably means a pedophile. She would know that a monster took Kyron and could have him still. Could still be hurting him right now, today, this minute. Everyday, every minute since June 4th.

If she did something to him she's a horrible person. If she's covering for somebody else, she's a very bad person for making his parents suffer.

But if she didn't take him and she's not doing anything to get people to understand that LE has made a mistake by focusing on her and by not continuing the search for Kyron, not even one time, then what she is doing is assisting that pedophile and there is no rationale, no defense whatsoever for that, no motivation that could support keeping her mouth shut when she could have helped in a way that nobody else can. I realize its not in her best interest from a legal standpoint, I even realize that most people probably wouldn't believe her b/c of people who have proclaimed their innocence even while they were being proven guilty, but I have a hard time believing she could be innocent and not at least TRY.

BBM - Exactly what has me feeling she's involved. I don't believe much in coincidence, but just to argue with myself, let's say she was doing something else that she didn't want revealed & felt trapped -- I can't come up with one lousy thing that could be so bad I'd worry myself over it WHEN A 7 YO CHILD IS MISSING! I'd be busy puking because I'd dropped him off and now he's lost, it's wet, it's cold, it's dark, it's Oregon, I'd be scared chitless for him fending for himself. I'd rather be in a prison cell while the FBI is hunting the real predator, than sitting home playing quaker's meeting. :furious:

IF she wasn't doing anything else, really out driving, and just not trackable because it is a typical SAHM day, then why isn't she pleading, screaming, and hounding law enforcement and the media to FIND KYRON?!!

It stinks, rotten, to the high heavens. Ms. DD and her not one word of GJ testimony, waiting for immunity, same thing, WHY if she's not involved?

It's a combination of things that make her look guilty to me. Her being a caregiver to Kyron all his life, then not parking her arse in the station house demanding to get this done so they could go look for the real perp. screams at me. JMO of course fwiw.
Sorry, I'm not going to play - in a big case like this it is never just one thing. It's the accumulation of evidence and day after day with more strange factoids coming out.

People are already in one camp or another - one side of the fence as they say. It's not really fair to parse it down to one thing on each side of the fence because that's just not how these cases go. JMO.

Great post. You can't take one indicator out of context and say "This is the reason I feel she's guilty."

It's an accumulation. Any one indicator alone says nothing. Put them all together and they say a lot.
I went with: I felt she was guilty from the beginning. However, the longer this case goes on I think it has become a combination of many many things. Those additional things merely strengthen my initial gut feeling. After all these weeks I haven't seen one thing to make me think she is not involved.
Her sheer lack of involvement with the press from the start. I am pretty shy but if my child had gone missing, I would be doing WHATEVER it took to b ring attention to our family in hopes that my child would be found. She seems to have such a neat paper trail...from the pic in the morning to the stops at the stores with receipts, to the gym & posting on Facebook. Truth be told, with all the pre-planning it would take mere minutes to 'dispose' of a child and then place the body in a pre-planned location. I remember the old Court TV boards and we were discussing the best place to get ride of a body....the answer was in a garbage dump....sad.
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